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Section 11: The Beginning and End of Qiongbian (2)

However, a detailed examination of this case reveals many doubts. First, in the third year of Chongzhen, the thieves resisted the king's army in Chengmai.

The matter of killing is a lie. Since Chuiyu is the second-in-command of He Ming and controls the main force of the Kun army, there will be no possibility of rebellion. Secondly, according to the thief's announcement, Dongmen Chuiyu was the "Director of Dongmen City" at the time.

Compared with the official system of the Ming Dynasty, they were no more than a squad leader. Although the fat thieves did not regard the Yamen as low-level servants and were listed as full officials, they were only the last ones to unify dozens of people, so how could there be hundreds of soldiers available. People say that the Yamen of the fat thieves

They were called "policemen", and they often used short sticks as soldiers. Using dozens of short sticks to attack a fortified city defended by spears was tantamount to committing suicide, which was beyond common sense. Later, Chui Yu was promoted to "Chief of General Staff" and became

The military advisors of the entire army confirmed that they had not caused rebellion. Thirdly, although there were rumors, no one had seen it in person. They were all hearsay. The rumors described how Ma Du and the two thieves fought each other, and how Ma Ni was afraid of the force of the suitors.

Seeking advice from Wen Ni, how could Wen Ni hold a banquet and set up an ambush, kill people who proposed to him, and even engage in a battle outside Bairen City, with corpses strewn across the fields, all as lifelike as if he had seen them in person. How could it be so detailed when this story was reported from thousands of miles away?

If it is vague, half of the words may be true. If it is too detailed, the person who wrote the legend must have interpreted it in his own way and added at will, and the truth is probably less than 10%. If a woman is fighting for a girl, she will blame herself.

If you kill them brutally, you are an ignorant grass bandit. They will destroy themselves in an instant. How can they rot in the southeast. It must be true that the thieves were fighting among themselves, but most of them did not kill anyone. If they killed people, most people would not be injured. The thieves call themselves the Song Dynasty.

Although he was of Miao origin, there were no taboos among the Song emperors in the documents. It can be seen that the Zhao family will not be regarded as the king in the country, and the government of the republic will be carried out as a noble family. Hundreds of Qiong's real wives were raped, and they all called themselves "seniors".

Rumor has it that they are all descendants of aristocratic families in Australia. Their elders failed in their attempt to rebel, so they ran away to avoid trouble. In this case, the leading thieves, Chief Wen, Wang Xiaoma and other thieves are like Cui Lu Wang Xie in Australia, and the last agricultural technicians are also members of the country squires.

Liu. I heard that many of the agricultural technicians who were thieves were married to Lingao gentry, and their class must have been like this when they were in Australia. The emperor is still afraid of court discussions, and although the civil and horse chiefs have great power, they will not be able to specialize in it. When they first arrived in Hainan

At that time, everything is difficult, but we can still work together. When the separatist government comes to the top, we use fake wives, power, women, wealth and silk are all abundant, and the distribution is uneven, which leads to disputes. Officials are different from the king, and they can be promoted or dismissed. All bureaucrats and parties will fight.

First install cronies, exclude dissidents, argue in the court, and use sparse participation and impeachment. This is the case in ancient and modern times, both at home and abroad. In the past, the slave chiefs killed Shuerhaqi and Chu Ying, but they argued again and again.

There is no reason why the Eastern captives would kill each other if they disagree with each other. The so-called internal strife among the robbers should be regarded as the robbers gathering to impeach Ma Ni. When the conflict is fierce, it may be like the ministers of this dynasty fighting each other in the court. If the chiefs have a little coordination, they only need to

Promote a few people to the leadership, and then use your children's money and silk to disperse the thieves, and the chaos will be solved.

In March of the third year of Chongzhen, Wang Zunde, the governor of Guangdong and Guangxi, began to discuss the matter of conquering Qiong. The matter of military aircraft was calculated in the temple. There was no external doctrine, heaven, earth, generals, laws. Discussion of Tao. Although Wang Governor's expedition to Qiong was in the name of national justice, it was actually for

Fearing that Xiong Wencan would usurp his position, Lu Yizhong served as the royal governor to conquer Qiong. This was neither for the country nor for the master, but for the Tian family to seek the property of the thieves in Guangzhou. Thief Lu accepted bribes and allowed the thieves to wander around Guangzhou for three years.

