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Chapter 20: It's a Game

"My name is Yao Mulan, and I am a sophomore student in the attached high school. Seven days ago, on June 28, two netizens and I made an appointment with Li Feifei to go to an unfinished building next to the old health center in Dongcheng and asked Li Feifei to spend 100,000 yuan in cash.

She made a deal with us to buy back a video of her secretly filmed. Li Feifei only brought 20,000 yuan and threatened that if the video was not returned to her, she would call the police and accuse us of blackmailing her. My friend got angry and started to fight with her.

He accidentally pushed her down with his hand, and her head hit the cement board on the ground, and then... she lost her breath."

Yao Mulan sat on the chair in the interrogation room, stretching her shoulders and lowering her head slightly, resting her hands on the table in front of her, as straight as if she was sitting in a classroom.

The people responsible for interrogating her were Han Feilu and Gu Hai. Gu Hai sat behind a long table and took notes. Han Feilu stood in front of Yao Mulan and looked at Yao Mulan's face up close, feeling something strange in his heart.

Until now, when Yao Mulan has been sitting in the interrogation room, Yao Mulan has always maintained one posture and one expression, motionless and very calm. Almost everyone will pretend to be calm under the police interrogation, but their panic will be reflected in their eyes and body language.

It was revealed that whether they regretted the past or were afraid of the future, their fear and panic were real. Compared with them, Yao Mulan was very unreal, so Han Feilu suspected that her self-report was filled with falsehoods.

Han Feilu asked Gu Hai to bring a chair, and sat in front of Yao Mulan, as if he were having a long conversation: "You summarized it too concisely, let's go over it slowly from the beginning. You just said that this matter is between you and you."

Did you do it with friends?”

Yao Mulan: "Yes."

Han Feilu: "What are their names?"

Yao Mulan: "I don't know their full names. I only know that the girl is Lin Lin and the boy is A Zhao. They are lovers and we met online."

Han Feilu was full of doubts: "Online? Tell me carefully."

Yao Mulan: "Do you know the Changping Road East Street Night Market?"

Han Feilu: "I know."

Yao Mulan: "About the 5th of last month, I went to the night market. There was a stall in front of the Old Naughty Chuanchuan store. The stalls were set up by two young men. They put two boxes. For one yuan, you could put your own

Write the contact information on a piece of paper and throw it into the box. For another dollar, you can pull out a piece of paper from another box with the contact information of other people. I spent a dollar and put my QQ number

I wrote it on a note and threw it into the box. The next day, a girl added me as a QQ friend. She is Lin Lin. We got along very well and made appointments several times. She always brought her with her.

My boyfriend’s name is A Zhao.”

Han Feilu often goes to the night market to eat. There are indeed people who set up stalls on the street to do this kind of business. The stall owners also specially paste the boxes with red paper and write the words "Yuelao Box". He has met them before, and even talked with his friends

Just kidding, if you can't get out of singles within three months, come here to worship Yue Lao.

Han Feilu: "Have you met in private?"

Yao Mulan: "Yes."

Han Feilu: "How many times have we met? Where did we meet?"

Yao Mulan: "We met three times in total. We went to KTV to sing songs, went to Internet cafes, and had meals together."

Han Feilu: "Did you take pictures with them?"

Yao Mulan shook his head: "No."

Han Feilu smiled and said: "Don't girls of your age like to take pictures?"

Yao Mulan said in a low voice: "I hate taking pictures."

Han Feilu: "Why?"

Yao Mulan was silent for a moment, then lifted the hair covering the left side of her face, revealing a large reddish-brown birthmark from her left eye to her cheekbone. She showed her ugly birthmark for a few seconds, then put her hair down and looked at it again.

Smooth your hair carefully and smoothly, with gentle and delicate movements, as if you are doing your makeup in front of the mirror.

Han Feilu: "...take out your mobile phone."

Yao Mulan's schoolbag stood on the corner of the table. She took out her mobile phone from her schoolbag, opened QQ and called up a QQ account, then handed the phone to Han Feilu and said: "This is Lin Lin's QQ account."

Han Feilu took the phone. The QQ account was of a high level and seemed to have been around for a few years. The note set by Yao Mulan was 'Lin Lin'. He called up the chat history of this account and scrolled through it.

I scrolled to the first message, which was on May 16th, and the last chat was on June 30th. The content of the two people's chat was very dull, they just greeted each other, shared their experiences of the day, and recommended delicious food to each other.

shop. The last message was sent by Lin Lin: See you tomorrow.

He handed the phone to Gu Hai and asked Gu Hai to write down the account number, and then asked Yao Mulan: "You don't know their full names, so do you know where they live? How old are they? Are they in school or already working?"

