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Chapter 254 Tear! Red ghost handprint

This sudden voice pierced the sky, startling everyone at the scene, and everyone looked around...

"She...she's about to give birth!!!"

I don't know who shouted, and everyone stood up and gathered around!

I stood on the outermost side and couldn't see anything. I could only jump out of the grave and squeeze into the crowd, walking towards the screaming man with difficulty.

"This is the cemetery of immortals, are you even trying to kill yourself?!"

The patriarch shouted at the crowd. Everyone seemed to realize something and stepped back one after another, avoiding the woman who was about to give birth like the plague. One young woman in particular hid far away for fear of being contaminated by something.


At this time, I finally came to the pregnant woman. I found that her belly was extremely huge, not like a normal pregnant woman. She looked painful, kept screaming in her mouth, and her body was already soaked with sweat.

A man was kneeling on the ground supporting the pregnant woman, who must be her husband. The man cast a pleading look at the villagers who were hiding far away, and said with a cry:

"Don't... don't go, don't go, please save my wife! Please!"

But no one around him was willing to come to help. The man could only hug his wife helplessly and kept crying. At this moment, the patriarch suddenly walked over, threw a sharp knife to the man, and said with a gloomy face:

"It's all a death anyway, so that she won't continue to suffer!"

The man was stunned for a moment, then he reached out his hand and picked up the sharp knife tremblingly.

This scene deeply stimulated me. I stepped forward, grabbed the sharp knife and threw it into the distance, saying coldly:

"What kind of man are you!"

After saying that, I pushed him away and turned to look at A Guo.

"Aguo, can you move?"

Aguo was frightened before, but when I asked her this question, she immediately recovered. She nodded and walked over slowly holding her injured leg.

"Brother Lin Yu, what do you need from me?"

"Just help me roll up my maternity clothes to expose my belly!"

Aguo was stunned for a moment and looked back at the pregnant woman's dazed husband. Then she slowly rolled up the pregnant woman's clothes without saying anything.

Because the pregnant woman's belly was too big, she had to lose some energy in rolling her clothes. From this, it can be seen that her belly was not that big before the incident, and she must have been affected by some influence to become like this.

While Aguo was rolling up her clothes, I looked back at the grave from time to time, and found that the red thing in the soil of the grave was still swinging, and the yang energy attracted to it came from the pregnant woman's belly.

Finally, her clothes were completely rolled up, and a huge pregnant belly was exposed. I looked down and took a breath of air. The pregnant belly was as white as mutton fat, and even had a trace of transparency. It felt even

The blood vessels in the skin and the child in the belly can be vaguely seen.



There were gasps of exclamation from the crowd.


The pregnant woman screamed again. She struggled to hold Aguo's hand and begged:

"Aguo...I beg you...kill me! Ah!!"

"Brother Lin Yu...what should I do?!" Aguo looked up at me.

"If this continues, her belly will be stretched open! Maybe some monster will come out and kill her quickly!!!" the clan leader roared.

Two men came over immediately, and I blocked them behind me. I took out a handful of quicklime from my backpack and sprinkled it lightly on the pregnant woman's belly. After hearing a few "呲呲" sounds, her body trembled suddenly.

Something appeared on the mutton-fat white belly...

When I took a closer look, my brows immediately furrowed. They turned out to be two bloody handprints! Judging from the shape of the hands, they looked like two women's hands.

The bloody handprints were trembling and tearing at the belly. Every time it was torn, the pregnant woman would scream!

I stood up and patted the frightened woman’s husband.

"Go and find me some pot ashes and rooster blood. I have a way to save your wife and children! Go quickly!"

When the man heard this, he turned around and ran home without saying a word. He could no longer trust other villagers. He had no choice but me. I knew this very well.

The patriarch walked up to me with a cold expression and said in a sinister tone:

"Boy... this girl has obviously been cursed. There's no telling what kind of ghost is in her belly. Don't make a big mistake."

I turned around and smiled at him, and said four words:

"Get out of here, uncle!"


The clan leader was so angry that he gritted his teeth, but could not utter even a single word.

Not long after, the woman's husband ran over panting, carrying bottles and cans.

"These are the ashes from the pot and the blood of a freshly killed rooster."

I responded, hurriedly took it, took out a sea bowl from my backpack, mixed the two things together, stirred them into a paste, then dipped some in a cinnabar pen, and applied it little by little on the belly of the pregnant woman.

When she touched her disciple's skin, her body immediately tensed up.

"Be patient, you'll be fine soon!"

I smeared the paste all over her belly as quickly as possible, and the two bloody fingerprints were covered with mucus and were almost invisible. The Yang Qi stopped leaking, and the pregnant woman screamed in agony.

Time gradually stopped, and her breathing began to become even.

I exhaled frequently and murmured:

"There's still one last step left!"

After saying that, I took out a square white cloth and gently covered the pregnant woman's belly, and then waited quietly...

"Brother Lin Yu...you..."


I made a silent gesture to A Guo, and then continued to wait...

At this moment, the white cloth covering my belly suddenly moved, and slowly a small tip emerged from the inside, as if something was poking it from below. I felt a movement in my heart and hurriedly pulled it out.

Wrap the red thread around the white cloth and tighten it, and the thing will be tightly tied!

Immediately afterwards, the pregnant woman's belly slowly shrank to a normal size...


Another exclamation came from the quiet crowd.

"Okay, your wife and child are fine now. Let her go back to rest." I said to the stunned man.

The man nodded blankly, but his feet didn't move. I knew what they wanted to see.

So he smiled faintly, walked up to the clan leader, untied the red thread, and unfolded the white cloth again. The clan leader glanced at the white cloth warily, and his expression suddenly changed!

"Ah?! This is..."

This chapter has been completed!
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