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Chapter Eleven: Flower Fertilizer

Yao Zichen bought a large courtyard covering an area of ​​more than 20 acres on the hillside of Changfeng Valley in the suburbs. The courtyard walls were high, and glass palace lanterns were tied to the four corners of the white walls. A huge greenhouse was built in the courtyard, and there were lights in the glass greenhouse.

With the lights on, looking from a distance, the whole yard looks like a sparkling glass box left in the silent mountains.

Yao Mulan got out of the taxi at the foot of the mountain, walked halfway up the mountain, and came to the gate. She took out the spare key from her bag and unlocked it. She pushed open the heavy wrought iron gate and walked in. Then she locked the courtyard door. On the lawn

There is a stone path leading to the flower room. Behind the flower room is a small building with red walls and white tiles. There is a password lock on the entrance door of the flower room. Yao Mulan enters the password and walks in. It feels like she has accidentally entered the forest and entered the world of orchids; this

There are various orchids planted in the greenhouse. The entrance is a huge mountain. The rock surface is covered with vegetation and green vines, and it is so green that it is full of wildness. Going around the mountain, a clear stream flows by her feet, with several golden tails swimming in it.

Line fish. There are many rock masses in front of you, and there are corridors across your head. There are also a few thick big trees. Epiphytic orchids grow on the stone mountains and big trees, and various terrestrial orchids grow on the ground.

"Who's downstairs?"

Yao Zichen's voice came from the second floor.

Yao Mulan said: "It's me."

The wooden stairs were hidden behind a mountain. The stairs spiraled to the second floor. There were a few sounds in the corridor on the second floor, and then Yao Zichen walked down. She was wearing a simple white shirt and light gray casual pants, her hair was tied up high, and her hands were

Wearing gloves stained with mud, he held a flower hoe in his hand.

"Mulan, why are you here?" She seemed surprised and very welcoming to Yao Mulan's sudden visit. She took off her gloves and gave Yao Mulan a hug that lasted a while, and said with a smile, "You came by taxi.


Yao Zichen's body exuded a faint fragrance of flowers, a thin layer of sweat oozed from her forehead, and her hair on her temples was damp with sweat. Her current appearance was completely different from the image of an elegant and dignified lady in the past. At this time, Yao Zichen looked like a happy and elegant lady.

Innocent girl.

Yao Mulan took a step back without leaving any trace: "Let me see you."

Yao Zichen stroked her face and hair: "Why have you lost so much weight? Are you eating well?"

Yao Mulan did not answer. She walked forward along the stream and came to a thick and thick tree. The trunk was covered with dense dendrobium and countless lavender flowers clustered together, like a piece of purple satin. She

He raised his hand and stroked one of the flowers: "It was still a bud when I came here last time, but now it has bloomed."

Yao Zichen also looked at those orchids, as if looking at his beloved children, cherishing each one very much: "Last year, the flower buds were pregnant for a year, and they bloomed particularly well this year. I am preparing to bring you here to have a look."

Yao Mulan's fingers passed through the flowers and stroked the rough trunk of the big tree: "Can daddy see it?"

Yao Zichen put his hand on her shoulder and said softly: "Of course he can see it."

Yao Mulan raised the corners of her lips and looked sarcastically: "There are so many flowers, which one is him?"

Yao Zichen's face changed slightly, but she still forced a smile: "Mulan, don't you understand mom even now?"

Yao Mulan didn't respond, and walked forward again, reaching a huge rock mass. There were bright yellow drumstick dendrobium growing on the surface and in the cracks of the rock. She pinched a green leaf, which was thick and oily, and pinched it hard.

Sticky juice oozed out, like thick blood.

Yao Mulan: "I remember you said that plants are carrion-eating, and only by feeding them with flesh and blood can they grow better. I didn't believe it at the time, but now it seems that you are right."

Yao Zichen thought she finally recognized him, and happily held her hand: "Yes, yes, yes, mom will not lie to you. Look at these orchids, how beautiful they are in bloom."

The orchids were indeed beautiful, and the flower room was as beautiful as the Fairyland of Oz. But Yao Mulan could only see pools of blood and pieces of broken meat, and the disgusting smell of blood filled the air.

