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Chapter 21: Eating

Tong Yue's mother-in-law Yang Zhaodi is ill. Zhou Lingjun and Tong Yue were neighbors before she was alive. Now that Tong Yue has passed away and Yang Zhaodi is ill, he has close business cooperation with Tong Yue's husband Shi Haicheng, so he should visit Yang Zhaodi to show friendship and neighborliness.


Zhou Song heard Liang Xie talk about this matter while having lunch at the company. He knew that Zhou Lingjun would probably not go there in person, so he would like to let Liang Xie come forward to represent him as usual. He thought for a while and proposed to go with Liang Xie.

Liang Xie thought he was looking for an excuse to skip work and reminded him that the next day was the weekend, but Zhou Song insisted on going. Liang Xie didn’t know what he had in mind, but couldn’t find any other reason to stop him, so he agreed.

I took him with me.

At lunch time the next day, Zhou Lingjun came out of the bedroom with a magazine and saw a sweet pea stir-fried shrimp dish on the dining table. Neither he nor Liang Xie liked sweet and bland dishes. This was the first time this dish appeared.

At the dinner table, I asked: "Why do you remember fried shrimps?"

The kitchen is open. Liang Xie was serving rice in the kitchen and said, "Xiao Song will come over later."

He and Zhou Song made an appointment to meet at 1 o'clock in the afternoon. Zhou Song wanted to meet him downstairs. He did not agree and threatened Zhou Song to come home, otherwise the relationship would be nullified. Zhou Song worriedly agreed.

So Liang Xie specially added two more dishes, making Zhou Song's favorite fried shrimps with sweet peas and steamed sea bass.

Liang Xie did not inform Zhou Lingjun in advance, and Zhou Lingjun was a little surprised when he heard the news; he put the magazine on the dining table, pulled out a chair and sat down: "How could he deign to come to the door?"

Liang Xie came out of the kitchen with three bowls of rice and placed them one by one on the table: "Is it okay if he comes to see you? As long as you say a few nice words to him in front of him, he won't avoid cat and mouse every day.

I'm avoiding you all the same."

Zhou Lingjun remained silent, picked up a piece of shrimp with his chopsticks, and before he could eat it, the doorbell rang.

Liang Xie wanted to open the door, but Zhou Lingjun was one step ahead of him. He put down his chopsticks and walked slowly to the entrance and opened the door.

Zhou Song wore a white loose T-shirt from a niche brand, a pair of sky blue jeans, and a pair of white sneakers. His hair was tied up in a casual bun. Zhou Song stood in awe with his hands down, and bent down slightly: "Brother."

He always wears exquisite and tasteful clothes, but he rarely wears such simple and sober clothes. At first glance, he looks like a jade tree, handsome and elegant. Zhou Lingjun looked at him twice, then left the door open and walked in: "Come in."

Zhou Song entered the house, closed the door, and walked to the restaurant consciously.

Liang Xie brought the last mushroom soup to the table and said with a smile: "Xiao Song is here just in time, let's eat."

Zhou Lingjun and Liang Xie sat together, and Zhou Song sat opposite them. He felt as if his hands were tied, extremely stiff and uncomfortable. In his memory, the last time he and Zhou Lingjun had dinner at the same table was five or six years ago.

It was New Year's Eve, and he had no choice but to have a New Year's Eve dinner with his elders. In order to avoid paying New Year's greetings to them the next day, he booked a flight overnight to fly to the UK. There were only two days between when he returned to China and when he went abroad.

Zhou Lingjun had a brief chat at the dinner table; when Zhou Lingjun asked him about his homework, he said "it's okay" to prevaricate him, and that was it.

Both he and Zhou Ling were not good at small talk, so only Liang Xie was active at the table. Liang Xie put a few shrimps into Zhou Song's bowl and said: "Xiao Song is sensible now. He knows that I am going to visit Shi Haicheng's mother today.

Offer to go with me."

Zhou Lingjun looked at Zhou Song a few more times and asked, "Are you going empty-handed?"

Zhou Song choked on his rice, glanced at Liang Xie innocently, and said, "Brother A Xie didn't let me buy anything."

Zhou Lingjun: "If he doesn't remind you, you won't be able to remember him? He's still in his twenties after all, and he doesn't have any sense of the world -"

Liang Xie quietly touched Zhou Lingjun's leg with his knee under the table. Zhou Lingjun suddenly became silent, picked up the water glass and took a sip of water, then swallowed it back into his stomach along with the unsaid words.

Liang Xie smiled at Zhou Song and said, "Brother is joking with you. I already bought the souvenirs yesterday. Try this fish. I bought it from the vegetable market in the morning and packed it myself. It's very fresh."

Zhou Song carefully finished the meal, helped Liang Xie clean the restaurant and kitchen, and then huddled in front of the sink with Liang Xie. Every time Liang Xie washed a bowl, he took it and wiped the water stains on it with kitchen paper. Zhou Lingjun

I never worried about these things. After leaving the restaurant, I sat on a single sofa in front of the floor-to-ceiling window, put on my glasses and read a magazine.

Liang Xie washed the dishes and whispered: "You don't have to work, you go and talk to him."

Zhou Song quickly glanced at Zhou Lingjun: "Please spare me, I wish I could become mute in front of him."

Liang Xie: "I'm just wondering, why are you so afraid of him? We grew up together, and I can see how he treats you. He is indeed a bit strict, and he has always found fault with you since you were a child.