Regardless, he has already raised the bandits, and for his own selfish purposes, he started provocations and trapped the army. After being captured, he even bent over and became a thief and joined Liu Xiang, the thief chieftain. He is actually a scum of the country. He is so shameless. This is how Qiong's affairs have been corrupted.

, this thief was the chief culprit among the officials of the Ming Dynasty.

The thief Guo Yi, who was stationed in Guangzhou, made friends with the officials and gentry in the name of merchants. He was afraid that the king's governor's proposal would come out and the thief would be known. Before the Guangzhou officials arrested him, Guo Ni escaped early, and the thief Lu confiscated his property and did not get a share.

Wen, sincerity is pathetic and ridiculous. Guo Ni helped the poor in Guangzhou, and was kind to his subordinates, and had a good reputation. Moreover, when the thieves came to Lingao, they neither burned, killed, raped or looted, nor killed officials and captured the city.

Bridges were built, roads were built, bandits were eliminated, so the people regarded the thief as a wealthy businessman who loved good things, and did not regard him as a thief. At this time, Lu thief's plan was leaked again, and the people knew that the conquest of Qiong was for a noble relative to plot Guo Ni's property and concubine.

, so if you use the fat thief as an official to force the people to rebel, how can you serve the court, and become the eyes and ears of the fat thief. The fat thief has been in Lingao for three years, and it is easy to break the county seat, so he does not take the county seat. There are four reasons. 1. If he breaks it,

The county seat will definitely attract the attention of the imperial court, fearing that there will be soldiers to suppress it; secondly, using the name of the county magistrate to command the whole county will easily win the trust of the people; thirdly, the thieves will kill all the subordinate officials, take over the county administration, and Lingao City is already under their control.

, Bairen City, the den of thieves, is a hundred times stronger than the county seat, and the Dongmen City outside the city is ten times more prosperous than the county seat. It is useless to take the county seat. Build bridges and roads, eliminate banditry, stabilize the base of the thieves, merchants gather, and make huge profits.

, Relieving disasters and helping the poor can obtain manpower for reclamation. The thieves do things that are self-interested, but they win the hearts of the people, and they are sincere. The people of Guangdong Province said: "The imperial court did not attack Liu Laoxiang, who committed murder and arson, but went to attack Australia, which was doing business well.

"People are really full of food." Although the words are crude, they resonate with the people's hearts. The Taoist makes the people agree with them, and they can die with them or live with them without danger. The people are unwilling to fight but the government forces them.

It is rare to be undefeated in a battle. Some people may say that the people of Guangdong Province are traitors, but I think it is nonsense. The people of the Ming Dynasty were not favored by the government, but the rich thieves were kind. In the imperial land of the Ming Dynasty, the government could not stabilize them, but

The thieves with beards stabilized the country, and in the Ming Dynasty, the government could not appease them, but the thieves with beards appeased them. The government killed the people with harsh governance, but the thieves with beards saved them. If the people raised the thieves with beards, they could live and work in peace and contentment, so why bother paying for food and transportation to support the government. This is why

The people of Guangdong Province are attached to thieves, and the fault lies not with the people, but with the officials of Guangdong Province. The army has not yet come out, but the people's direction is clear.

Regarding the time and place, the thieves came from overseas, and the favorable time and place should have been in the hands of the king. However, the thieves relied on the advantage of firearms, and the majestic city walls could not rely on them. The fortress of the thieves was condescending to control the king's army. There were also night battles.

Because of this, Master Wang lost all the advantages of heaven, time and earth.

In terms of generals, this is the only one in the king's army who can compete with the thieves. Although the military generals of Guangdong Province are not immune to corruption, their loyalty and courage are admirable. Lei Lian's military commander Zhao Qiansi, Huizhou's military commander Yan Zungao, Fubiao guerrilla Wang Daoji

, marking the guerrilla Li Guang, training the guerrilla Wang Xi, etc., they all took the lead and were loyal and brave men. The commander He Rubin did not fight timidly. Although he had no success, he fulfilled his duty. Therefore, he still lost to the Kun army with a large number of enemies.

