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Chapter 29 Recruitment

"You...can't...ah, kill me!"

One Eye roared and coughed violently at the same time. Every time his throat twitched, a mouth full of blood came out.

Grosso picked up One-Eye's machete, pointed it at One-Eye's forehead as if the roles had just been reversed, and asked disdainfully:

"Why can't I kill you?"

"S...Siro, I won't...let you go!" One Eye struggled to raise his hand and pointed at Grosso's nose.

"Hmph, it's Ciro again." Grosso took a mouthful of phlegm and spit it on the one-eyed face and said:

"I heard this Silla's name on the first day I arrived at the dock. I haven't even seen anyone else yet. He's a pretentious guy. Will I be afraid of his revenge?"

After listening to One Eye, he laughed loudly. The laughter was mixed with violent coughing, which was very tragic:

"I have seen too many... ahem, people who despise Silla. You are one... that Lawrence is also one... both of you... will be like those people... die... than

I’m still miserable!”

These words seemed to take all the strength of One Eye. After the last word came out of his mouth, One Eye swung his head to the right, glanced at Lawrence with complicated eyes, and then completely lost his life.

Following the death of One-Eye, the Sea Snake Gang completely gave up their resistance. The remaining ten or so people dropped their machetes and knelt on the ground, begging loudly for mercy.

Grosso kicked One-Eyed's corpse with a disdainful look on his face, and then loudly ordered:

"Brothers, tie up the alive ones and throw the dead into the sea! The trophies found belong to you!"

At this time, it happened that Old Sean also fetched what Lawrence needed. He held a large piece of white gauze in his hand, followed by two waiters from the tavern, who worked together to bring a large bucket of strong rum.

"If you want the money, I'll send someone to the pub tomorrow." Lawrence glanced at the two waiters and said.

The two men put down the heavy barrel with difficulty. One of them nodded repeatedly and said:

"Of course there is no problem. We can trust Mr. Bonaparte's name."

Afterwards, the two men took a careful look at the dock covered in blood and various kinds of bile, and hurried away.

Lawrence scooped a handful of wine into the barrel with his right hand, and then sprinkled it directly on the injured area.


The needle-like pain coming from the wound made Lawrence take a deep breath, and then waved to the patrols to come over and clean the wound and then bandage it.

In order to compress and stop the bleeding, many team members cut their uniforms into strips of cloth with bayonets and tied them near the heart of the wound. This also made them look like a group of beggars at this moment.

Seeing how everyone was ragged, covered in blood, and exhausted, Lawrence couldn't help but blame himself. After all, it was he who misjudged Silla's intentions that led to such a battle.

By the time Grosso's side had finished cleaning up the battlefield, Lawrence's side had basically finished dealing with the wounded. Fortunately, no one had injuries to their internal organs, and most of them were cuts to the torso and arms.

"Boy, can you still move and come over to have a chat?" Grosso whistled and walked to Lawrence easily and said.

Lawrence nodded, struggled to get up from the ground, and the two of them found a place to sit on the dock.

"You've changed a lot, kid. I hear your name all the time here." Grosso joked first.

Lawrence smiled bitterly and said:

"I just did something, but you, how did you win over such a large group of people in Ajaccio?"

Grosso looked at the sea and recalled:

"After escaping from the White Rose that day, I swam to Ajaccio and found a few surviving sailor brothers. We lost our jobs, so we started from scratch at the dock here and developed a small gang.

.You will know later that I had a conflict with that one-eyed man and became a mortal enemy."

Lawrence couldn't help but nodded in approval. Being able to establish a gang of dozens of people with no roots in a place like the West City Pier, it seemed that Grosso did have some abilities.

"By the way, One-Eye is dead?" Lawrence suddenly asked.

Grosso nodded, showing no sympathy for this cruel and arrogant man:

"When he dies, other people's bodies are thrown into the sea, but I keep his."

"What were his last words? I really want to know." Lawrence also looked at the sea and said casually.

"Nothing, I said a bastard named Ciro will come to take revenge on me." Grosso replied nonchalantly.

Lawrence turned to look at Grosso and asked with a strange expression: "Do you know Ciro?"

Grosso's face looked a little more serious and he said in a deep voice:

"I have never seen him, but I know that he killed a brother of mine, a brother who has been with me for eight years. I will never forget this grudge."

Lawrence was silent for a moment, but decided to tell Grosso the information he knew about Ciro.

The other party had saved him more than once, and Lawrence didn't want to be ungrateful and watch Grosso die inexplicably at the hands of Ciro, and even die without knowing what happened.

After listening to Lawrence's description, Grosso also fell into a brief silence.

If it is true as Lawrence said, Grosso may not even be able to save his own life, let alone avenge the tragic death of his brother.

"Damn it, the worst I can do is find a boat and go back to my old job." Grosso cursed, but then he lowered his head and said:

"It's just that if my brother's revenge is not avenged, I will feel uneasy."

"Maybe I can give you a better place to go."

Lawrence patted Grosso's shoulder and said seriously:

"I will kill Silla, but I need your help."

"Help? What help?" Grosseau asked with a frown. He didn't think that he, the leader of a small gang on the dock, could be of any help to the famous Laurence Bonaparte.

Lawrence did not answer directly, but pointed to Grosso's subordinates and asked:

"Can you trust these people of yours?"

"Them? Of course, some of them are my brothers that I have known for almost ten years, and the rest are all subordinates that I personally tested and selected. Not to mention how powerful they are, at least their loyalty is absolute."

Although Grosso was a little strange, he still answered Lawrence's question seriously.

After hearing the answer, Lawrence's eyes lit up. If it was true as Grosso said, then a big problem that troubled him might have been solved.

"How do you feel about you and your men being patrollers in Ajaccio?"

Lawrence pointed at the blood-stained uniform on his body and said seriously.


Grosso grinned, pointed at his men and said, "I can't get along with these people."

"No, you are very suitable. Xicheng District needs a reshaping of order, so the existing situation must be shuffled."

Lawrence was not joking and explained seriously.

After shuffling the existing situation, Grosso also understood that Lawrence was going to clean up the entire underground world in West City.

Grosso opened his mouth, but hesitated not knowing what to say.

He knew that Lawrence wanted to attack the gang leaders in Xicheng District, and it was obvious that another group of gang members were the best thugs.

Although he had heard about the excellent treatment of the patrolmen and Lawrence's reputation, Grosso was still a little hesitant. He didn't like the sense of restraint of being under someone else's roof.

Sensing Grosso's hesitation, Lawrence continued to persuade:

"You only need to obey my orders, I will not treat you as a subordinate. In addition, I will not deprive you and your subordinates of the wealth you deserve."

This chapter has been completed!
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