She turned around and looked at Yao Zichen, also holding Yao Zichen's hand, and said: "Mom, can you apologize to me? Just say I'm sorry."

Yao Zichen asked doubtfully: "Apologise? Why should I apologize to you?"

Yao Mulan held her hand tightly, almost breaking her fingers: "Because when I was seven years old, you killed a woman in front of me. Her name was Zhang Xueli, right? I remember she was very beautiful.

, she still has dimples when she smiles. But that night you poisoned her to death by poisoning her water, then chopped her up with saws and axes, and buried her under my feet."

A gentle and sweet smile appeared on Yao Zichen's face: "Yes, you also helped mom. The way you dig the ground with your little hoe is so cute."

Yao Mulan turned a deaf ear and continued: "From that day on, every time you bring me here, you will ask me to help you dispose of their bodies."

Yao Zichen scraped her nose affectionately: "Little fool, they are not corpses, they are just flower fertilizer."

Yao Mulan felt a chill in her heart, seeping from the bottom of her heart to her limbs, making her shiver: "Have you never thought that what you asked me to do will have a bad impact on me?"

Yao Zichen: "What bad influence?"

Yao Mulan: "I'm scared. I hate the minced meat and blood, but you still keep forcing me to help. I feel like a murderer. I don't dare to talk to others. I'm becoming more and more closed-minded and inferior.

I hate my character."

Yao Zichen: "What does it matter? Mom doesn't hate you. Mom loves you. As long as mom loves you, that's enough."

Yao Mulan's lips gradually turned white, as if a layer of white frost had fallen: "But I also want the love of others. I like a boy, and I believe he also likes me. If I treat myself a little bit,

If I am confident, I will tell him that I like him. But I can't do it, I can only watch him leave. Do you know how sad I am?"

Yao Zichen touched her face lovingly: "I know, I know. I was also very sad when the doctor said that your father's cancer cells had spread throughout the body. I was so sad that I died. But I survived, I saved him, and now he is

You've always been with us, haven't you?"

Yao Mulan: "You didn't save him, you killed him."

Yao Zichen looked angry: "Shut up, your father is still alive. I turned him into an orchid, and he is still alive!"

Yao Mulan's eyes were red, like a frightened child: "Mom, I'm not questioning you, but you can't deny that you made me become like this. I just want to live like a normal person, but keep your secret

It makes me extremely painful and frightened. I live in pain and fear all day long. How should I make friends and love others?"

Yao Zichen: "What exactly do you want to say?"

Yao Mulan clenched her hands tightly and prayed: "The doctor said I'm in a very bad condition now, and only you can help me. Please apologize to me, please? As long as you say sorry to me, I will definitely try my best."

Cheer up, try to change your gloomy and closed personality, and try to make yourself a normal person. I am still young, I am only seventeen years old, I believe I can start over——"

She didn't have a chance to finish her words because Yao Zichen slapped her in the face, and her unfinished words were stuck in her throat.

Yao Zichen was very angry, so he used extra force until his whole palm was numb: "Am I too good to you? Even if you don't understand me, you still dare to resent me! I raised you to this age just to listen to you

Are you making fun of me?!"

Yao Mulan lowered her head and was silent for a long time, then suddenly sneered: "If I anger you, will you chop me into pieces and feed you these flowers?"

Yao Zichen: "Crazy, you are really crazy! Get out! Don't come here again!"

She dropped her hoe, turned around a rock mass, and disappeared.

Yao Mulan came out of the greenhouse, stood in the courtyard and looked up at the sky. She found that the night sky in the suburbs was extremely vast and the stars were shining in the sky. She stood under the starry sky and looked at the boundless night sky. At a certain moment, she could not feel

The existence of her own body seemed to have become a star in the sky. This light feeling of detachment made her yearn for it.

For a long time, her figure standing in the night began to move slowly. Next to the greenhouse was a small tool room, which contained various tools that Yao Zichen used to take care of the flower room. She found a barrel of gasoline from the corner, and

Carrying the gasoline can back to the greenhouse, unscrewing the cap and spreading the gasoline all over the grass.

She threw away the empty gasoline can and took out a lighter from her pocket. The lighter belonged to Han Feilu, and she stole it when Han Feilu wasn't paying attention. She opened the lid of the lighter, and a cluster of flames came out.

