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Chapter Thirteen: Ghosts

The square was surrounded by tall willow trees, and there were benches in the shade under the trees. Han Feilu and Zhou Lingjun sat down on the benches. Han Feilu took out his cigarette case, took out two cigarettes, and handed one to Zhou Lingjun.

Zhou Lingjun shook his head and said, "Thank you, I don't smoke."

Hearing this, Han Feilu stuffed both cigarettes back into the cigarette case and said, "Did you just say that you are familiar with Tong Yue's husband Shi Haicheng?"

Zhou Lingjun's words were rigorous: "It's just business interactions, not very familiar."

Han Feilu: "As far as I know, your company and Shihaicheng have had in-depth cooperation recently."

Zhou Lingjun did not expect that Han Feilu would investigate the cooperative relationship between Shi Haicheng and Wan Heng: "Yes, is there a problem?"

Han Feilu smiled and said: "No problem, I just thought of Qiao Qi."

At first glance, Zhou Lingjun didn't know who Qiao Qi was. After thinking about it for a moment, he finally remembered: "An employee of our company's planning department?"

Han Feilu: "Yes, she died in Hongguang Mountain a few days ago, didn't you know?"

Zhou Lingjun: "I know, but I can't remember clearly."

His tone was still so plain, just like he had just heard that the deceased who committed suicide by jumping off the building was Tong Yue.

Han Feilu saw similarities, but not complete similarities, with Zhou Song: "...Mr. Zhou has extraordinary concentration."

Zhou Lingjun: "How?"

Han Feilu: "Qiao Qi is your employee. She died inexplicably, but you can't remember clearly. Tong Yue is your partner. She committed suicide by jumping off the building just now, and you can't see her emotions."

Zhou Lingjun smiled slightly: "You want to say that I have a heart of stone?"

Han Feilu: "I just think you are too calm."

Liang Jie and Zhou Song were playing on a seesaw under the shade of a tree not far away. They each sat on one end of the seesaw, going up and down, in a circular motion.

Zhou Lingjun turned his head and looked at them, his tone as calm as a breeze: "I suffer from congenital myocarditis. I have been taking medicine and undergoing surgery since I was a child. I had a heart transplant more than ten years ago. Recently, my body has suffered from severe rejection. The doctor said that if

I can't find an effective treatment. The most optimistic estimate is that I still have three or two years." An ant crawled onto his trouser leg. He bent down and brushed the ant off gently. "I am someone who can die at any time. I have already

Be prepared. Life and death are just trivial matters to me. I have given up on my own life and death, so who else will I worry about?"

Han Feilu felt ashamed for his nonsense: "I'm sorry."

Zhou Lingjun smiled and said: "Except for fate, no one needs to apologize to me."

The two looked at each other and smiled, feeling open and bright in each other's hearts.

Han Feilu said: "Zhou Song looks a bit like you."

Zhou Lingjun: "How does it look like me?"

Han Feilu thought for a while: "As chic as you."

Zhou Lingjun smiled and said: "Actually, it's different. He is young and energetic, while I am happy with the situation." After the chat, Zhou Lingjun changed the subject, "I heard my secretary said that you are investigating Qiao Qi's case. She may not be

Suicide, right?”

Han Feilu: "The place where Qiao Qi's accident happened was the highest sightseeing platform in Hongguang Mountain. It was raining and the road was slippery. She may indeed have slipped and fallen, but her mobile phone was missing. We searched the scene and couldn't find it. This is very suspicious."

, and she tried to call the police twice before the accident. Based on these doubts, her death may not be an accident."

Zhou Lingjun: "What does that have to do with Qiao Qi's withdrawal from the Beauty Project?"

Needless to say, this matter was naturally relayed to him by his secretary Liang Xie.

Han Feilu: "I asked several colleagues in your company who have a good relationship with Qiao Qi. According to them, Qiao Qi suffers from depression and is dissociated and depressed. These symptoms all started when she was removed from the project team.

It started. So I suspect there is some hidden secret."

Zhou Lingjun: "In short, you want to know who kicked Qiao Qi out of the project team?"

Han Feilu: "Yes, Secretary Liang promised to help me find out the inside information, but there is no result yet."

Zhou Lingjun smiled slightly and said: "Actually, he can probably guess who was responsible. He didn't tell you because he was worried about affecting the cooperation between our company and Chuangmei."

Han Feilu: "It seems that Mr. Zhou also knows?"

