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Chapter 29 Revisiting the Old Place

After making up his mind, Xiao Jingxuan came to Deyi Building with a personal guard.

It was afternoon at this time, and Deyi Building was very lively. The whole hall was full of people, and it couldn't be described as packed.

Because at this time there were still many people holding wine bottles and leaning against the pillars and walls, listening.

However, there was still room in the private room upstairs. Xiao Jingxuan's man took out a piece of silver and handed it to the waiter.

The waiter led the two of them to the private room on the second floor.

After Xiao Jingxuan sat down, the waiter soon served refreshments. Xiao Jingxuan crossed his legs and said to the bodyguard: "Third brother, do you know? When I was a child, I liked listening to books, but I had no money and had no choice but to hide.

I listened outside the window over there for two months."

The guard named Lao San said with a smile: "The general got what he wanted this time."

"Hey. What's the matter? Could it be that because I sit in a different place, what I hear is different? It's just an obsession when I was young."

At this time, the storyteller was telling interesting stories about the life of Ba Dao, a powerful man with supernatural power.

The real name of this Ba Dao has been unknown, but everyone in the world calls him Ba Dao. It is said that he once fought against Emperor Taizu of the Wei Dynasty.

There is no winner or loser between the two sides.

Xiao Jingxuan was just hearing the wonderful point when he saw the waiter come to the private room and said respectfully: "This young master, Min Yanghou Shizi heard that the young master is here and wants to chat with the young master."

Xiao Jingxuan frowned slightly and said, "Well, let him come over."

Marquis Minyang is one of the powerful people among the nobles, and he is also the newly appointed General of Zuoweiwei.

These are not important. What is important is that my father said before that Empress Min Yang and he were both staunch members of the Nine Princes Party at that time. The two sides still have some connections.

After a while, a young man in rich clothes walked in. The visitor bowed respectfully and said, "I have met Marquis Pingman, Gu Chenjun."

"Well, no need to be polite, what can I do?"

"It's nothing, I just happened to meet the Marquis, so I came over to say hello."

"Oh, why don't you sit down and talk."

After hearing Xiao Jingxuan's words, Gu Chenjun twitched the corner of his mouth and said quickly: "No, I don't dare to disturb Mr. Hou's elegant mood. I'll take my leave."


Seeing Gu Chenjun stop, Xiao Jingxuan continued: "You and I are both from the general family, and according to etiquette, I still call you cousin? Just tell me what you have to say!"

"It's really nothing. In a few days, the Duke of Lu's mansion will hold a hunting event. I wonder if the Marquis would be interested?"

"Hunting? You also know that I have just been appointed as General Zuo Xiaowei. I'm afraid I won't have much free time for a while."

"Well, my father said that you need to participate in this hunting. Most of the people participating in this hunting are distinguished members of the military. It is always good to have more experience."

If Xiao Jingxuan was a little unhappy before, now he is furious, so why should he need others to arrange it.

Xiao Jingxuan smiled and said: "I'll be shameless and call you brother. I really don't have time. Thank you for your kindness. I'm really sorry."

After saying that, Xiao Jingxuan picked up the tea on the table and drank it. Seeing this, Gu Chenjun could only cup his hands and say: "Brother, please sit down and take your leave."

Xiao Jingxuan nodded with a smile and said: "How about we chat for a while..."

The two parties exchanged some pleasantries. After Gu Chenjun left, Xiao Jingxuan said to the third child: "Huh, a group of self-righteous people, let's go. If you don't leave now, someone else will come later."

After Xiao Jingxuan left Deyilou, he didn't know where to go for a while, so he could only wander around the street.

After wandering around until it was almost dark, Xiao Jingxuan took the third child back to the Hou Mansion.

It has to be said that there are some things that women do more carefully than men. After Xiao Jingxuan returned to the mansion, Yan Shuer had already packed up almost everything with her people.

The most important thing is that Yan Shuer has arranged everyone's residences one by one.

However, due to the short time and lack of manpower, dinner was ordered from a nearby restaurant.

Two personal guards were arranged to guard the gate and temporarily act as concierges. There were only Yan Shu'er and his personal maid Chu'er in the inner courtyard.

Under Yan Shuer's arrangement, Xiao Jingxuan also had his own place to live.

I have to say that Yan Shuer is very good. Xiao Jingxuan's residence is a separate courtyard, located in the middle of the entire inner courtyard. Among the remaining courtyards, Yan Shuer did not choose the best, but chose a medium courtyard to live in.

However, Xiao Jingxuan tried to persuade Yan Shuer several times to let Yan Shuer choose a courtyard on the right side of his residence. However, Yan Shuer was unwilling and gave the excuse that the current courtyard was close to the garden and was quiet.

Seeing that the persuasion was ineffective, Xiao Jingxuan had no choice but to let her go.

A night of silence.

Early the next morning, Xiao Jingxuan took Xu Ce and other personal guards out of the house early and headed to Zuo Xiaowei's camp outside the city.

Zuo Xiaowei's camp was forty or fifty miles away from the capital. When he arrived at Zuo Xiaowei's camp, Xiao Jingxuan successfully arrived at the commander's tent after showing his official credentials and military symbols.

Xiao Jingxuan said to Xu Ce: "Xu Ce, beat the drum and gather the generals."

Afterwards, Xu Ce began to go out and arrange for people to beat the drum.

In the army, beating drums to gather generals is very particular, and the first drumming is considered as an announcement of the proceedings.

The second time is to urge those who have not yet arrived at the commander's tent to speed up.

