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Chapter 750 This book is wonderful, wonderful!

Thinking that this book is just a book of literacy, the officials felt a lot more at ease.

But then again, this thing doesn't seem to be that simple.

Someone asked Your Majesty what is so magical about this book for reading.

Although the abacus was rattling in Baiguan's mind, he still kept it in mind.

After all, since the stakes are so high, if you want to gain something, you have to sacrifice something...at least IQ.

Then, Li Er chuckled and said.

"Where is this booklet? You can actually take a look at the artistry of the pictures in this booklet. Isn't it very good? Haha..."

"This painting is not used for anything else, but for guessing riddles. As for the answer...it is the words below!"


"The guess is?..."

"Your Majesty, what does this riddle mean? We are really a bit confused..."

The officials below were stunned again for a moment, holy shit...

Everyone knows every word Li Er said, but how come the combination makes it so abstract...

Why are you suddenly guessing again?

But just as the ordinary officials looked at each other, Xiao Yu's expression changed drastically.

Compared with ordinary officials who rely on cheating, Xiao Yu, who can really get through, usually has some real abilities. Although he is definitely not as good as Wei Zheng and others, his IQ and reaction are also very good. He understood immediately.

This booklet...

The picture on the top is the puzzle, and the words on the bottom that look like the name of the painting are the answer to the riddle. The combination of the two does not mean guessing riddles. Li Er solemnly summoned the ministers in the Li Zheng Hall.

Not for such boring things.

The meaning of riddles and answers is that the picture and the meaning of the word are related, that is, the picture is used to illustrate the meaning of the word, which can also be regarded as the picture and the name of the painting.

It's just that since ancient times, paintings have to be painted by famous artists on important occasions, and then they can be regarded as official works with poems and seals. How can there be such a combined volume at once?

But once he figured it out at this moment, Xiao Yu felt suddenly enlightened.

That's right... The first reason why the Thousand-Character Essay can be such an important thing for children's enlightenment and the beginning of literature and education is because it contains a complete set of characters. It just so happens that there are really a thousand different characters - verified by research

Actually, it's nine hundred and ninety-nine, but that doesn't matter.

Second, these thousand words are written into an article, and the top and bottom parts are all related.

For example, the first sentence "Heaven and Earth are dark and yellow" refers to the two concepts most commonly heard by Chinese people, heaven and earth.

Just say the word "天天", and learners may forget it after saying it, but if it is in a catchy sentence like "天地仙黄", it will be much easier to understand and remember!

Invisibly, the efficiency of literacy is improved.

To further improve this efficiency, we can only reduce the number of repeated words in such sentences.

And in the thousand-character text...there is only one repeated word in the whole book, and the other 999 words are not repeated.

This shows how powerful Zhou Xingsi is!

He went to the extreme in minimizing repeated words, and his efficiency is naturally the highest among countless elementary school textbooks that have been used in ancient and modern times.

But now, the situation is different.

Organizing single words into sentences can strengthen the impression of the words in people's minds, but what about pictures? The same can be done.

And the scary thing is, if the efficiency improvement of the Thousand-Character Essay is counted as 5, then this album... it is estimated that it can be counted as at least 100!

The efficiency gap is dozens of times.

And why has no one used this method since the invention of paper in the Eastern Han Dynasty?

...In fact, the reason is simple.

Before the invention of paper, bamboo slips were used in China.

Bamboo slips are always not enough space to record information, so most of the texts in the bamboo slips era are various argumentative essays. In addition, there is another point:

Painting cannot be done on bamboo slips; painting can only be done on cloth.

Until industrialization, cloth and silk were hard currency everywhere. They were very expensive and their value was no joke.

At the beginning of the industrial revolution, the most advanced talents and sharpest capital chose the textile industry to make a fortune. This is not without reason.

In short, it can be imagined that ordinary people have absolutely no conditions to use precious cloth to practice painting. Even if it is a powerful character like Qin Xiaogong who is diligent and frugal, then even the concubines in the palace will not have such an opportunity.

In other words, the art of painting in the true sense was actually born after the invention of paper. Moreover, Luoyang paper was expensive. During the hundreds of years when Luoyang was the capital of China, the long-term economic difficulties caused by war and recession also made ordinary people

The common people had no chance to obtain paper.

In other words, the skill of painting has always been a very luxurious thing, and there are very few people who can paint.

In fact, it can be seen that from the invention of paper in the Eastern Han Dynasty to the Tang Dynasty, so many years have passed, and the first artist of that level has been passed down to later generations, Wu Daozi in the Tang Dynasty. As for the few hundred years before that, Jian'an

There are many literary masterpieces circulated in literature, which can even be said to have laid the foundation for the prosperity of Tang poetry, but there are really no painting talents.

In other words, the method of teaching people to read words through the correspondence between pictures and words, which is more intuitive than language, is not something that no one has thought of, but...

The ability to draw has become a big problem. Where can I find such a talented painter who can illustrate hundreds or thousands of Chinese characters...

So this idea can only be stuck here and is difficult to implement.

But now, the situation is different.

Someone actually added pictures to hundreds of Chinese characters...

Looking at the page numbers in this book, I estimate it has more than 500 pages.

No matter how you think about it, this amount is absolutely amazing...

The key is that since ancient times, it has been difficult to achieve a lifelike image in painting, so in the end, most of the time, the art of ink and wash remains at the level of freehand brushwork.

Even scholars who are both scholars may not be able to see what the painting is, and ordinary people are even less able to see it, and it is even more difficult to implement it.

But the paintings in this book are different. You can tell what they are drawn at a glance, and they are exactly the same.

The degree of restoration of details is extremely high. The key is that there is a strange feeling, as if the painting is still alive, as if there are real peaches and plums placed on the paper.

This painting skill is very impressive. The key is that the shapes are similar and at the same time very expressive.

Now...the idea that had not been realized for hundreds of years since the invention of paper was actually realized.

You said this, this can still be like this...

At this moment, Xiao Yu suddenly understood what Li Er was going to do.

Other officials are still thinking hard about the use of this book.

Li Er was smiling, while Wei Zheng and others on the side were almost laughing out loud. It was really full of smiles.

Fang Xuanling was so excited that she immediately stepped out and said, "Your Majesty, this book is wonderful, wonderful!"

This chapter has been completed!
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