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Chapter 22: Hell

Zhou Song escaped and his whereabouts are unknown.

When Han Feilu led the team to Zhou Song's house, there was only Sister Cai in the house. Sister Cai was packing the ingredients in the refrigerator and was startled by the police swarming in. The police dispersed to check the room, and Han Feilu

Lu went straight to Sister Cai and asked, "Where is Zhou Song?"

Sister Cai: "Mr. Zhou is out."

Han Feilu: "When?"

Sister Cai: "More than two hours ago."

The restaurant has a strong aroma, and there is a whole row of freshly baked cookies on the table. Some are still radiating heat, obviously they have just been taken out of the oven. Sister Cai added: "He likes to eat the cookies I made. I want to eat them before he leaves."

Bake him more."

Han Feilu walked to the restaurant and picked up a biscuit. The biscuit had not yet cooled down and was scorching hot. He exerted a little force and the biscuit turned into crumbs in his hands.

Gu Hai and others checked the house and found nothing. The group followed Han Feilu to the security room on the first floor and asked security guard Xiao Shi to call up the surveillance inside and outside the community two hours ago to inquire about Zhou Song's whereabouts. Security guard Xiao Shi sat in front of the computer and

Surrounded by the police, they called up the lobby surveillance video and quickly found the scene of Zhou Song leaving wearing a hat, black clothes and carrying a bag. The cameras all over the community completely recorded Zhou Song from the unit building until he left the community through the north gate.

the whole process.

After learning the time and place when Zhou Song left the community, Gu Hai and others immediately evacuated the security room. Han Feilu found security guard Xiao Shi sitting stiffly in front of the computer with a panicked look on his face. Han Feilu noticed it and turned back to ask him: "

Why are you so nervous?"

He only asked one question, but Xiaoshi was startled, jumped up with a loud sound, pursed his lips and almost cried: "It's too late for me, me, me, to surrender now."

Han Feilu: "Surrender yourself? What did you do?"

Xiaoshi told the story of taking Zhou Song's money and destroying all the surveillance videos in Community No. 26, with regret on his face: "He gave me 70,000 yuan, and I kept it all at home without touching it, but I

I haven't been able to sleep well these past two days. I'm very worried. I always feel like the police will come to arrest me. Take the money and spare me this time."

Han Feilu stared at him coldly: "Did you destroy the video?"

Xiaoshi: "He asked me to destroy the hard drive and the video was gone. But I recorded a short period before destroying it."

He took out his mobile phone and found a video to show to Han Feilu. It was recorded against the surveillance video, and the time in the upper right corner was: July 26, 03:17. The video was very short, only four or five seconds.

Zhong, but when a man wearing a white shirt and black slacks appeared in the video, Han Feilu recognized him at a glance as Zhou Song. The man in the video had medium curly hair, a tall and tall figure, and was wearing a Valentino ivory white wash.

A silk shirt with two flowing ties hanging from the collar. Han Feilu often saw this shirt on Zhou Song, as well as the trousers and shoes he wore, all worn by Zhou Song.

Han Feilu paused the video and looked at Zhou Song's profile carefully. He could clearly see the scars on the back of Zhou Song's right hand; they were several slender wounds with basically the same length and the same spacing. The wounds were very new and there was a trace of blood along the edge.

The blood flowed down the back of his hand to the between his fingers. Seeing the injury on the back of his hand, Han Feilu remembered that Zhou Song had a large area of ​​burn on the back of his right hand. Zhou Song claimed that he was accidentally burned in the company, but now it seems that his injury is not

A burn is more like being scratched by someone, and he created the burn himself to cover up the original scratch.

Gu Hai also remembered that Han Feilu had examined the wound on the back of Zhou Song's hand. The forensic doctor also concluded that the deceased Julie had scratched the murderer before her death. Witnesses also saw that Julie scratched the back of the murderer's hand when she resisted. At this time, he saw

Zhou Song's wounds appeared in the surveillance video. He was not the only one. All the police officers present knew that Zhou Song was the murderer of Julie.

Han Feilu took Xiaoshi back to the unit to make a record, and mobilized all police forces to search for Zhou Song. Good luck never comes in pairs, and misfortunes never come singly. Before Han Feilu found Zhou Song's trace, he received a call from the police station. Master Chen told him: Shao Dongcheng was dead.

In the nursing home, the cause of death was poisoning, and the suspect of the poisoning was Zhou Song.

After answering the phone, he was stunned for a while, and then laughed so angry that he gritted his teeth.

