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Chapter 44: End

At 8:24 p.m., Shao Yang's car drove into the parking lot at the back entrance of Nanhuai Road Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital. The police followed the trail and found Shao Yang's car in a row of vehicles, but Shao Yang himself was missing. The parking lot was very crowded.

It is large, but poorly managed, because this parking lot was originally just an open space. Due to the open and flat terrain, nearby residents and people entering and leaving the traditional Chinese medicine hospital spontaneously used this open space to park their vehicles.

This parking lot is not under the management of any party, so no surveillance equipment is installed. In addition, tall poplar trees are planted around it, blocking the view, and it has become a hotbed for criminal behavior.

Upon discovering Shao Yang's car, Han Feilu immediately concluded that Shao Yang had changed cars and fled. He had probably violently subdued a certain car owner and robbed the other person's car. The reason why he did not steal the car was because after stealing the car, there was a high probability that the car owner would

Calling the police will attract the police, which will undoubtedly provide the police with investigation clues. So Shao Yang probably robbed a car, hid the owner in the trunk and took him away with him, so as to ensure that the owner did not call the police.

Several policemen spread out to search in the parking lot. Han Feilu called Mu Xuecheng, who was staying at the unit, and asked her to investigate the surveillance video of Chat Road, the main road at the back entrance of the traditional Chinese medicine hospital, and find out the time between 8:24 and 9 p.m.

All vehicles leaving from the back door of the Chinese Medicine Hospital.

Mu Xuecheng: "Team Han, during this time period, the roadside camera captured a total of 7 vehicles leaving."

Han Feilu: "Contact the drivers one by one. One of these seven drivers is Shao Yang."

It took time to check the driver. Han Feilu hung up the phone and called back the police who were searching around. The group turned back to the roadside where the car was parked. He opened the door and was about to get in the car when his cell phone rang in his pocket. He thought it was Mu

The call from Xue Cheng came from an unfamiliar number.

Han Feilu: "Hello?"

Shao Yang's voice was delicate and soft, easy to recognize: "Officer Han, it's me. You seem to be very busy, did I disturb you?"

Three police cars parked on the roadside, and the police officers following Han Feilu also stopped in front of the police cars, waiting for Han Feilu to change his deployment at any time. Only Qi Tianlei shouted: "Team Han, what's going on?"

Han Feilu gestured for everyone to get in the car, then got into the driver's seat and pulled the door hard: "Don't talk nonsense, Zhou Song is in your hands?"

Shao Yang: "Not only Zhou Song, but Feng Danian's wife and children are also in my hands. There is also a poor guy whose car I robbed."

Han Feilu: "What do you want to do on the phone? Negotiate?"

Shao Yang smiled and said: "Yes, negotiation. Having so many people in my hands is a drag on me. I only need one hostage, and I will let go of the rest."

Hearing this, Han Feilu had already guessed Shao Yang's intention for making this call.

Shao Yang: "Let's start negotiating now. Feng Danian's wife, children, and Zhou Song. I want to keep one of these three people as a hostage. Which one do you want me to keep?"

He looked at the pedestrians on the street, searching the crowd with his eyes. It seemed that Shao Yang was among them: "Shao Yang, your strength has been exhausted. Open your eyes and see how many police cars and plainclothes there are on the street. The entire city's police force is searching for you."

Man, unless you fly to the sky and escape from the earth, you can't escape from Yucheng. If you know better and release all the hostages, then surrender, I will count you——"

Shao Yang interrupted him: "I let you make a choice, I didn't ask you to surrender. I'll give you one minute. If you don't give me a name within one minute, I'll kill that poor guy first."

Han Feilu: "Do you think we can't find you? We have found out that you drove to the intersection of Lane 3 of Gulou Street, where you avoided surveillance and found a new car. It is only a matter of time before we find the license plate number!"

There was suddenly no sound on the phone, and after a brief silence, a man's wailing sounded.

