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Chapter 125: Fighting in the dark, Kongming lanterns gather

Moves as fast as thunder!

The first hit hit the man's weapon, causing the man's jaw to crack!

The man looked horrified.

Before he could react, the second blow struck like thunder.

There is no other way but to bite the bullet and hold the weapon tightly with both hands to resist.


This blow made his legs tremble and his internal organs were shaken to pieces.

But he still barely resisted.

However, the third one fell like a sudden rain.


This time, the bones in various parts of his body were broken.

Especially on the lower legs, the bones have broken through the skin and are exposed.

Scarlet blood was oozing out from the wound punctured by the bone.

Only three times.

Although the three blows were all blows, and the weapons did not touch his body, they still put his body under unimaginable pressure.

It's like hurting someone with a blunt instrument.

Although no obvious wounds were visible, the body suffered huge damage.

Although Fusu could kill his opponent with one move, he wanted to try a new killing method.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for killing a general, and you will be rewarded with 10,000 glory points!"

The cold electronic sound sounded in his mind, and the corners of Fusu's mouth curled up slightly.

Compared with killing with sharp weapons, killing with blunt weapons is more complicated, but it is more enjoyable.

I sealed my throat with a sword and felt nothing.

It's just fast.

This method of killing can cause the enemy to suffer tremendous pain before dying.

These enemies deserve a painful death.

Instead of feeling dead.

Fusu's hatred towards them was no less than that of Ran Min.

Because it is precisely because of these bastards that the people in the land of China have suffered so much.

Wives and children were separated, families were destroyed...

How many times has the land of China been soaked in blood because of these bastards?

The country that was originally black soil and yellow soil has been dyed red.

Not only that, these bastards also call Chinese people ‘sheep’!


‘Sheep’ used as food!

Although no relevant incidents have occurred these days, it does not mean that Fusu does not have hatred in his heart.

Fusu still clearly remembered that the reason why he attacked Heishui City was to liberate the Chinese people imprisoned in Heishui City.

These bastards imprisoning Chinese people are not good birds at all.

Killing them will not only give you the pleasure of gaining glory points, but also the pleasure of revenge.

Avenge those Chinese compatriots who died forever.


Fusu breathed a long sigh of relief, and his heart seemed to become much lighter.

The reopened ears were also filled with shouts of 'baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaor' and pleas from all around.


Ran Min has already arrived!

In order to kill another general before Ran Min takes action, and gain more glory points.

Fusu raised Fang Tian's painted halberd, turned his body 180 degrees, and jumped high into the air.


Destroy the world!

The powerful attack method shook the entire land.

Fang Tian's painted halberd hit the ground, and a huge cloud of dust rose up around him.

The other general who was hit was directly smashed into minced flesh.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for killing a general, and you will be rewarded with 10,000 glory points!"

The cold electronic beep sounded again, and Fusu was filled with joy.

I gained more than 30,000 glory points in one fell swoop.

This is so comfortable!

Compared to construction, we still prefer conquest.

Although the conquest is hard, you have to fight the enemy with all your might.

But there are also a lot of glory points gained.

If you meet someone with a high status, you will gain even more glory points.

It's simply not that exciting.

Construction, strengthening in construction.

It's just too boring.

It's still a real fight.

At the same time, Ran Min and the Hanwu cavalry led by him also joined the battle.

Although they were not as numerous as the other party, they beat the crap out of the other party.

The Third Prince, who was standing before, has long since disappeared.

The place of eternal silence!

Above Blackwater City.

Thousands of Kongming lanterns float like fireflies.

All the Xiongnu people in Blackwater City walked out of their homes and looked up.

"Wow, this is so beautiful, isn't it? Who is so capable to build these beautiful things?"

"There are so many! They are like little flying lanterns! They are so beautiful!"

"It's so beautiful! What are these made of? Are there such skilled craftsmen in our city?"

"It's so beautiful, I really like it! Only we in Blackwater City can make these things! Others don't have the brains at all!"

"It wouldn't be great if these things can appear at the sacrificial ceremony half a month later! Who put them there? I can't help but want to become a disciple!"

"They are like spinning lanterns. Were these made by the city lord?"

The people in the city looked up to the sky.

Those imprisoned Chinese women also saw the lanterns through the narrow windows at this moment.

Seeing the lanterns, they felt an inexplicable sense of intimacy in their hearts.

These whirling lanterns seemed to illuminate their current bleak situation.

It seems to be a beacon leading them home.


It has been a long time since they were captured.

At least more than a year.

Some even last for more than ten years.

In more than ten years of imprisonment, they have no idea what hope is!

All that awaits them is day after day.

Originally, everyone was afraid of death, but now they wish for death to come soon.

While expecting the God of Death to take away his life, he did not dare to provoke the God of Death.

Helpless and painful.

I can only live in pain and fear every day.


Suddenly, a crisp voice came.

The next second, a woman's painful pleading sounded.

These people have long been accustomed to these sounds.

As a slave, if you do something wrong, you will be severely punished.

One day ago, a woman was beaten to death with an iron whip because she dropped a needle.

It's just a needle.

What a funny and painful fact.


There was a sound of panic in the city.

"Run quickly, those things are going to fall!"

"Run, run quickly..."

The people in the city were running wildly, everyone running to their homes.

He suddenly raised his head and saw that the floating lanterns in the sky were actually burning.

While burning, jars like rocks fell from the sky.


A few seconds later, I saw jars falling on the house, the floor, and the city wall...

Countless jars fell like hail.

The jar broke and liquid flowed out.

These liquids actually smell like animals.

A bolder person will try to touch the liquid.

"These are actually oils?"

This sentence left everyone puzzled.

“The sky doesn’t drop hail or rain, but it drops oil instead?”

"What on earth is going on? Is this a prank by the rich family? Why are you wasting oil like this?"

"What exactly is going on?"

The people in the city all raised questions.

However, at this moment, the castle in the center of the city also exploded.

"Report, report to the city lord, the sky lanterns were not released by the people in the city! According to the people in the city, they all floated from outside!"
This chapter has been completed!
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