The disaster was still happening, and not long after, Gu Hai told him that Julie's case had been transferred to the Second Branch. The reason was that he had a close relationship with Zhou Song, and Zhou Song was a definite fugitive suspect. In order to ensure the fairness of law enforcement, Han

Feilu could not continue to investigate Julie's case, and he naturally did not need to intervene in the task of hunting down Zhou Song. Han Feilu had already had a premonition, so it was not surprising at all. He cooperated and handed over all the information on Julie's case, and then took off his waist.

He went home with handcuffs and a gun. He took two days off on his own initiative. He had solved several major cases recently, and he did have a full month off, so he was not blocked by his superiors.

When he returned home, the two cats came to greet him one after another. He would pick them up in the past, but today he stepped over them and walked in, standing in the living room in a daze. He lived in Zhou Song's house, and he lived with Zhou Song.

Song signed a one-year contract, paid half a year's rent, and has been living there for more than three months. He thought he would stay at least until the contract expired, but he didn't expect the landlord to break the contract before he did.

Zhou Song liked his two cats very much, and bought them many toys and snacks, as well as a few cat nests that were of no use and could only be used to occupy space. Unknowingly, the living room was filled with them.

The things he bought. In the past few days, he had been tense and had a string hanging in his mind. At this time, he suddenly felt exhausted, and his whole body was as weak and heavy as if it had been filled with mud. He forced himself to give the two cats some water.

I cleaned the cat litter box, took a bath, and went to sleep. I had a very solid sleep and slept until tomorrow.

The next day, he got up early in the morning to pack his things. There were not many things when he moved in, only three suitcases, but there were a lot more when he moved out. He couldn't load his car in one car, so he called a truck

Lala drove the truck and led the way to the downstairs of her parents' house.

There was no one at home, so he and the delivery man made three or four trips to transport everything upstairs. He pulled the suitcase to the second bedroom. The second bedroom had not been occupied for a long time, but it was still clean and tidy, except that there were a lot of plush piles piled on the bed.

All the dolls were bought by Qianguang. They couldn't fit in my bedroom, so they were thrown into the second bedroom.

After tidying up the bedroom, he let the two cats out again, put the cat's nest and cat box on the balcony, and worked inside and outside for more than an hour. As soon as he lay down on the bed to take a breath, he heard the door of the room, and then heard

Yingguang shouted loudly: "Ah! Baoyu is back! The tiger is so fat!"

The two cats were much more popular than him. Both his parents and Yin Guang were playing with the cats in the living room. It took a while before they remembered him. Yin Guang ran into the room and lay down next to him with a cry, and asked: "Are you being raped by the landlord?"

Kicked out?"

Han Feilu lay on the bed with his hands on his pillow and closed his eyes to relax: "The contract has expired, I will come back and stay for a few days."

Yingguang: "How are you talking? It seems like someone is driving you away. What do you want to eat for lunch? I'll help you catch the wind."

Han Feilu: "Let's make something meaty. I've been working a lot lately."

She pointed the light at his face and said: "I can see that you have worked a lot and your face has lost some weight. You look like a Korean movie star now. What is your name? That uncle is so handsome.


Yingguang leaned over to carefully study who he looked like now. Han Feilu pushed her head away: "If you don't get out quickly, you will find that I look more like Ma Dongxi."

He drove Qian Guang out. Just as he was about to take a nap, the door opened again, and this time it was Han Yuliang who came in.

Han Feilu propped himself up on the bed and slowly sat up: "Dad."

Han Yuliang walked up to him with a cane and asked: "Has the house outside been withdrawn?"

Han Feilu rubbed his face vigorously: "Retreat and stay at home for a few days."

Han Yuliang nodded, then sat on a sofa beside the bed and said, "Lao Liang called me yesterday and briefly talked about the situation between you and Zhou Song."

Han Yuliang and Director Liang Baiyan were colleagues at first, but are now old friends. The news that Han Feilu was asked to withdraw from the Julie case because of Zhou Song had spread throughout the branch, so Liang Baiyan naturally informed Han Yuliang as soon as possible.

Han Feilu: "That case has nothing to do with me anymore."

Han Yuliang: "I don't want to talk to you about the case, I want to talk to you about Zhou Song——"

Han Feilu: "But I don't want to talk."

Han Feilu always respected his parents, but this was the first time he interrupted his father so rudely. Han Yuliang was surprised, and he was very annoyed. He lowered his head and covered his face: "I'm sorry, Dad, my mind is really messed up right now."

Han Yuliang smiled kindly: "You can get some sleep, let's just deal with it at noon, and I'll cook a few dishes in the evening."

As he walked towards the door, Han Feilu suddenly stopped him: "Dad."

Han Yuliang looked back at him.

Han Feilu looked at him blankly: "What kind of person do you think Zhou Song is?"

