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Chapter 24: Rebirth

Yang Lei died during a morning meeting two months ago. He had no warning before the onset of the disease and was listening to reports from his subordinates, but death often comes inadvertently. He collapsed in the conference room and lost all vital signs before the ambulance arrived.

According to media reports, Yang Lei seems to have had a premonition of his death. He wrote a suicide note three years ago, leaving all his property to his wife and daughter. Yang Lei's wife Ji Shasha and Yang Lei have a very good relationship, but the two

Instead of giving birth, they adopted a baby girl. Although they were obviously capable of giving birth but did not give birth, they chose to adopt. This idea is considered advanced even now. But Zhou Song guessed that the reason why the couple chose to adopt was probably very reasonable.

It is unique and different from others.

Yang Lei's wife Ji Shasha is a well-known fashion designer and has her own clothing brand and studio. Her studio is in an office building in the business center. On the third floor of the underground parking lot of the office building is a car parked in the A12 parking space.

The blue Audi is her car.

Qin Xiao found the car, looked at the license plate number, then lowered his hat brim and walked behind a big black G car at the edge of the parking lot. He found Zhou Song by the wall and said, "I just called the front desk of her company. The front desk

She said she was in a meeting and might not be able to get down for a while."

Zhou Song's legs hurt after standing for a long time. He squatted down against the wall, took off the mask on his face and took a deep breath. He looked at the rows of car butts in front of him and suddenly laughed out loud.

Qin Xiao squatted next to him and asked in a low voice: "What are you laughing at?"

Zhou Song: "Look at my current situation, it's like a dream."

Qin Xiao: "If you don't leave if I ask you to leave, staying in Yucheng will be a nightmare."

He took out two Snickers bars from his pocket and handed one to Zhou Song. Although Zhou Song liked sweets, he didn't like dry and hard chocolate bars. However, he was really hungry at the moment and had no choice, so

He took it and said thank you.

Qin Xiao asked again: "I can't figure it out. Isn't the Ning Yu you are investigating now dead? Why are you still investigating her?"

The chocolate bar was very hard, and Zhou Song chewed it hard for a while before swallowing it: "She is dead, but there are many doubts left."

Qin Xiao: "What's the doubt? Tell me about it."

The man next to him is indeed his comrade now, and Zhou Song doesn't mind revealing something to him, but the whole incident is so complicated and full of doubts that he himself is blocked in the circle of Zhongshan, and he can't explain it clearly to Qin Xiao in just a few words. He thought to himself

After a while, he said: "It still has something to do with Chi Chenguang's death."

Qin Xiao half-understood: "So what you are investigating now is your father's case more than ten years ago?"

Zhou Song: "You can say that."

Qin Xiao still didn't understand, but he didn't continue to ask. He just asked him: "What are your plans after you finish investigating your father's case?"

Zhou Song thought about it seriously and found that his mind was empty and he had no plans for his future: "I have no plans."

Qin Xiao: "I have a plan for you. You should go to a place where the police can't find you and start over."

Zhou Song lowered his head, the brim of his hat covering his lonely look: "Starting over means completely breaking with the past. I have no confidence that I can forget the past and start over."

Qin Xiao: "I understand, you can't let go of your family and friends."

Zhou Song turned to look at Qin Xiao and asked him, "Can't I let go?"

Qin Xiao nodded: "You really can't let go."

Qin Xiao was right and he had no way to refute it. But he was unwilling to do so and said: "It's just a matter of time. I will forget all the people who should be forgotten."

Footsteps suddenly sounded in the quiet garage. Zhou Song bent down and walked between the two cars and looked forward. He saw a woman in a black suit parked next to the blue Audi car from far away. Qin Xiao also saw her,

He whispered: "That's Ji Shasha's car."

Ji Shasha was holding a stack of documents in her hand, trying to get the car keys from her bag, but accidentally spilled the documents on the ground. She knelt down to pick up the documents, and when she got up, she found two strange men standing in front of her.

Zhou Song: "Ms. Ji Shasha?"

Ji Shasha looked at them warily and said nothing.

