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Section 27 Dinner (2)

It's okay to gossip about her, but if gossip about a senator causes trouble, the consequences will be disastrous.

In fact, both she and Xiaoxiang have their own lovers outside, but due to sensitive identity issues, they are both trapped in an uneasy love.

Jin Xiaoyu asked: "Let's put it this way, what kind of person do you think Xiang Tianying is?"

Jing Chu remained silent. In her opinion, it was very dangerous to comment on a senator's character, especially in front of another senator, whether it was good or bad.

After waiting for a while, Jin Xiaoyu still bowed his head and remained silent, knowing that she did not dare to express her opinion casually. He immediately said: "Then let me tell you my evaluation of him. This person is selfish, stubborn, protective of his shortcomings, thick-skinned, loves to show off and is indifferent.

.But one thing is that, except when asking for resources from his superiors, he is very fair when dealing with every specific person. He will repay you as much as you give him, and he will give you as much respect as you have for him.

How much respect will I repay you? As long as you tell him sincerely and frankly, he will never disagree. At this time, you can see the benefit of his thick skin. When others gossip about him, he only takes it as a compliment. Of course, you guys

The two of you will also receive a lot of comments, but this is what you have to face. You can't be so sneaky forever, you must take this step. People live for themselves, and other people's gossip does not matter what they do. Between me and

Xiang Tianying is here, I don’t believe anyone would dare to embarrass you."

Jing Chu whispered something, but it was covered up by the sound of water. Jin Xiaoyu said: "Okay, don't be coy. You haven't done anything bad. There is nothing you dare to say. If you don't say it, I will go for you.


"Don't... I'll tell the teacher myself tomorrow." Jing Chu was still a little shy.

"That's right, love is love, hate is hate. Not only men must dare to act and act, but girls must also dare to act and act."

The two drained the vegetables and put them into baskets. Jin Xiaoyu started cutting the vegetables, while Jing Chu helped her.

Jin Xiaoyu said: "Are you good at cooking?"

"I can't say it's good, but we have learned from it." Jing Chu saw the skillful way the female veteran cut vegetables in front of him and praised: "Chief, your cooking skills are also pretty good. You can tell by just your knife skills."

"Actually, I don't know how to cook at all, and I even hate it."

Jing Chu hurriedly said: "The leader is a noble person, so it's okay if he doesn't know how to cook."

Jin Xiaoyu smiled: "What's so noble about me? Everyone in my family can cook, but I swore when I was a child that I would never learn to cook in this life."

Jing Chu wondered: "Why is this?"

Jin Xiaoyu said: "When I was a child, I had a bunch of very vulgar relatives at home, including seven aunts and eight aunts. They kept saying things like 'girls must cook,' 'if you can't cook, you can't get married,' and so on.

I was so angry that I said in front of my whole family, 'I will never learn to cook in my life.' But my mother slapped me in the mouth and knocked me to the ground. I felt extremely wronged and vowed that I would never marry and never cook."

Jing Chu was secretly amused, thinking that you, a crazy woman who talks regardless of the situation and does not understand the importance of the situation, deserved to be beaten! But she catered to you: "You are a veteran, there are only men you despise, how can there be a man who doesn't want to marry you?"


Jin Xiaoyu secretly sighed, thinking that I was nothing in the old time and space. There were quite a few men that I despised, but the men that I liked also despised me.

But the price of these words was very low, so I could only bite the bullet and continue to talk nonsense: "I won't marry anyone who wants to marry me. What's the good of getting married? Originally, a person was free and easy, but suddenly he had to bind himself to another person.

Together, isn’t this asking for trouble? I can live a better life than everyone else on my own, so I don’t need to marry someone to pursue my happiness. Unless I meet someone who really makes my heart beat, I will

I don’t even bother to think about love and marriage..."

Jing Chu's brain had begun to shut down. When he saw the kitchen knife flying in Jin Yuanlao's hand, he was afraid that she would cut his own hand in excitement, so he quickly said: "I'll chop the vegetables. Chief, please wash the fungus and day lily first.


Jin Xiaoyu put down the kitchen knife and said while washing: "The Senate has always advocated equality between men and women. It doesn't mean that men and women do the same thing. I agree with Xiang Tianying on this point. Regardless of men or women, as long as they give

If the harvest is equivalent, it is fair and equal, but the premise is that you can choose voluntarily within your own capabilities. My parents are a typical model of men taking charge of the outside and women taking charge of the house, but this is not inequality, because my mother is not unable to work.

It’s because she prefers to take care of her family that she chooses to do housework at home every day. It’s also good for a woman to take care of her husband and raise her children at home. The key is whether she wants to take care of her husband and raise her children, or she has to take care of her husband and raise her children. There is nothing wrong with women cooking, but they must

It is discrimination for women to cook. I have no objection to having children and doing housework, but if someone wants to impose it as the only value of us women, I will definitely be incompatible with that person. The reason why men and women in the Ming Dynasty are not equal is that

It is because women are deprived of the right to education and work. It is only in the past few generations that women in Australia and Song Dynasty have fought for these two rights. Now both male and female naturalized citizens receive the same education and have jobs.

