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Chapter 34

After fooling Jia Fugui, several people came to Zhang's house.

"First there were Nanlu and Beidou, and then there were the Zhang and Chen mansions."

The Zhang family, a wealthy family, had high-ranking officials for generations in the Ming Dynasty, surpassing the Chen family.

Wang Zhongxin has a good relationship with his family.

Zhang Pengyun is a fourth-grade officer. His former military department was assigned to a job, and Ding You is currently at home. 1

You can't talk about tax collection directly with him. Just chat a few words to make him feel familiar. Let Wang do the rest.

Next, Li Zicheng went to Chen's house alone.

With Wang Zhongzhong's name card opening the way, Li Zicheng came to the door smoothly. However, the other party looked dull, so he had to leave after a brief exchange of greetings.

Before Li Zicheng left, he indispensably said, "Brother Chen is very talented and has a prosperous literary career. In two years' time, he will be on the Jinxu Examination List of the Jiaxu Academy of Science and Technology, and will be appointed magistrate of Leting County." He passed the 2nd vote and was awarded the third-rank official in the year of Shunzhi.

Chen Changyan laughed and didn't take it seriously.

After leaving the house and returning to Zhang Mansion, Li Zicheng couldn't help but complain a few times.

I originally thought that since Li Zhi had come, the Chen family would be considered enlightened, but I was disappointed.

Zhang Pengyun said, however, that Li Zhi was only here to enjoy the sights, not to mention the Tianguan Palace next door. He had not come to Guoyu and had no friendship with the Chen family. Instead, he had a close relationship with the Liu family in Pingshang Village.

Li Zicheng asked Zhang Pengyun what he thought of Li Zhi.

The other party may not be familiar with the commander-in-chief, or maybe he really doesn't like Li Zhi, so he just chatted a few words and didn't want to talk more.

Li Zhi is an incredible person.

Forgive me for my unbridled love of freedom in this life!

He can be called the number one thought criminal in the Ming and Qing Dynasties.

Emperor Wanli of the Ming Dynasty was extremely angry with him: Li Zhi dared to promote chaos, confuse the world and falsely accuse the people, so he ordered the factory guards to punish the five cities. His books that had been published and unpublished were ordered to be searched and burned, and they were not allowed to be kept. If there were any party members who kept it privately,

, the department and each department have their own officials to participate in the performance and punish the offenders.

Otherwise, "A man who is loyal and filial should be used by the imperial court?"

The Qing Dynasty's "Sikuquanshu" specifically wrote in the summary: Li Zhi was immoral and did not take Confucius seriously. Such a person should be killed and the book should be burned.

What did Li Zhi do?

His later thoughts should be related to his home environment.

During the Yuan Dynasty, Quanzhou was the largest foreign trade port, and the ancestors of the Li family "sailed across Wu and traveled far and wide, becoming a great merchant in Quanzhou."

In the early Ming Dynasty, when the sea was banned, the Li family gradually declined. By the time of Li Zhi's grandfather's generation, he had become a small businessman who could only make ends meet.

If generations of poverty make people feel at ease, but if their ancestors are rich, then they will feel uncomfortable.

So, his grandfather made a decision to let his descendants study and become officials!

Li Zhi's father put down his calculations and picked up books. Although he failed to become an official, he became a glorious private school teacher.

When Li Zhi was born, Wang Yangming was about to reach the end of his life. Perhaps there was a destiny that was passed down from generation to generation.

When Li Zhi was twelve years old, he wrote "On the Old Farmer and the Old Farm", which caused widespread disarray in the countryside.

The old farmer and the old garden is an allusion in the Analects of Confucius -

Fan Chi asked to learn farming. Confucius said: I am not as good as an old farmer.

Please learn from Wei Pu. He said: I am not as good as Lao Pu.

Fan came out late. Confucius said: What a villain!

Li Zhi's view of Confucius is: I knew Fan Chi's question at that time. He was in the world of his father-in-law, but I couldn't bear to go to Master Qiu. 3

(After Zilu arrived, he met his father-in-law who was holding a straw with his staff. Zilu asked, "Have you met Master?" His father-in-law said, "The four limbs are not diligent, and the five grains are not separated. Who is the Master?")

You must know that Confucius is a saint that even the emperor must worship, but Li Zhi dared to make rude remarks before he graduated from elementary school. It is true that a newborn calf is not afraid of tigers.

Later, the more Li Zhi read, the more painful he felt.

