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Chapter 469: Ashes

Logically speaking, Feng Xianjun was just an errand messenger. After announcing the imperial envoy's order, it was time for him to leave.

But Feng experienced a rare good experience of crushing others purely by relying on his IQ. It was not satisfying enough, and he was a little reluctant to leave.

He kindly said to General Liu: "General Liu, you'd better strike first! First, you can silence the enemy and avoid future troubles. Otherwise, you will be in trouble if others get involved!"

Second, avoid being accused of covering up crimes. After all, the former governor and imperial envoy were arrested one after another. This is a fact that everyone knows and you cannot deny it!"

General Liu shouted angrily: "Shut up!"

Feng Qingcheng then said to Mr. Yan Ba: "You have the smallest position, so you have to find a way to save yourself, otherwise you will definitely be blamed and be marched to the law!"

Mr. Yan Ba ​​shouted angrily: "Shut up!"

Feng Qingcheng finally said to Mr. Shi Qian: "The credit is only so much. If someone else takes the credit first, you won't even have the chance to make atonement!"

As he talked, Feng Qianqian realized that he might have become the most annoying person he had ever been.

Moreover, he also felt that if he continued talking, he might not be able to leave the General Military Mansion.

"Now that the imperial envoy's order has been delivered, let's take our leave!" Feng Chengcheng said a word and hurriedly left the General Military Mansion.

The meeting hall fell into a strange atmosphere again, and no one wanted to speak or dared to speak.

I'm afraid that a wrong word will cause misunderstanding, which can cost people's lives!

The more General Liu thought about it, the angrier he became. He was originally planning to give the imperial envoy a slap in the face, but he didn't expect that the imperial envoy would disrupt the officers and soldiers of his own standard camp first!

I can only say to the officers of the standard camp first: "I have made a three-part agreement with you, each of you will return to the camp and settle down. No one should act rashly! I will never let you down, and I hope you will trust me!"

All the officers of the General Military Standard Battalion obeyed the orders verbally, but it was hard to say what they were thinking in their hearts.

Then General Liu left the lieutenant general Chen Liang behind and whispered: "Go to the Beiyu camp to find General Tang."

However, it was said that after Feng Qingqing left the General Military Mansion, he went to the Beiyu Camp to report back to the Qin Emperor who was still being held hostage by the rebels.

When we arrived at the camp, we saw a large flag erected on the school grounds with the words "Volunteers" written in large letters.

There were many people gathered around the camp, wondering what was going on.

Feng Qingcheng asked some random people and found out that Qin Dewei, surrounded by Yu Manzi and others, swaggered to Mr. Tangba's house.

Moreover, now that the rebels know that Imperial Envoy Qin has fallen in love with Mrs. Li, he went to see General Manager Tang Bao to marry her! Moreover, Imperial Envoy Qin even announced that he planned to make General Tang Bao the Imperial Envoy’s Lieutenant Commander!

Although Tangba is not Miss Li's parents, he still has a great status as her uncle.

For the rebellious soldiers, of course, they are happy to see it succeed. If a good official like Qin Qinchen marries Tang Bazhu, the main camp, wouldn't it be unfair to the main camp?

Therefore, everyone was talking about it nearby, and most of them felt that this matter was not a big problem.

Firstly, Mrs. Li and Qin Qinchen were always close, and there was a basis for mutual agreement. Secondly, since Qin Qinchen was so noble, Mr. Tangba definitely had no reason not to agree.

But Feng Chengcheng shook his head. He knew the details of Qin Dewei and understood that the marriage proposal would definitely not work out this time. It was probably just Qin Dewei's method.

Indeed, as Feng experienced and guessed, it was certainly impossible for Mr. Tang Ba to defect to Qin Dewei. He was already tied to his old superior Mr. Liu, and there was no reason to be treated as a second-in-command.

