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Chapter 946 Breathing

Li Huang'er drove a hot red car and slowed down after entering the city, attracting many eyes.

In Xiangcheng, most of the cars are black and white, and the same is true for some big boss cars. Although there are some red, there is a huge gap between red and red. Just the color, even if

Even people who don’t know anything about cars can tell the difference between good and bad ones.

In the car, Li Huanger was a little bored at such a low speed, which made her a little bit bored. Compared to driving slowly like this, she still liked to kick the accelerator and slow down the speed by more than a hundred yards. In addition, she also

She felt a little uncomfortable. She seemed to have forgotten something very important, but no matter how much she thought about it, she could never remember it, which made her even more irritable.

Fortunately, she is a rational person, so although she is irritated, she has no thoughts of racing in the city.

Until she looked around boredly and saw an ordinary sword shop. Shops like this are everywhere and are not uncommon. But somehow, she suddenly had a strong desire to go and check it out.


Thinking that it was still early, she pulled over, and then a few exclamations arose. The combination of luxury cars and beautiful women has never gone out of style. Of course, it is inevitable that some people will maliciously speculate about things like sponsorship.

"Zhao Cheng, what are your plans later?"

In the noodle shop, Zheng Yimeng asked softly, and her ears suddenly turned red.

She even felt that she seemed a little strange. This was not a question she would ask. She didn't know why, but suddenly, she wanted to stay with Zhao Cheng for a while longer...

"You should probably go home directly.

Zhao Cheng responded.

He couldn't say that he saw something strange at night and planned to let Lord Tianwu have a fight with the monster later. If he said that, it would easily make people think that he was a fool.

"What are you going home for?"

Zheng Yimeng broke the casserole and asked the truth.


Zhao Cheng felt that the other party was a bit strange today, actually caring about his affairs so much.

"Write homework!"

After a pause for about a second, Zhao Cheng said seriously.

Everyone tells a lie, and more lies are needed to maintain it, and that seems to be the case at the moment.

"It just so happens that I haven't finished my homework yet, so why don't we do it together later?

Zheng Yimeng suggested, her ears turning redder. She felt that she must be crazy.

This is undoubtedly an unimagined path. They have actually done homework together. At that time, he, Zheng Yimeng and Zhao Xiaoxiang were all in elementary school, and they would go to his house to do homework together after school.


But when he later became a strong player in junior high school, this matter fell into disuse.

However, Zhao Cheng didn't think much about it. He just thought that the other party wanted to relive his childhood. Then he thought that his infiltration plan was in the middle of the night, so he could do his homework before going.

The only problem is that he has no intention of doing homework today. With his style, he usually puts off his homework until Sunday night, using a pen for half the night, and relying on the standard answers provided by the top students in the class.

, create a miracle.

In the end, Zhao Cheng declined Zheng Yimeng's proposal and started doing homework right after the holiday. He felt that this matter was somewhat cruel.

"You can't stay in college if you're a female..."

In the back kitchen, Zheng's mother looked at her daughter and kept watching the young man go away with some taste.

Such a good little cabbage, why did he suddenly show signs of running away with someone?

Zheng Yimeng, on the other hand, was completely unaware of her behavior until she returned to the kitchen and saw the scrutinizing eyes of her parents.

"Xiaomeng, what exactly is going on? If you confess, you will be lenient, if you resist, you will be stern!"

Mother Zheng stared with a strange look.

It wasn't until this moment that Zheng Yimeng reacted. Her face turned from red to bright red, and her eyes instead looked at the ground. She looked around as if trying to find a hole to see if she could get in. Unfortunately, in the real world, how could

There may be such a thing.

Finally, she couldn't stand it anymore and even let out a strange scream.


"I do not know anything."

Before he even finished speaking, he jumped out like a rabbit.

Zhao Cheng was walking on the road. There was still some distance from the nearest bus stop. But when he passed by a sword shop, his heart suddenly felt itchy and he took back the steps he had taken.

Then he turned around, crossed the road first, and then went directly into the store.

The store is very large. There is a counter at the entrance, with open sides and antique shelves. Because the outside is a glass wall, the lighting is very good. In addition, the store itself is well lit, so in terms of atmosphere, it is full of space.


As soon as Zhao Cheng entered the door, he saw a very beautiful back and a slender figure. Although he was wearing casual clothes and did not wear clothes that could better outline his figure, his slightly exposed outline was already showing off his charm.

Coupled with the dark cloud hair that reaches to the waist, it is even more fascinating, letting people know what the front will look like.

Zhao Cheng still likes to look at beauties, otherwise he would not often look at Belveira during class, but this time he didn’t know what was going on. He just took a look at it and came to a good-looking conclusion, then he didn’t

Another idea.

Even he himself was not aware of this change in his thinking.

Compared to the people, the swords in this shop attracted him more.

When he approached the shop and got close to these swords, even wooden swords, it gave Zhao Cheng a subtle illusion that the swords seemed to be breathing.


Zhao Cheng felt a little strange.

Could it be because of his previous nightmare that he awakened some strange superpower?! At his age, he loves fantasy. A few years ago, when he was still in junior high school, he had many titles.

The Overlord of Heaven, the Seventh Magician, the Lord of Heaven, and the Supreme Demon King

It wasn't until he became a strong player in high school and burned his diary that all the glory of the past disappeared with the wind.

He picked up a wooden sword nearby with the label still on. The moment he picked up the sword, he had a subtle feeling that the sword seemed to be teaching him how to swing the sword.

This couldn't help but give him some strange thoughts. Indeed, as far as swordsmanship is concerned, how could a person know the sword better than the sword?!

So, he followed his instinct and swung it. He was sure that he was hallucinating. His swordsmanship was still at the level of wielding a stick to sweep rape flowers when he was a child, and he had not directly become a strong swordsman.

This super power of his seems to be a bit weak, which makes him look forward to it in vain.

At a certain moment just now, he even had a feeling that what he was holding was not the sword, but destiny. The sword would never be destroyed through thousands of calamities and hundreds of hardships. He seemed to be just an ordinary person, but in fact he had been fighting for countless years. But

I deliberately forgot about this incident and just wanted to experience the ordinary life.

This chapter has been completed!
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