Yao Mulan: "They are one year older than me. They no longer go to school and have no jobs. They live with a little money from their parents. These are Lin Lin's exact words."

Han Feilu: "What's going on with Li Feifei's video?"

Yao Mulan: "It was Lin Lin's boyfriend A Zhao who wanted to get some money, so he came up with this idea."

Han Feilu: "What can I do?"

Yao Mulan: "He got several miniature pinhole cameras from his friends and wanted to extort money by eavesdropping on other people's privacy."

Han Feilu frowned, feeling ridiculous: "Speak clearly."

Yao Mulan: "He installed a camera in the hotel room and secretly took pictures of the guests who checked in. Li Feifei was photographed."

Han Feilu: "Which hotel?"

Yao Mulan: "It seems to be the Lido Hotel, I'm not sure."

Han Feilu: "Did you three do it together?"

Yao Mulan: "A Zhao and Lin Lin did it. I just knew it."

Han Feilu: "What video did they take?"

Although he asked this question, he had already guessed the content of the video. Yao Mulan still had a cold and melancholy expression, and said without changing her expression: "She was having sex with a man in bed -"

She is too young, and it would be immoral to say such a thing from her mouth, just to listen to her story. Han Feilu quickly interrupted her: "Okay, I understand, that person named A Zhao took a picture of Li Feifei

Private video, so blackmail Li Feifei?"

Yao Mulan: "Yes."

Han Feilu: "Time."

Yao Mulan: "What time?"

Han Feilu: "The time they got the video, the time they got in touch with Li Feifei, and the time they made an appointment with Li Feifei to make a deal."

Yao Mulan shook her head: "I don't know when they got the video, and I don't know how they communicated with Li Feifei. I only know that they made an appointment with Li Feifei to meet and trade at 9 pm on June 28, and the location is

The unfinished building next to the former maternal and child health hospital.”

Han Feilu recalled the terrain near the health center. The unfinished building Yao Mulan mentioned should be Lijing Garden, which stopped construction a year ago. Thinking of Lijing Garden, he inevitably thought of Shao Yang, who once worked in Lijing Garden.

There were many stories happening there such as the abandoned police car hidden in the underground garage, Zhou Song was plundered there, etc. But I didn’t expect that the story of Lijing Garden would continue, but the protagonist changed from Shao Yang to Yao Mulan.

Han Feilu then asked: "Since you did not participate in their plan to blackmail Li Feifei, how did you know the exact time and place when they met Li Feifei?"

Yao Mulan asked for a glass of water, drank half the glass of water gracefully and leisurely, and then said: "Lin Lin told me, she called me to help."

Han Feilu: "You are a little girl who is in the second year of high school. How can you help them?"

Yao Mulan held the water glass with both hands and stopped to take a sip of water: "Lin Lin was worried that Li Feifei would lead someone to rob the video, so she asked me to look out. If there was an accident, she would call me and ask me to call the police."

Han Feilu: "They are extorting money and they dare to ask you to call the police?"

Yao Mulan: "Lin Lin said that she would not let the police get the evidence that they were blackmailing Li Feifei. If the police really came, she would just find a place to hide the USB disk. As long as she didn't tell it, the unfinished building was so big,

No one knew where she was hiding. When the police took them back to the Public Security Bureau, they could only give them a few words of education. They had a backup in their computers and were not worried about losing the information they had."

Han Feilu sneered: "This girl has thought about everything. Then did Li Feifei bring someone with her?"

Yao Mulan: "No, she went alone."

Han Feilu: "Since your two friends only want money and Li Feifei didn't bring anyone with them, why did they kill Li Feifei?"

Yao Mulan picked up the cup to drink water again, but it was already empty. She paused for a moment looking at the empty bottom of the cup and said: "Li Feifei only brought 20,000 yuan, and she cursed people in a very unpleasant way. Lin Lin and her

They started fighting and pushed her down. Her head fell on the cement board and she died soon after."

Han Feilu's eyes moved down and landed on the water glass in her hand. He saw a drop of water sliding down the inner wall of the glass. It stopped halfway and hung on the inner wall of the glass. "Then what?"

Yao Mulan bent down on the table, resting her chin on the back of her left hand, and gently tapped the glass with the nail of her right index finger, hitting the position where the water droplet was hovering: "Lin Lin wanted to call an ambulance, but Ah Zhao

They said Li Feifei was dead, so they couldn't call an ambulance or call the police, and they had to dispose of the body as soon as possible."

She tapped her nails on the outer wall of the cup, as if she wanted to knock off the water droplets hanging inside. But the water droplets stayed motionless for a long time, and she seemed to have lost her patience. Once she hit it hard, the cup popped.

It fell on the table. She lowered her eyes and looked at the water glass poured on the table. The corners of her eyes twitched slightly and said: "A Zhao dragged Li Feifei downstairs and buried her with sand."