Zhou Song and Qin Xiao looked at each other. Qin Xiao took out a black wallet from his pants pocket, opened it quickly and closed it quickly: "Ahem, we are the ones cough cough cough."

The first time he pretended to be a policeman, he was very inexperienced and a little confused. Zhou Song was worried that he would reveal his flaws, so he stepped forward to attract Ji Shasha's attention: "My surname is Han, his surname is Qin, we are police officers from the Criminal Investigation Detachment."

He pretended to be so natural that Ji Shasha didn't get suspicious: "Hello, do you have anything to do with me?"

Zhou Song: "We are investigating a case, and your husband Yang Lei may be related to this case."

Ji Shasha: "What case?"

Zhou Song: "Ning Yu's case."

When he said Ning Yu's name, he saw a subtle change in Ji Shasha's expression, which was both unexpected and calm. It was as if she had guessed that they were coming and was ready to deal with them.

Zhou Song saw the clue: "Has your husband talked to you about Ning Yu?"

"Yes, I have been waiting for you for a long time." She looked at her watch, "I want to go home now. If it is convenient for you two, you can come back with me."

So Zhou Song and Qin Xiao got into Ji Shasha's car and drove to Ji Shasha's home. Zhou Song didn't expect that the trip would go so smoothly, and he was worried, but he had no choice but to take Ji Shasha's car.

He could only make peace with it as it came. He and Qin Xiao were sitting in the back seat. From his angle, he could see the profile of Ji Shasha who was driving. Ji Shasha was an elegant and dignified woman. Although she was older, she was very charming.

, beauty has not left her yet.

"Yang Lei told you about Ning Yu?" Zhou Song asked again.

Ji Shasha said: "He didn't say it, I saw it in the letter."

Zhou Song: "What letter?"

Ji Shasha: "You will know soon. Is it okay for me to concentrate on driving now? I'm not good at multitasking."

She drove the car into a high-end residential area, parked it in the underground garage, and took the elevator directly from the garage to the upstairs with Zhou Song and Qin Xiao. The elevator stopped on the 23rd floor, and the elevator door opened to the outer porch.

It was a large flat-floor apartment. The two changed their shoes and followed Ji Shasha into the house. A twelve or thirteen-year-old girl was lying on the sofa in the living room watching TV. When she saw Ji Shasha, she stretched out her hands and said coquettishly: "Mom."

She was sick, her complexion was pale, and she was mentally depressed. Ji Shasha sat next to her and hugged her: "Has the fever gone away? Grandma said you don't take medicine well. Is this true?"

Grandma came out of the kitchen with a bowl of soup and said: "I just coughed a few more times. I asked her to drink medicine and she found it bitter. This is the pear soup I just made. Feed her some." She handed her the pear soup.

I gave it to Ji Shasha, only to find that Ji Shasha had brought back two strangers, "We have guests, please take a seat."

Ji Shasha said: "Mom, take Youyou back to the room, we have to talk about work."

Grandma took the girl named Youyou back to the room. Ji Shasha pointed to the sofa and said, "Wait a moment."

Zhou Song and Qin Xiao were sitting on the sofa. Ji Shasha turned around the corridor and didn't know which room she entered. A few minutes later, she came back, brought back an envelope, and handed it to Zhou Song: "This is what I just said.


Zhou Song opened the envelope and took out a piece of letter paper, which was written in regular script with a brush. The text was very short and only

A few lines: Sasha, when you read this letter, I will probably be gone. Just like I told you, you and I will be separated on an unpredictable day. This day has come, please

Please forgive me for leaving without saying goodbye, and please forgive me for not being honest with you. I have concealed some things from you. These things are my sins, my nightmares, and my unbearable pain. They have a common name, which is

"Ning Yu". She is an old friend of mine. If someone comes for her, all the answers about her will be locked in the silver safe in my study. The password is the date of our wedding.

This is the entire content of the letter. Zhou Song closed the letter and looked up at Ji Shasha: "What's in the safe?"

Ji Shasha folded the letter carefully, put it back into the envelope, and said, "Follow me."

