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Chapter 986


Since there was an alliance to fight against the Tang Dynasty, Li Sheng naturally immediately thought of joining forces——

Pulling one faction to fight another, and defeating them one by one, this is also one of the crystallizations of wisdom that emerged from the great wave of political innovation in the Warring States Period. Many, many, many years later, this is still the basic diplomatic strategy that is most valued by all countries in the world, and it can even be regarded as some small

The way for a country to survive, several big countries have to treat this idea with the greatest importance.

But at this moment...

Li Sheng thought about it for a moment, and it seemed that... First of all, Tubo and Datang had a long-cherished wish, because Tubo also came to Datang a few years ago for business. But later on, this was a very famous "border market" in ancient times.

"This is a model operation of friendly exchanges, but the results are not very ideal.

Because it is said that during the short period of trade brought about by the arrival of the Tibetan mission, the Tibetan side... suffered heavy losses, lost huge profits, and even the country was shaken.

If it is a small friction, such as an occasional fight at the border, Li Sheng can probably handle it - as long as the upper management of both parties does not get involved and the money matter can be discussed slowly.

But since the blood loss has reached the point of "shaking the country's foundation", it will be a bit troublesome to talk about the relationship...

At this time, Li Sheng couldn't help but think about it with some melancholy. At that time, Wei Zheng, Du Ruhui, Fang Xuanling...

What magical means did these famous historical ministers use to severely damage the enemy country in just one trade...

It's unknown, but in short, the idea of ​​forming an alliance with Tibet is probably not feasible.


Li Sheng sighed softly, no wonder there are scholars who make such violent remarks as "the Han Dynasty was destroyed by force". If these old guys like Wei, Du, and Fang were not so smart and powerful, Tubo would not have suffered such losses in the first place.

Tubo was not at a loss in the beginning, wouldn't it be much easier to form an alliance today? It's really a big head...

But things were already like this. Li Sheng muttered for a while, and after thinking about it, it seemed that he could only continue to occupy as much territory as possible and get a few more ports.

However, when Li Sheng muttered, King Luo Bin on the side showed a strange expression.

That's not right...I have also heard inside information about how to deal with the Tubo incident. That was my mentor's strategy. How...

How can such a great contribution be passed on to Mr. Wei and the others? Isn't this a bit... But this is his mentor after all. Youdao is a teacher for a lifetime and a father for a lifetime. On the other hand, children don't listen to the faults of their parents. Their mentors...

…He is so powerful, it doesn’t matter if he has a little problem with taking the blame.

King Luo Bin shook his head, exhaled the tropical humid and dull air, and waited quietly for Li Sheng to make up his mind without saying a word.

After thinking for a while, Li Sheng naturally... soon thought of something.

Although civilization is prosperous in later generations, all places in the world have their own unique features and unique outputs. However, as I get older and learn to surf the Internet, I also know a lot of economic knowledge, and I know the technologies and unique names that have been famous abroad for a long time.

Produced in a place called Yiwu, you can easily make exactly the same version...

These experiences and knowledge are not of direct help to the problems Li Sheng is currently facing, but they have also opened up Li Sheng's ideas...

That is this Wuzi iron ore. Perhaps it is not the only special mineral that is composed of Wostian iron and Plei iron ore, nor is it the only iron ore that can make Damas valley knives - otherwise

Where do the various metal products with "Malaysian craftsmanship" patterns that are sold on e-commerce platforms all year round come from? It is impossible that they are all produced by Tianzhu's Wuzi Iron Mine, otherwise Tianzhu should have become rich long ago...

Thinking of this, Li Sheng suddenly felt that there were still many resources in the world that needed to be occupied.

This idea is somewhat similar to the idea established by Li Er and others at that time to first obtain gold and silver, and then use this as a medium to collect all the resources in the world, but it is different. The reason for collecting the world's resources is that the Tang Dynasty needed these resources to truly promote civilization.

But at present... for those minerals with the lowest mining costs and particularly large reserves, I am afraid that Datang needs to take action as soon as possible to occupy the position.

After all, collecting the world's resources is a long process. During the process, we must ensure that the Tang Dynasty always has the initiative in this world. We cannot suddenly have a powerful country come out and interrupt the rhythm of the Tang Dynasty. That would be funny.


Now Li Sheng is also facing a big problem, which can be said to be a difficult problem. He also thinks that the place where he wants to stand is not only the port of Mangbaicheng in Tianzhu, nor is it just a piece of Wuzi iron mine.

What is the most important thing... Yes, more resources... Even I don't remember much.

The most famous Wuzi Iron Mine, I even had to make a special trip to transform into a Chinatown detective and investigate before I happened to find clues.

If there are more, wouldn’t it be harder to find...

Although Li Sheng knew that he had animal and plant illustrations and mineral exploration skills, after all, he was an individual and not a god. As for more, more people would be needed to do it.

How to attract more people to do it is not a problem. Trade has risen, and the profits of industry are whetting the appetites of the world's heroes.

But how to do it... so that the merchants and sailors of the Tang Dynasty can gain more than the foreigners? This is another question.

Maritime trade and industry are new things that can enrich the quality of civilization and can feed agriculture and eliminate famine... But since the Tang Dynasty has the ambition of the Tang Dynasty, it needs to do better than others.

Li Sheng couldn't help but think about it. At this time... Li Sheng was sitting by the bonfire on the beach.

King Luo Bin stared blankly at Li Shengda. After all, he had nothing to do at this time. He was really bored for a moment... Finally he couldn't help but said, "Master, why don't you tell your disciples if you are worried about anything?"

Once I heard about it, although I am dull, I am still willing to..."

"Uh, it's okay, just..."

King Luo Bin is also a reliable person. The key is that there are countless historical stars in Li Sheng's memory. It doesn't hurt to talk about exchanges.

After talking about the troubles in his heart, Li Sheng didn't expect King Luo Bin to come up with an answer.

After all, King Luo Bin could leave his name in his memory because of his poetry and literary talent, not because of his strategic planning. However... a moment later, King Luo Bin suddenly said, "My mentor's previous strategy was just like Lord Shang's method. If so, why not use it again?"


When sea trade was booming, Li Er and others spent a lot of time thinking about "how to get merchants to move gold and silver to their homes instead of moving it out." But in the end, Li Sheng's idea still worked.

Follow Shang Jun's example and make a profit. If you move to your home, you will make money, but if you move out, let him lose money and that's it.

So far, this strategy has been quite effective. On the eve of Li Sheng, Asmin, and King Luo Bin leaving Hangzhou, someone mentioned that a large fleet in Hangzhou would no longer sail in the near future.

This chapter has been completed!
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