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Chapter 13 Mr. Grand Candidates

Li Zicheng stood up and said enthusiastically: "Oh! Xiao Xi'er, long time no see!"

Shen Yishi's face was full of joy, and he bowed his hands, "My boss has always been getting rich, so I miss you so much."

When Shen Yishi left Mizhijing and returned to his hometown, he negotiated with Shen Laoxi'er for a month. After that, he went to Jiangzhou and opened a grain store in Mi Nianju Hutong.

The two chatted for a while, then finished the hot pot and went back to Dashun Liang Store together.

After entering the backyard and closing the door, Shen Yishi bowed again, "We've been apart for half a year, but I didn't expect that my brother would actually come."

Li Zicheng smiled and said: "Integrity is what matters most in business. What do you think, have you figured it out?"

Shen Yishi sighed first, "As my brother said, the Shaanxi civil uprising has spread to Shanxi. The potential of a prairie fire is worrying, and I have to find a way out for the whole family. I hope you will give me some advice."

"You're talking about giving me advice, why should you and I be so polite? Xiao Xi'er, to tell you the truth, the team outside Jiangzhou City belongs to me, and my brothers rebelled!"

Xiao Xi'er was startled, but then her face remained as usual, and she cupped her hands and said, "What a courage! I had known that the master was hiding in the abyss, and it turned out to be true."

Li Zicheng waved his hand, "There is no need to say these words. I will only stay in the city for two days. You can think carefully about whether you want to join my pirate ship."

Shen Yishi smacked his lips, "The boss is not just a small shirk. I'm just a small businessman. I'm afraid I won't be able to follow him and go into battle to kill the enemy."

Li Zicheng smiled and said, "You really don't need to say this, can I use you as a pawn? As the saying goes, before the soldiers and horses have taken the food and grass, they must go first. You are a sensible person, think about it and give me a reply."

Shen Yishi hesitated for a moment, "Master, can you tell me the specific matters?"

In fact, what he was asked to do was simple. First, continue to sell stolen goods; second, purchase military supplies; and third, do some spy work depending on the situation.

After Li Zicheng finished speaking, he added, "There is no need to mention the future glory and wealth for now. I can ensure that your whole family is safe and sound in troubled times."

Shen Yishi was confused.

Selling stolen goods doesn't matter; buying military supplies is fine. But being a spy...

However, in the past two days, tens of thousands of thieves have passed near Hongdong one after another, which is frightening. The safety of the family is obviously more important.

Shen Yishi sighed secretly, bowed his waist and bowed, "I will obey the master's instructions. Shen will definitely do my best."

The sixteen carts of goods obtained from the previous raid on local tyrants have been sold out, and they have received more than 26,000 yuan in silver. Shen Yashi wanted to pay the account, but Li Zicheng confiscated it and asked him to keep it for future use. The money that will be spent next is a lot.

The revolutionary army confiscated more than a dozen carts of property along the way from Shaanxi, and Li Zicheng ordered him to go out of the city to meet them.

The commander-in-chief took out two more brochures, a list, and some precautions for Shen Yishi to buy according to the list.

After sitting for a while, things were settled here, and Li Zicheng hurried to the north of the city.

In the forty-eighth year of Wanli, the Italian priest Ai Julius came to Jiangzhou and baptized the Han family.

In the fourth year of the Apocalypse, the Italian Gao Yizhi and the Belgian Jinnige came one after another. The Han family donated money to purchase two houses in the southeast of Jiangzhou City and converted them into the main hall.

The following year, King Lingqiu was baptized and donated the palace to be used as a church. 1 The name on the attraction signboard was mistaken for my grandma’s house. Zhu Shihuang had been dead for more than a hundred years, so how could he donate the palace? I wonder if it has been changed now.

Why does King Lingqiu not live in Lingqiu but in Jiangzhou?

By the end of the Ming Dynasty, there were as many princes as dogs, and the Zhu family had appointed county princes in almost every county. However, most of the princes did not go to the country because they were more comfortable living in prosperous cities.

King Lingqiu moved from Lingqiu to Jiangzhou when he was in Yingzong, but the name remained the same.

There was a time when King Lingqiu waited for a long time, and his eldest son, eldest grandson, and great-eldest grandson died. Finally, Zhu Naijian, the eldest grandson of Xuan, came to the throne.

Zhu Naijian asked his great-uncle for a bribe for some reason. Although Zhu Junshen was only a lieutenant in Zhenguo, he had seniority, so he angrily scolded his great-nephew.