Zhou Song and Qin Xiao followed her into a study room. The study room was very large, with bookshelves on the four walls. There was a long table in front of the bookshelf on the east side, with pens, inks, paper and inkstones on it. Ji Shasha walked behind the desk and pushed open a

She opened the bookshelf to reveal a silver safe embedded in the wall. She entered the password to open the safe and took out a thick stack of books and documents. She put all the books and documents on the table and said: "Everyone

it's here."

Zhou Song walked over and looked at these books and documents, which were about half a meter high: "What is this?"

Ji Shasha: "This is also the first time I've seen it."

Zhou Song: "When did you get that letter just now?"

Ji Shasha: "On the day after his death, the letter and the suicide note were together. They had been kept by the lawyer before. You can browse through these books and documents at will. I have to go to be with my daughter. I'm sorry."

After she finished speaking, she walked towards the door. Zhou Song asked, "Don't you want to know what Yang Lei has hidden from you?"

Ji Shasha turned around and looked at him, her expression always calm: "I'm not curious about who the woman named Ning Yu is, nor am I curious about what is hidden in the safe. He is my husband, and we had a wonderful love and relationship.

Marriage, nothing is more important than these, and I don't want to destroy the memories he left me."

Zhou Song: "Did you know that he has a family hereditary disease?"

Ji Shasha: "He told me this when we were in love. He said that if he was lucky, he could live to be in his forties, but if he was unlucky, he would die at the age of thirty. He was very lucky."

Zhou Song: "Is it his decision for you to adopt a child?"

Ji Shasha: "Yes, he didn't want to risk passing on his disease-carrying genes to his children, so we adopted Youyou. Are there any questions?"

Zhou Song raised his hand towards the door: "No more, please do as you please."

Ji Shasha left the study and closed the study door.

Qin Xiao moved two chairs and placed them in front of the table: "Come on, let's see what Yang Lei's secret is. Huh? Why are they all in English?"

Zhou Song sat down on the chair, picked up a book, and found that it was an original English textbook on cell biology; under the textbook was a printed paper taken from a foreign literary magazine; under the paper was a 20-year-old paper

News reports published in a newspaper abroad in the 1970s; he quickly found out what these documents had in common, and they were talking about the same topic: brain transplant surgery.

This field is mysterious and ancient. Zhou Song knew nothing about it. He picked up a thick document that recorded that in the early 1970s, a famous American neurosurgeon named Robert White successfully treated a patient.

The cub underwent a head transplant. The cub survived for 8 days after the head transplant. This major initiative proved to the world that brain transplant surgery can prolong the life of the recipient. Then the writer raised a question: So

Can humans also undergo brain transplantation? Does brain transplantation mean memory transplantation and soul transfer?

Memory transplantation, soul transfer. Zhou Song was aroused by these two phrases and continued to read the information. In fact, human brain transplantation is no longer a fantasy. There is precedent for this operation, and scientists have never stopped researching it. For example, in 1996

In 2006, a Swiss doctor performed a brain transplant on a pair of lovers who were involved in a car accident. When the lovers were sent to the hospital, the woman had died due to a ruptured skull, but her body was intact; while the man's limbs were severely injured, but his head was intact.


After obtaining the consent of their family members, the doctors transplanted the man's brain into the woman's head and performed nerve fiber connection surgery. When the doctors finally connected all the nerve fibers as thin as spider silk, the woman miraculously recovered her vital signs and had...

Part of the man's memory - This case shows that human brain transplantation can not only extend the life of the recipient, but also obtain the memory of the original owner of the brain. It only replaces the brain with the host, so that the original host can be reborn.

When Zhou Song saw this, his palms became cold and he shuddered; if human brain transplantation only existed in science fiction novels and movies, he would dismiss it, but in reality, someone has really studied it in depth and turned it into a feasible medical technology.

, then this matter becomes extremely scary. Looking at these vast medical records and documents, Zhou Song did not have a strong sense of trust in them, and felt more and more absurd.

