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Chapter 28: Sitting Together

As soon as Xing Xiuniang appeared, Han Jin'er was not happy. She squeezed Lao Li for a whole day to see if he could eat anything.

After she was done, she blew the pillow wind and asked Li Zicheng to finish the matter as soon as possible.

What nonsense, can I marry you?

Speaking of which, Li Zicheng was really entangled and couldn't bear to let Han Jin'er go after he kicked her away. Burning women was so fun.

Otherwise, there are only a few people who say it is a big deal, and there are too many stumbling blocks on the road ahead. For example, beauty is a disaster...

Why do beauties always take the blame, and beauties are said to have a bad fate? Because no one cares about ugly women, let alone how long they live.

Fast forward to September, and news came that Yuan Chonghuan had been sentenced to death.

The foolish man and woman who knew a little about current affairs clapped their hands and cheered.

Put yourself in someone else's shoes, Jiannu suddenly came to the city with troops. Could it be that the defense line outside the customs was penetrated?

Shanhaiguan lost?

Governor Yuan died for his country?

The croaking Guan Ning Iron Chicken was completely wiped out? 1

Since Liaodong is safe and the generals and soldiers are alive and well, where did the Tatars come from?

Especially in the capital, it is impossible for ordinary people to have much information. Lies are spread from one place to another, and rumors are spread at every turn.

Therefore, Yuan Chonghuan was labeled as a "collaborator and traitor".

Did he have any secret collusion with the Tatars? The inside story is unknown to outsiders.

Just like Mao Wenlong who was killed by Yuan Chonghuan's imperial edict, let's leave it up to people to comment on what is right and what is wrong.

Anyway, from now on, there will be no one left in the world - Damn it! Come on!

Ai Yuchu, who had heard the prophecy, had already left for Beijing, but Ai Taizheng and Li Zhensheng came to have a discussion.

The two of them couldn't help but sigh. Although they didn't fall in love with Li Banxian yet, they were close to each other.

If the emperor sends another Liao salary in a few months and Ai Yuchu succeeds immediately, then Li Banxian will really become Li Shenxian.

In fact, Li Zicheng had previously wanted to give Yang He, his son Yang Sichang, Hong Chengchou, Cao Wenzhao, Lu Xiangsheng and other famous ministers and generals a divination to reveal some secrets. But after thinking about it more carefully, he thought that this might not be reliable, so he gave up.


Li Zicheng can only influence the people around him through subtle influence. It is very difficult to convince outsiders with just a few words.

For example, Wang Zheng from Xi'an only replied to a letter with a few polite sentences and had no further contact; Tang Ruowang wrote more letters, mainly to persuade him to join the religion, but Li Zicheng kept dealing with them in vain, and the other party became indifferent.

If you want to play magic stick tricks, this way will not work.

On the third day of the Lunar New Year, Yuan Zongdi entered the city.

"I followed my brother's instructions earlier..."

Before the Mid-Autumn Festival, Li Zicheng paid additional settlement allowances to the soldiers and allowed them to return home for twenty days. Because if they came back after the uprising, they would not know the Year of the Monkey and the Horse.

As a result, more than 20 people still failed to return on time after the deadline.

The first batch of soldiers recruited by Li Zicheng were carefully selected. They were provided with food and drink, and a total of 60 kilograms of food and 200 taels of silver were given to Anjia. The treatment was excellent. He never expected that there would be people running away.


"...Brother Liu didn't listen to the advice and took people to investigate yesterday."

"Alas! Every one of them makes people worry less!" Li Zicheng sighed.

Yuan Zongdi didn't know whether the elder brother was talking about the second brother or the deserters, so he didn't dare to talk to him.

"You stay in the city and take care of it for a few days, and I'll go back and take care of it."

By the time Li Zicheng rushed back to Xishan Mao, all twenty-eight deserters had been captured. There were originally twenty-nine people, one of whom was from Hulushan and was one of Gao Yigong's men, but he chased him and stabbed him over.

According to Liu Zongmin's intention, these white-eyed wolves directly beheaded their heads as a warning to others.

Li Zicheng refused, "It's also my fault that we didn't set the rules beforehand. It's inappropriate to kill people directly."

He looked at the tied up deserters, turned around and ordered, "Untie the rope first."

Liu Zongmin was so angry that he refused to move. Gu Kecheng and others stepped forward to untie him one by one.

The deserters kowtowed and begged for mercy.

Li Zicheng said: "I won't ask why. Horses and rabbits are running around - everyone has his own plan. The revolutionary army comes and goes freely, and they force you to join the army without asking for any use."

"The food and money distributed before should be regarded as hush money. As long as you have a third degree of conscience, don't go around fooling around after leaving. We have done our best to be brothers. Let's all go home!"

After driving away the deserters, Li Zicheng summoned the big and small bosses to lecture.

"Brothers, be kind to your soldiers. Get along with them day and night. Not only do you teach them how to kill enemies, but you also teach them daily routines. You must understand your subordinates' thoughts in a timely manner and ask them what difficulties they have and what they don't like.

Satisfactory. We, the revolutionary army, must find ways to solve any reasonable demands."

"If you, the leader, don't even know what your soldiers are thinking every day, how can you manage them well? How will you fight in the future? Dozens of them have already fled before the war with the officers and soldiers. If we really want to fight, there will be dozens of people.

Deserting before the battle will disturb the morale of hundreds of soldiers; if a few hundred people are shaken, thousands of people will follow and disperse, and we will be finished!"

"Brothers, the stakes are high and we should learn from them!"

"I won't go into too much detail. Let's finalize the recruitment regulations today."

