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Volume of Changning Kingdom: Chapter 41 After the Catastrophe

"These are two rowing boats. Let's leave here immediately by boat and go to Shanjiu Port!" Huang Qiyan said, having already climbed onto the rocks.

"Auntie, are there any more here?" Huang Shidong was surprised, because even he didn't know there was a rowing boat hidden here.

"This can be regarded as one of the last few secrets of the Huang family!" Huang Qiyan said with a bitter smile, "Besides me, only your father knows about the Huang family. Even your eldest brother doesn't know about it. Let's go!"

"How is dad..." Huang Shidong asked anxiously.

"We'll talk about it on the way," Huang Qiyan looked at the tide and said, "Quickly go!"

Everyone knew that there was no delay at this time, so they put down the rowing boat in a hurry, and the group got on the rowing boat and rowed out.

Cui Yongfang measured the wind direction and sea current, raised the sail of the boat, and sailed quietly towards Shanjiu Port.

Only then did Huang Qiyan take out her handkerchief and dip it in sea water to wipe away the blood on her face and body.

"What on earth is going on?" Huang Shidong asked.

"Pirates, a lot of pirates..." Huang Qiyan was stunned.

On the second night of the tournament, a group of pirates took advantage of dusk to raid Shanba Port.

In the past, pirates also came to attack the port, but most of them were Sulu pirates from the north. Some European ships passed by and wanted to take advantage of the opportunity. However, the former had many people but poor equipment, while the latter had good equipment but few people. The warning was issued.

, the Huang family's team of servants followed the flag command on the mountain of Zongbingfu and went directly to the landing site to intercept them. They were able to drive away the pirates who landed without spending a lot of effort.

However, this time the pirates came with force and there were many people on board. Small Chinese sailing ships approached and landed, and large European ships used artillery to cover the shore. The servants could not withstand the enemy's fire and could not gain a foothold on the beach, so they had to retreat to the market.

Town. Assemble the armed men and prepare to wait until the enemy breaks away from the artillery cover of the big ship before fighting.

Unexpectedly, the pirates who came back this time were different from before, especially the firearms they were equipped with were more powerful than before. After several rounds of attacks, the servants and militia were repulsed by the opponent's muskets. The casualties were a mess.

"...I don't know what kind of firearms they used, and they were fighting fast and fiercely. The firecrackers on our side were not loaded yet, but they had already fired three or four times on the other side. People fell down in rows, and soon they

I can’t stand it anymore…”

After the servants were defeated, the militiamen were naturally unable to resist and could only cover the people's retreat to the General Military Mansion.

"I thought it would be safe if we retreated to the General Military Mansion, but I didn't expect..."

The pirates who came to attack did not rush to plunder the towns at the foot of the mountain as expected, but quickly surrounded the General Military Mansion. In the dark, they only heard a loud bang, and the originally indestructible gate of the General Military Mansion was blown to pieces.

The large stones on the threshold were blown away. The pirates swarmed in. The servants, servants and young men in the mansion took advantage of the geographical advantage of the General Military Mansion to fight house to house until nearly midnight. The pirates

Only then did they occupy the General Military Mansion.

Huang Qiyan and several of her servants descended from the cliff at the back wall and followed the path behind the mountain to break out of the siege. Unexpectedly, the enemy knew the situation around the General Military Mansion very well. As soon as they came down the mountain, they were discovered and intercepted by pirates.

"...If you hadn't come to my rescue, I would have been on the road this time." Only then did Huang Qiyan feel faintly afraid.

"Where are my father, grandmother, sister-in-law, and their families?" Huang Shidong was worried. His wife and children were also in the mansion.

"They were all trapped in the General Military Mansion." Huang Qiyan shook his head and said, "Not long after the enemy rushed in, the main building was also breached. I led my men to rush out desperately and got separated from them..."

Huang Shidong stood stunned on the spot as if struck by thunder. He knew that if the enemy besieged the General Military Mansion, his father would gather his grandmother and family members in the ancestral hall of the main building. That was the last fortress of the entire General Military Mansion. Since Huang Qiyan said, "

"The main building has been breached." It goes without saying that my father, grandmother, sister-in-law, nephew, wife and children... were all captured!

Once women and children fall into the hands of pirates, not only will they suffer all kinds of humiliation, but they will also be resold to unknown places... In order to avoid being humiliated, the Huang family's female relatives may have committed suicide...

Huang Shidong and his wife are a young couple with a deep relationship. They just gave birth to a son last year. At this time, it was like they were immersed in ice water, their bodies could not move, and even their brains were blank.

Wu Tingwei saw the bleak expressions on the faces of his aunt and nephew, and was afraid that they would lose their thoughts for a moment, so he quickly comforted them: "Don't be anxious, even though the pirates have captured Shanba Port, you still have other places. It's important to mobilize your troops quickly to counterattack and save people."

