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Chapter 12: Penguins

The woman landed more than two meters away from Han Feilu. The back of her head hit the ground. Her skull was smashed, and her brains popped out with blood. The blood dripped on the black marble floor, forming a shallow pool of blood. The woman's body lay on the ground.

In the pool of blood, like a small boat anchored on the tranquil water...

The crowd quickly called the police, and the police also rushed to the cordoned off site. Residents in the community quickly gathered outside the cordon. Many people recognized the deceased as Tong Yue, who lived on the 23rd floor of the top floor. The terrace where Tong Yue fell was attached to the top floor.

terrace. A neighbor also said: "I saw her mother-in-law going out this morning."

The police officer who led the police team was an inspector named Chen. Han Feilu was an old acquaintance with him, so he approached Inspector Chen and said, "Master Chen, we have to go up and take a look. It stands to reason that the rooftop terraces are equipped with protective fences.

People shouldn't fall."

Inspector Chen had already sent someone up and said: "The door is locked and there is no one at home."

Han Feilu asked the public for the contact information of the deceased's family members. The neighbor just provided a string of mobile phone numbers and said: "This is her mother-in-law's phone number."

Han Feilu dialed the number. After the call was connected, he first heard the announcement from the bus, and then a woman with an old voice asked: "Who is it?"

Han Feilu said: "Hello, I am a policeman, are you a member of Tong Yue's family?"

Woman: "Ah? Xiao Tong? Yes."

Han Feilu: "Something happened to your family. Come back as soon as possible."

Woman: "What happened to my family?"

Han Feilu hesitated for a moment and said, "It's not a big deal. You'll find out when you get back."

Woman: "Okay, okay, I'm at the gate of the community."

After hanging up the phone, Han Feilu squeezed out of the crowd, walked to an octagonal pavilion in the garden, and said to Zhou Song: "I have to help here. If you don't want to wait for me, just take a taxi back."

Zhou Song sat on the seat of the pavilion, holding a bottle of green plum green tea he had just bought. He took a few sips of the green tea and screwed the lid on before saying, "I'm not in a hurry, I'll wait for you. I just want to know too."

Did this woman fall off on her own?"

There was a sudden commotion in the crowd, followed by a woman crying.

Tong Yue's mother-in-law came back. When she saw Tong Yue's body, she immediately cried. The bag of vegetables and a watermelon she had just bought were thrown on the ground. The watermelon was smashed and the bright red pulp flowed to the ground, just like from

The blood flowing out of Tong Yue's body.

Han Feilu picked up a stamped wallet from the ground, which contained some cash and an ID card. The ID card belonged to Tong Yue's mother-in-law; her name was Yang Zhaodi, a native of a southern county, and she was 61 years old.

Master Chen persuaded Yang Zhaodi and tried his best to persuade Yang Zhaodi to take them home to see the balcony where Tong Yue fell. Han Feilu, Master Chen and the two policemen who supported Yang Zhaodi went upstairs to see the situation, while the others stayed behind.

Guard the scene downstairs.

Han Feilu stood in the elevator. The gravity generated at the moment the elevator rose seemed to pull him down. He held on to the car wall and felt a little panicked. The scene of Tong Yue falling from the sky flashed before his eyes again, and he saw splashing again.

Blood and brains on the black marble floor... He had seen many crime scenes, some more bloody than the jumping scene, but this was the first time he saw a living person falling from a height of more than 20 floors.

He fell down and died instantly, just two meters away from him.

Detective Chen saw that something was wrong with his expression, and he made a guess in his mind, "You wanted to save her, but you didn't have time, right?"

Han Feilu said: "When I found her, it was already too late."

He won't regret that he didn't save Tong Yue in time. It's just a fuss. He just shows human compassion for the loss of a life. But his compassion is quietly hidden as the elevator door opens. He knows very well.

One's own profession and one's own role do not require this kind of pity, only calmness and objectivity.

The 23rd floor is the top floor. The terrace on the roof was given to the owners of the top floor by the developer. Passing through the master bedroom on the second floor is the terrace. Han Feilu and Master Chen went to the terrace and found that there were no guardrails built around the terrace, and the original guardrails had been removed.

It has been dismantled halfway, and there are still a few wooden pillars on both sides that have not been completely dismantled.

There was a flower stand outside the sliding door leading to the terrace. At this time, the flower stand fell to the ground. The flower pot originally placed on the flower stand fell to the ground and fell to pieces. The soil in the pot was scattered all over the ground, leaving a trail on the ground.

