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Chapter 358: Inside and Outside of the Zhang Family (Part 2)

It was difficult to serve the emperor, especially the suspicious and jealous Emperor Jiajing.

Because we never know which brain circuit Emperor Jiajing will use to think about problems, it is called "unpredictable happiness and anger".

Take the construction of palaces for the two empress dowagers as an example. If the palace of his aunt, Empress Dowager Zhang, was of higher standard than that of his biological mother, Empress Dowager Chiang, Emperor Jiajing would definitely feel that it was an eyesore for himself, and Gao Zhong would definitely die.

If the palace of Empress Dowager Jiang was of higher standard than that of Empress Dowager Zhang, then Emperor Jiajing might feel that this was a deliberate attempt to let outsiders find fault, saying that the emperor was ignorant and deliberately treated Empress Dowager Zhang harshly!

If the palaces on both sides had the same specifications, Emperor Jiajing might have thought, how dare the dead eunuch not respect and highlight his own mother, he should still be killed!

Therefore, for Gao Zhong, the engineering eunuch, it is of no use to him whether the Zhang family is different from the Zhang family. How to design the palace is the top priority, which is directly related to his own head!

Eunuch Qin asked: "To be honest with you, do you think living in the palace is comfortable?"

Gao Zhong told the truth: "It's extremely uncomfortable."

The palace looks grand, but in fact it is really uncomfortable to live in, because comfort was not considered from the very beginning of the design of the palace. Everything was based on functionality.

Eunuch Qin raised his head: "That's alright, I've reminded you to this point, haven't you thought of anything yet?"

Gao Zhong is speechless, what did you prompt?

Eunuch Qin sighed, no wonder you, Gao Zhong, are just a house builder, while we are the emperor's close people, this is the gap!

Gao Zhong complained: "Would you like to kowtow to you and kneel down to ask Duke Qin for advice?"

"That's no need!" Eunuch Qin said eloquently: "First of all, the appearance and general regulations of these two palaces should be similar, and then the key lies in the details inside.

For Empress Dowager Zhang's Ciqing Palace, you can build it according to the original palace template. It will be as rigid as it is, impersonal, gorgeous and empty. Just imagine a splendid temple.

But the regulations must be high and the materials used must be sufficient. Others can't tell anything at a glance, and it can't be said that the emperor doesn't value Empress Dowager Zhang!

As for Our Lady's Cining Palace, you highlight two words: comfort! Everything must make Our Lady and the elderly feel comfortable to live there!

For example, build a small garden and build a small temple! You can plant some trees, flowers and plants. You are not allowed to plant trees in other residences in the palace, only here in the Holy Mother's house!

As for the structural details of the house, as well as various furnishings, how to make it as comfortable and warm as possible while maintaining royal dignity, you are a professional in these, you don’t need me to teach you, right?"

"Wonderful!" Gao Zhong slapped his thigh fiercely. He couldn't think of this design idea, and said ecstatically: "I really want to kowtow to you now!"

Eunuch Qin stood up and waved his hand, "No need! I'm leaving first, and I have to go back to Qianqing Palace to pay my respects to the Emperor."

At this time, Eunuch Qin did not know that the Cining Palace he mentioned casually would become one of the most exposed places for various Qing palace dramas four to five hundred years later. The old empresses really liked to live here.

As for the Ciqing Palace, which was designed by the Qin eunuchs to be superficial, later the Empress Dowager really didn’t like living there, so it was renamed the Prince’s East Palace and then demolished.

Back at Qianqing Palace, Emperor Jiajing had already had dinner and had not yet gone to the Double Cultivation Palace.

Eunuch Qin took the opportunity to visit him every day and saw Huang Jin, the emperor's childhood companion, also talking to the emperor.

When he caught a glimpse of the emperor's ugly face, Eunuch Qin knew what had happened. After talking about today's events, he hurriedly left.

However, Emperor Jiajing refused to let him go, "Qin Fu, tell me! Why did Zhang Fu Jingfang Xianfu dare to betray me!"

Eunuch Qin was at a loss: "What's wrong with you two gentlemen?"

