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Chapter 30 School Field Competition (1)

Xiao Jingxuan rushed to Zuoying first. However, Xiao Jingxuan did not get on the general platform. Instead, he rode a horse and circled around the Zuoying camp.

There were four thousand people in Zuoying. At this time, the number of people in the Zuoying school field was about the same. After looking at it for a while, Xiao Jingxuan winked at Xu Ce.

I saw Xu Ce shouting loudly: "General Xiao Jingxuan, General Zuo Xiaowei, General Xiao has given the order, and the big drill has begun."

Following Xu Ce's shouting, Yu Wentuo, the commander of the left battalion on the general stage, said loudly: "The general has given orders, and the great maneuvers have begun."

Then, under the general order, dozens of cavalrymen ran towards the surroundings of the team. They also shouted loudly: "The general has given the order, and the big drill has begun."

As the cavalry shouted loudly, the drums also sounded. Looking at the great maneuvers in the left camp, Xiao Jingxuan watched for a while, then left the left camp and went to the right camp.

The same operation was done in the right camp, and then headed to the middle camp.

As a cavalry battalion, the operation of the middle camp is even more troublesome.

The cavalry drill is mainly for practicing battle formations, and cavalry shooting is trained by each commander.

After watching for a while, Xiao Jingxuan also left with satisfaction.

There is no problem with Da Cao, but this is the biggest problem.

In order to prevent the general from plotting evil, there are strict regulations on the training time of each guard.

However, today's military exercise was advanced by a full hour, and all the troops had no objection.

Isn't this the biggest problem? Xiao Jingxuan was secretly vigilant.

In the few days after the completion of the major exercises, Xiao Jingxuan spent every day doing inspections and focusing on military affairs.

On this day, Xiao Jingxuan came to Youying for inspection. He happened to catch up with the first team of Youying who were competing.

Xiao Jingxuan also watched with interest. Although neither of them were very strong in martial arts, they were still somewhat interesting.

Perhaps it was because of the arrival of Jam Hsiao that more and more people were watching. After the competition between the two was over, Jam Hsiao thought it was over and planned to leave.

At this time, the leading general stood up and said to Xiao Jingxuan: "General, why don't you show your skills to everyone, so that the brothers can see the martial arts of the general."

Haha, it jumped out.

Xiao Jingxuan looked at the general in front of him calmly. What was his name? By the way, Chu Liang.

Xiao Jingxuan smiled and said: "Okay, I don't know who to talk to, General Chu?"

Chu Liang bowed his hands and saluted with great respect, and said: "The general is incompetent, please give me advice from the general."

Xiao Jingxuan nodded and said with a smile: "Well, okay, it just so happens that I also want to see the quality of the generals in the army."

After finishing speaking, he said to the soldiers behind him: "Come here, please send an order to the third battalion. Tell me that I, the general, will perform martial arts at the right camp. Anyone who is interested can come and support us."

After ordering the soldiers, Xiao Jingxuan said to Chu Liang: "It is better to have fun alone than to have fun together. General Chu doesn't mind."

"The general will not dare."

The military worships the strong. As soon as they heard about the martial arts performance at the Youying Campus, a large number of soldiers came over soon.

In order to make it easier for everyone to watch, Xiao Jingxuan pointed to the general platform and said to Chu Liang: "Let's compete there."

After speaking, Chu Liang took the lead and walked towards the Dianjiang Platform. Not to be outdone, Chu Liang also walked straight towards the Dianjiang Platform.

Chu Liang's weapons were two eight-ling maces. After the two stood still, Chu Liang still spoke respectfully and asked, "I wonder what weapons the general uses?"

Xiao Jingxuan smiled and said: "I am not good at martial arts, I only know killing skills. However, since you are asking me for advice, if I don't take action, I will inevitably be looked down upon. Come here, bring me a wooden knife."

After hearing Xiao Jingxuan's words, Chu Liang blushed and said: "The general looks down on the junior general too much."