"Those who have just joined will be trained in the recruit camp for a month. Those who do not want to stay due to various reasons can do so on their own volition. After they come out of the recruit camp and join the regular army, they will be treated equally. If there are still deserters, they will be killed without mercy!"

"Enter the army and serve for three years. After the expiration of the term, you will be given travel expenses and you will be free. The revolutionary army does not engage in coercion."

"This time also reminded me. We are about to raise troops, but now the troops have no control and are not connected."

"If there is a war in the future, it will easily lead to the former going forward and dying without reward. Even though he wants to reward him, there is no way to investigate; the retreating person will live and die without being punished. Even though he wants to punish him, there is no way to investigate.

Now we have established some restraints, such as if an armor retreats, only kill the leader; if a team retreats, only kill the leader; all of the above are the same.

For example, when the sentry commander sees that his sentry has retreated, if he does not retreat, he will be killed in the front. I will kill all five of his captains to repay your life as the sentry commander.

The sentry commander refused to retreat, and his captain did not dare to retreat for fear of paying for his life. The soldiers under the armor were afraid that the commander would be killed and the rest of the soldiers would be beheaded, so they all protected the commander and stood still.

If you practice this method, even millions of soldiers, whether advancing or retreating, will be examined.

On the other hand, if you don't treat your subordinates well and they try to trick you in battle, you will die first.

Brothers, think about it, is this true?

Even if millions of people want to be united, who dares to retreat first?

This is the vertical continuous sitting method, and the horizontal continuous sitting method.

If the first armor is surrounded and the second armor is not rescued; if a team is besieged and each team of the sentry fails to rescue; if one sentry is besieged and other posts are not rescued, causing the enemy to fall, all the troops will kill his sentry, team, and commander."

"The Art of War says that the strong cannot advance alone, and the weak cannot retreat alone. It also goes like this: Ten thousand people are of one mind and ten thousand people work together.

If you really want to achieve this effect, you must practice this continuous sitting method!

From now on, I hope that all officers and men will follow these orders without violation, and do not regard this as an ordinary order."

The "Continuous Sitting Method" sounds cruel at first, but when the leaders think about it carefully, they realize that it is actually a good military strategy.

As long as everyone in front of the two armies fights bravely to take the lead, there is no need to worry about the way back. Why can't the battle be won?

However, if the defeat is due to improper command by the general...

This is not easy to delve into.

Li Zicheng didn't care what others thought. After speaking to the leaders, he gathered the soldiers to watch the drill.

At present, the first army is divided into five battalions, one battalion has five posts, one post has five teams, and one team has five armors.

Twelve people in one armor.

There is one commander, one deputy each, and ten soldiers.

A team of five A, with a total of eighty-four people.

There are twelve swords, twelve bows and arrows, and thirty-six spears.

There are also officers in the team and 24 directly subordinate personnel.

One captain, one deputy team leader, one division chief, one secretary, one health worker, two flag bearers, two trumpeters, two arms, three messengers, five cooks, and five baggage.

One sentry and five teams, totaling 676 people.

Among them, 254 are officers and directly subordinate.

First guard, first deputy, first division chief, third clerk, twelve gendarmes, twelve trumpeters, twelve flag bearers, twelve orderers, twelve cooks, twelve ordnance, twelve medical teams, twelve guards, two engineers

Fourteen, baggage twenty-five, reconnaissance team twenty-five, and cavalry eighty-five.

One battalion and five sentries... Li Zicheng doesn't have that many people yet, so I won't make it up for now.

The team is the smallest basic unit for combat; the sentinel is the smallest tactical unit.

Each post must be able to fight independently to facilitate guerrilla warfare. If they are united, they will be invincible, but if they are divided, each of them will be weak.

The outpost system is mainly based on the Tatars as the imaginary enemy. The opponent's smallest tactical unit is composed of 300 people, and the revolutionary army has to fight two against one.

In addition, the old camp where Li Zicheng was stationed also organized children's camps, women's camps, supply camps, teaching camps, cultural camps, etc.

Children's camp is for children of soldiers and generals and orphans under the age of 15.

The women's camp is not for military labor, but mainly for some female relatives and homeless women, who are used to sew, starch and make military uniforms.

Art camp, playing, playing and singing part-time to promote and paint slogans, etc.

For the time being, Li Zicheng is married and is the commander of the sentry, and Liu Zongmin, Gu Kecheng, Yuan Zongdi, Gao Yigong, Liu Fangliang, and Li Zijia each lead a team.

Li Guo commanded the new army camp.

Tian Jianxiu, a young man with a soft heart, is not suitable for leading an army.

His strengths are that he is well-educated, cautious, and can be trained as a staff officer, as well as to organize intelligence work.

The team structure is just like this for the time being, and we can put up a good show.

In terms of personnel, ordinary soldiers can be recruited at will, but few are literate, and only a quarter of them currently have military experience.

There is also a shortage of craftsmen and doctors. These two have the skills to make it easy for them to fall in love with "thieves".

We are still short of half of the weapons at the moment, this is a good supplement.

The horses were so bad that they had to make a deal with the Mongols and go to Damaying Caotan (Shandan Military Horse Farm) in Gansu Province.

Forget about armor, it is easy to expose it if purchased from outside, and it is too troublesome to make it yourself. In the future, you will mainly seize it. If you make it yourself after you have a territory, you will only distribute it to a small number of elite soldiers.

Nowadays, the victory or defeat of most battles depends on elite soldiers. The cheerleaders can just shout and cheer, no matter what armor they need.
This chapter has been completed!
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