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Chapter Thirteen: 24 Corpses

The park in the middle of Huilong Street is being renovated. Because of its remote location, only a few residents used to hang out here. Therefore, the park is poorly maintained. Weeds and flowers are difficult to distinguish from each other. The floor tiles paving the corridors are often cracked. Several buildings in the park

The resting pavilion is also dilapidated and desolate.

The renovation project started with repairing the lawn and re-laying the floor tiles. Workers transported several carts of floor tiles to the site, loaded them into carts, and transported them to the center of the park. There is a small artificial lake in the park, with tall willow trees planted around the lake.

A stone road was also paved, and several workers pried up the broken stone slabs and prepared to lay new and intact floor tiles.

A young man wielding a pickaxe stopped and asked breathlessly: "Brother Zhang, where is the toilet?"

The man who was moving bricks said: "It's over there in the parking lot, very far away."

It takes more than ten minutes to go back and forth from here to the parking lot. The young man didn't want to waste his energy and time, so he dropped his pickaxe and walked to the artificial lake. The water in the lake does not flow all year round, exudes a fishy odor, and there is a lot of garbage floating on the water.

He stood by the lake and was about to take off his clothes. He looked down and saw something floating under the dirty water. He knelt down and took a closer look. Through the trembling water ripples, he saw a bunch of floating black hair.

That black hair wraps a woman's face...

He seemed to have been pushed back hard and fell to the ground with a cry. The workers who were working were disturbed by him and asked him what happened. His face was pale and he was trembling: "Dead people, there are dead people in the lake.


A few blocks away from Jiexin Park is a bustling commercial center. During lunch break, Zhou Song and several colleagues went to the company restaurant for dinner. They sat around a dining table, chatting and laughing in a harmonious atmosphere. The food in the restaurant was very rich, but Zhou Song

I was absent-minded while picking up the food, and followed Tian Xin and confusedly ordered a low-fat fitness meal. The boiled broccoli and shrimps with avocado salad sauce had an indescribable fishy smell, and the pasta was only mixed with tomato sauce.

It was also extremely unpalatable. After eating two shrimps, he put down his chopsticks and drank water from a cup while listening to a few girls chatting.

Tian Xin called a girl from the next door department, her English name is Sendi. Sendi is very talkative and has a boyfriend who is a firefighter. Her boyfriend is her talking point. She talks endlessly about her boyfriend as soon as she sits down.


Zhou Song didn't listen to a few words but became very annoyed. Without saying a word, he pulled the tea bag in the cup. The tea bag sank to the bottom of the cup. He held the rope and pulled the tea bag up little by little, and then pulled it out of the cup.

He let go of his hand a moment ago, and the tea bag sank to the bottom of the water again. He kept repeating this boring little action, and got fun from it. Gradually, he imagined the tea bag to be a human face, and he pulled the rope to pull the face out.

Pull, as if to save a drowning person. But every time he let go after the tea bag surfaced, and watched the face drowning in the water again and again...

"Zhou Song."

His arm was touched by Tian Xin next to him. He let go of the rope in his hand again and turned to look at Tian Xin: "What's wrong?"

Tian Xin covered her heart with a look of fear on her face: "Did you hear what Sendi just said? It was really scary."

Zhou Song smiled and said, "Sorry, I was a little distracted just now."

Sendi was happy to tell it again: "Last night, my boyfriend went to the outskirts of Changfeng Valley to go to the police, and a yard halfway up the mountain burned down. The fire was huge."

Zhou Song felt that he needed to show curiosity: "How could there be a fire?"

Sendi: "It was that family's daughter who set the fire!"

Zhou Song was really surprised now: "Arson?"

Sendi: "Yes, yes, man-made. There was only a mother and daughter in the house that caught fire. The daughter was burned to death, and the mother was sent to the hospital last night."

Tian Xin: "How is the situation now?"

Sendi shrugged: "I don't know either. My boyfriend said she was badly burned and she should be in danger."

This tragedy aroused the lamentation of several girls. Tian Xin asked about the names of the mother and daughter, but Sendi did not know the inside story. Zhou Song was also aroused because the location of the fire was Changfeng Valley in the suburbs, and there was a

The girl was buried in a sea of ​​​​fire. Chi Chenguang’s old villa is also in Changfeng Valley. He had just visited it a few days ago. At that time and today, he did not expect that another arson incident would occur in that place.

He lowered his head in deep thought and unknowingly picked up the tea bag in the cup again, but the back of his hand was suddenly touched by Tian Xin. He suddenly pulled his hand back and looked at Tian Xin with bright eyes.

Tian Xin looked embarrassed: "I'm sorry, I didn't mean it."

Zhou Song knew he was overreacting and immediately adjusted his smile: "It's okay."

Tian Xin pointed to the back of his hand: "What's wrong with your hand?"

There were several fresh scars on the back of his right hand, roughly the same length and direction. He looked down at the wounds on the back of his hand and said, "I was accidentally scratched by a cat."

This was a lie, because his wounds were thick and the cat's claws were sharp, more like human nails than cat nails. He raised his head and smiled at the girls: "I still have some forms to complete.