. She looked at the dendrobium flowers growing on the rock mass and threw the lighter over...

In the middle of the night, residents at the foot of the mountain saw huge flames bursting from the mountainside and quickly called the fire alarm. Two fire trucks rushed to the fire site and more than 20 fire officers and soldiers were dispatched. It took more than half an hour to completely extinguish the fire.

Under the starry night sky, thick smoke rose from the ground. The smell of ashes and earth floated in the air. The water vapor mixed with the scorching temperature, like the frost that had not yet fallen in the early morning. The huge greenhouse was burned down, leaving only

With the dark rock mass and several keels, half of the building behind the greenhouse collapsed, turning into a crumbling and dangerous building.

Gu Hai and two firefighters carried a stretcher out of the ruined greenhouse and placed the stretcher in front of Han Feilu. The stretcher was covered with Gu Hai's coat, and you could see the outline of a human body under the coat.

Gu Hai said: "It's Yao Mulan."

Han Feilu knelt down and wanted to open his coat. He held the coat with his fingers but stopped. He squatted on the ground for a while and said, "Take it away."

Yao Mulan died. Her body was pressed to the ground by the collapsed rock mass and burned by the fire. When it was found by fire officers and soldiers, it was unrecognizable and shattered. Yao Zichen had been sent to the hospital by ambulance half an hour ago. She had multiple wounds all over her body.

He suffered multiple fractures and burns, but he managed to escape death and save his life. However, Yao Mulan was buried in a sea of ​​fire and rested here forever.

He looked at the huge keel of the greenhouse and the charred rock mass and big trees. He could imagine how spectacular this greenhouse was a few hours ago, but now it had become the girl's grave. Several firefighters held water pipes to the

Water was poured into the debris everywhere to extinguish all potential fires. The ground was washed away layer by layer, turning into a mud soup. A human skeleton emerged from the mud soup...

The fire scene suddenly turned into a corpse exhumation scene. With the powerful lights of the fire trucks, several police officers from the investigation team were digging out the remains of corpses buried underground in the greenhouse. The lights illuminated the sky that had just been burned by the fire.

It is as bright as day, cut into an independent world by the surrounding darkness.

Han Feilu walked into the precarious building with a flashlight. Not a single piece of furniture inside the building was spared, and the air was still filled with the residual warmth of the flames. Han Feilu stood on the first floor and shined the flashlight around, only to see

When he reached the burnt-black wall, he walked up the stairs. The wooden steps creaked, as if they might collapse at any time.

There were several bedrooms on the second floor. He went to Yao Zichen's bedroom based on his intuition and opened a door at the end of the corridor. He seemed to have come to the right place. The bedroom was large, with a matching dressing room and bathroom, and a hanging hanging above the bed.

The photo was one meter high. Through the cracked and blackened glass frame, Yao Zichen's face could be vaguely seen. He walked around the bedroom and finally stopped in front of the bedside table. The cabinet had three floors, and each floor was locked.

, there was a small lock hanging on it, and it was these locks that caught his attention.

He put the flashlight on the bed and used the flashlight light to see that although the surface of the lock had been burnt black, it was basically intact and still a little hot to the touch. He removed a slide rail from the closet and used the slide rail as a crowbar.

Use it, reach into the middle of the lock and pull it apart. The lock is pried open, and the drawer is opened. Inside is a drawer of jewelry, neatly displayed in the box.

He took a few cursory glances, then pried open the remaining two locks. The second drawer was full of gold bars. In the bottom drawer was a delicate carved wooden box. He took out the wooden box and placed it on the table.

On the floor, he found that the wooden box was also locked with a thumb-sized lock. He pulled hard and the lock opened.

He opened the lid and revealed a photo frame lying in a wooden box, with a photo framed inside. He took a flashlight and shined it into the box, and the picture on the photo emerged: it was a group photo of five people sitting together.

On a red patent leather sofa, with a dark curtain in the background. When he saw their faces, Han Feilu's heart felt like he had been hit hard, and a violent tremor was followed by a biting chill - the people in the photo

They all wear masks, from left to right they are goat, white rabbit, sika deer, lion, and lion.

This chapter has been completed!
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