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Chapter 253 Creeping! Yang Qi on the Tomb

As soon as he heard the clan leader's voice, Aguo immediately started to tremble.

I took a deep breath, stood up, walked to the door and opened it. I met the cold eyes of the patriarch. There were people standing behind him. The patriarch snorted coldly and said:

"Humph, young man, you already know the matter, if..."

"Take me to the cemetery!"

I interrupted him without waiting for him to finish speaking.

"What did you say?!" The patriarch looked at me in surprise.

"Take me to the cemetery and I can lift the curse of Qu Village."

The patriarch was stunned again, and then he threw his head back and laughed as if he had heard some big joke. The villagers behind him also showed a look of perseverance.

"Haha... You foreign boy, how can you, an outsider, enter the immortal cemetery in our Qu Village at will? Besides, why do you say you can lift the curse of my Qu Village? If you fail to hit the immortal and offend the immortal, can you afford this?


I glanced at him in disgust, did not answer his question, but said coldly:

"Let me ask you, are there any pregnant women who are about to give birth in the village?"

"So what?"

"Without further ado, after tonight, if this pregnant woman can give birth to a child normally, it will prove that the curse has been lifted. Then you need to promise me one thing. If it cannot be lifted, I will do what you want.

, how about giving birth to a child with Aguo, and then being sacrificed by you? Do you dare?"

I asked, staring at him.

"Brother Lin Yu..."

Aguo called me in a low voice. I knew she wanted to persuade me, so I ignored her.

The patriarch did not answer me immediately. Instead, he turned his eyes and muttered a few words to the young men behind him that I did not understand. Then he turned around and said,

"Okay! It's settled then!"

After saying that, he turned around and prepared to lead the way.


I walked up to him and stopped him.

"Why, you regretted it so quickly?" the clan leader said with a ferocious smile, countless wrinkles on his face.

"I'm not worried about Aguo being left here alone. Find two people to carry her on a sedan and go with us."

"Hmph! Let's see how long you can hold on!"

The clan leader snorted coldly again, but didn’t say anything else. He immediately sent someone to find a sedan, carried Aguo, and followed us towards the northeast of Qu Village...

Although the villagers were following behind, no one spoke at all, and none of them seemed willing to talk about issues related to the immortal cemetery. I glanced back intentionally or unintentionally, and found that there were indeed more women, and there were no children.

The most important thing is that there are many idle houses in the village. It seems that what Aguo said is true...

Not long after walking along the rugged road in the village, I saw something standing not far ahead. It was red and taller than the surrounding trees. As I got closer, I discovered that it turned out to be something.

Three pillars standing side by side.

It wasn't until I got to the foot of the pillar that I saw clearly that the three pillars were equally wide apart and were all red. They didn't look very thick and could be hugged by one person, but they were seven or eight meters high...

I looked up suspiciously, but I was stunned when I saw it. The top of the pillar turned out to be...yellow. My heart sank and I immediately thought of something.

Then he turned around and asked the clan leader,

"Are we there yet?"

The patriarch had a serious expression and did not answer me. He just pursed his lips in front of the three red pillars, as if he was afraid of something.

I looked stern and quickly turned my head to look. My eyes passed through three pillars and landed on a half-high mound in front of me. There was a circle of red string around the mound, and the rope was covered with colorful flags...

And there is a blood-red stone tablet standing on the mound, with words I can't understand written on it. These words alone add a lot of weirdness to this tomb...

I took a deep breath and raised my legs to cross the red line with colorful flags...


The patriarch suddenly called me. I pulled back my feet and looked back. I was surprised to find that all the villagers were kneeling on the ground. Their eyes widened and they folded their hands in a strange posture on their chests.

, like some kind of ritual is going on.

"Let me remind you, if you take this step, there will be no turning back!"

I sneered and ignored him, walked directly over to the mound, and looked around. Although the exterior decoration was strange, this tomb was no different from the tombs in the Central Plains area.

I was just about to walk up to the grave and take a closer look when the small colorful flags on the red lines all around suddenly began to shake violently until they made a "pop!" sound!

"The wind is coming?!"

I turned to look at the leaves in the woods and found that the leaves were motionless and there was no sign of wind blowing at all. I ignored them and squatted down to grab a handful of soil from the grave.

Due to the geographical environment, the air here is very humid, so the soil is also moist and sticky. I held the soil from the grave in the palm of my hand and squeezed it hard. The soil formed instantly and stuck to my hand tightly, even if I turned my palm over.

Come over and the soil will not fall down.

I was surprised. Even wet mud could not have such an effect. The only explanation was that the yin energy under the tomb was too strong!

Heavier than an ordinary ghost!

Thinking of this, I took out a Resentment Talisman and buried it lightly in the grave soil. When I dug up the soil again a few seconds later, I found that the Resentment Talisman had disappeared, and there were some traces of the Resentment Talisman in the grave soil.

Black debris.

My heart sank. The Resentment Talisman was completely corroded by Yin Qi in such a short period of time. The contents inside were really terrifying.

"Boy... are you done yet?! You'll make the immortal angry if you dig through the grave soil like this!"

The angry voice of the patriarch came from behind my ears. I ignored him. Instead, I used the index and middle fingers of my right hand to point my eyebrows and open my heavenly eyes. Then I looked towards the tomb. This time I saw a strange scene!

I saw that there was nothing on the grave before, but now there was a red and slender thing coming out from under the grave. The thing was swinging on the grave like a worm...

There was a translucent aura surrounding it, which seemed to be attracted by the red thing and pulled out a long tail.

"Yang Qi?! This red bug-like thing is sucking Yang Qi!"

I frowned and hurriedly looked back along the tail of this mass of yang energy...

I was shocked to find that it actually came from the villagers who were kneeling in worship. Just when I was stunned, a scream suddenly came from the crowd,


This chapter has been completed!
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