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Chapter 23 You don't know the truth

After returning home, Qin Dewei told his uncle what happened to Mrs. Gu when he came back from the Yamen in the evening, and asked his uncle to inquire about the situation in the Yamen and find out who was causing trouble.

If possible, ask your uncle to be the mediator to make peace and spend money to settle this person.

Officer Qin frowned and said, "Why do you care about other people's business? In your words, it's just about looking at face?"

Qin Dewei replied: "Collect people's money and help them eliminate disasters. Besides, when you see others encounter disasters, being able to help them is also a good deed."

Then Qin Dewei asked: "Who is that county magistrate?"

You must know that the Ming Dynasty was not a society ruled by law, and the judgment of cases was highly subjective and largely depended on the personal will of officials.

If you know yourself and your enemy, you will be victorious. If you want to litigate, you must understand the case officer so that you can prescribe the right medicine.

"The person who took office just two months ago is named Feng Ming'en." Qin Chaoyi shook his head: "I don't think he is very good at it. He probably has no experience in the place and doesn't know much about things in the yamen."

Qin Dewei was stunned. The name Feng En was a bit familiar. He must have heard or seen this name before.

While lying in bed tossing and turning at night, Qin Dewei suddenly remembered, wasn't Feng En the name of "Four Iron Censors"?

In the historical time and space of the previous life, this person later became the censor of the Nanjing Metropolitan Procuratorate. He performed his duties diligently and was almost killed by Emperor Jiajing.

During the court trial, this person openly cursed the popular traitor who was presiding over the trial. People at the time praised Feng En's mouth, knees, gallbladder, and bones as being made of iron, so he was nicknamed the "Four Iron Censors" and became famous throughout the world.

The final outcome of this strong man of four irons is: he was sent to live in poverty for six years, and finally became the richest man in Shanghai when he came back...

The above sentence is not an Internet article about the Return of the God of War, but a historical fact. It is not an exaggeration at all. The hometown of Sitie Yushi was Shanghai in later generations.

The county magistrate named Feng En in the county government should be him, right? Qin Dewei thought.

They have the same name, and they appeared as officials in Nanjing during the early Jiajing period. They should be the same person, but they have not yet become the censor.

Qin Dewei couldn't help but marveled. He didn't expect that there was such a strange historical figure hidden in the county government, and he was also commented by his uncle: Not very good...

But it’s normal to think about it. The political status of Nanjing in the Ming Dynasty was equivalent to that of the capital. Most of the officials in Nanjing were regarded as imperial officials rather than local officials. People with grades above seven must be Jinshi, so it’s not surprising that there are historical celebrities.

With some curiosity, Qin Dewei fell into a deep sleep. He got up early the next day, washed up, and went to the county government office without eating.

Firstly, I can save some money for my uncle's family, and secondly, after I finish my work at the county government, I must go to the little widow's house to explain the situation. I can eat while I'm there, but I have to save my stomach to eat more food from rich families.

Today is just a filing day, and the case will not be judged. At most, it can only be regarded as a preliminary hearing, and the results of the review of the complaint will be announced, but it is still very important to the lawyers.

This is a window for them to observe the direction of the wind, and they may even find an opportunity to contact the officials responsible for the case in advance.

Perhaps because a capital county like Jiangning County is busy with affairs and has heavy reception tasks, the magistrate of Zhengtang assigned the matter of punishment and names to the county magistrate. Of course, the final seal must be the Zhengtang seal.

Qin Dewei was standing in the courtyard of the County Chancellor's Office, and there were many people standing with him. Everyone was bored waiting for the number to be called, so they inevitably got together to chat.

"A few days ago, the Dongyuan Gathering hosted by Mr. Xu Jinyi caused a lot of excitement!" Some people started gossiping, and this was considered a small hot topic.

Qin Dewei pricked up his ears to listen. Wasn't the biggest excitement of this event created by himself? He didn't expect to hear other people talking about it today.

It is always right to listen more to the voices of the people.

"I also heard that there was a mysterious figure who won the title of Poetry, and then Feng Shuangshuang, one of the four beauties of Qinhuai, recommended himself to the throne because he admired his talent, but the boat capsized and he was very embarrassed!"

Qin Dewei was shocked. The mysterious man who won the title of poetry was just a subordinate... But what the hell was Feng Shuangshuang recommending himself as a pillow? Why didn't he, the person involved, know?

Someone else added: "Yes, yes, I heard it too, that Shikui didn't like Feng Shuangshuang at all, so he walked away in humiliation, even throwing away the grand prize.

And Feng Shuangshuang has suffered such a great shame and humiliation. Now he is closed to the public and no longer sees guests. I heard that he sheds tears all day long. It is very desolate!"

The person involved, Qin Dewei, was shocked again. At the end of that night, he just left a short self-described poem and left quickly and elegantly before anyone came to find him. How could he have time to humiliate Feng Shuangshuang?

Why is it that the Dongyuan Gathering that he personally experienced and the gossip and hot gossip among the people are completely different from the same version?

"This Shikui may have some talent, but he is really not an honest man. How can he be so unsympathetic to beauty? What's wrong with a beautiful woman wanting to sleep with him? How about bullying and humiliating her!"

Another commentator's mood was a bit angry, but he didn't know where it came from.

Qin Dewei secretly glared at this man, daring to scold himself for being unethical!

He couldn't help but speak up for himself: "That Shikui must be a talented, generous and noble person! How could he bully and insult a woman? It must be you fools spreading rumors and spreading lies!"

Another person interrupted disdainfully: "Which family do you belong to? You can tell that you don't understand the inside story at first glance."

Then he swept his eyes and said, "You all only know a little bit about it and are just making random guesses!"

Qin Dewei was so angry that he actually said that his client did not understand the truth? Did he do it or not? Didn't he, the client, know best?

Others cheered together: "If you really know the inside story, you should tell me about it, otherwise I won't spare you!"

Qin Dewei also looked at it coldly. If this person dared to fabricate rumors, he would call his uncle over immediately and let him know how powerful the feudal iron fist was!

Just listen to the man continue to say: "Shikui is the guest of another beauty Wang Lianqing. Wang Lianqing and Feng Shuangshuang are extremely difficult to deal with, so you understand?"

Oh oh oh! Everyone suddenly realized that it was so! It was so! After learning the latest inside story of the popular gossip, they all felt a great sense of satisfaction.

Qin Dewei is in a messy mood. Maybe what they said is right. His client really doesn't understand the truth?

The problem must be with Wang Lianqing. I don’t know what kind of work she did after leaving Wang Meiren behind.

I thought that the climax would end after he left, but I didn't expect that there would be waves and lingering sounds behind.

What's more, I didn't expect that Miss Wang, who looks stupid, is actually a ruthless character...

That night I just thought that since we were destined to meet each other, it would be a kindness to take Fei Fei for a night, but this tool would be useless in the future.

We are all mature people and will have our own lives after dawn, so I didn’t leave any contact information, which I regret.

This chapter has been completed!
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