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Chapter One Hundred and Thirty-First The Talent of Yong Xu

In general counties, county examinations are held in the county government office, and the county government office lobby is used as the county examination examination room.

Of course, there are always unusual and atypical counties, such as Jiangning County. There are too many people taking the county examination, often one or two thousand people, and the county government lobby is definitely not enough.

Therefore, in order to solve the problem, such atypical counties have used various methods to show their special abilities. Jiangning County has a convenient location. Nanzhili Gongyuan is located within the county, and there are thousands of ready-made pits there.

This year Feng Zhixian was so generous that he directly borrowed the Gongyuan area to hold the county examination. Of course, not all of it was used, and only an area was set aside from Gongyuan as the county examination venue.

It was still dark, and Feng Xiancheng sat on the makeshift examination table and began to call the names majestically. Those whose names were called were searched and then entered.

The county examination is more relaxed than the township examination, and the examination and admission speed is much faster. The paper handing system is also much looser, and candidates can hand it in directly to the examination table.

Qin Dewei also accepted the inspection in accordance with the procedures. In fact, the people responsible for the inspection here are county government officials. Who dares to strictly investigate Mr. Qin?

So much so that Qin Dewei suspected that even if he stuffed a few books in the exam basket, the guards would turn a blind eye.

I passed the inspection smoothly, and then went to the Fengzhi County Examination Station to undergo verification under false pretenses, and then I entered with my examination number.

After dawn, the examination room began to close, and government officials walked back and forth holding question signs to ensure that every candidate could see the questions.

According to the regulations of the Daming County Examination, there is only one test, with two four-book questions. Papers can only be submitted in the afternoon, and the final answer time is until dark.

Qin Dewei waited for a while and saw the yamen officer holding a question sign in front of him. He looked carefully and saw that the two questions above were "You can't do it without cultivating" and "You can't get rich yet."

If it were a college entrance examination essay question five hundred years from now, when the students who answered the question saw this kind of question, they would definitely point out the 18th generation ancestor who wrote the question.

However, in the county examinations in the middle and late Ming Dynasty, everyone was used to facing such weird and unique questions. Qin Dewei didn't care except for a few habitual complaints.

This imperial examination model has been around for more than 100 years. There are countless exams and mock exams in the world. If you only choose the questions from the Four Books, you won't be able to get any questions if you don't have some weird points.

Another characteristic of these years is that the lower the exam level, the more likely it is that there will be side questions and weird questions. Many examiners with bad tastes regard this as an opportunity to show off their imagination.

On the contrary, when it comes to the provincial examination, such a grand ceremony will be tried, and the questions will be relatively complete and serious.

The most typical method of strange questions is the interception question. Two sentences from the context are intercepted, and then they are combined to form a seemingly inexplicable question, which is called the interception question.

Qin Dewei thought about the origin of the two questions for a while.

"You can't do it if you don't cultivate yourself" should be a combination of the two sentences "This means that if you don't cultivate your body, you can't live up to your family." Take half of the upper and lower parts and put them together.

The question of "not getting rich yet" should be an abbreviation of "Those who are not benevolent use their lives to get rich. There are no people who are kind at the top but not righteous at the bottom."

Understanding the origin of the question is only the first step. Next, we will figure out how to solve the problem.

Note here that even if you see the origin of the question and know the meaning of the context, you are not allowed to quote the original text when writing the eight-legged essay.

In other words, the key points are to break down and explain the meaning of the original text, but it is not allowed to directly write the original sentence, but it must also allow the reader to understand the original text. It is also a brain-burning game that is close to writing a riddle.

Qin Dewei has been practicing for almost a year. At this time, he doesn’t think too much, just open the scratch paper and just do it!

Anyway, I can pass the exam no matter how powerful I am. I can write a few hundred words for each question with smooth sentences and complete format, then check whether there are any illegal words, and finally copy it to the examination paper, and then I can submit it!

In the afternoon, people began to hand in papers. Those who were shameless, brave, or knew them dared to take advantage of the opportunity to hand in papers and strike up a conversation with the examiner, the magistrate. The effect was unknown.

All candidates with no options have a dream: to chat with the examiner for a few words when handing in the paper, and then be appreciated through the interview and be admitted on the spot.

There are similar scenes in the exam plots of many story novels. This is the reaction of the readers at the bottom.

After gathering a group of people who submitted the papers, they would open the door and let them out once. Qin Dewei resisted the urge to hand in the papers for the first batch. A person must know how to be low-key. For those who use the back door, mediocrity is the greatest success.

Then watching more than a dozen people hand in their papers, Qin Dewei packed up the examination papers and draft papers, walked to the examination table, and handed them to the examiner Feng Zhixian with a cold look on his face.

Yes, the draft paper must also be handed in, and the examiner may check it against the draft paper. There was once a fake candidate who thought that the examiner would not read the draft, so he complained about the examiner on the draft paper, and then the examiner discovered it.

The ending is tear-jerking.

Qin Dewei just wanted to keep a low profile and had no intention of openly chatting with the examiner. He was about to turn around and leave when he heard Feng Zhixian shout: "Wait a minute!"

Qin Dewei could only stand still and wait for further instructions from the examiner. He kept muttering in his mind, what is this county magistrate doing? Didn't he agree on the on-site interview project in advance?

But Feng Xiancheng had already picked up Qin Dewei's answer sheet and read it carefully, shaking his head and reading a few sentences from time to time.

During this period, there were other people who submitted papers, and they also wanted to be interviewed by the examiner on the spot, but Magistrate Feng drove them away impatiently.

