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Chapter 63 Expedition

Early the next morning, Xiao Jingxuan led the army to go out, leaving Shenzhou City and marching towards the grassland.

After the army was divided, Xiao Jingxuan took Ye Xiong and began to kill towards the tribe marked on the map.

Under the blessing of this kind of weather, the barbarians were not very vigilant, and could even be said to be lax. In addition, Xiao Jingxuan made a sneak attack, so the army did not waste much effort, and Xiao Jingxuan captured the first tribe.

Not to mention, the subordinate tribes under the command of King Woruji are indeed weak. For a tribe of four to five thousand people, there are only about a thousand warriors.

Moreover, Xiao Jingxuan discovered that these tribes were not only small in number, but also very poor, including the leaders of the tribes.

This can be seen from the fact that there are not many valuable items in the tents of the tribal leaders.

Soon, the soldiers under Xiao Jingxuan collected the loot together, and of course, some of the plundered Yan and Wei people.

Seeing the numb people who were being tortured, Xiao Jingxuan immediately ordered people to distribute clothes and food to these people.

At this time, there were still many surrendered barbarians kneeling in the tribe's camp. Xiao Jingxuan ordered people to pick out unmarried barbarian women. As for the remaining people, they were all tied up and then killed without leaving any one behind.

At the same time, a team of hundreds was selected from the Chinese army to escort the people and the loot back to Shenzhou.

After arranging these things, Xiao Jingxuan ordered the army to rest. After resting, they rushed to the next tribe.

However, in order to reduce the casualties of the troops, Xiao Jingxuan always used sneak attacks against the barbarian tribes.

Whether it's a night attack or a disguise, in short, Xiao Jingxuan doesn't mind using it as long as it can reduce casualties.

Now Xiao Jingxuan alone has wiped out almost ten tribes. Of course, the harvest is also huge.

The war horses alone make Xiao Jingxuan's trip worthwhile. Xiao Jingxuan's subordinates now have one person and two horses.

In addition, a large number of people from Yan and Wei were rescued, including tens of thousands of cattle and sheep, as well as countless gold, silver, weapons, and furs.

Of course, a lot of evil was committed, and every one of the soldiers under his command had blood on their hands.

Among them, Xiao Jingxuan himself was the most important. During Xiao Jingxuan's trip, he killed at least five to six hundred people.

Although it is very cruel, Xiao Jingxuan has no choice. This is a race war. If I don’t kill you, you will kill me.

Seeing that it was now not far from Langtou Mountain, Xiao Jingxuan sent Ye Xiong and Lei Ben to meet the other two armies, and he also took a dozen personal guards to the Langtou Mountain Mountains.

Today's Langtou Mountain is really different. Xiao Jingxuan stood at the foot of the mountain and looked at the arrow towers and tall stone walls standing everywhere, and was very satisfied.

After passing the notification from the soldiers at the city gate, Wei Ming soon arrived at the foot of the mountain. After seeing Jam Hsiao, he quickly came to Jam Hsiao.

Wei Ming turned over and dismounted, came to Xiao Jingxuan, knelt down on one knee, cupped his fists and saluted: "The last general, Wei Ming, pays homage to the general."

Xiao Jingxuan turned over and dismounted, helped Wei Ming up, and patted Wei Ming on the shoulder.

"General Wei, you are no longer my general, so you don't need to be polite."

"General, my subordinates only obey the general's military orders."

Hearing these words of loyalty, Xiao Jingxuan would be lying if he said he was not moved. He said happily: "Wei Ming, take me to visit Langtou Mountain and see your achievements."

"Yes, General, please."

Following Wei Ming, Xiao Jingxuan visited Langtou Mountain. Not to mention, it is indeed impregnable.

First of all, the mountains surrounding Langtou Mountain and several places where you can enter the mountain are all built with city walls. In addition, there are a large number of arrow towers on both sides of the city wall.

As for the mountains without city walls, they have all been repaired, making it impossible for enemies to pass through the mountains and forests and enter the city walls.

Of course, even if enemy troops attack the city wall, there is no need to worry, because all the roads into the mountain are laid out.

Each road is not wide and can only accommodate a carriage. There is a suspension bridge every few hundred meters. Under the suspension bridge are deep pits filled with sharp tree stumps.

In addition, Xiao Jingxuan also discovered that there were a large number of trenches on both sides of the road. Archers could easily shoot at the invading enemy troops from both sides.

After passing these rugged roads, you can reach the top of Langtou Mountain.

In order to store supplies, Wei Ming built a large number of cellars in the mountains. Moreover, the locations of these cellars are also very hidden.

In addition to these, Xiao Jingxuan also saw a large number of barracks, prisons, and school grounds used for military training on the top of the mountain.

Today's Langtou Mountain can no longer be called a mountain range, but more like a fortified city. Although it is not very majestic, it is definitely stronger than an ordinary city.

Seeing that the entire mountain city was in order, Xiao Jingxuan appreciated Wei Mingna even more.

After arriving at the conference hall, Wei Ming introduced several generals under his command to Xiao Jingxuan. Xiao Jingxuan nodded their heads one by one.

After the greetings, Xiao Jingxuan also made it clear his purpose of coming, which was to weaken the strength of the barbarians so that the barbarians were temporarily unable to invade south.

Although Xiao Jingxuan had robbed the King of Woruji before, it did not damage the roots.

