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Chapter 947 Precognitive Dream

Even in his mind, he couldn't help but conjure up a glorious picture of himself killing gods with a mortal body.

Unfortunately, reality told him that these were all false. It was not that he had forgotten this matter, but that he was really a weakling...

Li Huang'er looked at the middle-school boy who was smiling and waving his sword in the store, and shook her head. She felt a little strange. She had noticed it when Zhao Cheng entered the store just now, mainly because Zhao Cheng really gave it to him when his face was expressionless.

She has a subtle sense of strength.

Although even she herself didn't know where this feeling of power came from.

Especially at the moment when Zhao Cheng held the sword, she even unconsciously made up a picture in her mind of a young man wielding a sword and controlling a black dragon to hit the moon. Even she herself was influenced by her own mind.

The supplies are awesome.

But then, the ruthless reality shattered her fantasy. The opponent's swing of the sword gave her the same feeling as a monkey swinging a stick. When she was five years old, the first day she touched the sword, she was better than the opponent's swing.


sad story.

She patted her head and smiled, wondering if she had watched too many movies recently.

At this time, Zhao Cheng also noticed that the girl in front of the counter looked at him and smiled. He had never seen the girl before, but she was indeed very beautiful. In his personal feeling, only Belvia could crush her.

But then, Zhao Chengcheng felt that the other person's face seemed a little unnatural, and why did it look like Li Huang'er?!

Zhao Cheng didn't know how he came to the conclusion that the other party looked like Li Huanger. When he held the sword, although he had many misunderstandings, his intuition seemed to be more accurate.


And in this moment, the boss, who was taking out his treasured sword box under the counter, finally took it out.

The owner of this shop has a hobby, which is to meet people. Regardless of whether they buy his things or not, as long as they are not in a hurry, he will let them see his proud work before closing the furnace.

Of course, in fact, when the sword was forged, although he also participated, it was not much. The raw material was a high-strength alloy circulated in the laboratory, and the beating relied on a mechanical arm and a power hammer. The furnace was also fully automatic temperature-controlled.

He was mainly responsible for designing the style and then the final polishing.

Such swords do lack some soul, but you can always believe in the power of technology. Among famous swords, these two swords can be said to be the best among the best. The alloy raw materials are very expensive.

Zhao Cheng, on the other hand, is naturally not interested in his boss's collection. He mainly focuses on living within his means. With his pocket money, he can afford a wooden sword without asking Zhao Xiaoxiang for help.

Considering his own superpowers, Zhao Cheng planned to buy one.

A wooden sword is a wooden sword. Use it to study your abilities first.

The wooden swords here are all standard. The general manufacturing process is to soak the wood with a special liquid, soak it, and then air-dry it. After several times, use a lathe to cut out the sword shape, and then use another liquid.

After soaking, the wooden sword made in this way is very tough and not easy to break.

However, although it is a unified process, the same tree species grows at different times and in different environments, so there are subtle differences in the final product.

Zhao Cheng didn't understand swords, but at this time, he could feel the breath of the sword.

Therefore, without any hesitation, Zhao Cheng selected a black sword among the dozens of various wooden swords on the shelf.

At the counter, the boss opened the box and began to explain the origin story of the two swords vividly.

However, Li Huanger was stunned at this moment, and even a little hairy.

Because one of the two swords turned out to be the one held by Zhao Cheng in the previous scene in her mind...

How could such a coincidence exist in the world?!

This "coincidence" made her feel chilly. Even though the sun was still bright outside at this point, it couldn't give her any warmth.

In a daze, more images flashed through her mind, including the decapitated boss, the monster that covered the sky, and then, the pink

Broken body

"Give way."

Still, a clear voice called her back to reality.

"Zhao Cheng……"

Li Huang'er blurted out when she heard this familiar voice, and then she saw the strange boy in front of her looking at her with a strange look.

"How do you know my name?"

Zhao Cheng felt that things were starting to get weird.

In the past two years, he had fantasized about a strange and beautiful girl suddenly calling his name and saying that she was his future wife who had been reborn.

Now, he no longer has such dreams.

Li Huanger was silent and didn't speak. To be precise, she didn't know why she subconsciously said these two words.

She began to review and found that she started to feel a little strange and inexplicably anxious when she was in the car. She also felt inexplicably anxious when she came to the sword shop. With her personality, she would not waste time in such a place. It seemed that she was under the influence of ghosts.

There was some kind of power in the dark that prompted her to come here...

Indeed, she has been different since she was a child, and her premonition of danger is far more acute than ordinary people.

And the scene just now was because she had a premonition of danger in the future, and there was something here that could keep her away from danger?

As for the previous scene, it's possible that it was actually a dream she had once had, but she forgot about it and didn't remember it until now.

She is no stranger to precognitive dreams. The scientific explanation is that the brain's memory storage function is disordered, but she also knows that this view is not absolute. Her premonition that is far beyond ordinary people is proof. But, is this really the case?


Seeing that Li Huang'er didn't speak, Zhao Cheng just thought that he had heard wrong before. He handed the sword to the boss and started to bargain with him, asking if he could give him a slight discount.

One notable feature of high school students is that, except for a few children from rich families, most of them are relatively poor.

The boss was also a sincere person and immediately gave Zhao Cheng a 10% discount.

It's just that the boss is a little strange. Generally speaking, even boys, if there is a beautiful girl next to them, they usually think that bargaining is a shameful thing. The person in front of me is too calm, so calm that he doesn't seem to be a person of his age, even

, without even looking at the beautiful girl next to him during the whole process. After that, Zhao Cheng quickly took out his mobile phone to pay, put the wooden sword in the sword bag on his back, and then went out.

When Li Huanger saw this scene, she shouted out of nowhere: "Wait!"

Zhao Cheng looked over strangely.

This chapter has been completed!
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