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Section 12: The Beginning and End of Qiongbian (3)

Taking advantage of the iron ships of Kun's army, the best strategy is to invite the king's army to attack on the sea. However, the thieves surrounded Chengmai and did not attack. When the king's army gathered at Qiongshan, as for Chengmai, the army cut off the stone mountain. It can be seen that the thieves had not fought yet.

At that time, he had the idea of ​​victory. He did not worry about the arrival of the king's army, but worried about the departure of the king's army. He intercepted the king's army in front and behind, and drove the king's army to Xiaoying Field in order to achieve full success, so that all the troops in Guangdong Province would be wiped out and they would no longer have fighting power. This is what a thieves do.

This was Taizu's strategy of building high walls, hoarding grain, slowing down his claim to the throne, and threatening a great victory. Guangzhou was already within grasp, but he only held the island of Hong Kong, attacked Zhukou and retreated. This was to promote peace through war.

If Guangzhou is not lost, the officials of Guangdong Province will be able to show off their faults and pervert the imperial court. The thieves will be able to trade in Hong Kong and seize the copper, iron, grain and cloth of the Ming Dynasty to attack the Ming Dynasty. The reason is not to attack Lingao and occupy Bairentong. Wang Du

Then he made a secret peace with the fat thieves, paid tens of thousands of taels for the city redemption, and allowed Guo Ni to return to Guang. The fat thieves then retreated. Gao Shunqin, the patrol commander, wanted to ban foreign barbarians, but both the fat thieves and Fo Langji regarded them as enemy bandits and suddenly abandoned their official posts.

He left, suspected to have been captured by bandits. Gao Shunqin did not know the feelings of the barbarians, but he said he was fighting against the barbarians. Franji was a small country, and was bullied by Spain. He had no intention of invading China, but only wanted trade. At this time of national peril,

At this time, its artillery and ships were needed to assist the army. However, when Gao Shunqin came to the city with his bandits and Guangfu wanted to ask for help from Folangji, he wrote to the people of Folangji to drive him away.

But the unfaithful people will not send a single soldier, but trade with the thieves. Such humiliation of the country and harming the country are purely for fame and reputation, and their evil is no less than that of Lu thieves.

He Zhen withdrew and became a useless general, and Qiongya Baisha Water Village also collapsed. In the Battle of Chengmai, General Qiongya Shen's troops were defeated first, and all the captured soldiers of Qiongzhou were released. Many people used this to falsely accuse Qiongya Shen.

General Tang Yunwen passed the beard, this must be a counter-intentional plan of the beard thieves! When the army returned eastward, why did He Zhen order the Qiongzhou Army to be the first to attack, and those who caught the enemy first were defeated first? How can it be strange! After the battle in Chengmai, the beard thieves

That is to say, according to the entire territory of Qiongzhou, Tang's soldiers were all natives of Qiongzhou, so the fat thieves allowed them to win the hearts of the people. Tang Yunwen was indeed responsible for dereliction of duty in cultivating the power of the fat thieves. However, Baisha Water Village had only a small number of soldiers and boats, and allowed the fat thieves to land.

The whole army was attacked that day, but there was no chance of victory. However, a few of the real beauties were killed, which caused Qiongshan to lose its screen and was exposed to the attacks of thieves on the sea. All the generals talked about their beauties, but only Tang Yunwen.

He went into danger alone and drove a fishing boat to Bopu to spy on the beauties. When he encountered a beauties patrolling the sentries, he was not afraid in the face of danger and escaped calmly. The generals in the world only know how to exploit their colleagues and prey on the common people. How many of them are willing to do this and sacrifice themselves for the country? With the great material resources of the Ming Dynasty,

Although there are no generals who are strong, there are some mediocre people who strictly follow the law and can fulfill their duties. Even if they cannot control the thieves, they can still control the Eastern captives. Every loyal person who wants to do something will be blamed at every turn. The corrupt scholars in the court

They claim to be noble and high-ranking, but they only know how to talk about war on paper and use the soldiers who fought in bloody battles as a stepping stone to invite fame. Such cowards are as guilty of harming the country as Wei Ni. Looking at the "Lingao Times" of the thief, there is also a group of people who specialize in criticizing foreign troops.

