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Chapter 21: Escape

Shao Dongcheng died of drug poisoning. The time of death was 9:24 pm on the 29th.

When Zhou Song sent Shao Dongcheng to the nursing home before, he left his own number, so the people at the nursing home sent him this text message, briefly notifying him of Shao Dongcheng's death and emphatically stating that the police had been called. In fact, the nursing home called him several times.

He called, but he didn't answer any of them, so the nursing home notified him via text message.

Zhou Song saw this text message at the entrance of the subway station. When he learned about Shao Dongcheng's death, his mood did not change. He took out a needle wrapped in a transparent sealed bag from his pocket and tried to take out the calling card from his phone.

The second before I started to take the phone card, another call came in from my phone, it was Qin Xiao.

Zhou Song hesitated for a while, then answered: "Hello?"

Qin Xiao panicked: "Shao Dongcheng is dead!"

His voice was too loud. Zhou Song took the phone away and hid, then put it back to his ear: "How do you know?"

Qin Xiao: "The dean called me. He said your cell phone couldn't get through, so he called me."

Zhou Song then remembered that the nursing home had asked him to leave a backup contact information on the day he accepted Shao Dongcheng. He couldn't find anyone, so he asked Qin Xiao to write down the number.

Before Zhou Song could say anything, Qin Xiao yelled again: "They said Shao Dongcheng died of poisoning. He was allergic to cephalosporins. Someone put cephalosporins in his soup that night when we went to see him! What should we do?

Ah, both of us have come into contact with that bowl of soup laced with cephalosporins, we will definitely be arrested!"

After his reminder, Zhou Song finally thought of this: "Just make sure you didn't poison yourself."

Qin Xiao: "It's not that simple. Apart from the two of us, the only people who can drug him are the nurses. The nurses have a damn motive for committing the crime. It must be the two of us who are responsible!"

Zhou Song thought about it carefully and realized that what Qin Xiao said made sense; the police would most likely not believe that the nurse administered the medicine. The only suspects were him and Qin Xiao, and among him and Qin Xiao, he was undoubtedly the most suspect.

One. But this is no longer important. He doesn't care whether the police will entangle him again because of Shao Dongcheng's death, because he will soon disappear from the police's sight without a trace.

Zhou Song said: "If you go and expose me to Han Feilu, just say that I killed Shao Dongcheng, and he will believe you."

Qin Xiao: "Ah? What do you mean? Could it be that Shao Dongcheng——"

Before Qin Xiao finished what he said, Zhou Song took out his phone card and threw it into the trash can, then followed the crowd into the subway station. A few minutes later, he walked into the carriage of Line 3. There were not many people in the carriage and many seats were empty. He looked for them casually.

He sat down in a seat, took off his backpack and held it in his arms. He was wearing a peaked cap and a loose coat. He lowered the brim of the hat, revealing only the straight bridge of his nose and slightly thin lips. He lowered his arms vertically,

A small knife hidden in his sleeve slid straight out into his palm.

Although the carriage was empty, Zhou Song still observed the surroundings vigilantly, holding the knife tightly in his hand. He saw a uniformed security guard walking towards him from a distance, and stared at the security guard with his peripheral vision.

He didn't notice someone approaching him from the side and sitting next to him.

Zhou Song was startled and immediately turned his head to look, but met Qin Xiao's eyes.

Qin Xiao saw a blade protruding from his cuff, and quickly grabbed his hand and hid it behind his bag, then hissed at him.

The security guard walked slowly past them and only glanced at them briefly without raising any suspicion.

After the security guard left, Qin Xiao breathed a sigh of relief and whispered: "Ancestor, why are you still carrying a knife?"

Zhou Song still didn't let down his guard: "Are you following me?"

Qin Xiao: "Where are you? I was on this subway when I called you just now."

In this way, it is a coincidence.

Zhou Song put the knife into his sleeve: "You will get off the car at the next stop, just pretend you haven't seen me today."

Qin Xiao felt that he was unusual today. Looking at how he was dressed, he looked like a wanted criminal on the run. After thinking about what he had just said on the phone, Qin Xiao was so frightened that he almost jumped up: "Fuck...

...You are not really scared to death, are you?"

Zhou Song asked him, "Is it you?"

Qin Xiao: "No."

Zhou Song: "Is it a nurse?"

Qin Xiao: "It doesn't make sense."

