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Section 26 Dinner (1)

Xiang Tianying, on the other hand, was leisurely and contented. After all the examination papers had been approved, Jing Chu and the teachers hurriedly counted the scores, published score sheets, and made rankings. This is the first year that Kaohsiung National School recruits high school students, but more than 500 junior high school students cannot be accepted.

When people go to school, they still have to select the best from high to low, and ranking is very important.

How big should the newly established high school be and how many students should it enroll? Whether the junior high school should expand its enrollment and how big it can be, these are all questions before him.

From a fundamental point of view, the more students, the better, and "all should be collected", but the capacity of national schools is actually only so much, so there is room for choice.

He hasn't thought about what to do specifically. Anyway, since Jin Xiaoyu is here, they will have enough time to discuss it during dinner in the evening.

At this moment, he picked up last week's Kaohsiung Daily and read it. Reading the newspaper was not for small money, but to pick out a few more mistakes and educate these editors after the exam season was over. It was the same as reading, writing, and teaching.

Xiang Tianying's bigger hobby is actually finding faults and arguing, but he never admits it.

Xiang Tianying looked at it for a while, then used red and blue pencils to smear on it, fully enjoying the pleasure of "correcting mistakes".

After correcting his mistake, he took a few more sips of the No. 82 special orchid snow tea that Qilu brewed for him, enjoying the aroma and sweet taste.

A school year was over, and another class of students was sent away. He felt a sense of satisfaction that he had accomplished something important. Compared with the previous two classes, the class of 1635 was a junior high school graduate who truly completed education in accordance with the syllabus of the Senate's cultural education syllabus.

Due to limited conditions, the teaching quality in the first two sessions was unsatisfactory.

This class can be regarded as a "complete product" that he has educated according to his own teaching philosophy. It is also a class of students who are full of his expectations.

He was drinking tea and thinking about what the high school students should do and how to implement his teaching philosophy. There is no doubt that under the current conditions, Kaohsiung cannot win in Fangcaoyang, so where can we find a new way...

After thinking about it, I still can't find a breakthrough.

In the old days, "backward schools" could improve themselves through some kind of "characteristic education." Xiang Tianying saw with his own eyes that a middle school with a very bad reputation relied on its new principal to hold high the banner of "art education" and just passed several years of training.

Through the construction of teachers, the school was transformed into a middle school for art exams, and it has been very proud ever since. It has jumped from a low-ranking high school to a school that art exam candidates are flocking to.

But this breakthrough is too difficult to find in this time and space. "Special education" is almost non-existent in the current Senate education system-except for women's liberal arts. But this school is a special existence and has no reference at all.


All he could think of after racking his brains was cultural and sports education, but regardless of the current demand for these majors in the Senate, he had no teachers to use.

He suddenly thought that Amakaueemon was going to Jeju Island to apply for the Army Preparatory School this year. It would be great if some of these "vocational schools" could be sent to Kaohsiung. Every time one is set up, the education department must provide corresponding teachers. This is important for

The entire cultural and educational undertakings in Kaohsiung are of great help...

"Chief——" Qi Lu walked in and greeted in a low voice.

"What's up?"

"It's two o'clock in the afternoon in ten minutes."

"Oh, I know." Xiang Tianying responded. He was going to the printing factory in the afternoon to check the proofreading status of the latest issue of "Kaohsiung Daily".

Unexpectedly, when I opened the door of the proofreading room, I found that Jin Xiaoyu was also there. Not only was he there, but he also took over the guidance and started the proofreading work:

"...''' should be used on adjectives that serve as attributives. You know attributives, which modify the subject or object... That's great. If you haven't learned this before, I really don't know how to teach it.

The word "地" in Tuye is used as an adverb as an adverbial. Look at this sentence, "The majority of naturalized people work hard to prepare for the early..." Here work is the verb as the predicate, and the previous "hard work" is the adverb as the adverbial.

So it means "earth". But in this paragraph "through the hard work of the majority of naturalized people", "work" is a noun and serves as an object, so "effort" is an adjective and as an attributive, we must use the word "white spoon"

'Yes. Do you know how to contract sentences? That's good. When analyzing the components of a sentence, use the method of contraction. 'The majority of naturalized people work hard' and remove all the modifying elements means 'naturalized people work'. Naturalized people are

The subject, work is the predicate. In the sentence 'through the hard work of the majority of naturalized people', 'the majority of naturalized people' is also an attributive, and the contraction is followed by 'through work', so work is the object. Don't understand yet? It doesn't matter.

Just memorize a few basic sentence patterns first, and you’ll be fine if you practice more in the future. By the way, the word ‘it’s easy to blame’ must be deleted, even what Wei Bachi said is wrong, whatever is wrong is wrong...”

Hearing the sound of pushing the door open, Jin Xiaoyu turned around and said with a smile: "Do you want to ask me why I am here?"

Xiang Tianying spread his hands: "Actually, I want to know why you are not in the cafeteria. Then you can answer it."

Jin Xiaoyu said: "This is actually a problem. I have prepared the main dishes for dinner, and I am waiting to start before we sit down. I will be free now. You have been setting questions and grading papers these two days.