Firstly, the weapons are inferior, and secondly, the method of running the army is inferior. Regardless of whether the Kun officer commander is a real or fake, he eats and lives with the lowest-grade thieves and soldiers, and is not allowed to beat the soldiers at will. The thieves chief treats the thieves like his sons and nephews.

The thieves and soldiers refer to the thieves chief as their father and brother. The Kun army is well paid and rationed, and the military discipline is strict without derogation. The officers and generals treat the soldiers as slaves, and the soldiers are rewarded by cowardice and fleeing, while the thieves chief treats them with the courtesy of a strong man.

If a traitor is a soldier, he will retaliate with his life. This is the natural principle.

It also has three major disciplines and eight points of attention. The three major disciplines are: one is to obey the command in all actions. Kun Jun’s daily travel, drills, food and lodging are all given orders. When two people go out in military uniforms, they must march in line. Therefore, Kun Jun’s orders are prohibited.

, like an arm with a finger, even if the artillery fire is fired, it will not be messed up. When the Kun army attacked Zhongzuo where Zheng Zhilong was stationed, they marched forward in formation. One of the thieves was killed by cannon at the top of the city. The rest of the crowd turned a blind eye, and no one fell down to avoid it.

They advanced in response to the artillery fire and defeated the center and left positions. These strong soldiers, even with sticks in hand, were no match for the defeated officers and soldiers.

The second is not to take a single needle or thread from the people. Wherever Kun's army passes by, those who resist will be killed, and those who surrender will not be attacked. Grain, fodder and vegetables will be requisitioned and paid according to the price. It is true that nothing is taken rashly. It is a pity that the officials and soldiers of the imperial court are burned.

They kill and plunder, and they do everything. Therefore, wherever the thieves have strongholds, the people hope that the thieves will kill and drive away the officers and soldiers so that the officers and soldiers never come back. Wherever the Kun army arrives, the people rush to trade with them. Wherever the officers and soldiers arrive,

The people kept the walls strong and clear the country, and the officers and soldiers who were left alone were often beaten to death by the people. It was not because the people were stubborn, but actually because the officers and soldiers harmed the people.

Thirdly, all seizures must be returned to the public. Thieves are prohibited from plundering privately. Therefore, there is no competition for the heads of materials in the battle formation. They are all picked up by the "Planning Committee". There is no need to compete for property and disrupt the formation, just like Qi Qi.

His method of running an army.

Eight things to pay attention to, one is to speak kindly. The thieves pretend to be beards to their subordinates and the common people use kind words to lure them, rarely scold, rarely insult and beat. The second is to be fair in transactions, and all goods purchased are at market prices, making the merchants profitable.

The third is to return the borrowed things, and the fourth is to compensate for the damaged things, both of which are to prevent the thieves from robbing the people. The fifth is not to beat or scold, which is the same as speaking in a friendly manner, so that the thieves can treat the people well. The sixth is to take care of the crops, just like Cao Cao cutting off the hair.

The first meaning. The seventh is to respect women. Since ancient times, rape in the army has been the most likely to arouse public anger. The thieves are strictly prohibited from this matter, and the offenders will be beheaded. The eighth is to treat prisoners well. All officers and soldiers captured by thieves will not be beaten or abused.

After removing their weapons and armor, the soldiers were allowed to keep their personal belongings. Those who were rich paid for their lives, and those who had no money worked to redeem themselves. The prisoners had three meals a day, which was better than the rations of the officers and soldiers, so the officers and soldiers surrendered in the face of defeat. These ten

A rule is a sharp weapon for running the army. If it can be used by the king's army, the bandits will still be difficult to defeat, but the Eastern captives will not be a problem. However, the officers and soldiers have many shortcomings. If they can get the generals, they can make a battalion and an army look better.

Although it is new, it is difficult to support the building, and the disadvantages of arrears in military pay cannot be solved by the general alone. The laws of heaven and earth are not as good as those of Kun's army, and the outcome of this battle will not be known until Guangzhou.

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