The third drumming is the end. Anyone who has not arrived after the three drummings can be engaged in military law.

But fortunately, it is still to give face. Maybe it is because he is afraid that Xiao Jingxuan will take office as a new official and kill people to establish his authority.

When the drums were played for the second time, everyone arrived.

In addition to the general, Zuo Xiaowei also had a deputy, General Yi Tong.

However, this position is generally vacant.

The meeting was attended by the three battalion commanders, their respective generals, grain supervisors, recorders and military personnel, a total of 18 people.

Xiao Jingxuan sat on the commander's seat, looked at the generals in the hall, and said: "Everyone, I will be your immediate boss from now on. I hope that everyone will work together to serve the imperial court."

After Xiao Jingxuan finished speaking, all the generals in the hall knelt down and said in unison: "I will obey the general's orders."

After talking about the scene, Xiao Jingxuan began to ask: "The general's personal army has a personal leader?"

At this time, a general stood up, knelt down and said: "The last general's guerrilla guard camp is here to see the general."

In fact, each army of the pro-army army is different. For example, the Fengzhou Army started with a group of people, then increased to 500 people, and finally expanded to a thousand people.

However, unlike the border troops, the Twelve Guards were the nominal personal guards of the emperor. Although the general's personal soldiers were mainly guerrillas, they only had two hundred people under their command.

Xiao Jingxuan nodded and said: "Well, in this case, I will transfer you to General Lang, Xu Ce, and you will command the guard camp."

"The general will obey his orders."

General Lang is a fictitious position with no rank. It is just an official position for coordinating with various ministries when Zuo Xiaowei is responsible for assisting in the defense of the capital.

However, it can be regarded as a kind of qualification and is conducive to promotion.

Then, Xiao Jingxuan said to the generals: "Although I am from Zuo Xiaowei, I have been away from the capital for a long time. Please introduce yourselves."

"The last general, the commander of the left camp, is Yu Wentuo."

"The last general, the commander of the right camp, is Zhang Gan."

"The last general, the commander of the camp, is Dugu Qi."

"The last general in Zuoying is the first to lead the main general."

"The last general recorded his story and joined the army Shen Lang."

After hearing the generals introduce themselves one by one, Xiao Jingxuan sat on the handsome seat and squinted his eyes and nodded.

"Well, we have gotten to know each other. Now that I'm here, let's have a big show tomorrow. If you don't have anything else to do, just leave."

After everyone retreated, Xiao Jingxuan was a little surprised. The Yuwen Clan and the Dugu Clan were really powerful. Before, the leader of the left camp was Yuwen Huai, and the leader of the middle camp was Dugu Yu. Now, these two people have been transferred. Unexpectedly, the successor

Still from these two families.

However, this Zhang Gan is also very remarkable. Three or four years have passed, and he is still the commander of the right camp.

I don't know if I can completely master Zuo Xiaowei. It seems that I have to find a way to establish a good authority.

Here at the bill, Xiao Jingxuan asked his personal guards to find Shen Lang, who had joined the army to record affairs, and accompany him to various ministries.

Among the Twelve Guards, in addition to patrolling the capital and garrisoning the palace, they have to train almost every day.

Among them, there is a big exercise every ten days and a small exercise every day.

The big exercise is when the entire camp head trains together. The small exercise is when everyone trains as a group.

After an inspection, I can say that there is nothing wrong with it. The Twelve Guards are among the best soldiers in the world.

The equipment and training are unparalleled in the world. Zuo Xiaowei is the ace among the twelve guards, not to mention.

However, after Xiao Jingxuan walked around, he still felt that there were some shortcomings.

What is missing? Xiao Jingxuan thought for a long time, yes, it is murderous intent. As an elite soldier, how can he lack murderous intent.

However, the capital is stable, and there is not even a decent bandit den within a hundred miles of the capital.

How can there be murderous intent without blood? After Xiao Jingxuan returned to the commander's tent, he thought hard about this problem in front of the map.

By the way, Hexi, Hexi is only a thousand miles away from Beijing, but there are many bandits here, so it seems that we can practice here.

However, since I have just arrived at Zuo Xiaowei, I am not suitable to go on an expedition. It seems that it will take some time.

He stayed in the army until night, but since he had to do heavy exercises tomorrow, Xiao Jingxuan decided not to go back home tonight and sleep in the military camp.

After calling a personal guard and asking him to inform the mansion, Xiao Jingxuan began to inspect the sentry post again.

After walking around for a while, Xiao Jingxuan found that all the sentry personnel were relatively complete.

There were no absentees or absentees. Moreover, the camp was relatively quiet, and there were no gatherings of people to gamble or drink.

This is incredible. You have to know that I came from Zuo Xiaowei. I remember that I had a drink with Qin Feng before leaving for the expedition.

Could it be that after the reorganization, Zuo Xiaowei has changed a lot? I don’t even believe it when I say this.

But if you don't find it out, just assume it doesn't happen. Sometimes it's hard to be confused.

After inspecting the sentry post, Xiao Jingxuan returned to the commander's tent to rest.

Early the next morning, while Xiao Jingxuan was still sleeping, the sound of drums sounded.

Damn it, if you act like this at this time, you are fooling yourself into thinking you are a fool.

The event was actually an hour ahead of schedule.

Regardless of all these things, if the drum sounds, it is bound to be a big fight, so hurry up and put on your armor.

After finishing dressing up, Xiao Jingxuan hurried to the general station.

This chapter has been completed!
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