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Chapter 25: Deng Lanlan

The early morning vegetable market is the most exciting place in the city. Not only are fruits, eggs, meat and seafood available in the market, but there are also many stalls selling food. Yingguang likes to visit the vegetable market and often wakes up early with his mother.

Shopping, occasionally her mother slept in, so she would go shopping by herself. When she entered the market, she went straight to the food area, where stalls selling cooked food, snacks, and breakfast were lined up for nearly a hundred meters from east to west, with a wide variety of products.

She was a regular customer of many small shops. She greeted and chatted with the shop owners as she walked forward. Gradually, she had more scallion pancakes, pan-fried buns, steamed rice rolls and other items in her hand. She passed by the delicatessen and weighed a few spiced braised pigs.

Hooves, she didn't turn back until her hands were full and there was no space left. On the way, she saw a shop with very fresh fruits, so she turned over to buy some fruits. She put the things in her hands by her feet, pulled out a bag and picked through it.

I had only picked two or three large dragon fruits when I suddenly heard the sound of commotion coming from the place selling raw meat and seafood in front of me, and people rushed out quickly.

She was a connoisseur of watching the excitement. Usually when she heard the neighbors quarreling downstairs at home, she would lie by the window and watch for a long time. Now when she saw the commotion in front of her, there was no reason not to join in the fun. She paid quickly and carried some fruit and a bag of food.

Da Dou rushed forward after eating, and crowded towards the fresh food area with the third or fourth wave of onlookers, but there were several circles of people in front of her. She was short, and even when she stood on tiptoe, she could only see the 1.9-meter-tall man in front of her.

The back of eldest brother's head.

She poked her eldest brother's shoulder with great effort and asked, "Brother, what's going on in front?"

The eldest brother was a warm-hearted man and explained: "It seems something happened to the owner and his wife of the fresh chicken shop."

Yingguang: "Is it Tiantian Fresh Chicken Shop?"

There is only one shop selling fresh chicken in the fresh food area, and Yin Guang is also a regular customer of that shop.

Big brother: "Yes, they are a couple with Shandong accents."

Leading the light: "What happened?"

The man in front turned his head and whispered: "Someone was killed."

Ying Guang was stunned for a moment, and just as he was about to ask, he saw two market managers pushing the crowd away, and one of them shouted loudly: "Don't push forward, everyone, we have already called the police!"

When he heard that the police had been called, Qianguang was convinced, so he loaded up his things and got on the electric car and hurried home. When he got home, there was no one in the house, only two cats sleeping on the sofa, and a table on the dining table.

A bowl of soy milk and a few steamed buns. It seemed that her family had already had breakfast and had gone out. She put the things down and took out her mobile phone to call Han Feilu: "Where are you?"

It was very noisy on the other end of the phone, and the background sound was "I Came from the Grassland" by Phoenix Legend. Han Feilu said: "The square downstairs."

Qing Guang hung up the phone and went downstairs. When he arrived at the small square where aunts and aunts danced every day in the community, he spotted Han Feilu in a dance team of dozens of people. He was very eye-catching. He was wearing black T-jeans and mixed in with a group of aunts and aunts.

In the middle, he was still standing in the front row, making it difficult for people not to notice him. The square dance movements are simple, and he knows it without a teacher. He mixes in the group and moves his arms and stretches his legs, just as a digester.

Guangguang Maoyao walked over and pulled him: "Come here, I have something to tell you."

Han Feilu: "Wait a moment, this song will be played soon."

Leading the light: "It's important!"

Han Feilu was dragged to a nearby pavilion by her, shook off her hand and asked, "What's the important matter?"

Yingguang said solemnly: "I went to the market just now to buy something, and there seemed to be people dead inside."

This matter is indeed very important, but Han Feilu is used to hearing all kinds of bad news. He calmly put his feet on the long railing of the pavilion and pressed his legs: "How similar it seems? Have you seen it with your own eyes?"

Qianguang: "There were a lot of people outside the store. I didn't squeeze in to the front, but something must have happened. The market manager called the police."

Han Feilu took out his mobile phone from his trouser pocket and looked at it: "I didn't receive any news. I guess the case is not serious."

Qian Guang was a little anxious: "They are all dead. Come over and take a look."

Han Feilu: "I have a rest these two days. Do you know what rest means? Rest means not having to work."

Yingguang: "Why are you so passive and sabotaging your work? It's just Zhou Song who ran away. You look like you're out of love."