King Lingqiu would not stop doing anything, "forcing him to torture", and finally beat his great uncle to death.

After the child got into a big disaster, he had an idea and found an excuse to trick his great-uncle's younger brother into the palace. When the younger brother saw his brother's tragic death, he beat the eunuch to death on the spot.

King Lingqiu reported this incident as a fight between his great-uncle brothers and the eunuch, resulting in two deaths and one injury. Later, the incident was revealed, and the emperor deposed Zhu Naijian as a commoner and eliminated the country. He became the last king of Lingqiu.

That was sixty years ago.

Later, King Lingqiu was changed to Lingqiu Zongli, but it is still customary among the people to call him King Lingqiu.

The current "King of Lingqiu" is the son-in-law of Duan Gun, a great gentry in Jiangzhou. Duan Gun became a lamb when he was an official in Beijing in his early years. It is logical to develop a son-in-law.

At present, there are nearly a thousand lambs in Jiangzhou, among which there are more than 100 tribute students.

Li Zicheng rushed to the church. Only two Japs, Gao Yizhi and Jin Mige (Jin Mige's nephew), were there. He had nothing to talk with. After saying hello briefly, he turned around and headed back to Hanjia Lane.

The Han family comes from a scholarly family and a family of officials.

Two brothers, Han Yun and Han Lin, one was elected in the year of Wanli and the other was elected in the year of Tianqi.

The ancestor was Han Zhong, one of the two ministers of Jiangzhou; his father gave up literature and went into business and made a fortune in Songjiang Prefecture; his mother Wang is the only daughter of Tai Chi master Wang Zongyue. 2 It is also said that Wang Zongyue is 153 years younger than Chen Wangting. This is In novels, if you don’t try to be more realistic, who will teach Tai Chi to whom?

The good family background produced three brothers, Han Yun, Han Lin and Han Xia, who were known as the "Three Hans of Hedong" at that time.

The eldest son and the second son lived in Songjiang Prefecture with their father when they were young and went to Qingpu County to study. At that time, Xu Guangqi was at home and Ding You said, "I learned the art of war from Xu Guangqi and the art of gunfire from Gao Yizhi."

Han Yun failed to pass the Jinshi exam, so he gave up. Later, he held the positions of magistrate of Xuzhou and manager of Hanzhong. Feeling that the government was absurd, he resigned and returned home.

In the second year of Chongzhen, Putao Renggongsha led the artillery team to enter China. Halfway through, due to lack of food, he learned that Han Yun, a disciple of Tianzhuo, was serving as the magistrate of Xuzhou. The Jesuit missionary Lu Ruohan sent someone to ask for credit. Han Yun Generously donate 200 taels of silver.

Han Yun also happily said: "If this weapon reaches the capital and enters the hands of a professional master (Xu Guangqi), it will be safe. It can't reach the capital at this time because of the water distance, and it must use three auxiliaries, namely the gun stand and gunpowder , called iron bullets. If the three are prepared together with three hundred chariots, three thousand elite soldiers, and birds, cannons and other sharp weapons to help them, they will be invincible. If one of them is missing, there will be no benefit. But now there are still people who can explain it. It is not complete, and it is the same as having tools and not having them. It seems that we should ask the Xiantai to give us a plan for a rainy day. Or we can mobilize officers and soldiers, protect and gather supervisors, and advance at the same time. If there is any obstacle in the future, it is better to set up a place with money and food. , Those who are not prepared for the system are in danger. The advance of the common people can relieve the urgent need of Jifu, and can protect the transportation of the Cao River on the way. Taking and guarding the border of Nanfu can prevent the mad chiefs from peeping south. Give the unparalleled Xiantai, Xiantai, Taiwan repays the Holy Emperor with unparalleled honors."

(Just in time for the "Jisi Incident", Feng Quan, the former eunuch leader who had stepped down from power, recruited a 3,500-man infantry and cavalry force at his own expense, and also accompanied hundreds of servants to escort the Putaoya Artillery Team. As a result, he did not join the war.)

The second eldest son of the Han family, Han Lin, had never served as an official, but was a member of the Donglin Party. He went to Beijing again to take part in the imperial examination in the fourth year of Chongzhen, but of course he failed again. However, he had met Gongsha in Beijing, discussed the art of war, and composed poems.

Said: Kunpeng lives in the north, and the sea travels to the south... Now I have seen him in person, and the beauty of the west... I traveled from the Western Confucianism, talking about the sky is like measuring Li. Now I have friends with the Western commander, talking about military affairs is like gathering rice...

