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Chapter 62 Before the War (2)

Xiao Jingxuan ordered people to summon Ye Xiong to the mansion. Seeing Ye Xiong in military uniform, Xiao Jingxuan was also very satisfied.

"Ye Xiong, how many people in Fengzhou do you think will obey my military orders?"

"Well, Marshal, Fengzhou now has a new general, and a lot of people have been deployed in various ministries. It will probably be more difficult."

After hearing the news, Xiao Jingxuan was still a little disappointed, so he continued to ask: "What about Langtou Mountain?"

"Commander, there are not many people in Langtou Mountain. There are less than 10,000 people, and most of them are infantry. I'm afraid they won't be of much use?"

"Who is commanding Langtou Mountain now?"

"Coming back to the commander-in-chief, it should still be Wei Ming. The commander-in-chief of Fengzhou despises Wei Mingduo, so he did not take any action against Langtou Mountain."

After Xiao Jingxuan asked, he fell into deep thought. After a while, he looked at Ye Xiong.

"Ye Xiong, I plan to send troops in winter. Now, there should be no defense on the grassland. King Woruji's troops are quite strong. Only by taking advantage of their unpreparedness can we have a chance of winning."

"Commander, the wind and snow on the grassland in winter are too heavy, making it difficult for the army to move out. If there is a storm, I'm afraid..."

Xiao Jingxuan sighed.

"There is no other way. We can only take advantage of winter to weaken the strength of the Voluji tribe first, and then open up the connection with Fengzhou."

"Commander, if the army is mobilized and Yan comes to attack, I am afraid that Fan Yang will not be able to support it."

"No. In the war at the beginning of the year, the Yan State lost a lot of food and baggage, as well as a lot of soldiers. Moreover, the top leaders of the Yan State are still involved in internal fighting. Now, they are no longer able to attack."

Ye Xiong hesitated for a while and considered his words.

"Commander, what about Pingzhou?"

Xiao Jingxuan was silent, looking at his favorite general who was always known for his bravery and foolhardiness, and he didn't know how to answer for a moment. It seemed that he had to re-examine his generals.

"This time I plan to lead 50,000 cavalry. Your troops are also on the expedition. Go and prepare."

Xiao Jingxuan did not directly answer Ye Xiong's question, but told Ye Xiong with actions that he had an arrangement. At least, Xiao Jingxuan left a heavy force to guard the city in case of any eventuality.

After Ye Xiong clasped his fists and left, Xiao Jingxuan asked his personal guards to pass the order, ordering Huangfu Song, Hu Yanzhuo, Gongsun Sheng, Zhou Tong, and Ye Xiong who had just left to assemble their own troops and gather in Shenzhou ten days later. At the same time, he ordered his personal guards to

The camp is ready.

At the same time, Huangfu Song, who was in Shenzhou, was ordered to send a large number of scouts to explore the true and false status of King Woruji's tribe and its subordinate tribes.

Of course, before the army goes out to fight, Xiao Jingxuan must first solve Fan Yang's hidden dangers.

The first thing is Fan Yang's power structure. In terms of civil servants, although he currently does not have good candidates, he must have all the officials in each department and cannot let one family dominate.

After all, Ding Weiran was from the Yan State, and many of the people he promoted were also from the Yan State, which was not conducive to his rule.

He had to build an opponent to contain him, and it was before he went on the expedition. After thinking about it, Xiao Jingxuan decided to pick some from Pingzhou.

Although the chief official of the Pingzhou government office was killed by himself, there were still many assistant officials and minor officials in the government office.

Xiao Jingxuan took out Zhao Gang's investigation documents from the official documents on the table. After reading them, Xiao Jingxuan had an idea.

First, Ling Tuizhi, the chief clerk of Tiaoping Prefecture, was appointed as the chief official of the household house. Then, the chief catcher of Pingzhou was transferred to the Yingzhou Prefectural Government Office as the chief catcher.

In order for Ling Tuizhi to work better, Xiao Jingxuan also transferred some minor officials from Pingzhou to work in the household.

At the same time, a group of soldiers and horses were transferred from Qi Biao of Tianhuo Camp to set up a patrol battalion, which was responsible for the security of Yingzhou.

This should be foolproof. As for the generals, after you go on an expedition, whether it is Yingzhou or Pingzhou, you must find someone to take charge.

However, there are indeed no suitable candidates among the infantry. After all, these generals have experienced relatively little war.

Moreover, once there is a change, the speed of infantry may not be able to respond effectively and quickly.

But if the cavalry general is allowed to take charge, I'm afraid these guys in the infantry will be dissatisfied.

After weighing the situation, Xiao Jingxuan had no choice but to let Qi Biao temporarily take charge of the commander's seal, and at the same time left a secret message to Yang Xiong in case something unexpected happened.

As for the suspicious people coming from the city, there is currently no good solution.

Therefore, Xiao Jingxuan asked Zhao Gang to set up a secret guard action team to deal with these people.

The name of the action team is Falcon. As for the personnel of Falcon, Xiao Jingxuan authorized Zhao Gang to select from the military or recruit people from the Jianghu. However, the number should not be too large, and there is a limit of 100 people.

As for whether things can be done well or not, that is not Xiao Jingxuan's decision. Anyway, the rights are given to Zhao Gang. As for the rest, Zhao Gang should have a headache.

Xiao Jingxuan also sent orders to various farms to transport some grain and grass to Shenzhou to prepare for the army.

However, there is still another unstable factor that needs to be dealt with, and that is prisoners of war and criminal prisoners.