Huang Jin explained: "The emperor issued an edict to seize Zhang Yanling's title and iron certificate. However, the cabinet refused to issue an edict and instead petitioned the emperor to withdraw the edict."

Eunuch Qin sighed, is this what the emperor did to the Zhang family called human affairs? Everyone can kill Zhang Yanling, but you, the emperor, should not kill him.

To put it bluntly, this is called burning the bridge, which is a very scumbag behavior. The ministers outside will definitely oppose it.

Don't think about this now, the emperor is still waiting for a reply.

If the two forced eunuchs were here, the death penalty would be: "Perhaps the cabinet gentlemen are afraid that His Majesty's reputation will be damaged, so they have some considerations."

The general response of the Qin eunuch is: "Mr. Zhang, Mr. Fang must have selfish motives, and he is afraid of being scolded by the world, so he shirks the blame!"

Emperor Jiajing said angrily: "Zhang Yanling should be sent to prison for torture!"

It was not that Emperor Jiajing was dissatisfied with the Ministry of Punishment. This time the Ministry of Punishment sentenced Zhang Yanling to death, which was interesting enough, and it also proposed an execution plan.

The Ministry of Punishment is not to blame for the opposition from the cabinet, but Emperor Jiajing does not want to replace the cabinet bachelor at the moment.

Therefore, Emperor Jiajing wanted to bypass the cabinet and find other crimes for Zhang Yanling to cover up the iron bonds. For this reason, he came up with the idea of ​​using imperial edicts.

Even if you can pay off this life lawsuit with one iron ticket, how many iron tickets do you have left to use if there are some serious crimes?

Eunuch Qin and Huang Jin secretly looked at each other, and then Huang Jin laughed softly. Only Huang Jin was qualified to be a little casual in front of the emperor.

Emperor Jiajing frowned and asked, "Huang Ban, why are you laughing?"

Huang Jin quickly put away his smile and said respectfully: "When the emperor talked about the imperial edict, I remembered a funny thing about Biyun in Dongchang.

Sun, who first accused Zhang Yanling of beating his father to death, was originally under the control of Bi Yun. Bi Yun had been using the Sun family's murder case as a basis to extort money from the Zhang family.

It's just that Bi Yun and the Zhang family couldn't come to an agreement, so they kept putting it off. But unexpectedly, and for some unknown reason, Sun actually went to the civil service office to file a complaint.

Then Bi Yun’s attempt to fetch water from a bamboo basket was in vain and he didn’t catch anything. I heard that Bi Yun has been treated as a joke these days.”

Emperor Jiajing really didn't know this. He was stunned for a moment when he heard this, and then cursed: "Trash!"

It was a coincidence that at this time there was a report that Bi Yun asked for an audience. Emperor Jiajing only said three words: "Let him go!"

"Your Majesty, calm down, there should be something fishy at this time." Eunuch Qin hurriedly said: "For example, how did Sun escape from Bi Yun's control?

Besides, Sun Mou originally cooperated with Bi Yundong Factory, so there is no need to complain again, but why did he sue Jianchang Hou again? There are many doubts in it."

Emperor Jiajing was always a suspicious person, and he immediately felt something was wrong after hearing this.

Normally, when the emperor encountered such doubts, he would order Dongchang to investigate. This time, Dongchang was not suitable.

Emperor Jiajing pointed at Eunuch Qin: "I'm asking you to investigate the Zhang Yanling case! You can use the manpower from the Royal Horse Prison!"

Eunuch Qin did not accept the order immediately, but instead said: "When it comes to external affairs, I am not as good as Huang Jin."

Emperor Jiajing glanced at Huang Jin and said, "Huang Ban has another use. After you leave the palace to do business, Huang Jin will be in charge of the Qianqing Palace."

Eunuch Qin could only accept the order and withdraw to make preparations.

I have to say that this is a very vague decree. What does it mean to "investigate" Zhang Yanling's case?

Zhang Yanling has been clearly convicted and sentenced to death by the Ministry of Punishment, and he is also in jail by the Ministry of Punishment. What else is there to investigate? What should be done?

This chapter has been completed!
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