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Chapter 64 Expedition (2)

Time soon came to the day when the army set off for the expedition. The weather was quite good that day, with clear skies.

Xiao Jingxuan led nearly 60,000 troops and quickly marched towards the center of the barbarians, the station of Hutu Khan's tribe.

Since there was one man and two horses, the army was moving very fast. In the past few years, Fengzhou had continued to rob the Krutai King's tribe, so the Krutai King's tribe was now very vigilant.

The subordinate tribes under his command all set up camp near the royal headquarters. Therefore, the army did not encounter any tribes along the way.

However, this time, God was not completely on Xiao Jingxuan's side. After the army marched for five days, snowflakes began to float in the sky. And they became bigger and bigger.

At this time, not only the chief generals of each battalion, but also the generals of each battalion began to directly advise Xiao Jingxuan, hoping that the army could postpone its march.

Looking at the white snow in the sky, Xiao Jingxuan was actually quite speechless. Although he was prepared, he did not expect the snow to be so heavy.

As for suspending the march, that is impossible. There are no tribes to plunder along the way, there is no replenishment, and the food, grass and baggage carried by the army will not allow the army to stop at all.

In addition, there is no place to rest on the grassland. Once the army's food and grass are cut off, the entire army will be destroyed in an instant without the barbarians attacking.

Looking at the generals gathered around him, Xiao Jingxuan said cruelly: "Give the order, the army will continue to advance. If there is any stagnation, behead. Anyone who retreats without authorization will cholera the army's morale."

When the surrounding generals heard this, they all stopped talking and returned to their respective troops.

Xiao Jingxuan looked at Lei Ben, who understood and immediately asked his personal guards to go to each camp to convey military orders.

After the army continued to travel for two more days, the heavy snow finally stopped. On this day, Xiao Jingxuan looked at the surrounding terrain, dismounted, and ordered his bodyguard to summon the generals in the army to come over for discussion.

Before everyone arrived, Xiao Jingxuan took the map in his hand and started reading it.

After everyone arrived, they finally determined the location of the army after some discussion.

Now, the army has crossed the tribe of King Krutai and entered the territory of the Hutu Khan tribe. It is not far from the Khan Court of the Hutu Khan tribe.

Regarding the situation in the Khan Court, Xiao Jingxuan does not have detailed information for the time being, and it is not suitable for the army to continue to advance.

Although the army sent a large number of scouts around during the march, they still had to be cautious.

Moreover, the army had marched hastily for two days in bad weather and now was in urgent need of rest and recuperation.

While Xiao Jingxuan was discussing with the generals, the scouts from the front finally came back.

The scout came directly to Xiao Jingxuan and reported the results of the investigation.

A hundred miles ahead and to the left of the main army, there was a tribe of about 30,000 people stationed.

Hearing the news, Xiao Jingxuan was ecstatic. He immediately asked the scouts to mark the location of the tribe.

Looking at the location on the map, Xiao Jingxuan began to issue military orders.

"Huangfu Song, I order you to lead your troops and go around to the rear of the barbarian tribe to wait for orders."

"The last general takes orders."

"Gongsun Sheng, I order you to lead the cavalry and go around to the left of the barbarian tribe to wait for orders."

"The last general takes orders."

"Hu Yanzhuo, I order you to lead the cavalry and go around to the right of the barbarian tribe to wait for orders."

"The last general takes orders."

"Wei Ming, I order you to lead your troops and guard the surroundings of the barbarians. Remember, you cannot let anyone escape."

"The last general takes orders."

"Zhou Tong, Lei Ben, you two will join me and launch an attack from the front.

At this time, Ye Xiong asked loudly: "Commander, what about me? Have you forgotten me?"

Looking at the anxious Ye Xiong, Xiao Jingxuan said with a smile: "How could it be possible? I can't forget you even if I forget you. You have the most veterans under your command. I order you to disperse the cavalry under your command immediately. Remember, I need to know that Khan The court’s exact information.”

"Yes, the general will take your orders."

Seeing Ye Xiong's honest and honest look, Xiao Jingxuan was really speechless. So he looked around at the generals.

"Everyone, after the army captured this barbarian tribe tonight, we will rest for two days. I hope you will work together to accomplish great feats."

"Yes, I will retire at the end."

As a result, the army quickly began to divide its troops and march towards their respective destinations.

Xiao Jingxuan took Zhou Tong and Lei Ben towards the destination. Fortunately, due to the weather, the barbarian tribe did not send out sentries around.

Maybe it was because no one would believe that someone would attack the barbarian Khanate that had dominated for hundreds of years, let alone that someone would launch a war when the snow was falling.

When Xiao Jingxuan came less than thirty miles away from this tribe, Xiao Jingxuan stopped. It was not completely dark yet, so it was not the time to launch an attack.

Xiao Jingxuan led the army and lurked in the snow for two hours. When it was almost time, Xiao Jingxuan got on his horse and led the army to charge towards the barbarian camp.

After the soldiers from the Guards Battalion removed the obstacles such as the horses at the entrance of the tribe, Xiao Jingxuan took the lead and rushed towards the enemy camp.