Not long after, everyone saw Qin Qin Envoy coming out of Mr. Tangba's house with a serious face. They also saw Miss Li sending Qin Qin Envoy away with tears in her eyes.

Then the news came out that Mr. Tang unexpectedly rejected Qin Qin's envoy. Everyone was puzzled and couldn't understand this.

谷/span>At this time, Chen Liang, a lieutenant officer of the General Military Base Camp, came to Guangning Beiyu Camp and looked for General Tang as usual.

Both sides had soldiers from the Ming Dynasty, and they were stationed in the same city. They could be called friendly armies, and mutual transfers were common.

Therefore, the officers and soldiers of the two battalions usually have a lot of exchanges, just like visiting each other. There is nothing surprising.

But this time when Chen Liang was standing outside General Tangba's house, someone suddenly shouted loudly: "There are spies from the General Military Base Camp!"

Chen Liang turned around and wanted to scold him. It was the officers and soldiers of the Ming Dynasty who were riding horses. What do you mean by spies?

However, a few people appeared, and without any explanation, they arrested Chen Liang and left.

Although there were many people around, no one came out to stop him. After all, Chen Liang was an outsider with no friendship.

There were many people who liked to watch the excitement, and they thought they might be having fun, so they followed behind until they saw Chen Liang being taken into the courtyard where Qin Envoy was staying.

After a while, the leader of the mutiny, Yu Manzi, walked out angrily, and all the soldiers started asking questions.

Yu Manzi shouted: "This person is Chen Liang, an officer in the general's military base camp, and he colluded with General Tang!

The plan is to work together inside and outside, disrupt our preparations for the imperial camp, and prevent us from getting rewards!"

A group of rebel soldiers were furious: "What a good traitor, how dare you do this and cause trouble in our camp!"

Yu Manzi said again: "This person has been recruited. It turns out that Mr. Tang is a traitor planted by Mr. Liu in our camp. He is just waiting for the opportunity to use our volunteers in exchange for credit!"

One of the rebellious soldiers suddenly realized: "No wonder Mr. Tang refused to marry and recruit Qin's imperial envoys. It turns out there is such a reason!"

Someone else asked: "What should we do now?"

Yu Manzi waved his hand: "Qin Qinchen said that this is an internal matter of our volunteers, and he, an outsider, will not be directly involved!

Qin Qin also said that we must carry out a large-scale purge within our volunteers to remove traitors from the ranks, so as to ensure the purity of our volunteers!"

Everyone felt an inexplicable surge of heroic justice in their hearts, and they all asked for instructions: "Leader Yu, please tell me where to start!"

Yu Manzi said enthusiastically: "Let's check first to see if any of General Tang's subordinates have mixed up with our volunteers. We will eliminate them all! But don't touch General Tang's family!"

At this time, someone suddenly came out of the courtyard and said to Manzi: "Master Qin also said! Guard the gate of the camp to prevent those from Biao camp who are jealous of rewards and jump over the wall from causing trouble!"

In the main room of the courtyard, Qin Dewei sat at the top, listening to the noise outside, and nodded with satisfaction.

Chen Liang, an officer in the General Military Base Camp, was tied up, kneeling on the ground, and said angrily: "I didn't say anything! Mr. Qin, how dare you make this up!"

Qin Dewei smiled and said: "Then I will let you go and send you back to the General Military Mansion."

Although Chen Liang looked ugly, he said without hesitation: "Just keep me here!"

After Feng finished replying to the order, he did not leave and stayed at Qin Dewei's place. He also realized that this might be the safest place.

That night, when Qin Dewei and Feng Qianqian were drinking together, suddenly the camp sentry came over and reported:

"There was a sudden killing sound in the direction of Camp Biao of the General Military Mansion. More than a hundred people ran outside the camp to ask to see the Imperial Envoy!"

Feng Qingcheng didn't know how, but he remembered a sentence: "In the midst of talking and laughing, the bows and oars were turned into ashes."

This chapter has been completed!
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