Finished, let’s go back to the office first.”

He took the elevator downstairs and returned to the marketing department office area. He saw Zhou Lingjun sitting at his work station from a distance. It was lunch break now, and there were only two or three colleagues in the office area lying on the table taking a nap, so Zhou Lingjun's appearance

It was very conspicuous. Zhou Song's steps froze for a moment, then walked towards him and said: "Mr. Zhou."

He is very measured. In this building, he does not call Zhou Lingjun 'big brother' anywhere except Zhou Lingjun's office. The screen of his computer is on, with a half-finished form on it. Zhou Lingjun is looking at the watch he made.

He was gently kneading a palm-sized pink Jigglypuff plush doll.

Hearing Zhou Song's voice, he turned his head and glanced at Zhou Song, then raised his chin towards the computer: "Did you organize these data yourself?"

Zhou Song: "Yes."

Zhou Lingjun looked at it for a while, then closed the computer screen, without making any comments, and just said: "Sit down."

Zhou Song sat down at Tian Xin's workstation and saw the small stuffed toy in his hand. He had nothing to say and said, "That's a keychain."

Zhou Lingjun played with the pink chubby in his hand: "Did you buy it?"

Zhou Song: "Tian Xin gave it to me."

Zhou Lingjun stopped talking, as if he didn't exist, and just lowered his eyes to play with Jigglypuff.

Zhou Song knew that he must have something to do when he came to see him, so he waited patiently. After waiting for a long time, Zhou Lingjun said: "Where were you last night?"

Zhou Song was stunned, wondering how to answer.

Zhou Lingjun looked at him with clear and calm eyes: "Let me ask in another way, what time did you get home last night?"

What time did he get home? Zhou Song also wanted to know what time he got home last night and how he got home, but he only remembered the chaotic lights and air in the bar, and no other impression. He said truthfully: "I don't remember


Zhou Lingjun: "You even called Ah Xie to pick you up, don't you remember?"

Liang Xie went to pick him up? Zhou Song had doubts: "Brother A Xie went to pick me up last night?"

Zhou Lingjun looked stern: "At two o'clock in the morning last night, he received a call from you. You drank too much at a friend's house and asked him to pick you up."

Zhou Song's memory of last night was very vague, and he was also doubtful about Liang Xie picking him up late at night, but now he was very sure that Liang Xie did not pick him up because he was not drinking at a friend's house last night, but

He went to the bar. In other words, Liang Xie was lying, and he also lied to Zhou Lingjun. He didn't know why Liang Xie lied, but his intuition told him that it was best to ignore it and not expose it, so he said: "Yes, I remembered it."

Zhou Lingjun wanted to say a few more words to him, but he was concerned that there were others taking a lunch break, so there was no guarantee that his scolding would fall on others and hurt Zhou Song's face, so he had no choice but to hold back and say, "Where is Ah Xie?"

Zhou Song: "Brother Ah Xie is not in the company?"

Zhou Lingjun: "Since he went out last night, he hasn't come home or come to work, and I can't get through his cell phone. Have you contacted him?"

Zhou Song told the truth: "No."

Zhou Lingjun frowned: "When did he leave your house?"

Zhou Song recalled: "I was dizzy at the time and couldn't remember when Brother Ah Xie left."

After talking to Zhou Lingjun about the present, Zhou Song also noticed something unusual; Liang Xie not only deceived Zhou Lingjun, but also stayed out all night, and even cut off contact with Zhou Lingjun, which had never happened before.

Zhou Lingjun was also deeply surprised by Liang Xie's abnormality, and also worried: "Will something happen to him?"

Zhou Song didn't know the truth, but that didn't stop him from comforting Zhou Lingjun: "Brother, don't think too much, Brother Ah Xie will definitely not be in trouble."

Zhou Lingjun: "Why are you so sure?"

Zhou Song said with a smile: "Don't you know Brother Ah Xie? He is the most desireless person. A person without desires will not cause trouble."

Zhou Lingjun: "Everyone has desires, and Ah Xie is no exception."

Zhou Song: "Let's put it this way, Brother Ah Xie is the person who cares least about fame and wealth that I have ever seen. There are very few people or things that he cares about. Big brother should know this better than me. He will not do it for himself.

Don’t worry about things that involve risk and trouble.”

Zhou Lingjun thought about it for a moment and found that what Zhou Song said made sense: "Then why has he disappeared for so long and not contacted us?"

Zhou Song: "I guess brother Ah Xie may be a little tired from work and under a lot of pressure recently, and he wants to relax a little."

Zhou Lingjun: "You mean Ah Xie went into hiding to rest?"

Zhou Song: "You can say that. Brother, there are times when you don't want to see people and just want to be alone, right?"

Zhou Lingjun thought for a while and said, "I will always stay in the study."

Zhou Song said with a smile: "Maybe Ah Xie doesn't like the study, and would like to go to the bar for a drink or go to the countryside to relax or something."