Her narration was light and breezy, even pale and boring, but listening to Han Feilu's ears caused palpitations. He saw a rare coldness in this girl. She was like a kitten walking on high ground, her steps were graceful.

She is soft and soft, but she keeps pushing down the obstacles she encounters one by one without hesitation or thinking. There is a calm and cruel destructiveness about her.

Han Feilu: "What then?"

Yao Mulan: "Then they escaped. I don't know where they went. I came to report the crime today because I thought clearly. I don't want to be their accomplice."

She was very concerned about the water glass lying on the table, as if it was an obstacle she encountered. She flicked her finger outwards, and the water glass was pushed by an external force. It rolled down the table, fell to the ground with a clatter, and shattered.

Looking at the remains of the water glass, she stretched her brows and relaxed a lot. Then she raised her face and looked at Han Feilu and asked, "Aren't you going to see the body?"

Yao Mulan was taken to Lijing Garden by a team of police officers to identify the site. This unfinished building was very large. The developer threatened to build the largest high-end community in the city. However, like other unfinished buildings across the country, they quietly evacuated before completion.

He left the construction team, and his once grand ambitions became nothing but feathers.

There were no lights in the unfinished building, and only the police's flashlights were used for illumination. Han Feilu and others were led by Yao Mulan to a building near the gate. The first floor was originally the lobby of the public area, with no partitions and only a few wires.

The load-bearing pillars, as well as the building materials and sand and gravel piled on the ground. Yao Mulan walked to the southwest corner, pointed to the corner and built a pile of sand more than one meter high, and said: "There."

Gu Hai led two people to use shovels to level the sand pile, and then dug down another meter to a depth of one meter before digging out a highly decomposed female corpse. The corpse gave off a strong stench, and several inexperienced young policemen

Cover your nose and barely resist the desire to vomit.

Han Feilu stood by the pit and shined a flashlight into it. The face of the corpse was swollen, but he could tell that she was Li Feifei who had disappeared for a long time. He left a group of people to seal off the scene, investigate and collect evidence, and then asked Yao Mulan to lead the way.

The first scene.

Yao Mulan took them to a spacious rough room on the fourth floor. There were many debris piled on the floor, as well as some unfinished beverage bottles and dirty labor protection gloves. It was not difficult to see that they were left behind by workers in the past.

The waste here. Han Feilu walked around the rough room with a flashlight. Judging from the messy furnishings at the scene, it was impossible to tell whether there were traces of a fight here. What was even more strange was that there was not a drop of blood here.

He suddenly pointed the flashlight at Yao Mulan: "Is this the first scene?"

The light was dazzling, and Yao Mulan turned her head to hide, then quickly turned back to look directly at the light, but she did not see Han Feilu. Under the light, she could only see the brief intense beam in front of her.

The light, beyond the light is a deserted land.

"Yes." she said.

Han Feilu asked her to identify the place where Li Feifei fell and the cement board she fell on.

Yao Mulan walked to the ground near the window frame and pointed to the cement floor: "Here."

There was nothing there, not even any footprints.

Han Feilu: "Where's the cement board?"

Yao Mulan shook her head: "I don't know, maybe A Zhao cleaned it up."

Han Feilu: "Did he run away carrying a cement slab?"

Yao Mulan: "It's not a whole piece, it's only the size of a laptop. A Zhao said he couldn't leave any traces, so he cleaned it up to make it look like no one had been there."

Han Feilu walked up to her and turned off the flashlight. The thin dim light of the city shone in from the empty window and sprinkled on Yao Mulan's face, like a thin layer of frost. But even looking at her in the dark, it was worse than before.

She could see clearly in the strong light. Han Feilu looked at her face: "Where did they go?"

Yao Mulan: "I don't know, they didn't tell me."

Han Feilu: "From the time you reported the crime to now, your self-report is full of loopholes."

Yao Mulan: "What about?"

Han Feilu: "You can't provide any evidence of the real existence of A Zhao and Lin Lin."

Yao Mulan: "Do you suspect that I am lying?"

Han Feilu: "Yes, you are lying. A Zhao and Lin Lin do not exist at all, or they are both you, and you killed Li Feifei alone."

Yao Mulan: "So do you have evidence?"

Han Feilu: "A Zhao, Lin Lin, Yao Mulan, you took apart your names and made up two non-existent people. Do you think you are very smart?"

Yao Mulan burst out laughing, her laughter clear and sweet.

Looking at her smiling face in the dark, Han Feilu felt a chill in his heart: "Is it fun to lie to the police?"

Yao Mulan smiled and nodded: "Yes, officer, it's fun." She tilted her head, cute and cute, "This is a game."

This chapter has been completed!
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