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Chapter 359: rowing against the current

Eunuch Qin returned to his room, asked his entourage to leave, then relaxed a little, and then fell into a long examination.

As the saying goes, the power of God is unpredictable, and it is an old trick of the emperor to deliberately issue a vague decree and let the ministers guess.

In fact, Eunuch Qin had a very disrespectful slander. Maybe the emperor himself didn't know what to do, so he gave out a vague decree and pretended to be the emperor of the holy emperor to test his subordinates.

But no matter what the emperor's motives were, a test was a test.

Eunuch Qin only knew that his career had reached an extremely critical point, which was even related to his future destiny.

The current situation is like this. As Huang Jin, the emperor's childhood companion, gradually matures, he will definitely occupy his own space.

Because he was in charge of the affairs of the Qing Palace and the admiral of the Imperial Guard, Huang Jin was naturally more suitable for Huang Jin, who had grown up with the emperor.

It was just a few years ago that Huang Jin was still young and immature and unfamiliar with palace affairs, so he had the opportunity to occupy Huang Jin's position in a sense.

Although he and Huang Jin are currently in an alliance, we are both of the "younger generation" and need to face the elderly together.

But Huang Jin couldn't risk arousing suspicion by rejecting the emperor's promotion and giving up progress for the sake of the alliance, right?

In this regard, although Eunuch Qin holds a high position, he has always been very sober.

If we cannot open up a new living space, we will only have the fate of being squeezed continuously in the future.

Think about the predecessor of the Yumajian, Wang Zhi, the great eunuch of the Chenghua Dynasty more than fifty years ago, who has made so many contributions, what will be the final outcome?

The front road was tightly blocked by the eunuchs of the Bureau of Ceremonies, and the back road was pressed step by step by Shang Ming, the admiral of the East Factory. Finally, Wang Zhi was squeezed and went to Nanjing Xiaoling to grow vegetables.

A generation of eunuchs like Wang, a powerful eunuch, grew old in obscurity. According to rumors, he died a few years ago, but no one cares or pays attention to him anymore.

As both eunuchs and eunuchs, how similar are the situations he, eunuch Qin, is currently facing?

Looking forward, the Chief of Ceremony is controlled by an old man from Prince Xing's Mansion, and he, Qin Fu, is still an outsider.

Looking back and forth, we can see that his ally Huang Jin is waiting to take over Qin Fu's errand, so it's not enough to refuse.

Beneath the external scenery, you know the taste inside, whether it is warm or cold.

If you don't advance, you will retreat. If you don't want to be eliminated, Eunuch Qin must find a new direction for career breakthroughs!

But when you reach the status of steward of Qianqing Palace, Royal Horse Superintendent and Eunuch, if you don't want to support yourself in old age, you don't have much room to move around. Except for the Supervisor of Ceremonies, you will be demoted and demoted wherever you go.

This is why Eunuch Qin has been secretly thinking about Bi Yun and staring at Dongchang.

Because for Eunuch Qin, only by going to the prestigious and extremely important Dongchang, which is nominally subordinate to the Superintendent of Ceremonies, can he not lose his status or even be promoted in the eyes of outsiders.

Thinking of this, Eunuch Qin suddenly realized that leaving the palace to handle the case this time could also be regarded as an opportunity given by the emperor.

I'm asking you to do something that should be handled by Dongchang. Let's see if you can do it and whether you can shoulder Dongchang's burden.

To have such an opportunity, Huang Jin probably helped to speak up.

Emperor Jiajing is a mean man and will not show favors without reason. Since you, Qin Fu, want to go to Dongchang, you have to do something in exchange, right? Otherwise, why should I give you benefits?

Until late at night, after thinking about all the possible intentions of Emperor Jiajing, Eunuch Qin could lie down in his clothes and sleep peacefully.

Eunuchs are not afraid of things being difficult to handle, and they are not afraid of making mistakes sometimes, but they are afraid of not understanding the emperor's intentions.

In the dream, the eunuch Qin, who had turned completely white, asked for help from outsiders to provide for the eunuchs guarding Nanjing in their old age, and he also received a large number of adopted sons and grandchildren.

Early the next morning, Emperor Jiajing, who had practiced double cultivation last night, had not yet gotten up. Perhaps he was still practicing three or four cultivations.