Han Yuliang went back and sat down on the sofa stool again, and asked him: "What do you think?"

Han Feilu shook his head: "I don't know, I don't know him anymore."

Han Yuliang: "Did we not know him before, or do we not know him now?"

Han Feilu: "...I only know him from before, but he seems to be completely different from the Zhou Song I know."

Han Yuliang: "You mean, he was fake before, but he is real now?"

Han Feilu suddenly became angry: "It's all fake. He has been acting in front of me. He must think I'm stupid and it's fun to play with me."

Han Yuliang looked at him calmly and said seriously: "My child, no one can lie to the end, and no one can lie to the end."

Han Feilu's anger that he had been holding back for two days finally found a way to vent: "Zhou Song is so fucking fake! He was fake from beginning to end! He told me that he didn't kill Julie, and he didn't want to do anything for her."

Chi Chenguang took revenge. What was the result? He strangled Julie to death and poisoned Shao Dongcheng! Now he is a wanted criminal with two lives on his back!"

Han Yuliang let him vent, and waited until he finished speaking before saying, "Did Zhou Song admit it personally?"

Han Feilu: "I also wanted him to admit those bastard things he did, but he ran away and hid in the sewer like a mouse!"

Han Yuliang: "Then find him and ask him yourself whether he has done those things."

Han Feilu: "Do you still need to ask? If he didn't do it, why would he run away? If he didn't do it, he should stand upright in front of me and tell me clearly that he didn't do those dirty things! As long as he didn't do it.

He says he is innocent, so I believe he is innocent, even if no one else believes him, I will believe him, and I will try my best to help him find his innocence!"

Han Yuliang nodded happily and said with a smile: "Don't you know very well what you are going to do next? Everything is not settled yet. Go find him and let him tell the answer personally, then the dust will be settled."

Han Yuliang went out and closed the door for him.

Han Feilu was still furious and wanted to smash something, so he grabbed a Pikachu on the bed and threw it to the ground. Suddenly, he felt a little happy, so he grabbed the dolls one by one and threw them to the ground, venting his anger without forgetting to avoid them.

Open tables, chairs and window glass to prevent anything from being broken.

There was a constant whirring in the room, so she secretly opened the door and peeked in. She saw that every time Han Feilu dropped the doll, he would pick a place where it couldn't hit the furniture. She looked at it for a while, then closed the door.

He walked to the living room and said with emotion: "My brother is a good man. He will never do domestic violence to his wife when he gets married. He is afraid of hurting his toys when he fights with them."

Lunch was a simple stewed noodles with tomatoes and eggs. After eating, he changed his clothes and went out, driving straight to the detention center. Shao Yang's first trial was about to begin, and he was detained in the detention center. After two months, Han Feilu met him at the detention center.

I saw him again in the prison room. Shao Yang wore a prison uniform, shaved his head, and sat handcuffed opposite Han Feilu. He looked like a desolate prisoner, but he still raised his head and maintained a proud posture.

"Long time no see." Shao Yang greeted Han Feilu with a smile.

Han Feilu pointed at his head: "The hairstyle suits you very well."

Shao Yang said: "Thank you."

Han Feilu glanced at his watch: "I know you have to meet with the lawyer in thirty minutes, so I'll keep the story short." He raised his eyes and looked at Shao Yang, "Your father died, what happened two days ago."

Shao Yang opened his eyes slightly, expressing his surprise: "Really? It's so sudden."

Han Feilu continued to try to stimulate him: "He was poisoned to death."

Shao Yang: "Poisoned? Who poisoned you?"

Han Feilu: "So far, the only suspect is Zhou Song."

Shao Yang was not angry or surprised, but simply confused: "Why did Zhou Song kill him?"

Han Feilu wanted to find traces of showmanship on his face, but Shao Yang has always been extremely hypocritical and acted all the time, which made it even more difficult to tell the truth from the false: "First ask yourself, why are you torturing Shao Dong?


Shao Yang confessed frankly: "Because he killed my mother."

Han Feilu: "Do you know Yao Zichen?"

Shao Yang: "Who?"

Han Feilu sneered: "She was the direct murderer of your mother, how come you don't even know her?"

Shao Yang smiled wildly: "Now I know."

Han Feilu: "What else do you know?"

Shao Yang: "What do you mean?"

Han Feilu: "Shao Dongcheng has a goat mask, did you know?"

Shao Yang shook his head: "Do I need to know?"

Han Feilu: "It is necessary because it is related to Zhou Song's motive for killing Shao Dongcheng."

Shao Yang: "Give me some hints."