Zhou Lingjun is still full of doubts: "But something is really wrong with Ah Xie recently. He is always restless. He occasionally answers the phone and deliberately avoids me. His current state is very strange. He has never been like this before."

Zhou Song took one look at Zhou Lingjun's face and hesitated to speak.

Zhou Lingjun saw that he had something to say: "What do you want to say?"

Zhou Song said softly: "Brother, actually we all know what is on Brother Ah Xie's mind."

Zhou Lingjun was stunned for a moment, his eyes falling weakly, a look of helpless sadness on his face.

The lunch break ended soon, Zhou Lingjun left, and the department staff returned to the office area one after another. Zhou Song continued to work on the clock, but stared at the computer and kept distracted. He was thinking about the conversation he had just had with Zhou Lingjun; before today, he would have done it anyway.

It was unimaginable that he would sit down and have a heart-to-heart talk with Zhou Lingjun. In addition, he was also suspicious of Liang Xie's whereabouts last night.

After getting off work in the evening, Zhou Song followed the first group of people who came out of the office building. Standing on the roadside to block the car, he took out his mobile phone and dialed Liang Xie's number. He wanted to tell him that Zhou Lingjun had talked to him at noon. Liang Xie's number

The call was able to get through, but no one answered. The taxi happened to arrive when the call was automatically hung up. Zhou Song put away his phone and got into the taxi, leaving the incident behind.

When he got home, he opened the door and saw a person lying on the sofa in the living room. He couldn't see the person's face, but he saw a pair of black men's Martin boots placed in the entrance hall, the soles of which were stained with dirty soil.

He recognized this pair of shoes and often saw them on Han Feilu's feet, which meant that the person who broke into his house and lay asleep on the sofa was Han Feilu.

Zhou Song walked to the living room and stood behind the sofa, folding his arms and looking at Han Feilu. Han Feilu was sleeping soundly and was not awakened by the sound of him closing the door and walking. Zhou Song looked at him for a while and chose to ignore him.

Went to the kitchen to get some water.

He opened a can of Sprite, took a clean cup and threw a few pieces of ice into it, then poured the Sprite into the cup. Then he heard the vibrating sound of his cell phone coming from the living room. He drank the Sprite and turned around to see Han Fei.

Lu's cell phone placed on the coffee table was buzzing and vibrating.

Han Feilu was finally woken up. He closed his eyes and touched the phone for a while. He answered the call by just feeling and put the phone to his ear. He was silent for the first two minutes, waiting for the person on the other end of the phone to finish speaking.

He just said 'hmm', then hung up the phone and tried to put the phone down. Unexpectedly, the phone suddenly slipped and hit the bridge of his nose, causing him to curse 'fuck' in pain.

Zhou Song stood in the kitchen and watched the whole process, unable to hold back his laughter.

When Han Feilu heard the laughter, he turned around and saw that the landlord was back. He sat up, rubbed his face vigorously, and asked, "When did you come back?"

Zhou Song walked to the living room with the cup in hand: "Do I need to report to you when I return to my home?"

He sat down on the sofa opposite Han Feilu and took a sip of Sprite from the cup: "I should ask you, when did you come?"

Han Feilu looked at his watch and said listlessly: "An hour ago."

Zhou Song: "Come to my place to sleep?"

Han Feilu pushed back his messy hair, showing his tired face, and fell back weakly on the sofa: "I worked all night last night, and I couldn't even close my eyes."

Zhou Song saw that he looked really haggard, so he went to the bathroom to wash a clean towel and handed it to him: "Wipe your face."

When Han Feilu took the towel, he saw gauze wrapped around the back of his right hand: "What's wrong with your hand?"

Zhou Song simply bandaged the wound on the back of his hand in the company. When Han Feilu asked, he quickly pulled his right hand back: "I was burned by hot water when I was collecting water in the company." After saying that, he quickly changed the subject, "

What case keeps you so busy?"

Han Feilu told him to go to the hospital for serious burns, and then said: "We're looking for Dou Qing."

Some snack bags and fruit peels were thrown on the coffee table, which Han Feilu ate before going to bed. Zhou Song took out a few paper towels to wipe the table and asked, "Where did you find them?"

After Han Feilu wiped his face, he threw the towel on the table: "In Yao Zichen's flower shed."

Zhou Song didn't understand what he meant and looked up at him, waiting for him to explain.

Han Feilu picked up another orange in the fruit plate, peeled it and said, "Dou Qing died. He was cut into twenty-eight pieces, and his body was buried in the flower shed built by Yao Zichen in the suburbs."

This sentence contained too much information. Zhou Song digested it alone for a while before asking: "Did Yao Zichen do it?"

Han Feilu: "She lives alone in that yard all year round. She also built the flower shed by herself. She could only kill those people."

Zhou Song: "How many are those people?"

Han Feilu threw the peeled orange peel into the water glass and watched the orange peel slowly sink to the bottom: "We dug out a total of 345 human bones in Yao Zichen's garden shed, and so far 24 pieces of human DNA have been tested."

That is to say, those bones came from 24 corpses."

This chapter has been completed!
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