Eunuch Qin could only kowtow before the main hall door and then go out to do business.

As soon as I walked out of the Qianqing Gate, I saw the eunuch, the eunuch, and Bi Yun, the admiral of the East Factory, wandering outside the palace gate.

Eunuch Qin didn't want to talk at all, so he walked around and left.

But Bi Yun called out to Eunuch Qin and implored him: "Please help me pass on the message, Lao Qin."

Eunuch Qin, whose conscience was still intact, stopped and sighed helplessly.

All this time, he didn't want to face Bi Yun directly. If he didn't see it, he would feel guilty.

Who knew that Bi Yun would always pester him passionately, which makes people really distressed.

Five years ago, Xiao Jing, a veteran eunuch of the Five Dynasties, passed away at the age of ninety.

Four years ago, Zhang Yong, one of the Eight Tiger Eunuchs of the Zhengde Dynasty, passed away.

Two years ago, Gu Dayong, one of the Eight Tiger Eunuchs of the Zhengde Dynasty, had his house confiscated and was denounced.

Therefore, Qin Fu now has the highest status among the eunuchs from the Feixing Prince's Palace, except Bi Yun.

Compared to Bi Yun, Qin Fu was more caring to the emperor, so Bi Yun always tried his best to win over Qin Fu.

Compared to other eunuchs from Prince Xing's palace, Bi Yun, a remnant of the previous dynasty, was even more untrustworthy.

But Eunuch Bi never imagined that the person who had been plotting against him was none other than the eunuch Qin in front of him. At this time, he was still counting on eunuch Qin to help him speak.

Turning around, Eunuch Qin asked Eunuch Bi: "Is Master Bi here to see the emperor?"

Bi Yun nodded, otherwise why would he be walking around in circles at the gate of Qianqing Palace so early in the morning?

Eunuch Qin said with a complicated expression: "It's better to say goodbye." Then he added: "The emperor sent me out of the palace to handle Zhang Yanling's case."

Eunuch Bi was stunned, and then confused, how could things become like this?

Eunuch Qin saluted Eunuch Bi and said, "Eunuch Bi is over sixty. If he can retire and take care of himself, it would be a good death."

Bi Yun asked very sensitively: "What do you mean?"

Eunuch Qin explained: "The affairs of the Zhang family are like a fine ingredient. The emperor has been waiting to turn the ingredients into a delicious dish.

But Bi Gong, your cooking is burnt. The emperor already feels that Bi Gong is old and useless. What else can you do, Bi Gong?

If you can't handle the matter well, there is no remedy. In this case, insisting on seeing the emperor will only annoy the emperor even more."

"Then you go out of the palace to handle the case?" Bi Yun asked doubtfully.

Eunuch Qin sighed and said: "I'm afraid that someone else will handle the case, which will be even more detrimental to you, Mr. Bi! Could it be that the emperor sent someone else to make you feel more at ease, Mr. Bi?"

Eunuch Bi couldn't see any problem with Eunuch Qin's logic, so he asked for advice: "Old Qin, what do you think I should do now?"

Eunuch Qin kindly pointed out: "Don't do anything! Don't you know that the more you do, the more mistakes you make?

If you do nothing, at best you will be regarded as fatuous by the emperor, and at worst you will be able to retire without a job.

If you want to do something, if you do it more and more wrong and make the emperor bored and have other thoughts, wouldn't the consequences be even more unpredictable?"

Are you trying to persuade us to sit back and wait for death? Eunuch Bi always feels that something is wrong, but he can't think of a reason to refute it.

Eunuch Qin said nothing more. These words were really spoken from the bottom of his heart. You had better believe it, Eunuch Bi, and don't do anything else.

It should be said that when Eunuch Bi thought about it, he felt that things were wrong from the beginning!

The boss of Dongchang Factory, who could stop a child from crying at night, grabbed evidence of the life of a down-and-out dead dog of the Zhang family, and then extorted some money. It was supposed to be a smooth ride, right?

But the Zhang family is not afraid at all and never gives money. Is this someone secretly supporting the Zhang family?

As the victim and witness, Sun had already succumbed to Dongchang, so why did he dare to ruin Dongchang's good deeds?

He actually went to the Ministry of Punishment without authorization to report the Zhang family and expose the matter. Is this someone behind the scenes?

Who is it?!

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