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Chapter 130 A few small things

In this second battle of gods in the Xu family, Qin Dewei showed nothing and rushed out in a hurry. Although her mother, Zhou, was freed from slavery, she still worked in the Xu family as a servant. After all, this was an interpersonal environment she was familiar with.

Qin Dewei doesn't care. Anyway, he doesn't care about his father or his mother. As long as his mother doesn't affect his imperial examination, he can do anything. He has no professional discrimination.

However, Qin Dewei was quite curious. Before leaving, he quietly asked his mother: "I guess my mother was very tempted by the idea of ​​being a concubine in the Xu family in the past. Why did she hesitate and not agree to it today?"

Mrs. Zhou said a little worriedly: "If you change your surname to Xu, what will happen to Xu Miaoxuan, who is also Xu?"

Qin Dewei was speechless. He really didn't expect that his mother would also be far-sighted.

By the time Qin Dewei returned to Qingxi's home, the female teacher Xu Miaoxuan had already had dinner, but still hadn't left and was still waiting for him to come back.

"Is the matter going well?" Xu Miaoxuan came up and asked.

Qin Dewei nodded: "Okay, the county examination has been postponed to the first day of April, and the notice has been sent out."

Xu Miaoxuan said gratefully: "Thank you so much, Brother Qin!"

Qin Dewei said nonchalantly: "It's just a small matter!"

If the county examination starts in February, then Xu Miaojing will return to Nanjing now. But it is still cold in the second half of this month.

Xu Miaoxuan was worried that her brother was young and frail and would be injured due to traveling, so she begged Qin Dewei to find a way.

What Qin Dewei told Feng Zhixian was that he hadn't studied well yet; Feng Zhixian thought that Qin Dewei wanted to spend two more months to deal with his identity coldly and dilute the suspicion that "county government insiders used the back door."

The real reason is that Qin Dewei postponed the county examination until April because Xu Miaoxuan was worried about his brother's health.

Of course, for Qin Dewei, deciding the time of the county examination is really just a trivial matter and can be done easily.

Xu Miaoxuan thanked her again and again, and said goodbye and returned to her residence. The maid Liu Yue sent Xu Miaoxuan out, and when she came back she muttered to Qin Dewei: "My young master, what you did reminded me of an ancient person whom I had recently read in a book."

"Who?" Qin Dewei asked with great interest.

Liu Yue said meaningfully: "Young master, tell me, do you look like King You of Zhou? He was the one who played with the princes by beacon fire just for the sake of a beautiful lady."

"What do you know!" Qin Dewei scolded.

Liu Yue pursed her lips and said aggrievedly: "Anyway, a humble little slave is not as noble as a female gentleman. You can scold me if you want. This is what a slave should do."

Qin Dewei didn't bother to explain. The reason why he came up with the idea of ​​sending someone to the library where old documents were piled up to dig up a contract ten years ago was because the female gentleman helped remind him of it.

As for postponing the county examination time, it’s just a return of favor!

However, after Jiangning County posted the notice, it did cause some fluctuations. However, the fluctuations did not occur in this county, but came from Shangyuan County next door.

The Qi magistrate of Shangyuan County heard about Jiangning County's notice, and he followed suit and issued a notice setting the county test on the first day of April.

The reasons are exactly the same as Jiangning County. The text of the notice seems to be copied from Jiangning County. In order to avoid the busy farming in early spring, in order not to harm the farming work, in order to encourage farmers to plow in the spring...

Moreover, Qizhi County has also added new information, and stipulated that February and March are the months for farmers to settle lawsuits. Civil lawsuits from farmers will not be accepted except for criminal cases, so as to urge farmers to focus on spring plowing!

The news was sent back to the Jiangning County government office. Magistrate Feng was so angry that he cursed Shangyuan County for an hour. Then he thought about Qin Dewei's benefits again. If he wanted to deal with such a shameless old bureaucrat, he had to be the little bully from Jiangdong!