Opportunities and inequality between men and women cannot be said to be completely gone, but they have dropped to a tolerable range. This is why I want to be a teacher, because I always believe that only when everyone is educated can the world be better.

It may become more and more equal. No matter how much protection the weak without knowledge receive in the law, they are not equal in practice. In fact, the common people of the Ming Dynasty are not equal to the gentry, and the root cause is here. The common people are poor, so they have no money to study and cannot eat.

You can't practice martial arts if you have enough food. Without knowledge or force, you can't have equal rights. Damn it, I was infected by Xiang Tianying, and he talked so much in one breath..."

Xiang Tianying couldn't help but interjected: "You can say what you want and don't push me. I have nothing to do with this."

"Do you think I'm poisoning girls?"

"No, no," Xiang Tianying said helplessly, "Productivity determines production relations. There are some things that need to be said. The time has not yet come..."

Just when Jin Xiaoyu was about to retort, Jing Chu quickly interrupted with a smile: "You are a teacher, so of course you have to teach us more. But after all, we have different identities. It is a blessing accumulated over several lifetimes to have a good man and a good wife.

Making the decision is a great grace brought by the Senate. As for the other things, it is a blessing that is not part of it, and I dare not even think about it."

Seeing how ignorant Jing Chu was, Jin Xiaoyu thought for a while and said, "I have a book I particularly like. There is this sentence in it: 'There is no high or low in the world. In the eyes of God, everyone is average.'

Now we senators seem to be superior to others, but we will hurt when we get beaten, and we will die when we get sick. We are all just mortals, so there is no distinction between high and low. We can be leaders because we have received better education than the naturalized people.

They are much more advanced and have more knowledge than the naturalized people. But in the future, the descendants of the senators and the descendants of your naturalized citizens will receive the same education and master the same knowledge. Sooner or later, the senators and the naturalized people will have the same knowledge.

People will be equal. What makes a person noble is not blood, but knowledge and ability. If parents do not leave their children knowledge, but only leave them money and titles, then they simply hate their children until they die. By the time the women in Australia and Song Dynasty are like senators

With the same amount of knowledge and the same important work, they will be as free as the elders. However, even in Australia, this is still a dream, and it will take many generations of efforts to really realize it."

"You have to hide that 'particularly favorite book' of yours. It's a banned book. It won't be released until you are one hundred and eighty years old. You two work really slowly. What time will it take for you to eat at this rate?" Xiang

Tianying joked.

After a lot of fuss, six dishes and one soup were finally cooked for dinner. Because they had to talk about work, Jing Chu and others did not participate. Jin Xiaoyu asked her to give more than half of each dish to her and the other three life secretaries.

Xiang Tianying and Jin Xiaoyu said they were having dinner together, but in fact there was no romance at all. They were talking about the next step of teaching arrangements.

There are now 19 naturalized teachers in Kaohsiung National School. Four life secretaries, Xiang, and Jin can also take part in teaching. It can be said to be a leapfrog development. But what follows is the increase in enrollment.


How many people should be recruited and what the distribution ratio is between senior primary school students and junior primary school students are the issues they are most concerned about.

Xiang Tianying’s idea is for all students to advance to primary school. However, according to the regulations of the Ministry of Culture and Education, a class of no more than 50 students is allowed in primary school. Currently, there are four classes in each grade of Kaohsiung National School for grades 1, 2 and 3, and the whole school has a total of 12 students.

There are 600 students in each class. The total teaching staff is ten teachers, four civil servants and one elder, Xiang Tianying.

Nowadays, there are nineteen teachers, including four civil servants and two senior teachers. The problem is that civil servants and senior teachers cannot be counted as full-time teachers and can only be counted as one-half. The total number of teachers in the school can only be counted as twenty-two.

If all students from junior primary school are to be promoted to primary school, it will be necessary to add eight classes and 400 students. Putting aside the issue of grades, the teacher-student ratio is too disparate.

"So it is definitely impossible for all of us to be promoted to primary school." Jin Xiaoyu said, "If you insist on opening it, sooner or later some of the naturalized teachers will die suddenly. I tell you that there have been similar cases in Fangcaodi, so now

The curriculum arrangement is no longer as perverse as it used to be. I think the senior primary schools should recruit two classes per grade. In this case, the full enrollment would be 800 people, which is barely enough to hire."

"But there are too few high school graduates, only 100 per year, which is far from enough..."

"What's not enough?" Jin Xiaoyu was puzzled.

"I have an idea. It's better to wait for blood transfusion than to make blood myself," Xiang Tianying said.

This chapter has been completed!
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