Han Feilu's chest felt tight at her words, and he stretched out his hand to twist her ears, but she nimbly dodged it. Han Feilu asked her to settle the score: "Come here, I'll show you what I can do after falling out of love."

How irritable."

Leading the light: "Your cell phone is ringing! Cell phone!"

A call came in on his mobile phone. It was from Gu Hai. Seeing the caller ID, Han Feilu had a premonition in his heart. Gu Hai explained the situation in a few words. Han Feilu said: "I understand, I'll go over now."

As soon as he hung up the phone, Qing Guang asked, "What's going on?"

Han Feilu sighed: "As you wish, my vacation is over. Give me your car keys."

He rode Yin Guang's electric scooter to the market that Yin Guang had visited in the morning. Except for the stall owners, the crowd in the market had been evacuated, and the first cordon was set up at the entrance of the vegetable market. He told the police guarding the scene

He showed his ID, then entered the market, and found the place where the crime occurred, 'Tiantian Fresh Chicken Shop'. There was a second cordon outside the shop, and Gu Hai was standing outside waiting for him.

Gu Hai: "The Korean forensic team has withdrawn, and the investigation team is collecting evidence."

Han Feilu went straight to the forensic doctor: "Tell me about the situation."

The forensic doctor said: "Two deceased persons were found at the scene. They were killed between 1 a.m. and 3 a.m. this morning. They had several fatal stab wounds on their heads and upper torso. The murder weapon should be this machete."

The forensic doctor picked up the evidence bag in his hand, which contained a half-arm-long machete with blood stains on the blade, minced meat and hair.

Han Feilu looked at it: "Using local materials?"

Forensic doctor: "The knives in the store are all common Chinese kitchen knives. No knives similar to murder weapons were found. The murderer should have prepared them himself."

Han Feilu: "That's strange. After killing someone, he left behind the tools of the crime. The murderer doesn't seem to be very rigorous."

He took the gloves and anklets from Gu Hai, put them on and walked into the store. He instantly saw blood all over the floor and smelled the strong smell of blood. This store sells unprocessed whole chickens, and the live chickens are pulled out.

The chickens are sold after removing the internal organs. Most of the customers are hotels and restaurants that place large orders. They also provide retail. There are several large stainless steel pots in the store, filled with white chicken. The chicken heads and internal organs are piled in a plastic bucket, giving off a rancid smell.

The smell combined with various fishy smells is comparable to strong methane gas.

Han Feilu avoided the blood stains on the ground and walked behind the pot for boiling water. He found the bodies of the two deceased lying on the ground. They were still wearing aprons and had been stabbed at least seven or eight times on the face and chest. The noses of the male deceased were also chopped off.

Yes, the murderer's method of committing the crime was quite bloody and cruel.

Han Feilu knelt down and looked at the two deceased people: "The identity of the deceased."

Gu Hai: "The two deceased are the owners of this store, their husband Deng Jianrong, 52 years old, and his wife Zhang Hui, 51 years old. At 8 o'clock this morning, the apprentice from the kitchen of Xiyuan Restaurant came to pick up the pre-ordered goods. The owner

The couple also worked all night to catch this batch of goods. The apprentice discovered that the two shopkeepers had been murdered and immediately called the police."

Han Feilu: "How did he come in? The store door was not closed?"

Gu Hai: "The front door is closed, but the back door is open. There is an alley outside the back door. The trucks picking up the goods are parked in the alley. He came in through the back door."

Han Feilu walked through the store and found the back door. Outside the door was a narrow and deep alley. There was a white van parked in the alley with some seafood and vegetables in it. Gu Hai said: "That is the car driven by the apprentice."

Han Feilu looked up and looked around, only to see a high bare wall: "There is no surveillance."

Gu Hai: "There is no surveillance in the store. Going out from the alley is Youyou North Road. I have asked Tian Lei to adjust the surveillance."

Han Feilu: "Where is the apprentice who reported the crime?"

Gu Hai: "I was very frightened. When I just asked him what he said, he felt dizzy and nauseated. I asked him to rest in the nearby store."

Han Feilu: "Bring him here."

A policeman led the apprentice out of the back door of the store next door, deliberately avoiding the scene of the crime. The apprentice was a young man in his early twenties. He was clutching his stomach as if he had had a miscarriage, his face was sallow and weak, and he had vomited many times.

Han Feilu looked him over and asked, "Did you call the police?"

The apprentice nodded angrily with a pale face.

Han Feilu: "What's your name?"

Apprentice: "Zhang Jin."

Han Feilu: "Tell me about the process of discovering the body."