Why is it that my understanding of the classics always “doesn’t agree with Master Zhu’s heart?” 4 The imperial examinations in the Ming Dynasty were based on Zhu Xi’s "Collected Commentary on the Four Books".

But there is no way out if you don’t study, so just bear with it.

When he was twenty-six years old, he won the exam, but he was not very happy either. "This is a joke!"

He became an official again, but because his thoughts were different, he was frustrated everywhere.

Then his father died, and Li Zhi left office and returned home to Dingyou. Unexpectedly, pirates were rampant and his ancestral home was destroyed by war.

As we all know, the salaries of officials in the Ming Dynasty were too low, and honest people lived a very hard life.

Li Zhi's three-year mourning period expired and he was penniless. He finally got an official position in Beijing again, but his grandfather passed away again.

Since his father is no longer here, Li Zhi must worry about his father Ding.

At this time, he was really short of money and could not afford to bring his wife and daughter back to his hometown. He had to divide the "share money" donated by his friends into two parts, leaving one part for his wife to buy land for her to live on; and the other part he took back to his hometown.

Carry out funeral arrangements.

After three years of mourning, Li Zhi returned home, only to learn that both his second daughter and his third daughter had died of starvation during the disaster.

When Li Zhi entered Beijing again, he was promoted to the rank of Secretary of the Ministry of Etiquette, the ninth rank, which was two ranks lower than when he left office.

He didn't even think about repenting, and offended his colleagues and superiors all over the place.

"...Being a doctor in the county means having academic contact with the county magistrate; being a doctor from Taixue means being in contact with the ministers of wine and wine; being a minister of the Ministry of Rites, means having contact with Gao Shangshu, Yin Shangshu, Wang Shilang, and Wan Shilang

Ye; Wang and Dong are both upright men and should not be compared with Yu. However, both of them are eager for fame. They are innocent and cannot surpass others, but they are ten times more virtuous. Yu An avoids touching... As a county guard, that is, with the governor.

Touch, touch with Luo, who keeps the way. Wang Ben is a low-ranking person, so there is no need to touch. Luo knows each other best, and he is the most capable, knowledgeable, and practical person, so he cannot help but touch him in the end. Why? Qu is too engraved. "

Fortunately, during this period he made friends with Wang Yangming's disciples and integrated into the radical Taizhou School.

Needless to say, Wang Yangming is capable of both literary and military skills.

When he was young, Mr. Zhu believed in Master Zhu's teaching of "investigating things to gain knowledge". He once examined bamboos for seven days and seven nights, hoping to discover the principles of the sage.

In the end, Bamboo did not understand it thoroughly and instead suffered from wind and cold for several days.

"Studying things to gain knowledge" is really nonsense, let's create a "Xinxue".

The Xin School opposed the cumbersome investigation of things and seeking knowledge from the Neo-Confucian School, and advocated the direct pursuit of psychological freedom.

The Taizhou School, which was born out of the Heart School, is even more crazy. Confucius and Mencius’ Three Cardinal Principles and Five Constant Principles are all “fake Taoism”. In short, they overthrow all authority and despise all norms.

Of course, they were not so crazy that they "went drunk in the North Pole and sent the emperor to support them, and Duke Zhou and Confucius drove them into slavery", otherwise they would have been wiped out long ago.

Li Zhi finally found a close friend. His official career may not be satisfactory, but he has a lot of fun because he delved into spiritual studies. "For five years, I have devoted myself to the spring officialdom, and I have devoted myself to the Taoism." 3 (Chunguan, not Chun Palace, is the alias of the Ministry of Rites)

He believes that the study of the mind is the "study of immortality." He said: I have a stubborn personality and refuse to give in to others, but I have to believe in the study of the mind.

A few years later, Li Zhi was transferred to Nanjing to serve as an official. The atmosphere in the south was open, and Li Zhi took advantage of it.

He often discussed science with people from various schools, and even discussed everything from the movement of celestial bodies to geometry and mathematics, from the Four Books and Five Classics to the creation of the world with Matteo Ricci.

After this, Li Zhi said: Dressing and eating are the physical principles of human ethics. Other than dressing and eating, there is no ethics.

He finally completely betrayed Cheng-Zhu Neo-Confucianism. Because the other party emphasized the principle of preserving natural principles and destroying human desires. Starving to death is a small indiscretion and a serious matter. 4. The specific origin of "preserving natural principles and destroying human desires" cannot be explained at all. Anyway, it cannot be beaten with a stick.

Death. What if the object of the request is not the citizens but the rulers?

After more than 20 years of ups and downs in the officialdom, Li Zhi was tired and unable to change anything, so he had to resign.