Han Feilu looked at his face and was frustrated to find that he couldn't tell whether Shao Yang was pretending to be confused: "I'm not interested in telling you a story. If you really don't know, then just keep being a fool."


Shao Yang: "You came to me today just to tell me that Zhou Song killed my father?"

Han Feilu: "I didn't say Zhou Song was the murderer."

Shao Yang looked at him with interest: "But you came to me because of Zhou Song, not because Zhou Song killed my father, but because of Zhou Song himself. Or this is more appropriate, you came to me because of Zhou Song.

Get to know Zhou Song.”

Han Feilu was unhappy that he saw through his thoughts, but he had to admit that he was right: "You and Zhou Song were classmates from elementary school to high school. You have known each other for many years. I want to hear who Zhou Song is from you.


Shao Yang hit the nail on the head: "You are afraid."

Han Feilu looked gloomy: "What am I afraid of?"

Shao Yang: "Afraid that I will tell the answer."

Han Feilu: "I just asked you to talk about Zhou Song in your eyes, and I didn't ask you any questions."

Shao Yang raised the corners of his lips: "You are really scared. You don't even dare to directly ask the questions in your heart."

Han Feilu looked tense: "Don't beat around the bush with me, just tell me what you have to say."

Shao Yang: "What you want to ask me is: whether Zhou Song is a born devil like Chi Chenguang."

Han Feilu: "Do you know the answer?"

Shao Yang: "Me and Shao Dongcheng, Lan Lan and Lan Zhaolin, our examples are enough to illustrate everything."

Han Feilu: "Not very convincing."

Shao Yang: "Do you think Zhou Song will be an exception?"

Han Feilu looked at him silently for a long time, then laughed at himself: "I actually thought you could give me the answer."

He got up and left without leaving a word.

When he walked to the door, Shao Yang suddenly said: "I saw it."

Han Feilu looked back at him: "What?"

Shao Yang: "More than ten years ago, at the back door of the school, I saw Zhou Han going to pick up Zhou Song from school."

Han Feilu walked back and stood in front of him: "Speak clearly."

Shao Yang looked up at him with a subtle smile on his face: "Fifteen years ago, the day before Chi Chenguang's villa caught fire, Zhou Han went to school to pick up Zhou Song from school and wanted to take him to the villa in the suburbs. He only took Zhou Song with him.

go alone."

Han Feilu: "No, Zhou Song and Zhou Chen are all gone."

Shao Yang: "Yes, they all went because Zhou Chen hid in Zhou Han's trunk. Zhou Han originally left Zhou Chen at home, but Zhou Chen hid in the trunk while she wasn't paying attention."

Han Feilu: "How do you know?"

Shao Yang: "After school that day, I left the school through the back door and saw Zhou Han's car parked on the roadside. Zhou Han asked me where Zhou Song was, and I told her that Zhou Song was still playing football on the playground. Then she went into the school to look for her.

Zhou Song, I was about to leave when I heard something moving in the trunk. The hood of the car was pushed open from the inside. It was Zhou Chen lying inside. I asked him why he was hiding in the trunk, and he answered me that my mother wanted to take it with me.

When my younger brother went to a villa in the countryside, he refused to take him with him, so he wanted to follow him secretly."

Having said this, Shao Yang stopped and smiled: "So do you understand? That day Zhou Han planned to take Zhou Song to a villa in the countryside alone. In her plan, there was only one person she wanted to set on fire, and that was Zhou Song.


Han Feilu: "How do you know Zhou Han's plan is to set fire to the villa?"

Shao Yang: "I guessed."

Han Feilu: "What did you guess?"

Shao Yang: "If Zhou Han's plan was not to have no return, she would not have left Zhou Chen. The day after I learned about the fire in the villa, I guessed that Zhou Han wanted to set fire to Zhou Song. As for that

Why the fire did not burn Zhou Song to death, but instead burned her and Zhou Chen to death? Only Zhou Song knows the reason."

Han Feilu finally got the answer, but instead of feeling relieved, he felt even heavier.

He walked out of the interview room and passed by a lawyer in a suit in the corridor. The lawyer stopped and looked back at Han Feilu. When he turned back, he saw Shao Yang being escorted out of the interview room by the police.


He and Shao Yang looked at each other briefly, and then walked into a nearby bathroom. Soon, Shao Yang followed in, and the police stood waiting outside the door. He and Shao Yang stood in front of the sink, turned on the faucet, and heard the sound of running water.

Covered up their voices.

Shao Yang washed his hands under the water and whispered: "Tell your boss that I agree to cooperate. We can work together to send Zhou Song to hell."

After saying that, he pulled out two paper towels, wiped his hands dry, and left the bathroom.

This chapter has been completed!
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