Xiao Jingxuan believes that as long as the cold winter passes, King Woruji will definitely launch a counterattack against Shenzhou.

Xiao Jingxuan plans to fight not only the Woluji tribe, but also other tribes on the grassland this time. Only by weakening the strength of the entire barbarian tribe can they be afraid and dare not provoke the Wei excessively.

After hearing Xiao Jingxuan's intention, Wei Ming was a little embarrassed.

"General, it's not that the general is unwilling to contribute, it's just that most of the generals under his command are auxiliary troops. There are only ten thousand people and their combat power is limited. What's more, Langtou Mountain also needs to leave enough defensive power."

"I have brought 50,000 cavalry under my command this time. The soldiers and horses are enough. However, I hope you can send a troop. In addition to serving as a guide for the army, it can also help me transport the loot. In addition, I hope that you can send the troops under my command.

Wounded soldiers were sent to Langtou Mountain for treatment. If the war goes unfavorably, the army can go to Langtou Mountain to take shelter."

After hearing Xiao Jingxuan's request, Wei Ming did not hesitate at all.

"These are all trivial matters. The general's direct instructions are that there is sufficient food and grass in Langtou Mountain, and the number of medicinal herbs for military medicine is also sufficient. There is no problem with these. When the general goes on an expedition, he will personally lead five thousand auxiliary troops to follow the general."

Hearing Wei Ming's decisive answer, Xiao Jingxuan was still very satisfied.

"Okay, let's talk in detail after the army gathers."

"I will obey the general's order and I will immediately arrange a place for him to live."

After saying that, he respectfully led Xiao Jingxuan to the back office of the meeting hall. This was Wei Ming's residence originally, but now that Xiao Jingxuan was here, Wei Ming naturally gave way.

Xiao Jingxuan was not too polite and settled down openly.

Xiao Jingxuan waited at Langtou Mountain for five days before Gongsun Sheng, Hu Yanzhuo and others hurriedly came to Langtou Mountain.

After the troops were placed in various places in the mountain city to rest, the military meeting began.

There were only seven people attending the meeting, including Xiao Jingxuan. After watching the battalion commanders on both sides take their seats, the military meeting officially began.

The first thing is to report the results of the battle. The losses of the various armies were not large, and no bones were broken. But the gains were considerable.

A tribe's supplies may seem inconspicuous, but they slaughtered almost thirty tribes.

There are hundreds of thousands of cattle and sheep alone. Of course, the most important thing is the population. In addition to rescuing tens of thousands of people in Yan, Wei and other places, they also captured almost 8,000 unmarried barbarian women. With these

With the population, Xiao Jingxuan can set up a small county town.

Secondly, there are war horses. Nowadays, the 50,000-strong army is almost composed of one person and two horses, which greatly improves the army's mobility.

As for weapons and armor, not many were plundered. The barbarians were short of iron, so apart from the iron swords, even the arrows were made of bone, which was of little use.

After the generals reported the results of the battle, they began to discuss the next step for the army.

The barbarians have six major royal tribes. Now, the strength of the three royal tribes close to the Wei Dynasty has been greatly reduced, and the rest are hard bones that are not easy to chew.

Seeing that the generals under his command began to discuss, but nothing useful was discussed for a long time, Xiao Jingxuan stared at the map on the wall and began to think.

Finally, Xiao Jingxuan began to make a decision and decided on the target of the next attack, the Hutu Khan Department.

After hearing Xiao Jingxuan's decision, the generals were shocked. You must know that the Hutu Khan tribe has dominated the barbarians for hundreds of years and has been standing still. It is very strong.

Hutu Khan's tribe has a Golden Tent Wolf Cavalry. Although the number of this cavalry is not large, only ten thousand people, they are genuine heavy armored cavalry.

Each of these cavalrymen is wearing iron armor, and even the mounts under them are wearing armor. Moreover, each of these cavalrymen rides one person and two people, and their mobility is also good.

In addition, the Khan tribe also had more than 100,000 cavalry directly under its command. It was precisely because of such strength that the Hutu Khan tribe was able to dominate the grasslands for hundreds of years without anyone daring to provoke.

Seeing the generals under his command trying to persuade him to change his mind, Xiao Jingxuan told the reason why he chose to attack the Khan.

The strength of Hutu Khan's tribe is indeed strong, but Xiao Jingxuan is not weak either. Xiao Jingxuan has an army of 50,000, and the equipment is relatively sophisticated compared to the barbarians.

If the command is effective, as long as tens of thousands of Hutu Khan's knights are killed, the grassland will inevitably be in turmoil. By then, Hutu Khan's tribe will not be able to completely suppress the six kings under his command.

As long as the grasslands are in turmoil and the dominance of the Hutu Khan tribe declines, then the borders of the Wei Dynasty will naturally rest easy.

After hearing Xiao Jingxuan's analysis, the generals thought about it and felt that there was still a high chance of completing the task, so they all agreed.

Seeing that everyone agreed, Xiao Jingxuan stood up and formally issued a military order. The army rested for two days. Two days later, the army set off and launched an attack on the barbarian Khan tribe.

Since Wei Ming was not his subordinate, Xiao Jingxuan did not give the order in the form of a military order, but in a negotiated tone asked Wei Ming to personally lead 5,000 auxiliary troops to follow the army.

Wei Ming naturally agreed wholeheartedly.
This chapter has been completed!
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