Xiao Jingxuan shook his head and said: "The sword has no eyes, wait until you can defeat the knife in my hand."

In fact, what Xiao Jingxuan said is really the truth. The only moves Xiao Jingxuan knows is a set of powerful bull magic fists.

However, due to years of constant fighting, his sword skills are not bad, but he only has a few moves. Of course, the enemy can often only block one sword.

Xiao Jingxuan shook the wooden knife in his hand and made a trick with it. It was quite smooth, so he said to Chu Liang: "Let's make a move."

At this time, Chu Liang could be said to be ashamed and angry, and he was holding back his anger. When he heard Xiao Jingxuan say this, he did not refuse, and attacked Xiao Jingxuan with both maces in his hands.

Chu Liang thought, how could a mere wooden sword block the eight-toned mace made of fine iron in his hand?

However, when the mace in Chu Liang's hand was getting closer and closer to Xiao Jingxuan, Xiao Jingxuan moved.

I saw Xiao Jingxuan holding the wooden knife and swiping it towards the mace in Chu Liang's hand. The wooden knife in Xiao Jingxuan's hand shattered.

However, what followed was that Chu Liang flew dozens of meters backwards and fell straight out of the general platform.

The originally noisy school grounds suddenly became quiet.

It was incredible. Chu Liang climbed up from the ground with difficulty and asked Jamel Xiao: "Has the general broken through to the innate realm?"

Everyone present was a little stunned. No wonder, only those who are strong in the Xiantian realm have such power.

Xiao Jingxuan shook his head and said: "General Chu thinks highly of me. Now, I am still in the same realm."

Chu Liang cupped his hands and said: "General Shenwu, I finally surrendered."

No one laughed at Chu Liang, because Chu Liang's martial arts was still very good.

No one present dared to say that he could block Xiao Jingxuan's move.

At this time, Yuwen Tuo, the leader of the left camp, flew to the general platform. Yuwen Tuo said proudly: "General, I will ask you for advice."

After saying that, he held the Changshuo in his hand and attacked Xiao Jingxuan.

At this moment, the audience remembered a burst of booing. It turned out that Xiao Jingxuan did not have a weapon in his hand at this time, but Yuwen Tuo had a Chang Shuo in his hand, clearly bullying Xiao Jingxuan.

Xiao Jingxuan smiled and said to Yuwen Tuo: "Actually, what I am best at is my hands."

Xiao Jingxuan was not used to Yuwen Tuo. He waved his fists so that Yuwen Tuo could fight.

Yuwen Tuo's martial arts skills were much higher than Chu Liang's, and coupled with the weapons in his hands, Yuwen Tuo was still full of confidence.

It's a pity that although Xiao Jingxuan was empty-handed, he had already mastered the only boxing technique he knew, the powerful Bull Demon Fist.

The two sides exchanged more than ten blows, and Xiao Jingxuan's every punch was counterattacked by Yuwen Tuo's Changshuo.

After more than ten moves, blood began to flow from the corner of Yuwen Tuo's mouth. Seeing that it was almost done, Xiao Jingxuan planned to end the battle. He used eight points of his strength to attack Yuwen Tuo.

Another punch was exchanged with Chang Shuo, and Yuwen Tuo flew out like a kite that had lost its string.

As Yuwen Tuo was blasted away, cheers erupted in the field.

Xiao Jingxuan retracted his fist and said to the people around him: "I wonder if anyone else wants to compete, you're welcome, just come up."

Xiao Jingxuan waited on the stage for a while. Seeing that no one came up, he planned to leave the stage. At this time, he remembered another voice.

"At the end of the day, Shen Lang recorded the events and joined the army to ask the general for advice."

How do you describe the position of "recording affairs and joining the army"? It is regarded as a military judge. He is in charge of military regulations.

Although he doesn't have many people in his hands, he has a lot of power.

However, this position does not necessarily need to be held by a military general. In some armies, there are also civilians who serve as military recorders.