A thief with a bristle will be impeached no matter whether he wins or loses in any matter involving soldiers. He should be like a thief with an official voice. When a thief uses troops, he will fear the death or injury of his soldiers. If his troops are decimated, even if they are victorious, they will still be impeached.

It is rare for thieves to have a bad government, but this is a big one, which can be used by the king's army. During the battle, the generals are worried about gains and losses, so they will be afraid and dare not advance. The commander is eager to achieve the full success, so he will take the initiative to advance with Kun.

If the army is strong, the king's division must take advantage of this gap to have a chance of victory.

Xiang Tianying wanted to read the author's opinion on the Battle of Chengmai, but he didn't expect that what followed would be tens of thousands of words, all criticizing the ministers of the DPRK and China for making false claims about military affairs and suppressing the frontline generals. Why were Rubin, Tang Yunwen and others complaining?

To be honest, Xiang Tianying felt sorry for He Rubin and the others. In this time and space, the generals who participated in the Battle of Chengmai had done their duty. If they had not encountered the opponent of the Cross-Travel Group, but Liu Xiang and Zheng Zhilong

Such enemies should have gone down in history because of the Battle of Chengmai. Although they demanded too much money, at least they were still willing to fight for the country after taking the country's money. They were better than those who were just cannibals.

I don’t know how high up the human affairs officials are.

After finally venting his anger towards the public opinion of the Ming Dynasty, the author finally began to analyze the Battle of Chengmai. The author made detailed comments on the three major battles: the Second Counter-Encirclement and Suppression Campaign, the Pearl River Estuary Crusade and Operation Overlord. Although the data

The completeness is far less than Xiang Tianying's own book, but it basically collects all the information disclosed to the indigenous people.

It can be seen that the author is by no means a scholar who talks about military affairs on paper, but has actually been on the front line. All his comments are quite pertinent. He summarized the reasons for the victory of the "big bandits" in these three battles into four points: first,

The weapons are advanced, far more than those of the official army and Zheng Zhilong. Second, the military discipline is strict and everyone is united. Third, the intelligence is accurate and the activities of the Ming army are well understood. Fourth, the people are treated well and the people are loyal. Although why can the crossing group do this?

At four points, his understanding is still lacking, but it is already very difficult for him to realize that the Time Travel Group is much more advanced than Ming Dynasty in terms of technology and system.

The author agrees with the simplified Chinese characters and pinyin letters that traditional literati are most disgusted with. He believes that characters are for people to recognize, and it is a good thing to make them simpler. The traditional Chinese characters used in the Ming Dynasty are not the same as the seal characters of Qin and Han Dynasties. The simplified characters and pinyin are

It can quickly cultivate a large number of literate workers and soldiers, which not only makes factories more efficient, but also helps manage the army. Haircuts can also remove parasites, short clothes are more convenient for labor than robes, foot binding is banned, and liberated women can fully

Utilizing women's labor force and breaking the distinction between high and low can win over the people, and using severe punishments can stabilize the country. Those "good customs" regarded by scholars as "changing barbarians into summer", as long as they can bring practical benefits, he feels

It can be used. We also used King Wuling of Zhao's Hufu riding and shooting as an example to demonstrate the advantages and disadvantages of the short clothes of the Taoist people and the uniforms of the Ming army. It can be seen that this is a pragmatist and Confucian who is very loyal to the Ming Dynasty.

His level of classics is average, but he has read a lot of history books. His understanding of war is definitely at a high level by the standards of the seventeenth century.

The description of this book ends with Operation Overlord. The author also lists in detail the measures that the Ming Dynasty should take to face this "unprecedented change in history".