Some prisoners with minor crimes can be sent to work on the farm, but some serious criminals and prisoners of war are a problem.

Nowadays, the roads in various states and counties are almost smooth, so they can't be left idle.

You must know that there are nearly 20,000 prisoners of war, and as many as 30,000 criminal prisoners. Don't think that the number of criminal prisoners is very large.

You must know that the criminal laws of the Wei Dynasty were still very severe. For some bigger crimes, homes were frequently confiscated, and even the entire clan was exterminated.

Now most of them have been assigned to Fan Yang. How to deal with these people and return them to the people is not feasible. In desperation, Xiao Jingxuan could only disrupt the distribution of these people.

Some of them, about 10,000 young men, were sent to mines near Weizhou.

Ten thousand people were selected from them to build a city in Weizhou, and the rest were all sent to Weizhou. The men built the city, while the women and children were resettled on the spot and did what they could.

After arranging these, Xiao Jingxuan breathed a sigh of relief. Next, he waited for the army to go out.

After Ling Tui's group arrived, Xiao Jingxuan briefly received and comforted them, and then let these people take office.

Next, Xiao Jingxuan set off with the guard camp and headed for Shenzhou.

Now, it is early winter, and the weather is already relatively cold. In order to ensure that the army can fight better, winter clothes, gloves and other things need to be prepared.

The moment Xiao Jingxuan decided to start a war, the whole Fan Yang took action.

Although Fan Yang is newly settled, they are all compatriots of the same clan and are extremely hostile to the barbarians.

When Xiao Jingxuan arrived outside Shenzhou City, all the military commanders came to greet him outside the city.

After greeting the generals, Xiao Jingxuan went to inspect each camp. Now there are many young and strong Fan Yang in the army, and he doesn't know whether it is right for him to be so aggressive.

I inspected each camp and chatted with some soldiers for a while. The overall situation was pretty good.

So, Xiao Jingxuan returned to the city. There was no Xiao Jingxuan's mansion in Shenzhou, so Huangfusong's mansion was temporarily regarded as the commander's mansion.

He led the generals to the meeting hall and looked at the map on the wall. Now there are many large and small tribes in the north of Shenzhou City marked on the map. There are still many scouts who have not returned yet, so there are still many that have not been marked.

Looking at the map in front of him, Xiao Jingxuan was a little speechless, because there were too many. There were no large tribes under King Woruji at all, most of them were small tribes of four to five thousand people.

Immediately afterwards, Huangfu Song began to tell about the situation of King Woruji's tribe.

The Horuki royal tribe is not connected with other royal tribes. Other royal tribes only recruit young men from various tribes under their command to go to the royal tribe to take orders during the war.

The Horuji King's Tribe is different. Every year, the Horuji King's Tribe selects a group of the strongest warriors from subordinate tribes to join the tribe. Therefore, the warriors under the Horuji King's Tribe are the strongest among the King's Tribe.


However, these two methods have their own advantages and disadvantages. It is difficult to distinguish at the moment.

However, King Woruji’s approach can give Xiao Jingxuan a headache.

The various tribes are too scattered among themselves, and it seems that they need to divide their forces. Otherwise, I'm afraid the gains outweigh the losses.

After discussing with the generals for a while, Xiao Jingxuan planned to divide his troops into three groups. The first group, Xiao Jingxuan, would lead the guard battalion, and the middle group, Ye Xiong, would go directly to Langtou Mountain from the left.

Gongsun Sheng led Hu Yanzhuo in the middle and fought from the middle to Langtou Mountain. The ones with the heaviest task were Huangfu Song and Zhou Tong.

Because it has to go around in a big circle, but the strength of King Voluji is a bit strong and needs to be avoided, so it is not suitable for a head-on confrontation at the moment.

As for Yang Xiong's troops, they stayed in Fanyang to stay on guard. They did not participate in this meeting.

In order for the operation to proceed smoothly, Xiao Jingxuan issued strict military orders.

That is to steal everything that can be taken away. Then, except for unmarried women, kill all the barbarians in sight, regardless of age.

All the spoils of war were sent to Shenzhou.

At the same time, in order to prevent King Woruji from taking the opportunity to attack Shenzhou, Xiao Jingxuan ordered Dewey, who had been transferred to the camp, to come to Shenzhou to take charge.

Everyone was a little shocked when they heard Xiao Jingxuan's military order, even Ye Xiong was a little shocked.

Because this military order is more cruel and bloody than the military order in Fengzhou.

Seeing the hesitation of the generals, Xiao Jingxuan looked at the generals and said: "You are all my favorite generals and confidants, and I will not hide it from you. The world is about to be in chaos, whether it is Wei, Chu or Yan.

A chaos ensues.

For a long time in the future, we will not be able to carry out the Northern Expedition. We must weaken the strength of the barbarians so that they will be unable to invade the south during the civil strife in the Central Plains. Only in this way can the people on the border survive."

"Commander, is the whole Central Plains in chaos? Can you elaborate on it?"

Xiao Jingxuan glanced at Huangfu Song who asked the question.

"How chaotic is it? What kind of chaos it is? I don't know, but now the chaos has arisen, and it cannot be changed by human power. As for the reason, given your martial arts level, it is better not to know."

Seeing that Xiao Jingxuan was unwilling to say more, the generals could only suppress their questions.

Finally, Xiao Jingxuan ordered the army to set off tomorrow and ordered the generals to go down to prepare for the expedition.
This chapter has been completed!
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