Zhou Song smiled lightly: "Then it can only be me."

Qin Xiao didn't understand the self-deprecation and bitterness in his smile: "Then what should you do now? The police will definitely look for you."

Zhou Song looked sideways at him, his eyes cold: "As long as you don't betray me, the police won't be able to find me for a while."

Qin Xiao: "Who do you think I am? I won't betray you even to death."

Zhou Song did not comment on this sentence and only said: "Get off at the next stop." After saying that, he sat down opposite Qin Xiao.

He slightly raised the brim of his hat to look at Qin Xiao. He saw Qin Xiao sitting where he was, with his eyebrows knitted and a bitter look on his face, as if he was going through some extremely complex psychological struggle. A few minutes later, the subway arrived at the station, and the crowds of people surged instantly.

Entering the carriage, the originally empty carriage became crowded. Zhou Song saw Qin Xiao stand up and thought that Qin Xiao was about to leave the carriage. However, he saw Qin Xiao walking in front of him, raising his hands to grab the hanging ring on the top.

His body was like a mountain, isolating him from others.

Zhou Song didn't know his intention, but there were too many people around, so he had to keep silent. After a few more stops, the subway drove for nearly an hour. When he arrived at the stop before the terminal, Qin Xiao suddenly grabbed his arm and lowered his voice.

He said: "Get off the bus with me."

Zhou Song refused, but his strength was far inferior to him, so he could only drag him out like a little chicken. As soon as he got out of the carriage, Zhou Song threw his hand away angrily: "What are you doing?"

Qin Xiao looked at the cameras around him: "There are too many eyes, let's talk about it when we get out." After that, he grabbed his arm and dragged him out of the subway station.

Coming out of the subway station, Zhou Song found that the place where they got off was an old department store in the old city. Because the flow of people and the economy had long since moved, the department store had closed down and would be demolished and rebuilt in the near future. However, the station named "Department Building"

There has been.

Qin Xiao pulled Zhou Song into an alley next to the building and said, "I know there is a place to hide. It will definitely be safe."

Zhou Song couldn't understand his current behavior: "What on earth do you want to do?"

Qin Xiao: "Hide for you, otherwise you will definitely be caught by Han Feilu."

Zhou Song felt puzzled: "Why do you think Han Feilu wanted to arrest me? Don't you know that now that you are involved with me, you are my accomplice?"

Qin Xiao said without thinking: "I know, but I can't ignore you. I can't just watch you being taken away by Han Feilu."

Zhou Song sneered: "Why do you have such ridiculous ideas? Don't you have anything else in your mind besides loyalty? For example, brain matter."

Zhou Song had never acted arrogantly in front of Qin Xiao, nor had he said anything harsh to him. When Qin Xiao saw his true face, he was surprised and aggrieved: "You, you, you, you, I just want to help."

You, why are you scolding me? You were not like this before, I am Qin Xiao, do you not recognize me anymore? "

Zhou Song:......

He was very worried that Qin Xiao would shed tears. But Qin Xiao was an eight-foot-tall man after all, so he did not shed any tears. He only felt sad and aggrieved alone for a while. He quickly adjusted his emotions and said with a righteous face: "It doesn't matter, you

Just say what you want to say, and when you've said enough, come with me and I'll take you to a safe place."

Zhou Song held his forehead and felt a headache. Qin Xiao obviously refused to listen and insisted on not drawing a clear line with him. If he continued to refuse Qin Xiao's help, Qin Xiao would most likely knock him out and resist him.

. He sighed helplessly: "Lead the way."

His voice was so low that Qin Xiao didn't hear him clearly: "Ah?"

Zhou Song glared at him: "Aren't you taking me to a safe place? Lead the way."

The safe place Qin Xiao mentioned was a cable factory warehouse built on the edge of the city. The warehouse was not large, and the cables inside had been moved long ago, leaving only an empty shell. The outer walls of the warehouse were very high, and heavy iron chains hung on the front door.

and lock, but there was a small door on the east wall. Half of the door was broken and had been broken into by the robbers. After entering the small door, the entire row of warehouses was impregnable, with large indestructible iron locks hanging on them. However, Qin Xiao pried the sliding door open.

The locksmith was very experienced. He picked up a piece of wire and poked the keyhole three or two times. Then he raised his arms and raised the rolling shutter door. The two of them entered the warehouse smoothly.