There are only two things left for him in the rest of his life: reading and writing, and teaching.

Li Zhi opposed the superiority of men to the inferiority of women and advocated equality between men and women. He believed that saints were never high and men were never low. He proposed that if Confucius's right and wrong were regarded as right and wrong, there would be no right and wrong. Heaven established the king for the sake of the people. Although Confucius also regarded all human beings.

"Regarding Lu Buwei and Li Yuan as the wise counsel; taking Li Si as the talent; taking Feng Dao as the hidden official; taking Zhuo Wenjun as the good choice of spouse; taking Sima Guang's argument about Sang Hongyang to bully Emperor Wu as ridiculous; taking Qin Shihuang as the one emperor through the ages...


The idea of ​​"junior, minister, minister, father, son, son" is also discarded. Li Zhi believes that "couple is the beginning of human beings. There is husband and wife, then there is father and son, there is father and son, then there are brothers, after there are brothers, there are superiors and subordinates."

In order to compete with "The Story of Martyrs", Li Zhi listed 25 talented women in his writings, praising them as "real men" and "great understanding of people".

He strongly opposed chastity and martyrs, advocated widow remarriage, and especially opposed the widely circulated theory that "women are a disaster"... He was number one in boxing.

Li Zhi accused Taoists of being hypocrites, "who are called mountain people, but their hearts are like those of merchants, who talk about morality, but whose ambition is to steal and cheat."

"I originally wanted to be rich and noble, but I thought I didn't want to do so, but I really wanted to use this as a ladder to honor myself, and I also adopted moral and benevolent things to cover myself up."

"In reality, there are many evils, but we only talk about benevolence and no evil; in reality, we are partial to selfish interests, but we focus on universal love and universal love; in reality, we insist on having our own opinions, but we focus on not being able to be right."

"When you talk about learning, you say you are for yourself and I am for others; you are selfish and I want to benefit others." In fact, they are all "study to seek high status, office to seek respect...there is no one who seeks for others."


"Yang represents Taoism, Yin represents wealth and honor, the clothes are elegant, and the behavior is like a dog and a pig."

Li Zhi also praised the great Nanyang pirate Lin Daoqian as a "hero", saying that compared with those incompetent scholar-bureaucrats, Lin Daoqian was 20% more talented and 20% more courageous.

Li Zhi advocated enriching the country and strengthening the military, and criticized the behavior of the Neo-Confucianists who "talked about life in high terms, discussed mysteries in a clear way, ignored the pain and suffering of the people in the world, and regarded financial management as dirty".

Lao Li also criticized the officials: "In the past, tigers crouched on the grass, but today tigers sit in government offices. If they are big, they will swallow up people and animals, but if they are small, they will not leave behind fish or shrimps."

"I am born with a human being, and he has his own use. He does not need to be given to Confucius before he is satisfied. If he must be satisfied with Confucius, then there will be no Confucius in the past, and he will not be able to become a human being?"

Every statement was incompatible with the environment at that time.

Gu Yanwu later said: "Since ancient times, the villain who has no scruples and dares to betray the saint is none more so than Li Zhi."

Some people praise him, and others praise him. For example, Jiao Hong, the number one scholar, said: "Li Zhi may not be a saint, but he can sit on the second seat of the saint's family with the word "Kang" on his shoulders."

This Jiao Hong once fell in love with Xu Guangqi in the unsuccessful round and ranked first.

Li Zhi is still the ancestor of "Haha".

He wrote in "Commentary on the Romance of the Three Kingdoms": The Cao family's play has just finished, and the Liu family's actors have come on stage again, which is really a good laugh. Although since the opening of the theater, no place is not a theater, no one is not an actor, no matter what

It's not a play. And my criticism of "Three Kingdoms" today is also part of a play. Haha! 5 Wei Zhuang and Su Shi both haha.

In the sixteenth year of Wanli's reign, Li Zhi suddenly became bald.

The excuse was "I had an itchy head and was tired of combing, so I cut off my hair, leaving only my temples and whiskers."

The truth is, "Because the idle people at home are always looking for me to return, and they often travel thousands of miles to force me and force me with worldly things. Therefore, I shaved my head to show that I am not returning, and I am absolutely unwilling to deal with worldly things."

Also, many ignorant people here regard me as a heretic, so I call myself a heretic to give him the name of Zhuzi. Those who have these figures, suddenly go out, it is not their intention. In fact, because I am old, I have not been in the world for a long time."

Really unique!