Han Xia is still studying.

"The people of Jin often praise the Three Han Dynasties, and their servants all teach them to read "Erya"."

Li Zicheng handed over a name card and a gift, pretending that he was introduced by Tang Ruowang and came to visit Xian specially.

Get in smoothly.

After exchanging pleasantries, Li Zicheng presented five or six books.

"I heard that Brother Han is very knowledgeable and has a rich collection of books. My younger brother is not very talented and has compiled a few books. I sincerely invite everyone to correct them."

In addition to "New Edition of Zengguang Xianwen" and "Enlightenment of Rhythm", there are also dross such as "Disciples' Regulations", and the highlight - several copied Qing Dynasty commentaries on "The Thirteen Classics" and so on.

Han Yun responded politely, but in fact he didn't take it seriously.

Han Lin next to him had already picked up a book and started reading, "Hey! This book is great!"

First of all, the printing is exquisite. There is no trace of the lines that separate the lines of words in ordinary books, but the words are arranged neatly on the top, bottom, left and right sides. The small regular characters are clear, and even the best Song version of "Historical Records" cannot be compared.

Turning a page, there are words on both sides, but there is no blur. What kind of paper and ink is this?

Have you ever seen ink type printing?

Han Lin looked at the content and found that there were slightly more vulgar words. But it was not surprising that people at that time used vulgar characters more often.

Xu Shen of the Han Dynasty began to specifically include vulgar characters in his "Shuowen Jiezi".

In addition, official script can be regarded as the simplified characters of the Qin Dynasty. "Shuo" also lamented that after the official script came out, "the ancient prose was thus extinct."

Vulgar characters can also be found in the calligraphy and painting inscriptions of famous people in the past dynasties. Wang Xizhi's "Preface to the Lanting Collection" has 324 characters, of which 102 are in vulgar styles.

Due to the convenience of writing and recognition, the scope of influence of common characters gradually expanded. By the end of the Ming Dynasty, they were not only popular among "traffickers", but also used by scholars.

For example, Lu Liuliang noted in the poem he gave to Huang Zongxi: "I like to use common characters to copy books, which can save half the time."

When the people who entered the customs aspired to become kings and queens, extremely strict rules were imposed on the use of words. Only "positive" characters were allowed, and violators were severely punished.

Therefore, it is now fashionable to use vulgar characters, which is normal. Moreover, Li Zicheng did not change them all without thinking. He only selected hundreds of characters commonly used by people at the time and changed a few characters that would not cause ambiguity.

For example, New China’s Umbrella (umbrella), Chong (Insect), Zhong (Zhong), Turtle (耀亀), etc. have all been modified very well.

The combination of "Chou" and "Chou" is a little inappropriate, and it is confused with the name of the local branch; it seems that it can be discussed again to change "Yun" to "luck"; it is not good to combine "hair" and "hair" into "fa", which contributes questions to the Chinese test paper

, increasing the burden on poor students.

The dry gan and the working gan were simplified and merged into gan, and gan also represents heaven in the Bagua, so there are "Qianlong's biological mother enjoys the blessing of filial son", "After working for 112 days, she finally got wet", "Bedding quilt at night"

Dry ~ wake up several times? Use it to moisten your dry winter nights》...

Also, Xiao was simplified and merged into Xiao, which is very inappropriate. Unspecified surnames were not included in the simplification, and most of the Xiao surnames were changed. People have inherited ancestral surnames for thousands of years, so this is not good.

So the question is, which one is better, the party or the party?

There is nothing wrong with using popular Chinese characters, but what Han Lin feels is inappropriate is the addition of sentence readings (punctuation marks) in the book. Naturally, this saves a lot of time in reading, but how do you know whether your sentence segmentation is correct or whether you can understand the saints?


Han Lin read the two pages carefully and couldn't help but exclaimed, "Good, good, good! Wonderful! How could anyone not make such a high comment without being generous!"

The quality of this commentary was by no means inferior to that of the previous commentators he had read since the Han, Tang, Song, Yuan and Ming dynasties.

Since ancient times, many people have written commentaries on the Thirteen Classics. The commentaries on the Thirteen Classics in the Qing Dynasty reached a new peak. In particular, the textual interpretation of the classics and the system of names and objects were better than those of previous generations.

Is the essence copied by Li Zicheng child's play?

On the other side, Han Yun felt a toothache as he looked at the title of "Guanwen Guanzhi", and his short hair was so loud. There are tens of millions of wonderful ancient articles, but this thin volume of yours represents them all?