I didn’t have time to come here, so I came here for you. But you are really good at it. You actually taught them grammar. In the old days... many schools in Australia don’t teach this anymore.”

Xiang Tianying sighed: "Chinese grammar is already very weak. There is nothing we can do about it. The concept of grammar is foreign. However, many characteristics of Chinese cannot be copied mechanically into Western grammar. Many people in education also advocate that there is no need to teach

.I reserve my opinion on this. But ordinary people’s ignorance of grammar does not hinder their work and life. Even the editors who I personally taught do not understand grammar. Wouldn’t it be a big joke? Xiao Ma and Xiao Chen’s level is already very good. In

When I was in Australia, many of my college-educated colleagues couldn't tell the difference. Now that I've met you here, it saves me the trouble."

The two of them read the proofs together in the proofreading room and revised the mistakes one by one. Time passed very quickly. At 4:30 in the afternoon, Qi Lu came to remind again: "It's time."

"Let's go cook!" Xiang Tianying said with great interest.

Jin Xiaoyu looked at him with some curiosity: "You are in a good mood today."

Xiang Tianying said: "I'm in a good mood after seeing off another wave of students. What are you cooking tonight?"

"It's just a common meal, you still want to have a big meal."

"I don't want to have a big meal, so let's change the taste. I'm really tired of this cafeteria... Let's have something light: plain assorted vegetables and Bazhen tofu."

Jin Xiaoyu smiled slightly: "Okay, if you want something light, order two troublesome ones for me. I have to explain. I don't know if the ingredients for these two dishes can be matched."

"Don't worry, we have them all. Even if we don't make a simplified version, it's fine. I like to eat all the dishes you make."

"Come on less!" Jin Xiaoyu said with a smile on his face.

Although there is still a lot of work at hand, neither of them talks about work now, and they chat all the way to the canteen. Xiang Tianying said to the staff in the canteen: "You don't need to worry about me, just listen to the work assigned by Chief Jin."

Cooperate well."

The chef smiled and said: "Elder Jin came here early this morning and has been busy all day. The chief's cooking skills are incredible! We all admire him very much!"

Jin Xiaoyu said: "It's hard to say, but you don't need to help me. The preparations in the morning are almost done. It's rare for you to have a few days off, so you don't need to help. You can rest alone."

The kitchen workers kept saying: "Don't dare, don't dare". Finally, Xiang Tianying said: "Chief Jin is right, you should disperse. Even if there is a little flexibility here, just let Jing Chu and the others do it." Then they dispersed.


Jin Xiaoyu had already prepared all the ingredients, but because he added two dishes temporarily, he asked Xiaoxiang to prepare them according to the recipe. The preparation of assorted vegetables is nothing more than gathering together ten kinds of vegetables and mushrooms, and usually they use nothing more than soybean sprouts and celery.

, mustard mustard, shredded carrots, day lily, mushrooms, fungus, etc., these canteens have reserves, and if they are not available, you can pick them in the vegetable field. Bazhen tofu is more complicated, although there is no strict explanation of which Bazhen it is.

, but it is not easy to get together eight kinds of ingredients with good taste. It is also exquisite and requires dry goods. It is very troublesome.

Because it is very troublesome to send dry goods, Jin Xiaoyu decided not to use dry goods, but to use easily available local materials: mushrooms, bamboo shoot tips, chicken breasts, net fish, etc.

Jing Chu was washing vegetables, and Jin Xiaoyu also rolled up his sleeves to help. Jing Chu looked at Jin Xiaoyu with an unnatural expression. Jin Xiaoyu smiled and whispered: "Still avoiding me?"

Jing Chu's face turned red, he murmured for a while, and said, "You saw it all that day."

"Yeah, I can see it clearly." Jin Xiaoyu saw Jing Chu's face flushed, and thought he might as well stop teasing her, "Actually, I didn't see clearly that it was you two at the time, and I remembered later. Why did he take the initiative?

I’m applying to be transferred to Kaohsiung.”

Jing Chu didn't speak for a long time, and it wasn't until the dish in his hand was about to be smashed that he suddenly became alert. Jin Xiaoyu said, "How long have you known each other?"

"We have known each other since we were eight or nine years old. We are both from Wuchang. Our parents knew each other. Later, my family suffered a disaster and fled to Guangzhou, and the two families lost contact. It was not until last year that I followed my teacher to Guangzhou.

I know he is coming too."

Jin Xiaoyu put down the potatoes in his hand: "Since you like him, why don't you fall in love and get married openly? Are you still afraid that Xiang Tianying won't agree?"

Jing Chu whispered: "But I am the life secretary."

Jin Xiaoyu said: "It is true that there is no precedent for a life secretary to marry a naturalized citizen, but you and Xiang Tianying have nothing to do with each other. You are just his secretary, and you are not cuckolding him."

Jing Chu hesitated and said: "People's words are scary. Although there is nothing between me and the chief, but others think that the life secretary is... just... doing that. Someone will definitely gossip about the teacher."
This chapter has been completed!
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