In the same year, Li Zhi met Mei Guozhen, Mei Guosen and others in Macheng, that is, Mei Zhihuan's uncle and father.

Mei Guozhen had a daughter who was engaged but her husband died before they got married, so she became a nun.

Mei Danran was not an ordinary boudoir woman, so Li Zhi praised her as the "husband among women". He did not regard Danran as his disciple, but regarded her as their teacher.

Li Zhi had more than one female disciple, and the daughters-in-law of the Mei family and several other ladies also worshiped Li Zhi as his disciple.

In the eyes of the people at that time, this was "immoral", which naturally aroused the attention of saints. He was called "Monk and Nun Xuanyin".

Li Zhi still went his own way.

He also argued confidently, "When I look back on my life... there is no evil in my heart, no fault in my body, no stain in form, no dust in shadow..."

Li Zhi believed that his interactions with women were completely in line with etiquette and there was no suspicion of "mixing men and women." However, he wrote nondescriptly, "In the mountains and wild places, deer and hogs still play for fun, let alone human beings..."

If he could see "Ode to the Joy of Heaven and Earth Yin and Yang" written by Bai Xingjian, Bai Juyi's younger brother in the Tang Dynasty, he might become a confidant.

Of course, Mei Zhihuan would be influenced by Li Zhi. When he was guarding the border when he was implicated in the Yang Lian case, he wrote a poem asking whether loyalty to such a court was worth it. I will not mention it later. 5

The Mei family was a well-known and large landowner in Macheng, with thousands of slaves and tenants, ranking second. The heretic Li Zhi was able to devote himself to studying in Macheng for a long time. It would be unimaginable without their support.

However, he also criticized Mei Guozhen in person for being pedantic and what a weird old man he was.

In the 21st year of Wanli, Sanyuan came to visit.

The three brothers Yuan Hongdao, Yuan Zongdao and Yuan Zhongdao were from the Hubei Public Security Bureau and founded the "Gongan School" in literary circles in the Ming Dynasty.

At that time, Liu Dongxing, a native of Qinshui, was appointed as the envoy to the left of Huguang. It happened that San Yuan and Li Zhi were visiting Huanghuji together, so they went to visit.

The two talked about Taoism and academics, and they felt like they had met so late.

Later, because his father was dead, Liu Dongxing asked his son Liu Yongxiang to go to Macheng to invite Li Zhi.

Old Man Li came to Pingshang Village, where he talked with people about learning and Taoism while tutoring Liu Yongqian and other children in their studies. He stayed there for more than a year.

Coincidentally, Mei Guozhen was currently on patrol in Datong, the governor of military affairs and in charge of money and food, so he invited Li Zhi to go north to meet him.

At the border of Datong, Li Zhi became interested in military affairs and began to write "Sun Tzu Shen Tong Qi".

Mei Guozhen called it "the great achievement of the military strategist, which was divinely explained by Sun Tzu."

Li Zhi then went to Nanjing for a while and published "Collection of Books" with the help of Jiao Hong.

At that time, the scholars "did not read the original "Four Books" at all, but Li's "Collection of Books" and "Book Burning" people took a volume and thought it was a strange thing. It was bad for people's hearts and morals, and the disaster of the world was unknown."

When Li Zhi returned to Hubei, his original place of residence had been burned to the ground by the Huguang Supervisory Censor, who "imposed laws on travelers."

Feng Yingjing, a member of the Donglin Party, was able to become a disciple of the Ye Jiao sect and also participated in the translation of "Elements of Geometry", but he could not tolerate Li Zhi. 4

Lao Feng was also considered a pioneer in the fight against the Wanli mining tax. He was later arrested for the incident, and the people "caught the cars and cried, and the cars could not move."

He wrote in "Yu Tu Xu": "Just like the teachings of Chinese saints, the Western scholars have never heard of them before, and the books of the ancestors of Qianfang passed down by them have not been heard of by me before. They are invented by each other and benefit from each other. But this is

Liuhe is one family, and they are of the same mind, so they are not happy when they spread eastward and westward."

Ga Deng can be admired by everyone, but not everyone can accept Li Zhi's "heresy". The Muyang dog is indeed inherited from the ancestors.

In the 30th year of Wanli, the famous Donglin Party member, who was still just the Li Ke at that time, impeached Li Zhi to Zhang Wenda who was involved in the incident:

"Li Zhi was an official in his prime, but cut off his hair in his later years. Recently, he also engraved books such as "Collection of Books", "Burning Books", "Zhuowu Dade", etc., which became popular all over the country and confused people's hearts... He was so wild and outrageous that it is difficult to enumerate them, and most of them are ridiculous.