Qin Dewei was speechless, what was this county magistrate doing? With his few mediocre articles, what was there worth reading?

Out of the corner of his eye, he caught sight of the rare and honest little brother Qin who didn't dare to make any mistakes. Feng Zhixian sighed imperceptibly, feeling very sad in his heart.

He had a hunch that this was his last chance to seize Qin Dewei's fate by the throat. So, how could he not cherish it more and enjoy it for a while longer?

After reading Qin Dewei's examination papers, Feng County Cheng raised his head and enthusiastically instructed Qin Dewei: "The candidates in the audience come here and write poems!"

Qin Dewei: ""

The tone of a certain examiner reminded him of a customer in a restaurant, saying to the singing fan: "Come on, sing for me!"

When Feng Zhixian saw that Qin Dewei was stunned, he pretended to ask: "I heard that you are a new talent in Jinling. You became famous as a primary school student last year, and then became a little quiet. Why is that?"

Didn't you, Mr. Feng, tell me to keep a low profile? Qin Dewei could only pretend to reply: "I still have to concentrate on studying, and I don't have the intention to dance like a wild bee and a butterfly."

Feng Zhixian, who investigated the case, praised: "Young people actually know how to stay away from the chaos and resist the temptation of the mortal world. Their ambition is commendable!"

Then he asked again: "But some people say that you are a talent that has been exhausted."

Qin Dewei finally came to his senses. The county magistrate wanted to write poems by himself, but he didn't understand what the magistrate's purpose was.

Bear it, bear it! The humble and demanding candidate surnamed Qin can only salute and say: "Please ask the county magistrate to give the question!"

Feng Zhixian had already planned and said: "I heard that you wrote a poem about poplars and willow catkins in front of the great master. Among them, the poem "Good Wind Sends Me to the Clouds by Power of Strength" was widely sung among the scholars for a while.

Now that the poplars and catkins are flying again, can you compose another song so that I can know whether there is anyone who has exhausted his talent?"

Okay, okay! Today you are the biggest, you can do whatever you say! Qin Dewei thought for a moment, opened his mouth and chanted a song "Huanxi Sand" and said:

"The hundred-foot platform is fluttering, and the heavy curtains are shining with spring light. I pity him for wandering but let him fly."

The sun rolls under the shadow of the remaining flowers, the soft wind blows to the west of the small building, and few people know what is happening in the world!"

Feng Zhixian was secretly surprised. It was expected that Qin Dewei could write poems on the spot, but he did not expect that the quality could be so outstanding. Even if it was in stock, it was amazing.

"Good words! Good words!" Feng Zhixian applauded a little exaggeratedly.

Then he sighed loudly: "Last year's song and this year's song, the two poems about poplar catkins and catkins are both masterpieces! You remind me of the ancient elegance, and you are a talent for singing catkins!"

Qin Dewei frowned and fell into deep thought. Can the words "Yong Xu Zhicai" be used only to describe talented women? Feng Zhixian must have taken the opportunity to deliberately tease himself! It turns out that this is the purpose of Feng Zhixian!

"But!" Feng Zhixian suddenly changed again: "Guan'er's poetry can be said to be exquisite and colorful, but when I look at your article again, I only see that it is simple and honest, which is very different from poetry. Why is this?"

Qin Dewei was a little angry. Did Mr. Feng take the wrong medicine and have a seizure today? His eight-part essay is mediocre, so what's wrong with the plain and boring writing?

Didn't I just find you through the back door and save eighty taels of silver? As for ridiculing you in public!

How do you answer this question when comparing it to poetry? Is it true that there is a golden finger for memorizing poetry and copying it, but there is no golden finger for eight-legged essays?

Feng Zhixian knocked on the table heavily and asked his soul again: "Why is this? Can you give me an explanation?"

Qin Dewei and Feng Zhixian had worked together for so long, and they still had a tacit understanding. He immediately realized that Feng Zhixian might be deliberately passing on the conversation.

At such a critical moment, Mr. Feng wouldn't trick himself, would he?

Thinking about it, Qin Dewei suddenly felt blessed and stepped forward to answer: "Haojiao County Zun learned that I thought in my heart that the examination articles were to speak for the saints. How dare you be frivolous and jumpy and harm your meaning with your words? Therefore, you must strive to be simple and clumsy.

, let the saint’s meaning be understood directly.”

Feng Zhixian couldn't help but praise: "The most rare thing about talented people is that they don't lose their true heart! Talented people know how to restrain their talents, and writing is ten times more difficult than ordinary people!"

Looking back at the fact that you stay away from the worldly world and devote yourself to studying, you can be said to be consistent in your words and deeds. Your intention is in line with the self-denial of the sage, which is enough to show that you have truly understood the meaning of the sage!

When I recruit talents for the country, my first priority is character! As for articles, you are still young and have plenty of time to practice, so there is no need to be demanding. I will make the decision this time and give you a case report. You can go home with confidence and carefully prepare for the imperial examination.


Damn it, the article is mediocre, how can it be interpreted like this? Qin Dewei, who was named the head of the case on the spot, what else can he do besides thanking him? The examiner is the biggest today, and he will do whatever he says.

Seniors on the road to fame know better about these tricks, and they can complete the process without even realizing it.

A county prosecutor is still very good. According to the unspoken rules, a county prosecutor must pass the prefectural examination, otherwise it will slap the county in the face.

But unspoken rules are just unspoken rules, and we should not be too superstitious about unspoken rules. Specific issues must be analyzed in detail.

Qin Dewei felt that it would be difficult for him to pass the imperial examination, and he would have to think of some off-site tricks.

This chapter has been completed!
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