But you are also very rebellious. You have never listened to him before. You don't take anything he says seriously, and occasionally you dare to contradict him. Why do you suddenly care about his attitude towards you when you come back this time? In front of him

I dare not say a word."

Zhou Song remained silent, lowered his head and wiped a plate, and then said after a while: "I feel very guilty."

Yes, he feels guilty. Since Chi Chenguang's death, he has become paranoid and closed-off. His status as the son of a shameful murderer has made him extremely inferior. Especially after his mother passed away, the only connection between him and the Zhou family disappeared.

, he listened to the gossips of others in the family, and gradually developed rebellious thoughts and a cold and arrogant temper. He hated everyone in the Zhou family, and his blind hatred made him unable to tell whether Zhou Lingjun's love for him was true or false. He always

He maliciously misinterpreted Zhou Lingjun's care for him and judged Zhou Lingjun's good intentions for him with the narrowest eyes. In the past, he wanted to write the words "I hate you" on his face for Zhou Lingjun to see, but Zhou Lingjun

She has been consistent with him, always supporting him, tolerating him, giving him the best educational resources and living conditions, silently helping him arrange everything, and even not forgetting to plan a way out for him when his own life was in danger.

After personally experiencing Zhou Lingjun's life and death moment in the hospital, Zhou Song wanted to understand a lot of things. Only then did he realize how chaotic, how ignorant, and how naive he was before; only then did he realize that he had been letting Zhou Lingjun down. Witnessing the insignificance of life and death,

Only then did he realize how vast the world is. Unfortunately, the person who made him understand this truth was Zhou Lingjun.

Liang Xie cut a plate of fruit, put the fruit plate into Zhou Song's hand, and winked at Zhou Song.

Zhou Song stood there for a while holding the fruit plate and pestle, then walked to the window and placed the fruit plate on a low table beside Zhou Lingjun: "Brother, eat the fruit."

Zhou Lingjun looked at the fruit plate made of dragon fruit, mango, and apple, and asked: "Did you cut it?"

Zhou Song stood aside with his hands behind his back and said, "It wasn't me, it was Brother Ah Xie who cut it."

Zhou Lingjun picked up a piece of mango with a toothpick stuck in it and said, "Sit down."

There was no second chair within a two-meter radius, so Zhou Song sat on the carpet and took a piece of apple from the fruit plate. He was prepared to be asked about work by Zhou Lingjun, but Zhou Lingjun hesitated to ask, which made him feel strange.

, quietly raised his eyes to look at him, and found Zhou Lingjun looking out the window thoughtfully, as if he had something on his mind.

Zhou Song nibbled at the apple in his hand little by little. When he finished eating the apple, Zhou Lingjun asked softly: "Is my aunt's death anniversary coming soon?"

Zhou Song was stunned for a moment: "It's the end of the month."

Zhou Lingjun put the toothpick on the low table, took out a tissue and wiped his hands, and said, "This year we will go to worship her together."

Zhou Song lowered his head slightly: "Okay."

Zhou Lingjun looked at him, then focused on the magazine in his hand: "Is it time for you and Ah Xie to go out?"

Liang Xie changed her clothes, carried two heavy gift boxes and took the elevator downstairs with Zhou Song. Walking in the wide corridor of the community, Liang Xie asked him: "How do you feel about this meal?"

Zhou Song walked beside him with empty hands and said, "The fish doesn't taste good. There's too much soy sauce and it's a bit greasy."

Liang Xie smiled and said, "Okay, I'll remember it. I'll cook it for you next time you come over."

Zhou Song didn't answer and kicked a pebble off the asphalt road with the tip of his shoe.

Liang Xie said: "He will be very happy if you can come over to see him and say a few words to him. Among your brothers and sisters, he loves you the most."

Like other wealthy families, the composition of the Zhou family is somewhat complicated. Zhou Song's mother, Zhou Han, has two older brothers, who are Zhou Song's uncles. Zhou Lingjun is the son of his eldest uncle, who was the first to get married, so Zhou Lingjun is the first son of Zhou Song's generation.

Zhou Lingjun's eldest son. Zhou Lingjun's mother died in childbirth. His uncle was widowed and remarried and gave birth to a daughter. She is the same age as Liang Xie and is Zhou Song's cousin. My cousin is studying for a Ph.D. in the United States and I heard that she wanted to immigrate last year.

But Zhou Lingjun voted him down, so he was angry and refused to come back. His second uncle also had a son and a daughter, both younger than Zhou Song. His cousin also studied abroad. He dropped out of school halfway through, became an adventurer, and raised several

The rich children formed a team to travel around the world, and it is said that they are now in Antarctica. My cousin is the most worry-free one. With her own ability, she was admitted to a first-class university in the country and studied a unique archeology major.

The elders of the Zhou family once forcefully asked her to choose international politics or financial management, and then go into politics or business in the future, which made her cousin almost want to run away from home. In the end, Zhou Lingjun intervened and supported her in choosing her favorite major despite all objections.

These brothers and sisters live in different parts of the world. Zhou Song has not had any contact with them for many years, and has never had the opportunity to meet, so the relationship between them is very weak.

Zhou Song kicked away a few more stones before saying, "From now on, you can call me when he is in a good mood, and I will come over."

Liang Xie hugged his shoulders happily and said "ok".

This chapter has been completed!
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