Shao Yang: "Did you hear that? You still have ten seconds to make a choice, otherwise I will kill him. 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4——"

After hearing him count to three, Han Feilu finally made a choice: "Zhou Song! Keep Zhou Song and let the others go!"

He heard Shao Yang talking to another person and said, "Who are you talking to? Is Zhou Song next to you? Let him say something. I want to know that he is okay!"

There was a rustling noise from the phone, and then Zhou Song said softly: "Hang up."

The call was cut off, and Mu Xuecheng's call came in: "Team Han, the owner of the black Buick with the license plate number x3452 cannot be reached at the moment. His mobile phone is turned off."

Han Feilu immediately drove on the road: "Where did this car go?"

Mu Xuecheng: "He left the Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital and drove west along Nanhuai Road to the vicinity of Baifu City Shopping Mall on Huayang North Road."

Han Feilu lowered the car window and stretched out his hand to signal to the car following him. Gu Hai's car caught up with him and Han Feilu shouted: "Turn on the police lights, clear the way ahead, and go to Huayang Road Baidu."


Gu Hai nodded, speeding up the car and rushing ahead. The flashing police lights were like lightning sneaking in the middle of the night, splitting open the congested traffic.

Han Feilu asked while walking quickly: "Is there an unfinished building in the south of Baifu City?"

Mu Xuecheng: "Wait a minute, let me check the map. Yes, yes, the construction of Lijing Garden Community was stopped last year."

Han Feilu thought deeply for a moment and said: "Shao Yang probably stayed briefly in that unfinished building and changed cars again. You can immediately call up all the surveillance videos that can capture the entrance and exit of this unfinished building.

, check for suspicious vehicles.”

When he was on the phone with Shao Yang just now, he heard the screams of a man. That man should be the owner of the black Buick they were tracking at this time. Since Shao Yang took the initiative to expose him, it meant that Shao Yang was not afraid that the police would find out about his transfer.

vehicle, and that black Buick will also become Shao Yang's abandoned son. Shao Yang must have a backup plan, such as changing to a car that will not arouse police suspicion. If this car really exists, Shao Yang must first

It is hidden in an unfinished building so that it can completely escape the eyes and ears of the police.

Mu Xuecheng: "Okay, give me some time...Huh? Did the Korean team and Huayang Road Police Station also participate in this containment operation?"

Han Feilu: "Why didn't they deploy their police force?"

Mu Xuecheng: "I saw a police car driving past Nanyi Street. Going further forward is the encirclement point, which is not within the jurisdiction of the Huayang District Police Station. Wait a minute, I'll call and ask who this car is.

It’s not a police call.”

police car?

Han Feilu suddenly realized that no wonder Shao Yang was so arrogant just now, as if he was sure that he could break out of the police encirclement. It turned out that he had the ability to get a fake police car!

Han Feilu: "No need to ask, you immediately trace the whereabouts of this police car." He hung up the phone and picked up the walkie-talkie, "Dahai, take the second team to the unfinished building of Lijing Garden to find Feng Danian's wife and children. The remaining

Everyone, everyone, follow me to Nanyijie Street!"

The tracking target changed from a social vehicle to a police car. Each interception point received the instruction to "intercept a police car with license plate number 56x2." Shortly after the instruction was issued, a traffic policeman sent the latest update from the front line.

News: Just now, the suspected target suspect drove this police car through the Twin Towers intersection, heading north on the planned road.

Ten minutes later, Han Feilu and his team rushed to Planning North Road and found the police car on the quiet roadside. However, the blood on the rear of the car and on the ground made everyone's heart sink. There were still two police cars stuck on the trunk lid.

Bright red bloody handprints.

Seeing the blood, Han Feilu suddenly didn't dare to move forward. He had seen many murder scenes, some ten times more tragic than this one, but he was stopped by a pool of blood. He pointed to the backup

Qi Tianlei and a policeman stepped forward and opened the trunk lid. He could see a person lying inside, covered in blood.

"Is it Zhou Song?" Han Feilu asked.

Qi Tianlei turned over the ID on him: "It's the policeman from Sanliqiao Police Station. Chief! He's still angry!"