Han Feilu followed the trace and walked forward until he reached the edge of the terrace, where Tong Yue fell from the building just now. Looking down, he could see the crowd on the ground.

Master Chen walked over and asked him: "What did you see?"

Han Feilu took two steps back and said: "We all saw it just now. Tong Yue's right leg was in a plaster, and there was a wheelchair in the living room. Tong Yue's leg was injured and it was inconvenient to walk, so she climbed to the terrace and was knocked down.

The flower stand, climbed to the edge of the terrace, and finally fell."

Master Chen nodded and said: "I will go to the security room later to adjust the corridor surveillance. If nothing else happens, this is most likely a suicide case."

Han Feilu's eyes moved to a wooden pillar on the right: "But why were the guardrails removed?"

Master Chen: "We have to ask the deceased's family."

Back in the living room on the first floor, Yang Zhaodi was lying on the sofa, holding her chest and gasping for air, looking heartbroken and exhausted. The police officer who took care of her was worried that she would have a heat stroke and wanted to turn on the air conditioner, but could not find the remote control.

Han Feilu helped them search together, and finally found the remote control on the window sill. The remote control was placed in front of a palm-sized penguin doll. Han Feilu and the penguin looked at each other for a moment with their black bean-like eyes, and then put the remote control

Picked up the appliance and turned on the air conditioner.

Yang Zhaodi showed a slight improvement. Master Chen asked her why the guardrail on the terrace was removed. She said weakly intermittently: "No, it was not intentional. The guardrail was damaged by the rain two days ago. My son planned to replace it with a stronger one, so he removed it."

The original one was dismantled and reinstalled, but... I haven’t had time to install the new one yet.”

After saying this, she burst into tears again and was out of breath. Master Chen was worried that she might have an accident, so he asked his men to take her to the hospital.

Yang Zhaodi was sent to the hospital. The police refused to stay at Tong Yue's house. Master Chen asked everyone to leave. When he turned around, he saw Han Feilu standing in front of the elevator background wall, looking at something in the background wall window. He

Walking back, I found that Han Feilu was looking at a photo, which showed a family of three, Tong Yue, her husband, and their two or three-year-old daughter. This photo was taken two years ago, and the girl in the photo should be about four years old.

But the little girl was nowhere to be seen at home.

Han Feilu asked: "Why isn't this little girl at home?"

Master Chen: “Have you never heard of it?”

Han Feilu: "Have you heard of anything?"

Master Chen said: "The child of this family died about a month ago."

Han Feilu: "What's going on?"

Master Chen: "Let's talk after we get down."

After coming out of the unit building, Master Chen received a call from his subordinate before he could tell him the cause and effect, and then rushed to the security room to check the surveillance system.

Han Feilu walked into the pavilion and sat next to Zhou Song. He looked at the crowd gathered under the scorching sun not far away and sighed.

Zhou Song crossed his legs and leaned his arms back on the railing, looking calm and leisurely, as if he was watching a boring movie: "How is it?"

Han Feilu still couldn't get used to his frivolous tone, as if human life was nothing in his eyes: "What about it?"

Zhou Song glanced at him and asked, "Was the fall an accident?"

Han Feilu's tone was a bit explosive. Maybe Zhou Song didn't hear it, or maybe he did but didn't want to argue with him. In short, Zhou Song brushed off the page lightly, and Han Feilu had to pretend that nothing happened and remained silent.

With the next breath, he said: "At present, it seems that Tong Yue's death was an accident."

Zhou Song frowned: "Tong Yue?"

Han Feilu: "What?"

Zhou Song: "This name is so familiar." Soon, he remembered it, and a ripple flashed in his unhappy eyes, "It turns out to be her."

Han Feilu: "Do you know her?"

Zhou Song: "I can't say I know her. She is the owner of an advertising company, and that advertising company cooperates with our company. I heard my colleagues discuss her."

Han Feilu: "What are we discussing about her?"

Zhou Song: "Her daughter died and there was a big fuss. Didn't you know?"

Han Feilu did not expect that his news would be the last, and he smiled bitterly: "I just found out. Since you understand the situation, tell me about it."

Zhou Song: "It's very simple. She didn't keep an eye on her daughter. The child ran to the square inside the community to play on the swing by herself. As a result, she fell off the swing and died on the spot."