There were no windows in the warehouse. Qin Xiao touched the switch on the wall and turned on the light. The scene in the warehouse was revealed. The warehouse was more than ten meters wide from east to west, and the view was unobstructed. There were only a few load-bearing columns. There were some miscellaneous items piled in the deep corners.

There are also simple tables, chairs and camp beds.

Zhou Song drove away the dust in front of him and asked, "What is this place?"

As if he was home, Qin Xiao rolled up his sleeves, picked up the broom erected by the wall, and started cleaning: "It used to be a cable factory warehouse, but the factory closed down and the warehouse was closed."

Zhou Song: "How do you know this place?"

Qin Xiao hesitated and didn't answer, and was pressed twice by Zhou Song before he said: "A friend of mine used to work in a cable factory, and I don't know who told me that there are still a batch of people still alive in the warehouse. Last month he kept me alive.

I came here to steal the cables, but I failed. You stay here for the next few days, and I will help you find a way out of the city."

Zhou Song walked inside, stepped on a chair with his feet, and threw his backpack on the chair: "Who said I was leaving the city?"

Qin Xiao was a little confused: "Aren't you going to run away?"

Zhou Song: "I'm just avoiding the police, not going far away."

Qin Xiao: "You'd better leave, it's not safe to stay in Yucheng."

Zhou Song walked to the camp bed, sat down on the bare bed board, and said, "I haven't finished my work yet."

Qin Xiao walked up to him with a broom in hand, grabbed a dirty mat and sat on it: "What else do you want to do? Isn't Shao Dongcheng dead?"

There was something in his words, Zhou Song heard it: "What do you mean?"

Qin Xiao said: "Although I don't know much about you, I heard everything you said to Shao Dongcheng that night. Shao Dongcheng collaborated with others to kill your father. You wanted to avenge your father, so you poisoned him.


Zhou Song: "I want to avenge Chi Chenguang?"

Qin Xiao: "Aren't you taking revenge?"

Zhou Song was asked, and he didn't know what he was doing. Did he want to avenge Chi Chenguang? If Qin Xiao had asked him this question a few days ago, he would have categorically denied it; he would not avenge Chi Chenguang, because

He hated Chi Chenguang. It was Chi Chenguang who gave him a shadow that he could not get rid of in his life. His misfortune was all due to Chi Chenguang. He would always be misunderstood. But it was different now.

He originally thought that he was different from Chi Chenguang, but that mask, that photo, that dagger, and the dead Julie all proved to him that he was no different from Chi Chenguang. The world had not misunderstood him.

, on the contrary, he has misunderstood himself for many years.

Zhou Song was confused and confused. He looked at Qin Xiao and asked himself: "Should I avenge Chi Chenguang?"

Qin Xiao was very sure: "You can do whatever you want."

Zhou Song seemed to have been pointed out by him, and the hesitation in his heart was instantly dispelled; Qin Xiao was right, he could do whatever he wanted, he was already guilty, he was already standing on the opposite side of the world, and he was already at any time.

The villain of hell, now that things have come to this, what else does he need to defend himself? What else does he need to save himself? He has been exiled, and no dogma or rules can control him. In this free world, he can do whatever he wants.


Zhou Song muttered in a low voice: "I can do whatever I want?"

Yes, you can do whatever you want.

He heard someone responding to him, but he didn't know if the person responding to him was Qin Xiao or the voice in his head. Zhou Song raised his head and saw the blue-gray cement roof on the top of the warehouse, as if he had returned to Chi Chenguang's imprisonment of those women.

The cellar was covered with a thick layer of cold cement, and a photo hung on the wall. Chi Chenguang once held his hand and stood in front of the wall covered with photos, and said to him, they

All are prey.

At this moment, he saw Chi Chenguang again. Chi Chenguang's face gradually emerged from the cement roof, like a portrait made of cement. He looked at Chi Chenguang's face, and Chi Chenguang was also looking at him. He seemed to be at a loss for words.

Under the water, it became the reflection of Chi Chenguang in the water...

He suddenly remembered what Zhou Han once said. She said that Chi Chenguang did not die, but became her child. He didn't understand before, but now he understands that Chi Chenguang is indeed not dead. Chi Chenguang took his body and returned it to the sun.

The ghost possessed him and turned him into Chi Chenguang.

This chapter has been completed!
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