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Chapter 283 Don't hang up in the government office!

The next day, the prefect Kou sat in the front hall of the government office with a straight face. He still had not made a final decision. This decision was too difficult to make.

How much he hoped that Mr. Huo would not come today, but he also knew that this was an extravagant hope. Mr. Huo would definitely force him to choose one of the two today.

Why is it that when people are in the officialdom, they are always trying to get on top of the horse and sometimes they can’t help themselves? I have already gone from the core ministry of the imperial court to the Dongchang Mansion, but I can still encounter such a thing!

Mr. Kou was sitting in the hall with his father. Although he usually liked to give his father advice when he had nothing to do, today he was like Xu Shu entering Cao Ying without saying a word.

Because he also knows that this decision can only be made by his father, and he cannot replace it.

Qin Dewei's reaction yesterday was so strange, it could even be said that he had no reaction at all, as if he was lying down and dying, but this was not in line with his understanding and knowledge of Qin Dewei!

With Qin Dewei's wit, couldn't he have imagined the consequences of provoking Huo Shilang? Wasn't he not prepared at all?

In the extremely reluctant atmosphere of the government office, Huo Shilang came anyway, and his momentum today was even more impressive than yesterday.

If yesterday I could only be considered aggressive, today I simply want to choose and devour anyone, as if I will tear anyone who dares to stand in front of me to pieces!

"Master Kou, have you thought about it?" Huo Shilang asked directly without any courtesy.

Kou Zhifu wanted to tell Huo Shilang "no", but he did not dare to say so, but he really didn't know what to do, so he could only remain silent for the time being.

Huo Shilang then spoke very forcefully: "No matter who is behind Zeng Mian, he is just a county magistrate here, and I, the Minister of Civil Affairs, have already stood in front of you, so why do you still need to hesitate?

I don't have time to wait for you for too long. Now please give me an answer immediately! If you refuse to agree, then I will leave immediately and go to Jinan!

Also, let me tell you, I wrote a letter to Jinan yesterday, do you think Dongchang Mansion will not comply with it?"

Kou Zhifu only felt as if a pair of big hands were strangling his neck, making his breathing stagnant and making him unable to breathe.

Otherwise, just go with it, right?

Suddenly, a servant knelt outside the door and reported to the Kou magistrate: "The son of Zeng Zhixian in Liaocheng started his journey north again today and has left by boat! He sent a message to thank the young master for the warm hospitality and wrote a farewell letter to the young master!


Then he presented a letter to Mr. Kou.

This news interrupted Huo Shilang's relentless pursuit of Kou Zhifu, and everyone took a moment to take a moment to digest the information.

Is Qin Dewei so frightened that he ran away? But if he can run away, his son cannot run away from his father. Your father, Zeng Zhixian, is still here!

You, Qin Dewei, caused trouble, just patted your butt and left, leaving your father alone to bear the anger? This is too filial!

Even Huo Shilang himself was slightly stunned by the news, which gave Kou Zhifu a brief respite.

Magistrate Kou just wanted to delay it anyway, and when he was about to ask his son what was written in the letter, he suddenly saw his son walking quickly outside the door.

He also reported: "There is an urgent document coming to the government office from Liaocheng County! The clerk said, please be sure to read it!"

Anything that can delay time will be welcomed by Kou Zhifu! He immediately put on a diligent attitude and ordered: "Bring it to me quickly!"

Magistrate Kou slowly opened the document and looked carefully. It turned out to be a document written by Zeng Zhixian himself. He saw that it read:

"The lower official couldn't bear the humiliation by his servants Huo Tao and Quan Jian, and was unable to uphold justice or demand justice. He felt ashamed to continue serving the court, so he wanted to submit a petition to resign and beg the court to release Lin Quan.

From today on, the lower officials will stay behind closed doors in the county government office, waiting for the arrival of the new county magistrate. Before that, I kindly ask the government office to send another person to temporarily handle the county government affairs, so as not to let the county affairs go to waste."

Wucao! Kou Zhifu was shocked. Zeng Zhixian’s reaction was to resign directly!

Then he discovered that there was another page of the document, but the second page only had the poem "Qi Jue" written on it.

"I looked at the door and stopped thinking about Zhang Jian, and endured death for a moment to wait for Du Gen. I smiled at the sky with my sword across the sword, leaving my liver and gallbladder intact."

It’s Wucao again! The prefect Kou suddenly understood the thoughts of father and son Zeng Mian and Qin Dewei.

Zeng Zhixian, you lie down like this and ask Mr. Huo to punch you!

Qin Dewei, are you running away like this to spread the word? Are you following the example of Huang Tang, a friend of Wu Dalang, the magistrate?

He felt that it was necessary for Huo Shilang to read this document and the poem behind it.

Mr. Kou also opened the letter Qin Dewei left for him, and saw that it read: "I am escorting Zhongliang Zhichen's family to Beijing. I don't want to be intercepted and persecuted by Huo Shilang and Quan Gong's family in Liaocheng.

Hearing that the traitor still intends to trap and kill him, we did not dare to stay in Liaocheng any longer, so we left in a hurry today. We could only try our best to escort Zhongliang, hoping to seek shelter along the way."

Mr. Kou stood in Qin Dewei's perspective and used Qin Dewei's acting style to imagine for a moment, what does the so-called "seeking shelter along the way" mean?

Everywhere he went, he loudly claimed that he was being persecuted and hunted down, and wrote to the local government to seek protection?

Then all the prefectures, prefectures, counties, rivers, guards, and patrol yamen along the way knew about Huo Shilang and Mai Xiang?

Could there be some good-hearted officials who would really go out of their way to arrange some soldiers, warships, etc., to escort Zhongliang to Beijing?

Looking to the door to check in? Zhang Jian? This scene is so beautiful that Mr. Kou dare not think about Huo Shilang anymore.

I have to say that Qin Dewei's ability to create momentum is so outstanding, even better than his poetry, and is simply unparalleled in the world.

Master Kou suddenly felt that it was necessary to let Huo Shilang read the letter in his hand.

So in Huo Shilang's eyes, the Kou family father and son, one was reading documents and the other was reading letters, and they read them all over and over again several times.

Just when he was getting impatient, he noticed that the father and son both raised their heads and looked at him with very strange eyes.

Then he handed the documents (letters) in his hand to himself in unison, and said in a pitiful tone: "Mr. Huo, let's take a look first."

Huo Tao took it inexplicably and quickly browsed it three times. Suddenly, a mouthful of blood rushed from his heart to his throat, and his eyesight went black.

Suddenly another officer came running from outside, rushed to the door, and shouted into the room: "It's bad! Hearing that Zeng Zhixian was forced to resign, some righteous people were angry and set fire to Mr. Huo's boat!"


Magistrate Kou still had the sense to shout: "You bastard! What kind of righteous man? This is a thug! Have you caught anyone?"

The officer replied simply and neatly: "This righteous man has escaped! No one can be found!"

Mr. Kou suddenly exclaimed: "Mr. Huo!"

Everyone turned around and saw that Huo Shilang was so angry that he collapsed on the chair and passed out.

Kou Zhifu hurriedly called to his servants: "Hurry up and lift Mr. Huo back to the inn to rest!"

Mr. Huo, hold on! Don't die in the government office, but the inn is managed by the county government, so it's none of your business.

The chapters of "Da Ming Primary School Students" will continue to be updated.

This chapter has been completed!
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