Han Feilu remembered that he had seen a small square near Block A on his way here, which contained children's play equipment, including two swings. He decided to go to the square to have a look, and Zhou Song naturally followed him.

It was inevitable to pass by Building A on the way. Zhou Song looked around and remained vigilant, but no matter how careful he was, what was supposed to come would still come. When the two of them walked to the door of Unit 1, the door happened to open to both sides, and then they walked out

Two men in sportswear.

Liang Xie stared at Zhou Song: "Xiao Song?"

There seemed to be a thunderbolt from the blue above Zhou Song's head. He immediately stopped, adjusted his posture in an instant, stretched his shoulders and back and said politely: "Brother, Brother Ah Xie."

Liang Xie was wearing a baseball cap, carrying a shoulder bag and carrying a thermos flask. The handle of a tennis racket was exposed in the bag, and he seemed to be going to play tennis. Zhou Lingjun stood next to him, dressed lightly, wearing a white polo shirt and gray sweatpants.

, the figure is slimmer than when wearing a suit.

Zhou Lingjun looked at Zhou Song, then at Han Feilu next to Zhou Song, with a flat and indifferent expression, and asked, "What are you doing here?"

Zhou Song didn't hesitate and immediately kicked the ball to Han Feilu: "I came with Officer Han."

As expected, Zhou Lingjun diverted his attention, took two steps forward and extended his hand to Han Feilu, smiling: "Officer Han Feilu, right? Hello, I'm Zhou Lingjun."

Han Feilu only heard that Zhou Song had a cousin who was the head of Wanheng Group. Today was the first time he met Zhou Lingjun in person. He shook hands with Zhou Lingjun and said, "Hello, nice to meet you."

Zhou Lingjun: "Zhou Song has caused you a lot of trouble these days, and I thank you for taking care of him. Thank you very much."

Although Han Feilu knew that what he said was polite, Zhou Lingjun's polite words sounded pleasant to both the body and mind. Han Feilu smiled and said: "You're welcome, Zhou Song also helped me a lot."

Zhou Lingjun: "Oh? How did he help you?"

Han Feilu was stunned by the question. He couldn't say that Zhou Song was gifted and knew how to catch thieves, so he could only laugh.

Zhou Song secretly glared at him and said, "I'll help him take care of the cat."

Han Feilu: "Yes, yes, he helps me take care of the cat."

Zhou Lingjun was naturally dubious, but chose not to ask further questions, and said, "Then what business do you have here today?"

Zhou Song responded quickly: "Brother, Tong Yue just committed suicide by jumping off the building."

Zhou Lingjun was slightly startled: "Tong Yue from Chuangmei Company?"

Zhou Song: "Yes."

Liang Xie was also surprised: "We only heard that someone in Block C committed suicide by jumping off the building just now, and it turned out to be Tong Yue."

Han Feilu glanced at the satchel Liang Xie carried on his shoulder. Most of it contained equipment needed for sports. He thought to himself that they could calmly play tennis even though they knew someone was committing suicide by jumping off a building not far from him.

No one wanted to inquire about the deceased, and it was really rare for such a person to be so clean from the furnace of rumors and gossip. He had only seen Zhou Lingjun for a few minutes, but he had already seen something unusual about Zhou Lingjun - Zhou Lingjun's concentration

Extraordinary people have already stepped into the Iron Kan Temple with one foot and are not tainted with the worldly world.

Zhou Lingjun: "Since Tong Yue committed suicide, why did she alert Officer Han?"

Han Feilu: "The nature of the case has not yet been determined and is still under investigation."

Zhou Song wanted to send the two giant Buddhas away as soon as possible, so he said: "Brother, Officer Han is going to the square in front to take a look. You can be busy and don't worry about us."

He dragged Han Feilu's arm and moved forward, but Han Feilu stood still and asked Zhou Lingjun: "Are Mr. Zhou and Tong Yue familiar?"

Zhou Lingjun: "Although our company has cooperation with her company, she is the manager of the planning department. I have only met her once. But I am familiar with her husband Shi Haicheng."

Han Feilu already had a plan in mind and asked knowingly: "Are you two busy now?"

Zhou Lingjun heard this and knew in his heart: "I'm not busy."

Han Feilu: "Then let's go to the square in front and find a place to sit down and chat. I want to know something about Tong Yue and her husband Shi Haicheng."

Zhou Lingjun nodded and smiled: "Please lead the way."

This chapter has been completed!
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