Zhou Lingjun was silent for a moment, then whispered "Human life is greater than heaven" and then said: "This is Shihai City."

Han Feilu immediately asked: "Tong Yue's husband?"

Zhou Lingjun: "Yes, since Tong Yue's daughter's accident, he has been in charge of Chuangmei."

Han Feilu: "Why did he remove Qiao Qi from the project team?"

Zhou Lingjun: "Because the project team was established by Tong Yue."

Han Feilu: "I can't understand."

Zhou Lingjun: "Shi Haicheng is a designer who Tong Yue recruited into the company halfway. He is not a veteran of the company and has no outstanding talents. After Tong Yue married him, in the eyes of the outside world, Tong Yue married him as a subordinate. He was eager to prove himself, and also wanted to

A group of old people who were loyal to Tong Yue were eliminated, so the project team established by Tong Yue in the early stage was overthrown and rebuilt. If I guess correctly, Qiao Qi is just a fish in the pond affected by this change."

Speaking of this, although Zhou Lingjun did not express it clearly, Han Feilu already had a rough understanding of Shi Haicheng. So he had a new question in his mind: Tong Yue suffered from mental illness after the death of her daughter, which made her unable to survive.

Work and recuperate at home. At the same time, Shi Haicheng took over Tong Yue's job and took charge of Chuangmei Company, which can be said to be a fulfillment of his wish; in this natural disaster, Tong Yue was the victim, and Shi Haicheng became the immediate beneficiary.

Zhou Song sat on the seesaw and rose and fell. Looking at Han Feilu and Zhou Lingjun sitting on the bench not far away, he asked in a low voice: "What are they talking about? They have been talking for a long time."

Liang Jie sat on the other end of the seesaw, also rising and falling: "If you are curious, just go over and listen, and then come back and tell me."

Zhou Song suddenly pushed the seesaw down. When it reached a low point, he raised his buttocks, stood up, and left.

With a clang, Liang Xie fell to the ground hard and hit his waist. He rubbed his waist and chased Zhou Song: "You want to kill me, you."

Zhou Song walked to the inside of the square. There were many children's play equipment, sand pits, horizontal bars, swings, etc. in the square. Two swings were set up side by side deep in the empty square. At this time, the ropes of the two swings were coiled up.

, the seat board was placed on the top horizontal bar. There was a sign on the ground saying "Suspended".

Liang Xie said: "Since Tong Yue's daughter's accident, the swing is no longer allowed to be used and will be dismantled in the near future."

Zhou Song walked slowly around the two swings: "Is this the crime scene?"

Liang Xie pointed to the floor tiles under his feet: "The little girl was lying at your feet at that time."

Zhou Song took a step back and lowered his head to look down; the floor tiles in the square were brown floor tiles with a rough texture, but the color of a few floor tiles was much cleaner than the surrounding floor tiles, as if they had been deliberately scrubbed. Look carefully.

In the gaps between the floor tiles, you can also find deep red stains of dried blood trapped in the texture.

Zhou Song found that these floor tiles were some distance from the swing frame. If this was where Tong Yue's daughter fell, then the little girl must have fallen while the swing was tilting back, not when the swing was still. He untied the swing rope.

Open, the swing fell down, and then observe the height of the swing seat; the height of the seat is set for children, only reaching the knees of adults. Children of three or four years old can climb up by themselves, but their feet cannot touch the ground.

The swing can be driven by its own weight, and the swing will not sway very much.

Han Feilu: "What are you thinking about?"

He was deep in thought when he didn't notice Han Feilu and Zhou Lingjun coming over. When he heard Han Feilu speak, he looked back at Han Feilu and Zhou Lingjun and said, "This is the swing that Tong Yue's daughter fell off."

Han Feilu stepped forward and looked at the gently swinging swing: "What do you see?"

Zhou Song walked behind the swing and pointed to the floor tiles: "This is where the girl fell. The girl was injured on the back of her head, so she should have fallen backward. That is, the swing hit these floor tiles.

When getting into position, the girl fell off the swing."

Han Feilu: "Well, go on."

Zhou Song suddenly asked Liang Xie: "How tall is Tong Yue's daughter?"

Liang Xie recalled for a moment: "I have only seen her two or three times. She must be over 1 meter tall."

Zhou Song raised his foot to step on the swaying swing seat and said: "Tong Yue's daughter is one meter tall, and the swing seat is fifty centimeters above the ground. When she sits on it, her feet cannot touch the ground, so she has no point to exert force. She only relies on her own body.