He opened it, read the preface and then looked at the table of contents, and couldn't help but exclaim: "What a book!"

"Gu Wen Guan Zhi" is mainly prose, and also includes rhymes and parallel prose. The most selected ones in the pre-Qin Dynasty were "Zuo Zhuan", the most popular ones in the Han Dynasty were "Historical Records", and the most popular ones in the Tang and Song Dynasties were Han Yu, Liu Zongyuan, Ouyang Xiu,

Su Shi's articles. Of course, there are also good articles from this dynasty.

Its main purpose is not to say that after reading these 200 articles, you don’t need to read other ancient texts, but that after passing this selection, your level of ancient prose will be passed, and there will be no obstacles to reading other texts.

"Gu Wen Guan Zhi" also has a more important role. The selection of articles is to serve the "imperial examination", so the selection and rejection of articles should be based on this criterion. For example, the Fu of Han and Wei Dynasties is not selected because they are not useful for writing eight-legged essay.


For students who are interested in taking the imperial examination, how much effort does this reference book save? Han Yun naturally admired it.

Of course, Li Zicheng's "Guanwen Guanzhi" is divided into two parts, and the selected articles in the second part are other good articles that are useless for doing eight-legged writing.

Han Lin opened another book "Gangjian Yizhilu" and read two pages at random.

This is a popular reading book on Chinese history. From the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors to the Tang, Song, Yuan and Ming dynasties, it briefly summarizes the major events and main characters.

There are so many ancient historical books that it is difficult to read them all. The "Gangjian Yizhilu" is just a collection of the essence of ancient history. It is concise and to the point, easy to understand, not mysterious, not enough elegance, and has a long history.

Strive to be plain and simple. With a compilation in hand, all history will be clear to the mind. "Gangjian Yizhilu" can be regarded as a key to the door and a ladder to the hall.

“Great book!”

Han Yun and Han Lin don’t dare to treat short-haired men lightly anymore.

The steamed Qingtuan tea was taken away, and the purple clay pot and blue and white porcelain cup were put on the table. Let's make some good Luoji tea.

The three of them started talking loudly.

During the dinner, Han Yun talked about Kinnig.

The ghost compiled a phonetic and phonetic word list for foreigners to learn Chinese characters. After learning about it, Han Yun roughly compiled "Western Confucianism's Ear and Eyes" with Chinese people in mind. Later, Shaanxi people

Wang Zheng also participated in the revision and helped publish it.

The two Koreans praised him endlessly, saying that even the Chinese could not do this, but the Westerners had a wonderful method.

Li Zicheng calmly took out the "Chinese Yongchang Dictionary" from his baggage.

"Brothers, let's take a look."

"Kangxi Dictionary" is based on two Ming Dynasty calligraphy books, "Zi Hui" and "Zheng Zi Tong", and was formed by identifying doubts and correcting them.

However, "Zhengzi Tong" had not yet been completed as a book at this time - it was not published until the 14th year of Chongzhen.

Li Zicheng's pirated copy of Zhonghua Book Company's "Kangxi Dictionary" is the result of hundreds of years of fine-editing work by later generations, and is extremely authoritative.

The phonetic notation under each character is based on the fanqie of "Ji Yun", with the straight pronunciation added, and the rhyme notes for reference.

After the phonetic notation is the explanation, and the meanings are basically arranged in order of original meaning, extended meaning, and borrowed meaning. After each meaning term, a document is cited as documentary evidence.

For words with the same shape and the same pronunciation but different meanings, all definitions are attributed to one word; for words with the same shape but different pronunciations but different meanings, separate entries are made for clarity.

In addition, in addition to pinyin and radical checking methods, the book also has four-corner number checking methods.

The second Han Dynasty was shocked when such a collection of ancient and modern calligraphy came out.

Han Yun sighed: "You are a frog at the bottom of a well. You will never dare to speak big words again. Who said our countrymen are incapable of talent?"

Han Lin rubbed the book and asked, "Why are there only thirty pages? Sir, can you reward me with the whole book?"

Li Zicheng is considered a genius with a photographic memory, but it is impossible for him to memorize the entire dictionary. This is not a big deal.

"It's full of secular affairs, and it hasn't been compiled yet."

He took out another book and put it on the table, "For now, we only have the "Primary School Dictionary"."

Han Lin picked it up and looked through it again. This one was much simpler, and only contained three thousand commonly used words.

Han Yun stood up and bowed, "Sir, you are a great talent, I will be honored by you."
This chapter has been completed!
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