First, train the new army according to the Portuguese model like Sun Yuanhua did. Not only the weapons, but also the military organization must learn from Portugal. The military pay must be sufficient, and there should be no veterans. Instead, strong men who are not influenced by the religious sect must be recruited from the refugees to use them as thieves.

The three major disciplines and eight points of attention should be used to restrain soldiers to prevent things like the Dengzhou Rebellion from happening again. Second, a full set of European-style gun factories should be built. What surprised Xiang Tianying was that Li Luoyou was also mentioned in the book

, I feel extremely sorry for Li Luoyou's failure to set up a gun factory, and it seems that the author should know Li Luoyou. Third, try to lure the fake thief to surrender with a lot of money, buy books about the thief, and try to imitate the technology of the thief. Fourth, recruit

Xiangyong raided areas where the gangsters' control was unstable. Fifth, sent spies to surrender. Sixth, tried to contact the top brass of the gangsters, tried to recruit security, and tried to cause internal strife among the gangsters.

Although what he said is succinct, it can be seen that the author is not so confident about each of his "Six Strategies to Destroy the Beauties". His view on the great cause of seeking a beauties is "if the thieves do not fight among themselves, the Ming Dynasty will not succeed." However, he still believes that , no force can always be united. As long as Ming Dynasty persists, there will always be a chance. Finally, he also pointed out the biggest flaw in his strategy: no money. Without money, all the efforts to build a new army and build a gun factory are in vain. . He proposed to imitate the financial system of the thieves to change the financial efficiency of the Ming Dynasty. He also used Shen Tingyang's salary as an example to advocate the reform of land-based grain transfer to sea. But at the end he added that given the current situation of the Ming Dynasty, these reforms were just talk. That's it, it's simply impossible.

Oops, this man is really far-sighted. Xiang Yu thought to himself, he never expected that there are such great talents among the scholars of the Ming Dynasty! This level of understanding is not something that the ordinary intellectuals of the Ming Dynasty do not have, it is their own naturalized cadres There are very few. And most of them rely on their indoctrination.

Xiang Tianying closed the book and wondered who the author of this book should be. The author was signed "Shi Jie Sends Guests". Neither Xiang Tianying's memory nor the information in the big library contained this person.

Xiang Tianying asked the school janitor who bought the book. The book was bought at the junk market. The book seller was a disheveled black and thin man with thick hands and feet, and a sinister look. He did not look like a scholar, and he had no idea about this. How much should this book cost? It looks like it was either picked up or stolen.

It is impossible for the book thief to come from the mainland to sell the stolen goods. The owner of the book should be in Kaohsiung, but how to find him among tens of thousands of people?

Xiang Tianying picked up the book and flipped through it again. This man had fought in the war and knew Li Luoyou. He probably served as an aide in the army in Denglai, Liaodong. His surname should be Cheng. Xiang Tianying, Sun Yuanhua's former aide, has a detailed list and information. , there is definitely no such person in there, so we have to look for it from Guan Ning and Dongjiang.

"The surname is Cheng, the surname is Cheng..." Xiang Tianying muttered, and then turned to the section about complaining to Tang Yunwen. He touched the water marks on the paper and felt excited in his heart: "Shijie Mailing Guest... Could it be? Him? Impossible..."

After thinking about it, he could only start with the book thief. He immediately sent a school janitor to the Kaohsiung Police Station to deliver a notice, asking them to immediately identify and arrest a "theft suspect" who had been arrested on a certain day in a certain month. He sold a book in the rag market, and his appearance is as follows...

Although the population of Kaohsiung is not small, there are not many people who frequent the shabby city. This person is probably a habitual thief. Maybe there is a record of his criminal record in the city bureau.

As long as he found the person, it would not be difficult to find the source of the book. He really wanted to see if his judgment was correct.

This chapter has been completed!
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