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Chapter 667 Qingci University Scholar

In history, there is no specific research on the time when Emperor Jiajing moved to Xiyuan. Even many experts on Ming history will make a mistake and subconsciously think that it was after the Renyin Palace Change in the 21st year of Jiajing.

In fact, the real time of emigration should be after the southern tour in the 18th year of Jiajing, which is the time node where Qin Dewei is currently.

Turning to the historical location where the Renyin Palace Incident occurred, it was actually the Renshou Palace in Xiyuan, not the Qianqing Palace as commonly understood.

Regarding the secrets of the palace, official records are often unclear, and it can only be determined through the records and notes of some contemporaries, and after comparing them with each other.

Of course, for the current Qin Dewei, there is not much difference whether the emperor lives in the Qianqing Palace or the Renshou Palace, and he is not a cabinet official involved in governance.

Eunuch Qin entered the main hall of Renshou Palace again and reported back to Emperor Jiajing: "The four officials are already waiting outside the palace gate."

Emperor Jiajing was puzzled when he heard this, "Where are these four people?"

Eunuch Qin's blood pressure was a little high and he answered truthfully: "Today Zhan Shifu has an audience with the East Palace. After that, Qin Dewei, the master of Zuo Chunfang, the master of Zhan Shifu, went out of Zuoshunmen. Hearing that the order was sent to summon the master, he followed."

Emperor Jiajing's newly cultivated Taoist heart was also shocked. Is this okay?

Eunuch Qin asked carefully and tentatively: "Should Qin Dewei be prosecuted and expelled?"

After Emperor Jiajing was shocked, he issued an order: "Since you are all here, please stay first and order these four ministers to go to Wuyi Hall together and write a poem to pray for immortality! You can collect it and read it with me."

Now that the ceremonial eunuchs and eunuchs were busy cleaning up after the move, Emperor Jiajing caught the eunuch Qin running errands.

The eunuch of Qin had no choice but to go out of Renshou Palace again and convey the emperor's decree to the four officials. Then these four people were led to the wing of Wuyi Palace and given pen and ink.

The three cabinet ministers still didn't have much impression. Emperor Jiajing asked ministers to write something on a whim. This is not new.

Only Qin Dewei, who saw that the emperor had moved to Renshou Palace, secretly felt that something was unusual based on the historical information he knew.

Writing Qing Ci in the Wuyi Hall is definitely a symbolic image of the politics of the middle and late Jiajing Dynasty. The emperor's most trusted ministers must have entered the Wuyi Hall.

The reason can be deduced from the results, so today Emperor Jiajing suddenly summoned the masters to write Qing Ci. Maybe it was a kind of inspection?

The real purpose of Emperor Jiajing may be to decide on the first batch of ministers who will enter the Zhiwuyi Palace and accompany the emperor in his cultivation of immortality!

The logic of Emperor Jiajing is also very simple. Those who write Qingci without piety are not qualified to enter the Zhiwuyi Palace and accompany the emperor in his cultivation of immortality!

Thinking of this, Qin Dewei is actually in a bit of a dilemma. Entering Zhiwuyi Hall means losing personal freedom. In the early days, it was good to be able to go out for a walk every two or three days, but in the long run, it may even be possible to live in Wuyi Hall for ten and a half consecutive days.

As a young man in his early twenties, he didn't want to be restrained for a long time. The temptation of the colorful world outside was too great.

But if Qing Ci is not taken seriously now, first of all, the emperor will not be able to pass the test, and it is not impossible that he will be relegated to the cold palace.

You know, in the eyes of Emperor Jiajing, who was already addicted to Fang Dao, not writing Qing Ci for the emperor seriously meant that he was not loyal enough and politically unreliable.

After weighing the pros and cons between the two, Qin Dewei chose to protect himself first, so he opened the document and did it!

The theme of praying for immortality is not difficult to write (copy). It is a must-have topic for Qingci practice, and it is also the theme with the greatest demand from the largest client in the Jiajing Dynasty.

One-fifth of the two hundred poems Qin Shi extorted from a disciple named Gui involved praying for immortality.

So at this moment, Qin Shi relied on his memory, which was so powerful that he could be called a golden finger, and just copied it on paper.

Some people may think that Qin Shi is not honest in doing things like this. What's the point of using Qingci written by others as his own? Isn't he afraid of being exposed by others?

During the Jiajing Dynasty of the Ming Dynasty, in addition to writing the poems themselves, it was commonplace and even an open secret to have disciples or even sons ghostwrite Qingci.

From Xia Shoufu to Yan Ge Lao, who has never done this kind of thing? However, in the past year or two, the quality of Xia Shoufu's disciples has declined sharply, and the quality of Qing Ci is also not as good as before; while Yan Ge Lao's son's skills have become more and more refined.

The higher it is, there is a sense of ebb and flow.

After the eunuch Qin passed the order, he stood in the courtyard of Wuyi Palace with his hands clasped behind his hands, waiting to receive the manuscript.

After a while, which was not too long, Eunuch Qin suddenly heard "I have finished the manuscript!"

For some reason, Eunuch Qin felt that he might be hallucinating, and his voice sounded like a repetitive echo, echoing in the courtyard.

Then Eunuch Qin raised his eyes and looked around, and saw that Yan Song, the chief minister of the cabinet, and Qin Dewei, the chief minister of Zuo Chunfang, had come out of their respective rooms and handed in their manuscripts to him at the same time.

Qin Dewei and Yan Song looked at each other across Eunuch Qin, and each snorted coldly.

The two of them thought together in their hearts, the traitor opposite must have been prepared in advance, and just copied what was ready-made, otherwise how could he be as fast as himself?

Eunuch Qin was speechless for a moment. He knew that the circle around the emperor was very involved, but he never expected that it would become so involved.