If you don't go through it, you can't destroy it!

Especially hateful are those who live in Macheng and behave unscrupulously. They hang out in nunneries with unscrupulous people, pull cocks and women, and bathe together during the day. They seduce the wives and daughters of scholars into nunneries to teach the Dharma... As for robbing people's property and raping women by force, they are the same as beasts...


Zhang Wenda did well in the impeachment. He later prospered in officialdom and became Minister of the Ministry of Civil Affairs in the year of Tianqi. Later he was impeached and ordered to recover one hundred thousand taels of stolen money.

Emperor Wanli made a quick decision after seeing it and had Li Zhi arrested and imprisoned.

At this time, Old Man Li was over 70 years old, suffering from serious illnesses, and was living at the home of his friend Ma Jinglun in Tongzhou. The former censor was dismissed from his post and returned home because he directly remonstrated with Emperor Wanli.

Lao Ma: "The court said you are a sinner, but I have hidden the guilty person secretly. I am willing to die together!"

So, Ma Jinglun followed Jin Yiwei to Beijing.

"Mr. Li Zhi is far away from the world. He doesn't worry about his uncle, only about his people. He throws himself into the wilderness and travels thousands of miles with his family, leaving three women, four men and one woman alive."

If you only have one daughter, you will only have one son-in-law.

Li Zhi's son-in-law Zhuang Chunfu learned that his father-in-law was seriously ill in Tongzhou, so he came over day and night. Just as the old man was being sent to Beijing, he followed him to take care of him.

Li Zhi once said: "I love books, so I must keep them tightly. Don't lend a single volume to anyone lightly. Take it out to the sun from time to time, dry it and then put it away. Although Zhuang Chunfu has been willing to read recently because he is teaching his son, he must not give it to him if he wants a book.

.And he doesn’t know about my death. Even if he hears about my death from somewhere else, he can’t write to me.”

Stingy old Taishan, is your son-in-law heartbroken?

The Zhuang family is a famous family in Jinjiang. Zhuang Chunfu's father led a group of pirates to suppress the pirates and was killed, and his uncle Taipusi Shaoqing died together because he went to rob the body. He was called "a family of loyal and filial piety".

Zhuang Chunfu's great-nephew is Zhuang Jichang, the number one scholar. 7 Shi Jichang's roll has a different character, and it has not been cleansed and repaired. Yang Lian, a subject, said: "If there is a different character for the number one scholar, it means that all three hundred people are illiterate; if it is washed and repaired for the number one scholar, it will be

It’s okay if all three hundred people are dragging white.”

Those who attended the same high school with Xiaozhuang include Yuan Chonghuan, Kong Zhenyun, Sun Chuanting, Ma Shiying...

They are all big shots, and I am digressing again.

Li Zhi is such a picky person.

The average person can hold it in his mouth until he is 20 or 30 years old at most, when his hormones get better. He can hold it in his mouth until he is seventy years old without taking a break. What's more, it is still under the environment of the Ming Dynasty.

After Li Zhi was arrested, Feng Qi, a member of the Donglin Party, immediately followed up and suggested that Wanli launch an ideological movement to liquidate Li Zhi.

Later, Gu Xiancheng, the leader of the Donglin Party, characterized Li Zhi as: "What is wrong with human beings is not what is wrong with human beings", causing "academic disaster" in the world.

Emperor Wanli just wanted him to admit his mistake, but Old Man Li had been stubborn all his life, how could he bow his head in prison?

"A man with lofty ideals never forgets to be in the ravine, and a brave man never forgets to lose his strength. What will happen if I don't die now? I hope to return to the underworld as soon as possible."

Li Zhi committed suicide in prison.

In this hypocritical dynasty, he lived like a ball of fire.

The old man once said: "I am docile by nature, and I have learned to endure humiliation. Therefore, if I want to kill, I will run away with the knife, if I want to hit, I will run away with my fists, if I want to scold, I will run away with my mouth. I only know how to advance, but I don't know how to retreat... That's why I am so dignified."

The formation, the banner of righteousness, those who fight against the world day after day without defeat, I am the righteous soldier..."

The old man once hoped that "there would be a person who is half-hearted and compassionate" so that the "powerful and wise" talented person "can be put to use, and he will kill himself to repay the favor and will not be ungrateful."

It's a pity that Li Zicheng arrived thirty years late.

There are as many sighs as there are madness!
This chapter has been completed!
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