While Zhou Song was reading the information, Qin Xiao was very bored. The information was all in English, and he could only understand a few simple words. He dropped a document, flipped through it, and thought

Looking for something he could understand from the pile of documents, he accidentally found a USB flash drive sandwiched in a book. He took out the USB flash drive and said, "Zhou Song."

Zhou Song saw the USB flash drive: "Where did it come from?"

Qin Xiao: "It's in a book. Do you want to read it?"

There was a laptop on the table. Zhou Song took the computer over, turned it on and inserted the USB flash drive. There was only a video in it. When he opened the video, a thin and elegant man wearing glasses appeared. Zhou Song had seen Yang Lei's photos on the web.

He was immediately recognized as Yang Lei. Yang Lei in the video was sitting on the chair behind the long table opposite them, sitting quietly facing the camera, as if he was sitting opposite them and watching them.

Zhou Song waited impatiently and wanted to hear what he would say. Just as he was about to fast forward, Yang Lei suddenly spoke: "Today is New Year's Eve. I recorded this video in my study to confess the sins I have committed."

Having said this, he lowered his head slightly and said solemnly: "The people who saw this video came here for Ning Yu. I will tell you the truth now. Ning Yu and I were friends, friends who share the same disease. We both suffer from a family disease.

Genetic disease. Ning Yu said that this is not a disease, but a curse." He showed a bitter smile, "I have to admit that she is right, this disease is indeed like a curse. But we are not willing to be cursed as soon as we are born.

, so we decided to fight.”

Yang Lei spread his hands as if there was something in front of him: "As you can see, those books and documents are our struggle. Ning Yu is a doctor of cell biogenetics. She believes that human brain transplantation can help us get rid of diseases.

body to transfer her soul into a healthy body, so she has been studying this medical technology. And I only have a few spare money, so I have no other use except to financially support her."

His hands fell slumped on the table, with a sad look on his face: "Her research needed clinical trial subjects. At first, her subjects were white rats, rabbits, and monkeys. But later, I discovered that she actually started human experiments, and the students she spent day and night with were

She turned out to be her experimental subject. I know how dangerous this behavior is, and I tried to persuade her, but she was already going crazy and would not listen to any advice. I thought about cutting off all contact with her and not being responsible for what she did.

I ignored her, but it was my inaction that caused her to continue killing. I realized that I could never sit idly by, but I was selfish, timid, and cowardly. I didn't dare to expose her personally. I was worried that she would take revenge on me. So I bribed Lin Feng.

, creating the illusion that he broke into Ning Yu’s house and accidentally discovered the body.”

Qin Xiao finally understood what he said and was dumbfounded: "What did he say? Brain transplantation, human experiment? I'll go... This is so fucking outrageous. I didn't expect it to be an old cliche in science fiction movies."

There are people who really believe it, and they kill people and conduct human experiments for this. This is completely crazy. What does Ning Yu, a lunatic, want to do?"

Zhou Song also felt that it was outrageous and admitted that Ning Yu was crazy, but he was very sure that Ning Yu had never lost her mind. Ning Yu was even wiser, calmer, and crueler than ordinary people. Ning Yu was not a madman, she was just a desperate person.

After a person loses all hope, he will either go to destruction or go mad. She just refused to be destroyed and chose the latter. But Ning Yu's behavior was extremely absurd, and it was just a ridiculous dream. Even the people who created her dream were those who

Professionals with knowledge and authority, but dreams will always be dreams, and dreams will never come true. Memory transplantation and soul transfer are a huge scam that spans centuries.

Zhou Song did not believe that Ning Yu would not understand these principles, but she was still stuck in a dream and refused to wake up. The reason was simple. The reality made her despair. So what is the purpose of the desperate Ning Yu? She kills people, she does illegal things

Experiment, what on earth is she doing all this for?

Yang Lei on the computer seemed to be asking Zhou Song's question. He stared at the camera as if he were looking into Zhou Song's eyes and said: "She doesn't want to die, she wants to live, she wants to be reborn."

Rebirth - The person who deserves death does not want to die, so she wants to be reborn.

This chapter has been completed!
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