As the shouts of killing rang out, other battalions lying in ambush nearby also began to attack the enemy camp.

All the soldiers were holding their breath, that is, to destroy the enemy, then warm themselves over the fire, and then eat something warm.

The barbarian tribesmen never imagined that they would be attacked at this time.

Winter is a time for the nobles of various tribes to enjoy themselves, especially in the past two days, it had just snowed heavily, so there was nothing going on, and many barbarian soldiers even drank too much.

Xiao Jingxuan led the army to kill two times, but the barbarians still failed to organize an effective counterattack.

Now, the situation has been decided, and the barbarians have no chance to make a comeback. The battle lasted for almost two hours, and the shouts of killing in the camp finally stopped.

Xiao Jingxuan and the generals of each camp sat in the tribal leader's tent, looking at the tribal leaders and some nobles kneeling in the tent.

After interrogation, Xiao Jingxuan discovered that he had caught a big fish this time. It turned out that the leader of this tribe was an old acquaintance, Wulihan, the second prince of the Hutu Khan tribe.

Due to the previous defeat of Ulihan in the Fengzhou War, he was assigned to this tribe.

After asking about the situation, Xiao Jingxuan ordered people to kill all these people.

As for the surrendered prisoners, Xiao Jingxuan did not rush to get rid of them. Instead, he ordered all the prisoners to tie their limbs and imprison them temporarily.

So, the next day was the day of carnival for the army. In order to relieve the fatigue of the army, Xiao Jingxuan ordered to kill sheep and cattle, have a good meal first, and then have a good sleep.

As for other things, let’s wait until tomorrow.

The entire camp suddenly burst into cheers, and all the soldiers began to eat meat and drink heavily.

Early the next morning, after Xiao Jingxuan had rested, he began to deal with military affairs.

The first step is to select some people from the barbarian slaves who are willing to join the army to join the auxiliary army.

You must know that these slaves are not only people from the Central Plains of Wei, Yan and other places, but also many people from the Western Regions.

These people were all kidnapped by the barbarians, and almost all of them had a blood feud with the barbarians.

As for the remaining old and weak women and children, Xiao Jingxuan asked Wei Ming to send a team of troops to send the wounded soldiers, seized supplies, and these women and children to Langtou Mountain.

As for those barbarian prisoners, Xiao Jingxuan ordered them all to be killed. No one was spared.

After inspecting the various armies, Xiao Jingxuan returned to the main tent and began to wait for news from Ye Xiong.

Two days later, Ye Xiong's cavalry also returned to the camp one after another. After watching each unit present their investigation status, Xiao Jingxuan asked people to arrange tents for them, prepare food and wine, and have a good rest.

Immediately afterwards, the camp leaders were summoned to discuss matters.

Xiao Jingxuan first introduced the distribution of the various tribes of the Barbarian Khan Court to the generals.

The Khan Court of the barbarians is located three hundred miles away from here. The entire Khan Court has about 50,000 people, and is guarded by 10,000 golden wolf cavalry and 5,000 light cavalry.

Around the Khan Court, there were seven or eight tribes guarding the Khan Court. Two of them were led by two barbarian princes, and one was led by the barbarian emperor's younger brother. The rest were led by barbarian emperors.

Led by his cronies.

These tribes have a large number of people, with approximately 50,000 to 60,000 tribesmen.

Everyone had their own ideas about the next direction of attack. Some suggested sweeping the army, killing many tribes one by one, and then attacking the Khan Court.

Some suggested attacking the Khan Court directly. After killing the Khan Court, the army would be waiting for the opportunity.

Xiao Jingxuan didn't know how to choose for a moment. According to his own estimation, Hutu Khan's tribe had a total of almost 200,000 fighting soldiers, and he only had 50,000. As long as one attack failed, then his 50,000 troops

But it's dangerous.

After careful consideration, Xiao Jingxuan planned to go straight to Huanglong, destroy the Khan Court first, and then wait for an opportunity to break out.

The generals also agreed with this decision. In order to confuse the barbarians, Xiao Jingxuan ordered that all the cavalry wear barbarian coats and sneak through the surrounding tribes quietly.

However, sometimes the plan failed to keep up with the changes, and when the army arrived at one of the tribes, it was discovered by the barbarian sentry.

At that time, the army had already crossed the tribe, but was discovered by the barbarian rangers who had just come out and blew their horns.

Seeing this situation, Xiao Jingxuan's annoyance can be imagined. In desperation, he could only divide his troops into four groups and destroy the tribe.

Although it was dusk at this time, visibility was still acceptable due to the reflection of the snow.

Xiao Jingxuan led the personal guards and acted as the vanguard, followed closely by Ye Xiong's Chinese army. Huangfu Song attacked the left, Gongsun Sheng attacked the right, and Zhou Tong dealt with the rear. As for Hu Yanzhuo, he acted as a maneuver. Which direction did not attack smoothly?

Whichever party you help.

As for Wei Ming, his task is not light either. He is responsible for guarding the surrounding areas and must not let any barbarian escape.

Fortunately, the distance between the barbarian tribes is still very large, and the shouts of killing will not be transmitted to other tribes.

This chapter has been completed!
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