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Chapter 284 Arrive at the capital

Kou Zhifu watched the servants carry Huo Shilang away, feeling worried.

More than half an hour later, the servants reported that Huo Shilang had been sent back to Chongwu Station and that he was still alive, and they also called a doctor for help.

Mr. Kou intended to ease his father's mood and said with a smile: "Fortunately, my father has been delaying. Now the puzzle will be solved by itself, and there is no need to be in a dilemma anymore."

Magistrate Kou still sighed, with a worried look on his face.

Mr. Kou asked again: "Why is father still so worried? Then Mr. Huo will never do anything in the government affairs in the future. What else is there to worry about?"

The prefect Kou sighed and said, "I'm afraid that Shaozhongzai will stay in Liaocheng in the name of recuperating his illness!"

Judging from the current situation, Huo Shilang's most likely choice is to stay away from illness. But as long as he stays in Liaocheng to recuperate, he will be a big trouble for the local officials!

Mr. Kou still didn't understand something, so he asked again: "Why is it that when Zeng Zhixian wants to resign, Minister Huo is helpless? Isn't this the result he seeks?"

"That's different in nature." Magistrate Kou explained to his son: "Huo Shilang's original intention was to accuse Zeng Zhixian of the highest crime. This was the most fundamental purpose. And whether he used this accusation to force Zengzhi County to lose his official position was just a by-pass result.

As a result, Zeng Zhixian simply lay down and pretended to resign, leaving Huo Shilang with nothing to do. How could Huo Shilang fight if he didn't want his official position? According to the general rules of officialdom, no matter how fierce the struggle is, if he abandons his official position, then he should

That's it for now.

Moreover, the reason for his resignation was that he was humiliated by Huo Shilang and Quan Yu, which was not only completely contrary to what Huo Shilang expected, but also successfully dragged Huo Shilang into the quagmire."

After that, under the close attention of the local government, Huo Shilang spent two days recovering in Chongwu Station, then asked for a boat from the local government and struggled to go north.

This was of course a surprise to the Kou magistrate, who immediately complied with Huo Shilang's request, quickly allocated ships, and sent Huo Shilang out of Liaocheng County as a gift.

Then I heard that Huo Shilang had arrived in Linqing Prefecture, but he stopped and couldn't leave. He couldn't recuperate in Linqing Prefecture. Most likely, he felt that it was too embarrassing to stay in Liaocheng, so he wanted to change his place to recuperate.

Although Linqing Prefecture is still under the jurisdiction of Dongchang Prefecture, it is no longer under the eyes of the Kou Prefect, which makes the Kou Prefect feel much more relaxed.

All the troubles are gone and the world is at peace!

Qin Dewei and the Feng family, who were also considered troublesome by the Kou magistrate, continued their journey north. At first, it was indeed as the Kou master had guessed. Everywhere they went, they would submit high-profile letters to the local yamen.

As for whether the other party ignored it, Qin Dewei didn't care. If he expressed his intention to follow suit, such as sending someone to escort him out of the country, he would happily accept it; if he ignored it, it didn't matter. Anyway, after submitting the book and posting it, the publicity purpose had been achieved.

In this way, he was getting closer and closer to the capital, but at this time Qin Dewei lowered his profile, stopped acting in a public manner, and quietly arrived at Tongzhou Zhangjiawan Pier.

The Grand Canal waterway that connects the north and the south ends here. Although there is a fast-silting waterway from Tongzhou to the capital, it can only be used to transport grain to the Chaoyang Gate of the capital and cannot be used by others.

Qin Dewei and the Feng family went ashore to rest at Zhangjiawan Pier, and then hired a car to head to the capital the next day.

You will be able to see the capital city wall in two hours, and then enter the city from the southeast Chongwen Gate. Speaking of the status of the capital Chongwen Gate, it is somewhat similar to the Sanshan Gate in Nanjing. Most of the foreign tourists enter the city from here.

In the Ming Dynasty, what should outsiders do first when they arrive in a strange metropolis? Of course, they should look for local guild halls in the province. Most of the guild halls in the south are gathered in Chongwenmen, so it is easy to find them.

The Feng family is from Songjiang Prefecture, but Songjiang Prefecture does not have a tradition of merchant gangs going out to do business, so there is no separate Songjiang Guild Hall in the capital.

The steward of the Feng family at the front station had already made arrangements to live in a place called Sanwu Guild Hall. The floating staff of the guild hall were mainly Su, Song and Chang. Of course Qin Dewei from Nanjing had to live with him, since he didn't have to spend any money himself.

After settling in, Qin Dewei went to inquire about the news. He had just arrived and had to do something, so he should have an understanding of the basic situation of the capital. Although he was a time traveler who knew the general situation, he did not grasp many details.

In or near any guild hall, there must be local idlers hanging around, who specialize in serving outsiders. For a little money, you can get a lot of recent news about the capital.

Qin Dewei asked a few questions casually, but was disappointed. Most of what he heard were trivial market rumors, which were of little help to what he wanted to do.

Even Mr. Feng is not sure whether he is in the Imperial Prison or the Ministry of Punishment. Thinking about it, if these people can keep up with the latest developments in the court, they will not be able to make a living here.

Then it was time to prepare to visit various people. Qin Dewei felt that it would be safer to pay homage to the top of the mountain first. If there is no one to cover the crouching tiger, hidden dragon in the capital, if something happens, he will not be able to cry.

He took out the list of big shots in the DPRK, including the cabinet, ministers of the third rank and above, and read it several times. After counting, there were only three that could be related to him.

The first one is Wang Yiqi, the right minister of the Ministry of War. Not only is this fellow from Jiangning County, but he is also the younger brother of Qin Dewei's teacher, Wang Yijing. He can be called uncle.

Although he has never met, he can definitely establish a relationship. What's more, Qin Dewei also brought a letter from his teacher Wang Yijing, so he is qualified to visit him.

The second one is Wang Tingxiang, the censor of Zuodu. From a personal relationship perspective, this is the most familiar and direct personal relationship and does not require a third party.

Therefore, he is qualified to visit, but he doesn't know whether the powerful Wang Tingxiang still recognizes Qin Dewei, a small figure. Zuodu Yushi, who is in charge of the affairs of the capital procuratorate, is not an ordinary high-ranking official.

The third person he wanted to visit was of course the famous Master Xia, the Minister of Rites, but it was not necessarily appropriate for Qin Dewei to come directly.

Because Qin Dewei and Master Xia have no direct relationship, and have always been indirectly connected through Feng En, it would be a bit presumptuous to come directly. What's more, the difference in status is too far, and coming hastily gives people the feeling of not knowing themselves.


Moreover, a famous person like Master Xia is very high-spirited. How many people want to visit him every day, and they may not be willing to meet a small character like Qin Dewei, who is eighteen levels away. If they do, it will be of no use to Master Xia.

If Qin Dewei really wants to visit Master Xia, he needs to find some opportunity, such as using Huo Tao as an introduction, or finding a qualified middleman.

So he had previously lamented that Huo Tao was of some use, and it was probably used here. Without Huo Tao, Qin Dewei really couldn't find any other reason.

After careful consideration, Qin Dewei decided to visit Wang Tingxiang first. After all, this was the purest relationship with him, and it was best for him to grasp the situation. I hope Wang Tingxiang would feel a little nostalgic.

This chapter has been completed!
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