Zhang Jin pointed to the van parked in the alley: "I came to pick up the goods, and the back door was open, so I went straight in and called the boss, but the boss didn't respond. Then I saw... vomit!"

He took two steps and retched while holding on to the wall.

Han Feilu asked Gu Hai to hand him two pieces of paper. After he stopped vomiting, he continued to ask: "What next?"

Zhang Jin: "Then I ran out and called 110. After calling 110, I called Lao Wei."

Han Feilu: "Who is Lao Wei?"

Gu Hai explained for him: "He is the market manager."

Han Feilu: "Before our people sealed off the scene, was the front door of the store locked or opened?"

Gu Hai: "It's locked. I guess the key was put away by the shopkeepers. We all got in by picking the lock."

Han Feilu: "Is there any surveillance outside the store?"

Gu Hai: "Yes, the main road of the vegetable market is under surveillance."

Han Feilu: "Then the murderer would not have left through the front door if he had any brains. He must have entered and left through the back door."

Zhang Jin raised his hand tremblingly: "Well, can I leave? I have a lot of work in the kitchen."

Han Feilu: "Can you drive now? Why don't you find someone to pick you up?"

Zhang Jin: "It can be done, it can be done. I have never been hit by a bumper car."

He got into the van and drove away. Han Feilu asked someone to lock the back door, then turned back to the store and asked loudly: "Who found the cash?"

A policeman said: "I just found several thousand dollars in cash in the drawer. Nowadays, people use mobile phones to pay, and few carry cash with them."

Han Feilu's preliminary judgment: "It should be an acquaintance who committed the crime. It was not a robbery, but a vendetta."

Gu Hai nodded: "There is no shortage of property in the store. Since the murderer was able to enter the store through the back door, he either walked through the store in advance or knew the victim. There were no other defensive injuries on the deceased except fatal injuries. He should have been in a defenseless situation.

If the next person is killed, the only thing that can make them let down their guard is acquaintances."

Han Feilu came out of the main entrance of the store, took off his gloves and toe gloves and threw them into the trash can: "Have you notified your family?"

Gu Hai: "The deceased has two daughters, and Xiao Mu is contacting them."

As soon as he finished speaking, Han Feilu's cell phone rang. It was a call from Mu Xuecheng. He walked a few steps away with his cell phone and found a quiet place to answer the call: "Say."

Mu Xuecheng: "Team Han, I just checked the financial situation of Deng Jianrong and Zhang Hui. They have no loans or foreign debts. Last year, they donated 100,000 to the domestic cancer foundation. There are no financial problems."

Han Feilu: "They donate to the cancer foundation?"

Mu Xuecheng: "Yes, it may be because their daughter was diagnosed with brain cancer two years ago."

Han Feilu: "Gu Hai said they have two daughters, which one are you talking about?"

Mu Xuecheng: "These two are twins. The elder sister is Deng Lanlan and the younger sister is Deng Mengmeng. It is the elder sister who has brain cancer. The younger sister is very healthy and went abroad to study for graduate school last year."

Han Feilu: "Have you contacted these two sisters?"

Mu Xuecheng: "My sister hasn't been contacted yet. I just contacted my sister and asked her to go to work to identify the body, but her situation is a bit troublesome and she can't go out now."

There was no use talking anymore, so Han Feilu immediately decided to find out: "Give me her address."

He and Gu Hai came out of the market, put their electric car into the trunk of Gu Hai's car, got in and sat in the passenger seat, and Gu Hai drove to Deng Lanlan's address. After smelling the smell of blood for a long time, Han Fei

Heron felt that the root of his nose was itchy and his sense of smell was almost gone, so he took out two pieces of chewing gum from his pocket, tore open the package and threw it into his mouth. He chewed the gum and hesitated again and asked, "How have you been these past two days?"

Gu Hai knew what he wanted to ask: "Yesterday I had a chat with Xiao Wei from the Second Branch. They found out that after Zhou Song left the community, he drove around in a taxi several times, and then got off at a place away from surveillance.

It’s obvious that Zhou Song made a careful plan to escape the police’s pursuit.”

Han Feilu put down the window glass and put his arm on it: "No more?"

Gu Hai: "And Qin Xiao."

Han Feilu: "What's wrong with Qin Xiao?"

Gu Hai: "Qin Xiao has also disappeared, possibly with Zhou Song."

Han Feilu looked out the window with a sullen face, chewing gum until he gritted his teeth, and felt as if a huge stone was weighing down his heart.

This chapter has been completed!
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