Xiao Jingxuan stopped, turned around and looked at Shen Lang who was flying over. A fierce light flashed in his eyes and said: "You can't do it, get down."

After saying that, he punched Shen Lang in the air, and Shen Lang flew out without even stepping on the platform.

Xiao Jingxuan looked around and said: "Since ancient times, civil servants have not been the first, and martial arts have not been second. Since there are many dissatisfied, today, I will wait here, and under the influence of the gods, I can go on stage to challenge."

You must know that there were not 10,000 soldiers watching, but 8,000. Xiao Jingxuan’s arrogant words and powerful methods instantly ignited the passion of the soldiers. The cheers continued.

Another reason why Xiao Jingxuan is so high-profile is that he plans to fight against Xiantian realm masters and take the opportunity to break through.

Xiao Jingxuan has long been in the realm of unity, but he has been unable to break through. Now he can only do this.

However, there is no innate realm in the military. Xiao Jingxuan waited on the stage for almost half an hour, when a voice sounded in the air.

"I, Commander-in-Chief You Xiaowei, General Yu Wenyue, seek advice from General Xiao."

The surname is Yuwen again. It seems that the Yuwen family has considerable influence in Xiaowei.

After Yu Wenyue flew to the stage, Xiao Jingxuan said with a smile, "I didn't expect that Zuo Xiaowei's martial arts performance would alarm General Yu Wen. It's such an honor."

Yu Wenyue returned the salute and said: "General Xiao is laughing at me. I have been obsessed with martial arts since I was a child. As soon as I learned about Zuo Xiaowei's martial arts performance, I came here. I apologize to General Xiao for my rudeness."

The General of the Twelve Guards is qualified to call himself the commander-in-chief. Although the number of soldiers under his command is not large, because he is the emperor's personal army, his standards are relatively high.

Xiao Jingxuan also clasped his fists and said: "General Yuwen is too polite. The Twelve Guards are both the emperor's own soldiers. It is normal to perform martial arts together. I wonder how General Yuwen plans to compete?"

Yu Wenyue said proudly: "You can do whatever you want, whether it's swords, guns, swords, halberds, axes, hooks and forks, or fighting on horseback, fighting with fists and kicks. I'm good at them all."

"Oh, then just have fun and ask General Yuwen for advice."

Yu Wenyue is not young. Although she looks young, she is still in her thirties. In fact, the two of them are not considered masters of their generation.

"Come here, bring me my sword."

As Xiao Jingxuan finished speaking, he ordered the bodyguards in the audience to quickly run onto the stage and handed over the saber.

After Xiao Jingxuan took the sword, he held the sword, looked at Yu Wenyue and said: "I wonder what weapons General Yuwen uses, so I can prepare it for my subordinates."

"No need, my weapons are already here."

Just as Yu Wenyue finished speaking, he saw a long-handled weapon flying in the air. There was even a sound of breaking through the air.

"General, receive your weapons."

Yu Wenyue raised her right hand high and caught the weapon easily. After holding the weapon, she raised the weapon to the ground.

Suddenly there was only a "bang" sound and a small hole appeared on the ground.

You must know that the general platform is made of huge rocks and is extremely strong. However, Yu Wenyue casually raised his weapon and smashed a hole in the ground, which was terrifying.

Xiao Jingxuan stared at Yu Wenyue for a while, and saw that the weapon in Yu Wenyue's hand was a swallow-wing boring machine.

This weapon is as common as an ordinary spear and is almost two meters long. It is made entirely of fine iron. Looking at the weight, it is estimated to weigh two to three hundred kilograms.

Although the sword in Xiao Jingxuan's hand is also made of fine iron, it only weighs eighteen kilograms and is less than one meter long.

Both sides stood there with their weapons ready. No one took the lead to take action. However, the soldiers in the audience were excited. These two are both generals. It is impossible to see such a grand event on weekdays. They all started to look forward to it.
This chapter has been completed!
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