Unexpectedly, Qin Dewei was studying at home at this time and stayed behind closed doors.

Feng Zhixian sent his long-term follower Feng Yuan to express condolences and visit, and also gave Qin Dewei a copy of "The Great Learning" in the Four Books. It is impossible to reveal the subject, so just give him this book.

Qin Dewei took the thin book and flipped through it again and again. He didn't find any marks or special layers... It was just a pure new book that couldn't be more pure.

The female gentleman helped analyze and said: "It seems that the questions for the county examination must have come from "The University", and County Master Feng also has good intentions."

Qin Dewei said doubtfully: "Is this called good intentions?"

Xu Miaoxuan explained: "Among the four books, "The Great Learning" is the shortest, less than two thousand words, and is the easiest to review.

So when you are facing the county exam, just try to figure out the sample essay on the "University" topic. The scope is already very small, and it saves you countless times of effort compared to others!"

Qin Dewei suddenly realized that he was right, this was equivalent to drawing a small range of key points. The four books of the classics add up to tens of thousands of words. Others have to review the tens of thousands of words of the classics, and there are countless thousands of words of annotations, but he only needs to review them.

Two thousand words of "The Great Learning" and annotations.

With Feng Zhixian’s character, he can only do this, but it’s just a small matter!

"We can't let go of everything else. After all, there will be a government exam right after the county exam." Qin Dewei said with a long-term perspective.

After the notice was released, the county government office began to accept registration for the county examination, and two scholars were invited to serve as guarantors. This was certainly not a difficult task for Qin Dewei.

While Qin Dewei was immersed in reviewing "The Great Learning", time passed to late March of the 10th year of Jiajing.

Mr. Zeng and his disciple Xu Miaojing returned from Yangzhou to Nanjing, where they had been away for nearly a year.

Qin Dewei sent someone to look through the records at the county government office and found a family that was maliciously owed the official house and refused to pay it, and had no backing. He forcefully evicted the house from Nanjing and rented the official house to Mr. Zeng.

This is also a trivial matter, not worth mentioning.

Everyone was filled with emotion when we met again this time. However, Qin Dewei was about to face the upcoming county and government examinations and did not have much time to spend time with Mr. Zeng.

Mr. Zeng did not catch Qin Dewei trying to make up for his mistakes before the battle, because Qin Dewei now has his own review rhythm, and it is not necessarily a good thing to disrupt it rashly.

Countless people are looking forward to and waiting. On the first day of April, the day of the Jiangning County County Examination in the 10th year of Jiajing in the Ming Dynasty finally arrived.

Well, this is still a small thing.

For most people, the county examination may be the first time they are judged by the god of fame, and their future is uncertain.

But for Qin Dewei, this county examination is actually about taking the procedures seriously and going through the motions...

After so much preparation, if you can't even pass the junior high school, wouldn't it be a waste of time?

Before the main mission of the Road to Fame started, Qin Dewei had already re-verified the difficulty of each stage with the education situation in his memory from his previous life.

The county examination is equivalent to the battle between junior and senior students in Haidian District of a certain imperial capital in recent years. For ordinary children to enter the top six, it is equivalent to passing the county examination.

The prefectural examination is equivalent to the high school entrance examination 40 years ago, and getting into a prestigious key high school is equivalent to passing the prefectural examination! At that time, high school students, especially key high schools, were somewhat prestigious, just like the children of the Ming Dynasty.

The college examination is equivalent to the college entrance examination 40 years ago. Those who are admitted to university are considered to be the proud ones of heaven and gain the status of cadres, which is similar to the status of scholars in the Ming Dynasty.

Passing the provincial examination is equivalent to being in a university forty years ago, getting a place to study abroad at public expense, and becoming an elite among the elite.

Those who pass the Jinshi exam again are equivalent to those who studied abroad forty years ago and were willing to come back...the true national elite.

This chapter has been completed!
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