The weight cannot swing the swing to such a high position." He raised his eyes and looked at Han Feilu, "Unless someone pushes her from behind."

Han Feilu: "Someone pushed her hard a few times and then left. As a result, she failed to sit firmly and fell?"

Zhou Song: "That person may have left after she fell off the swing. He was afraid of taking responsibility, so he refused to show up after the incident."

Liang Xie heard this and expressed a different opinion: "The situation you mentioned should not exist."

Han Feilu: "Why?"

Liang Xie said: "This incident happened in our community, so I know more details. The police inspected the scene that day and found a branch more than one meter long under the swing frame, and found a branch in the right palm of Tong Yue's daughter.

A scratch wound. At that time, the police speculated that the girl used a branch to support the ground to swing the swing up. Because she was holding the branch in her right hand and did not grasp the rope tightly, she did not sit firmly and fell from the swing."

Zhou Song thought for a while and said, "This makes sense."

Han Feilu received a call from Master Chen. Master Chen came back from watching the surveillance and wanted to talk to him about Tong Yue's daughter's case, but he couldn't be found. Han Feilu hung up the phone and walked back to Tong Yuezhen.

At the building, most of the onlookers had already gone, and the body under the scorching sun was covered with a white sheet. Only the police stayed in place.

Master Chen asked: "Where have you been?"

Han Feilu said: "I went to the square to have a look."

He asked Master Chen about the details of the death case of Tong Yue's daughter, and specifically asked about the branch. Master Chen said: "Yes, we did find a branch stained with Shi Wei's blood and skin scraps at the scene, and there was a branch on the stone.

A scratch was found on the palm of Wei's right hand, and there were wooden thorns in the wound. So we speculate that the branch was a tool for her to hold the swing on the ground, and there was no second person pushing her."

Tong Yue and Shi Haicheng's daughter is named Shi Wei. This is the first time Han Feilu has heard of a girl's name.

Han Feilu: "Did the cameras on that day capture who entered the square during the time of the crime?"

Master Chen: "What a coincidence, Shi Wei's accident occurred on May 2. From May 1 to 2, the security system of this community was upgraded, and all internal and external surveillance systems were turned off."

Han Feilu: "Have the elevator and exterior entrance surveillance systems been adjusted before Tong Yue jumped off the building?"

Master Chen: "It's been called out. I've seen the surveillance. Tong Yue fell from the building at 13:10 noon. No other person had been to Tong Yue's house before that. She was the only one at home when Tong Yue jumped. She was indeed


There were no traces of human crime in the cases of Tong Yue and Shi Wei, and both were freed from the suspicion of homicide. This should be a blessing in misfortune, but Han Feilu was unwilling for no reason.

A black Audi car drove over at a fast speed, braked suddenly in the middle of the corridor, and then walked out a man wearing a dark blue Dior three-piece suit; he was tall, slightly fat, with a beer belly and a round head.

His nose and round chin showed a gentle and honest temperament. He took a few steps forward as if he had lost his soul, then knelt on the ground with a thud, crying loudly towards the corpse covered with a sheet.

"Yueyue! I'm late - God! Don't stop me, she is my wife, I want to see her for the last time!"

He cried and crawled towards Tong Yue's body. Several policemen stopped him. He struggled and howled. The scene was very touching.

Master Chen whispered in Han Feilu's ear: "He is Tong Yue's husband Shi Haicheng."

Han Feilu looked at Shi Haicheng crying and crying. Although Shi Haicheng was sad, he felt that his sadness was a bit of a joke.

Han Feilu thought Shi Haicheng was crying noisily, so he walked a few steps toward the lawn. He looked up and saw a woman standing behind a circle of half-person-high bushes on the opposite side of the lawn. The woman was slender and wearing a black

Wearing a round hat and sunglasses, she was wearing a black skirt, with her hands folded on her lower abdomen, standing elegantly and upright, staring here silently. She didn't know how long she stood there, it seemed that she was standing there when Tong Yue fell from the building,

She has never left until now - she was dressed in black, as if she came to attend a funeral.

Han Feilu felt a strange feeling in his heart. Suddenly he heard howling behind him. He turned around and saw Shi Haicheng throwing himself towards Tong Yue despite being blocked by several policemen, as if Zhu Yingtai was about to be buried in the same grave as Liang Shanbo.

He looked to the other side of the lawn, but the woman was gone. The woman who appeared just now seemed like a ghost and disappeared without a trace in an instant.

This chapter has been completed!
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