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Chapter 126 Blackwater City is in chaos, covered with kerosene

As soon as these words came out, everyone in the hall was shocked.

However, before everyone could recover from the shock, there was a "bang bang bang" sound of smashing outside.

"Report! The city lord is in trouble!"

A soldier hurriedly ran into the hall and knelt down with a plop on the ground.

"City Lord, those swirling lanterns in the sky were burned by flames, and countless jars and jars fell from the sky! And the jars seemed to contain kerosene!"

This report made everyone present extremely panicked.

"What? That crackling sound outside is actually jars and jars falling from the sky?"

"Who on earth is so boring that he oils our hair?"

"How could the sky rain down jars and jars for no reason? Could this be Changletian punishing us? Does Changletian not like the woman who sacrificed last time? Could it be because we didn't dress the 'sheep' and were punished by Changletian?

God hates it?"

"What should we do? What should we do now?"

"Is there a possibility that this is the enemy's way of attacking!"

Everyone was talking and talking about it.

"Okay!" Xubu Zuolong sat on the leader's throne, looking around everyone with a pair of angry eyes. "The whole city has entered the highest level of defense state, and all mechanisms are activated! Not even a mosquito can let him enter Blackwater City!"


Everyone responded in unison and left one after another.

But at this moment.

Xubu Zuolong had a sad look on his face and turned to stare at the stone statue beside him.

"Is the era you mentioned really coming?"

"With the highest defense system you have built, can it defend against this attack?"

"Where will they attack from? I firmly believe in your mechanism skills! Let alone humans, even gods will find it difficult to step into Blackwater City!"

"We, Blackwater City, can't capture it even with thousands of troops!"

"It must be! It must be! It must be!!"

Xubu Zuolong's eyes were as sinister as a poisonous snake, and he pressed his hands tightly against the tiger's mouth.

His body actually trembled a little.

I don’t know if I am scared or excited by the ups and downs of life.

"Father! Please let me send troops to avenge my elder brother!"

Suddenly, a crisp voice came.

Xubu Zuolong turned around and looked, but it was his second son, Xubu Gaitingxing.

"No!" Xubu Zuolong took a deep breath, "When you find Princess Xiangling, you have to marry her on your eldest brother's behalf!"

"Then what's so good about girls?" Xu Bu Gao Xing's eyes were sharp and his ring-shaped beard looked particularly slovenly. "Father, we are all big men. We really can't stand such skinny little things.

Our love!"

"My son, no matter how much you two brothers don't like her, you still have to marry her!" Xubu Zuolong sighed, "Marrying her will make our opponents relax their vigilance! I have already made you want to marry Luo Taling.

The request was reported to the Chanyu! The Chanyu was very happy and made the Taidang the general of dragon city and tiger city!"

"General of the Dragon City and the Tigers?" Xu Bu Gaitingxing frowned, and then laughed, "Father, it's your foresight that lets two of our brothers marry Luo Tanling, just to numb the head of Man Shanyu.

! Let him relax his vigilance against us, and immediately unite with Yuezhi to wait for an opportunity to seize the power of the Huns!"

"It's time for our Xubu family to become the Chanyu of this land! When we responded to Touman, it was just for the reward he promised! Now that he has become the Chanyu, he doesn't give us the reward we deserve! He deserves to die!"

Bu Zuolong looked excited and banged his hands on the throne, "My son, go and invite that gentleman!"

"Invite him?" Xub Gaitingxing frowned, "He is already over a hundred years old! Father, do you really want to use him? And he has been locked up in the dungeon for a long time! I'm afraid..."

"He is responsible for creating all the mechanisms in Blackwater City! He is more familiar with it than we are!" Xubu Zuolong frowned, and a cold look appeared on his face, "Gaiting Star, you should learn from your brother, act vigorously and resolutely, and do everything in a decisive manner.

Don’t ask too clearly, but know how to think for yourself!”


Xub Gaitingxing responded verbally, but felt very unhappy in his heart.

With Princess Xiangling's beauty, how could I not like her?

But I just don’t like inheriting things from my brother!

Ever since I was little, I have been squeezed too much.

No matter what happens, my father will only praise me too much.

No matter how hard I try, I can't seem to get my father's approval.

Now that Xubu Taidang died on the battlefield, his father's attitude towards him has improved slightly.


If you can replace the old man and become the Lord of Blackwater City.

Then am I not?

If you want to get Blackwater City, you still need his support.

Go find him now and discuss it with him.

Xubu Gaitingxing turned around and headed to the dungeon.

In the deepest part of the dungeon, the man has been imprisoned for more than sixty years to prevent him from escaping.

And he is the architect who built this Blackwater City.

The greatest master of machine arts ever.

at the same time!

Blackwater City is covered in oil stains.

But the sky is still raining down jars and jars.

The can was smashed to the ground, and when it was broken, a full can of kerosene flowed out.

Thirty or fifty minutes passed.

The entire Blackwater City was soaked in fire oil.

Just a little bit of candlelight can light up the entire Blackwater City.

In order to prevent accidents, the city lord Xubu Zuolong immediately ordered a fire ban in the entire city.

Even if you light a fire and cook, it won't work.

Not only that, Xubuzuolong also strictly prohibited the people in the city from picking up the kerosene flowing on the ground.

And some people simply can't control that much.

Although Blackwater City is extremely strong, the supplies in the city are very scarce.

If fire oil falls from the sky, it is indeed a great gift from heaven.

But some people touch the oil with their fingers and put a little into their mouths.

After a while, I saw these people vomiting foam at the mouth, turning blue, and twitching all over.


Is this kerosene poisonous?

When making kerosene, Ran Min once passed the place where kerosene was refined.

In order to prevent the fallen kerosene from being picked up by the people in the city, Ran Min asked Gao Shun to add poison to the kerosene.

When they saw someone being poisoned, the people in the city stopped picking it up.

Let the kerosene flow like a stream in the city.

Another ten minutes passed.

The altars and jars falling from the sky finally dissipated.


There were bursts of sonic booms in the dark sky.

It was like countless huge eagles flying across the sky.

Everyone looked up to the sky.

It was pitch dark, and there was no way to light the lights.

But there are indeed countless huge monsters in the sky.

The people and soldiers in the city all looked up to the sky.

"Click! Click!"


A strange sound came from the sky.

These sounds are like things colliding together!

But it's not metal!

If they are metals, they will burst into flames when they collide.

And what Blackwater City fears most now is flames.

As long as there is a little spark, the entire Blackwater City can be set on fire.


Invisible monsters are even scarier.

The people and soldiers in the whole city were shrouded in great fear.

They are afraid, afraid!

It's like a layer of unknown darkness is shrouding my heart.

But I am eager to know what the giant thing hovering in the sky is!
This chapter has been completed!
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