.If you are afraid of insufficient firepower, we can also lend you our large ship..."

Cui Yunhong felt that this matter was not that simple. From Huang Qiyan's description, it can be seen that the pirate attack process was very organized, and the people commanding it were by no means ordinary people. Moreover, they were well-equipped and well-trained.

Is this tmd still a pirate?! At least he is a well-trained mercenary. Especially when it comes to blasting village gates, ordinary pirates never have such skills and awareness. It must be the work of professional soldiers...

Basten stood on the tower of the General Military Mansion, full of ambition.

In the town below the mountain, mercenaries and pirates were enjoying their trophies, and cries and screams came intermittently to his ears along with the sea breeze.

This is really a perfect operation, clean and tidy, with great results.

The Huang family's armament was easily defeated by his well-prepared mercenary team and naval guns.

Of course, this is first of all due to those Nanyang rifles, and secondly the excellent command of the heretic Gonzalez. Although he is a heretic, it must be said that in the war, Basten and Armand are both "brothers"

.Especially the blasting of the gate of the General Military Mansion, which can be said to have defeated the Huang family's determination to resist in one fell swoop.

Now all the accumulation of the Huang family over the past two hundred years has fallen into his hands and become his private property. Next, he can also obtain more benefits from the "company's business", not only the Huang family

The traditional commodities traded here include agarwood and valuable timber; they also include rubber and palm plantations planned to be developed near Shanba Port. These are commodities that the company has signed contracts with Australians and is preparing to export in large quantities.

At that time, the Chinese and native people in Shanba Port and the surrounding areas will be the best labor force for these plantations.

Just when he was full of ambitions for the future, his cousin walked up excitedly:

"My dear cousin, instead of looking at the snow-white silver in the vault, why don't you stand here and think about life?"

"This place is all ours, and I won't run away if I don't see them. In contrast, I am more concerned about the future here..." Basten took out his pocket watch from his pocket, looked at it, and said, "Now

It’s almost three o’clock in the afternoon. Have the people you sent arrived in the town?”

"They should have arrived." Alderman said, "Listen, the noise in the town is much quieter. All looting activities will stop at three o'clock. Violators will be hanged - don't worry. What do you think of these Chinese people?

It’s so kind.”

"Haha," Basten laughed, "Dear cousin, you have to remember that the most important asset in the world is not money, but people. With people, you have everything. You have to look further,

The development conditions here are much better than Ambon, with better geographical location and ready-made towns and fortresses. Now the hard-working Chinese here are under our rule. They will work hard in the plantations and create endless things for you.

Wealth... So, be nice to them and don't let them survive. Our purpose here is not to kill people." When Basten thought about creating a great cause in Shanba Port, his eyes could not help but shine.

"Cousin, you are really a visionary businessman! I think you can definitely become a member of the Batavia East India Council!"

Basten smiled, and suddenly he remembered something: "Have all the people in the Huang family been accounted for?"

"It has been counted. Among the core figures of their family, Huang Qiyan has escaped - the sister of the current head of the Huang family..."

"This woman is very important. She is the witch here and has great prestige among the people. It would be great if she could be captured alive or beaten to death." Basten said with regret.

"There is another one, Huang Qilin's youngest son, Huang Shidong - it is said that the captured people said that when we came to attack, he accompanied several distinguished guests to Changning Mountain."

"Dignified guest? What distinguished guest?" Basten frowned.

"I also want to tell you about this," Armand said, feeling a little uneasy, "He is from Australia."

"Australians?!" Basten was shocked. How could Australians come here?

"Yes, it is said that Huang Shidong went to the Australians to buy medicine. The Australians somehow became very interested in this mountain and came to Shanba Port specially. They set out to climb the mountain yesterday..."

"Damn it!" Basten frowned. Although this matter had nothing to do with the Australians, he was extremely reluctant to involve them in this matter.

"There is one more thing I think it would be better for you to know." Armand said, "Your daughter, Anna, seems to be among the Australians."

This was not too unexpected by Basten - he knew very well what kind of character his daughter was. After all, she was the granddaughter of the Huang family...

There is no problem with safety when staying with Australians. If the Australians like Anna, he will not object to handing over his daughter to them.

"Please tell the captain of the guard to pay attention. From now on, all outsiders will be arrested first, and don't shoot at will, so as not to accidentally injure Australians!"

"I think they will not come to Shanba Port again after they get the news of the port's fall. That Huang Shidong will definitely find another way to take them to other ports."

"What you say makes sense, but we can't take this risk. We can't have any unnecessary possibilities." Basten said seriously.

"What to do with these prisoners of the Huang family? Send them to the big city?"

"Don't worry, we still have a lot of information to learn from their mouths. People in the Huang family, both men and women, must be strictly guarded. They are not allowed to abuse them, and we must prevent them from committing suicide."

This chapter has been completed!
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