Police officer Liu Peng suffered severe blood loss and fell into coma, but he was still breathing. Han Feilu immediately sent people to take him to the hospital.

The clue ended in this blood-stained police car, and it would take time to check the street video. While waiting for the video analysis results, Han Feilu dispersed the police officers to find a possible way for Shao Yang to escape, and walked through the green belt on the roadside.

I walked forward looking for possible witnesses. Unknowingly, I came to the back door of a supermarket. The lights were on at the back door. There were high piles of goods at the door. Several staff members wearing supermarket employee uniforms were moving the goods into the warehouse.

Seeing this scene, Han Feilu immediately walked over, grabbed one of the employees, and asked him when the goods were brought in. The employee replied that it was about ten minutes ago.

Han Feilu: "Where is the delivery driver?"

Employee: "I'll leave after delivering the goods."

Han Feilu: "He drives a truck?"

Employee: "How fresh. How can he deliver the goods to us without driving a truck?"

After getting the driver's contact information, Han Feilu dialed the driver's phone number and learned that the driver had driven the car to the Chengnan Wholesale Market, and immediately rushed there as a team.

The truck was still parked outside the warehouse door. Qi Tianlei jumped in and searched around, but found no one, but found a ring behind several boxes. He handed the ring to Han Feilu, who recognized it at a glance.

It was Zhou Song's ring. Zhou Song liked to wear flashy decorations such as bracelets, necklaces, and rings. During the day, he had seen this ring on Zhou Song's right middle finger.

Confirming that he was looking in the right direction, Han Feilu felt a little relieved, and then became even more uneasy. The market was very large, and there were many surveillance blind spots. Shao Yang could easily find them by hiding anywhere. But Zhou Song's safety became a mystery.

Even if Zhou Song is safe at this moment, no one can guarantee that Shao Yang will not act excessively as the police get closer and closer.

He delayed giving the search order, and Qi Tianlei waited impatiently: "Boss, call for backup, Shao Yang must be hiding here."

Han Feilu held the ring tightly in his hand and said: "Shao Yang can't go far, but he has a hostage on his hand. He has already carried several lives on his body, and he just wanted to kill the police. If we force him into a hurry,

Who can guarantee the safety of the hostages?" He looked around and suddenly remembered something, "Is this the Chengxi Wholesale Market?"

Qi Tianlei: "Yes."

He turned back suddenly and looked at the boundless night in the distance, as if he saw a row of abandoned warehouses standing under the night. At that moment, the old memories leaped across the distance of time and stood out in front of his eyes with incomparable clarity: The most southerly one

The walls of the warehouse were blackened by fire, and there was a rusty iron lock hanging on the door. When you opened the door and walked in, you could still smell the unpleasant smell that had not been dissipated - that was where it was fifteen years ago.

, where he and Zhou Song were trapped by the kidnappers.

A group of people rushed towards the warehouse under the night. Han Feilu was running at the front, feeling uneasy and even afraid like never before. He knew that Zhou Song must be in that warehouse, and he also knew that something was happening at this moment.

Things may happen that he cannot intervene or prevent, so he is desperate and panicked.

After breaking open the iron door of the warehouse, several flashlights shone into the interior of the warehouse, and the police rushed in one after another with pistols in hand.

"Don't move! Police!"

"Get down!"

"Hurry, hurry, save people!"

"Hold your head with your hands and squat down!"

"Untie the chain quickly!"

Han Feilu stood at the door, unable to hear the shouts of his subordinates. He could only see Zhou Song standing in the middle of the warehouse, and Shao Yang, whose neck was tied by an iron chain and fell under the beam...Zhou Song

Standing in the light of several flashlights, he slowly turned around and stared at each other with Han Feilu's eyes. The expression on his face was calm and indifferent, and his dark eyes were like two pools of wet and cold ink, shrouded in

In the endless darkness of night.

What he worried about happened indeed, Zhou Song was killing someone.

This chapter has been completed!
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