How long has it been since the beginning, and two completed manuscripts have been written so quickly! Or is the subject of immortality so common that it is easy to be chosen in advance?

Still remembering his responsibilities, Eunuch Qin quickly collected Yan and Qin's manuscripts and sent them to Renshou Palace.

When Eunuch Qin returned to Wuyi Palace, Xia Yan and Gu Dingchen had not finished writing.

This is normal. Of course, original creation on the spot is much slower than direct copying. The speed is not of the same order. I just don’t know what Emperor Jiajing thought.

After waiting for another half-quarter of an hour, Xia Yan and Gu Dingchen handed over the manuscript. Eunuch Qin made another trip to Renshou Palace to deliver the manuscript.

When Eunuch Qin returned to Wuyi Hall again, he announced the results of the evaluation: "Qin Dewei is the first, Yan Song is the second, Xia Yan is the third, and Gu Dingchen is the fourth."

The three cabinet ministers, who had previously had a rift with each other, suddenly felt the same hatred and hatred, and all squinted at a parallel importer who had barged in.

Winner Qin Dewei almost raised his hands in the air and cheered a few times. Gui Youguang seemed to have used it correctly this time!

As expected of a prose writer whose name will be remembered five hundred years later, who is famous for his sincere and sincere writing style, he is equally as powerful when he switches to writing Qing Ci!

Eunuch Qin did not give Qin Dewei time to celebrate, and announced another edict in a concise and concise manner: "The emperor has decreed that you and others will write the second Qing Ci, entitled New Tea!"

Hearing this topic, several masters were surprised. If "immortality" was a hot topic just now, then "new tea" is a less popular and weird topic!

Especially Qin Dewei, his head is as big as a bucket. Qing Ci is not his strong point. Who in the future will study how to write Qing Ci?

The essence of Qingci is a prayer written to God. What kind of prayer content can be written in Xincha? How to pray for blessings?

This must be malicious intent from Emperor Jiajing!

The four of them went back to the side room to write the article separately again. This time, the average time spent was much longer, and no one was able to deliver the article quickly.

Xia Yan, Yan Song, and Gu Dingchen all submitted their manuscripts at about the same time, but Qin Dewei was the slowest, still thinking hard inside.

But Eunuch Qin did not leave first this time, but waited patiently. After another half-quarter of an hour of delay, Qin Dewei reluctantly handed over the manuscript and was sent away by Eunuch Qin.

After reappearing, Eunuch Qin announced the rankings of the second game: "Xia Yan is first, Yan Song is second, Gu Dingchen is third, and Qin Dewei is fourth."

The cabinet ministers were immediately proud and proud. They were finally able to fight back against the parallel importers and would not be suppressed by the parallel importers.

Then Eunuch Qin guided the four people into the Renshou Palace and then to the main hall. The four people went to the palace to pay homage.

Emperor Jiajing ignored the three cabinet ministers and was only interested in the parallel importer who sneaked in because the contrast between the two Qing Ci poems was too great.

He asked with burning eyes: "The words to pray for immortality are very good. Did you prepare them earlier?"

Qin Dewei replied: "I am young and short-sighted, and I don't have enough understanding of the Xuanxiu Dao. I can only rely on diligent practice. I often write Qingci at home, and after repeated revisions, I can get one or two things."

No matter what, if you want to get through with Emperor Jiajing, you must first show the attitude you should have. Perhaps what Emperor Jiajing really values ​​​​is attitude.

Qin Dewei's biggest advantage is his age. It is understandable that young people have little experience and do not have a deep understanding of philosophy, but their attitude must be corrected.

Emperor Jiajing added: "But the following part is so perfunctory!"

Qin Dewei didn't dare to ask your majesty what the "new tea" title was, so he could only continue to answer: "When I write Qingci, I need to think over and over again for many days, and then the manuscript can be readable."

Emperor Jiajing was also very good at it, and asked: "I see that you are always quick at reciting poems and writing lyrics, why is it so difficult for Qingci?"

Qin Dewei tried his best to explain: "Poetry is to express my mood, so I can naturally do whatever I want. But Qing Ci refers to the emperor, heaven and God, and I am very serious about it, so I really don't dare to act rashly!"

Emperor Jiajing gave instructions: "Practice more!"

When Qin Dewei heard this, he knew that he had passed the test.

Regarding the other three people, Emperor Jiajing had nothing to think about alone. Anyway, they all performed normally and there was nothing special worth asking about.

So I sent a message at the same time: "I want to live in Xiyuan forever and practice Taoism, and I want to order you and other great masters to enter the Zhiwuyi Hall to assist Xuanxiu!"

It happened so suddenly that the three cabinet ministers looked at each other in confusion and didn't quite understand it for a while.

Everyone knows that their great officials all went to Wenyuan Pavilion, where they reviewed the memorials and voted for their disposition.

What would happen if they all went to Wuyi Hall? Then there would be no one in Wenyuan Pavilion? Will the cabinet still have office?

Qin Dewei, the parallel importer, wanted to raise his hand and ask, Your Majesty, do you include me in your appointment this time?

To tell the truth, he, Qin Dewei, is young and has an impetuous mind. He really doesn't want to enter the Zhi Wuyi Palace now. It would be better to wait until he becomes more mature in middle age before considering entering the Zhi Wuyi Palace.

Besides, Qin Dewei is only a fourth-grade man, so he doesn't deserve it! He doesn't want to be locked up with a few old men every day.

But he couldn't let the emperor realize that he, Qin Dewei, didn't want to stay in the palace to help the emperor cultivate immortality!


It’s May, please give me a guaranteed monthly ticket!!! Don’t let me pass by if you pass me by! I want to make the mid-life crisis author who still insists on coding during the holidays feel happy!


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