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Chapter 179 A Different Sir

Miss Zhang San led a group of servants to bring the food to the table. She was very happy to see the courtyard full of more than 200 people.

"Family members who have come from afar, I am Zhang San, uncle of Wannian County. I am very happy to meet you all and welcome you all to join our group. From now on, we will be a family. Come and let us raise a toast first!"

Zhang San picked up the wine glass and said to everyone.

"Thank you Sir!" Everyone stood up one after another, picked up wine glasses or tea, and raised their glasses in response.

After a glass of wine, Zhang San continued: "From now on, both the people in Zhangjia Village and the Taiyuan Prefecture will be one big family and part of our commune. I hope everyone can live in harmony and build our commune better."

! Everyone, eat well and drink well tonight, and you won’t come home until you’re drunk!”

Zhang San's words won unanimous applause from everyone. As the hosts, the people from Zhangjia Village sat scattered at the banquet and chatted with the people from Taiyuan Prefecture around them.

The people of Zhangjia Village did not despise these people because they were outsiders. The teachers in the school were very respected by the people of Zhangjia Village.

No matter when, everything is of inferior quality, only education is good, these wives are their own children and their own husbands, so naturally their family members cannot neglect them.

"Ban Zi, please be patient these days. I have asked Ergou to speed up the progress. When the brick house is built, we can all move in." Zhang San and Ban Zi sat together and said while eating.


"Sir, how can we feel wronged? This place is so good to us. Both the bedding and the house are new. Everyone is satisfied and wants to thank you!" Ban Zizai said sincerely.

"Yes, sir, we have all the pots, pans, spoons, furniture, rice, flour, grains and oils. We don't know how to thank you!" Zhou Yongzhi also said gratefully.

"These are some basic living necessities. They have just arrived, so we should take good care of them. If you need anything, just tell Muramasa. We are all a family from now on, and we can't see anyone outside."

"Thank you Sir, I, Hu Rui, can't say anything. On behalf of my family, I propose a toast to you!" Hu Rui said, picking up the wine glass.

"Okay, let's do it. Let's have a good meal tonight. There's mutton stewed in the kitchen. Muramasa had six or seven sheep slaughtered today!" Zhang San also picked up a wine glass and clinked it with Hu Rui.

He paused and smiled.

"Classmate, come and let me toast you. It is you who have found so many outstanding gentlemen for our Zhangjiacun. We are very grateful!" Muramasa said with emotion.

"Brother Zhang, what you said has gone unnoticed. We will all be a family from now on." Ban Zizai chuckled.

"Yes! Yes! The old man made a mistake and is punishing himself with a drink!" Muramasa also laughed.

"Brother, this braised pork is delicious, and this pork head meat." Hu Jun held a bone in one hand and stuffed the braised pork in his mouth, making his mouth full of oil.

"Second brother, eat slowly, don't choke. And sister Ting'er, drink the soup slowly. Your new clothes are dirty." Hu Hui said to his younger brothers and sisters.

"Brother, this rice stuffed rice is so sweet and delicious!" Hu Ting'er held a wooden spoon and kept pouring soup into the bowl.

"Little baby, don't drink too much of this rice wine. Eat more meat when you are growing up." Aunt Song passed by the table full of children, saw the three brothers and sisters talking, and reminded them with a smile.

"Oh, thank you, mother-in-law." Hu Ting quickly put down the small bowl, thinking that she had done something wrong, and she was a little at a loss.

"I'm sorry, mother-in-law. My sister is greedy. I will tell her something when I get back." Hu Hui said quickly.

"Haha, what a handsome boy. It's okay. How can a child not be greedy? My mother-in-law just reminded your sister that this rice wine has a bit of alcoholic taste, and you will get drunk easily if you drink too much." Aunt Song praised.

"Okay, mother-in-law, thank you very much for reminding me," Hu Hui replied respectfully.

Tonight is destined to be an unforgettable night for these people from other places. There are not only delicious meals, but also mellow wine and kind hosts.

A dinner party was over, everyone was full of food, and the children still had a few pieces of pastries in their hands. Although they couldn't eat anymore, they planned to keep them and eat them slowly when they go home.

"Husband, as my father said, this place is indeed a paradise. The lady from the Earl's Mansion is so beautiful. We had dinner together, and she even served me some vegetables. She told me many stories about Zhangjiacun." Yao Saying helped me.

Hu Yueshan said while walking with his man.

"Yes, wait until tomorrow to find your sister-in-law and ask what you can do to help the commune. Since we have enjoyed their hospitality, we naturally cannot sit idle and do nothing." Hu Yueshan said.

"Yue Shan, what you are saying is that tomorrow Hongping and Saying will go to the commune together and ask if there is any suitable work. If people give you money, don't ask for it. We have already received a great favor." Hu Rui said to

My two daughters-in-law said.

"It's father!"

"Old man, this gentleman looks really different. He actually knows how to cook and speaks very kindly to others. We have found a good owner!" Hu Tangshi said with emotion.

"Indeed, I had this feeling when I first came here. I'll just keep it in my mind from now on. You can also go to the breeding team tomorrow to ask and see if you can adopt some livestock and contribute. Hui'er and Jun'er will report to the school tomorrow. Follow me.

Study." Hu Rui said to his two grandsons.

"Grandpa, what about me? Ting'er also wants to go to school." Seeing that her two brothers were going to school, Hu Ting'er wanted to go too.

"Ting'er, don't make trouble. There are no girls going to school. You just stay at home with your father." Yao Saying pulled her daughter and said.

"Saying, women can also go to school here. There are many girls in the school. This is an order personally given by our Lord. Regardless of men and women, as long as they want to go to school, they can go. Employees working in the factory must receive training regularly.

We will assess learning results." Hu Rui said with a smile.

"Ah! This..." Yao Saying said in surprise.

Today, Yao Saying and other foreign women were surprised when they followed their husband and father to the table for dinner. They did not expect that women here could also go to school.

"You just arrived today, and you will gradually know that this place is different in every way, but it also gives people a sense of belonging. Once you come here, you won't want to leave." Hu Rui said with a smile, stroking his beard.

Because Hu Rui had a large family, the second son and his family temporarily lived in a thatched house. The eldest son died in the battle, and the orphans and widows left behind lived in the house that originally belonged to Hu Rui. Hu Rui and his wife lived there until Banzi


He was the first to come here, and he was the only one with no family, but he lived in a three-room brick house.

In the afternoon, Ban Zizi went to Hu Rui to offer his room to Hu Rui and his family, but Hu Rui refused. It was because of Ban Zizi's recommendation that they could come here.

The couple decided to live there first and then move out after the new house was built.

This chapter has been completed!
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