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Chapter 668 Why are you talking too much!

The original intention of Qin Dewei, a parallel importer, to sneak into Xiyuan was to obtain an imperial silver medal, gain the power to enter the secret palace, and establish a channel for private conversations with Emperor Jiajing.

This can ensure that you will not suffer passive alienation due to the physical distance from the emperor.

From then on, while hanging around in Zhan Shifu, I slept until I woke up naturally every day, and took vacations whenever I wanted. No one cared about me anyway, and the emperor didn't even go to court to check in;

While maintaining private online contact with the emperor, he wrote something interesting to attract the emperor. If not, Gui Youguang's Qing Ci contribution was also available.

Thinking about such a small life, it is simply beautiful, comfortable and comfortable, and it can ensure that the authority is not lost.

But the scholar from Qin who mistakenly entered Xiyuan today never expected that the emperor was actually selecting ministers to enter the Zhiwuyi Palace!

As for the experience of entering the Zhiwuyi Palace, traveler Qin Dewei knows it very well.

It's like the boss is bringing dozens of beautiful girls (often changing them) to practice immortality in the luxurious villa next door, and you are writing copywriting for the boss in the office all day long, and you have to eat and sleep in the office. You can't write the copy.

What does it feel like to be good but get scolded by your boss every now and then?

According to the historical memoirs of Yan Ge, in the early days of entering the Zhiwuyi Palace, he could go home every two or three days. In the later stages, he often could only leave the palace once every ten days.

When he saw this information in his previous life, Qin Dewei had deep doubts. Mr. Yan Ge, you have embezzled and accepted bribes to earn millions in property. What on earth did you enjoy? Could it be that all of it was for Yan Shifan, who had dozens of concubines all the year round?


Moreover, Emperor Jiajing was always criticized for being mean and ungrateful towards his ministers, something Qin Dewei didn't quite understand at first.

Look at the political treatment of the favored ministers. Zhang Fujing was the first assistant for eight years after entering the official position, Xia Yan was promoted to the Minister of Rites in one and a half years, and Yan Song was the first assistant for nearly twenty years;

In addition, Li Chunfang was promoted to the cabinet four times in a row, Xu Jie was also promoted from Dapujie to a bachelor of the Ministry of Rites and then to the first assistant, and Qin Dewei was promoted to the fourth rank in four years. So how could Emperor Jiajing be so mean and ungrateful?

But later, when he looked at the working conditions of his favorite ministers when they entered Zhiwuyi Palace, Qin Dewei understood.

In addition, why the Jiajing dynasty's cabinet was so strife with one another that it was probably related to the working environment in Zhiwuyi Palace. They were suppressed to the point of perversion, so they could only hurt each other.

When thinking of this, Qin Dewei couldn't help but glance at the other three bachelors and found that they were all faintly excited.

Scholar Qin couldn't help but sigh inwardly at this. They were all blinded by power. I wonder if they had anticipated the future of social animals at this time?

Probably there is only one formula in their minds, the closer you are to the emperor, the greater your power, and entering the Zhiwuyi Palace means getting closer to the emperor.

Qin Dewei thought about it in his mind for a moment, then acted cheerfully, even a little bit groggy, and took the initiative to congratulate the three bachelors:

"The princes are able to enter the Zhi Palace, serve the sage on the left and right, and praise Xuan Xiu Dao in the palace. This is truly a unique experience in ancient times! I am here to congratulate all the princes, and also congratulate your majesty on winning someone!"

The three bachelors looked at Qin Dewei in confusion. Why did you, Qin Dewei, have the intention to take the initiative to tell Qin Dewei such a good thing?

And if you are left out, why are you really happy? Aren't you still shameless just now and forced yourself into their bachelor's degree?

Qin Dewei did not dare to give others too much time to think, so he quickly stepped forward and told the emperor: "Today, Zhan Shifu is paying homage to the East Palace, which is a grand event!

Now the officials and their families are still waiting at the Zuoshun Gate. I sincerely ask Your Majesty to ascend to the palace and be worshiped by the officials and family members of the East Palace, in order to show that the king and his ministers are united as father and son!"

There are two subtexts in what Qin Xueshi said. First, we are officials of the East Palace, and our main job is to serve the prince. It is not convenient for us to have two different things.

Secondly, there are still many officials and family members outside waiting for a reply. Regardless of whether Your Majesty agrees to receive me or not, please send a message quickly and let us go out to deliver the message to them!

In this case, he, Qin Dewei, can temporarily escape from the shadow of becoming the zero-zero-seven social beast, and then make plans later.

In response to this petition, Emperor Jiajing responded without hesitation: "It is my wish that you and other officials in the East Palace assist Bi and teach the prince the principles of filial piety. This will take away my worries and there is no need to come to Hajj again!"

However, Emperor Jiajing told the eunuch of Qin, and he habitually sent the eunuch of Qin to deliver orders to the officials of Zhan Shifu.

Anyway, Qin Dewei didn't get out as he wished...

Eunuch Qin looked deeply at Qin Dewei. He wanted to come in and leave. He really didn't know what was going on in his mind, but he had no choice but to go out and announce the decree.

However, Grand Scholar Qin is not lacking in wit. If one plan fails, he will immediately create another one. He must make things right. If he doesn’t make things right, there will be no chance!

So he once again told Emperor Jiajing: "If all the ministers in power enter the Wuyi Hall, how should the state affairs be handled?"

Emperor Jiajing frowned and asked: "Why do you, Qin Dewei, talk so much?"

Bachelor Qin: "..."

The emperor chatted to death with just one sentence, because Qin was so popular among the bachelors that there was no one around him to help him.

However, the problem with the cabinet office process raised by Qin Dewei did exist. Emperor Jiajing continued: "The memorial can be sent to Yinghe Gate, and you and other cabinet ministers can read it in Wuyi Hall."

This means that from now on, the cabinet bachelor will assist the emperor in cultivating immortality (writing Qing Ci) in Wuyi Palace while working at the same time, which is very good and very social.

Qin Dewei risked being disliked by the emperor and reminded him again: "Both ministers of the two chambers are in Wenyuan Pavilion. Wenyuan Pavilion cannot be without cabinet ministers."

In fact, regarding the issue of cabinet office procedures, the three bachelors were all parties involved, so it was difficult to say anything. Only Qin Dewei was an outsider in the cabinet and could discuss it with the emperor.

At first, the cabinet bachelor was just the emperor's secretary. Later, when the bachelor became more powerful, he mainly focused on decision-making and had no extra energy to engage in specific writing work.

Therefore, the imperial edict room and imperial edict room were set up in the cabinet, where dozens of Zhongshusheren were placed to serve as secretaries to the cabinet bachelors, who were responsible for the drafting, production and archiving of various official documents such as edicts, lists, edicts, etc.


If all the bachelors of the cabinet went to Wuyi Hall, then it would be impossible for all the people from the study room in the two rooms of the cabinet to follow, and most of them would still have to work in Wenyuan Pavilion.

Because the several wing rooms on the east and west sides of Wuyi Hall could not accommodate so many people, and too many crowds would disturb the emperor's cultivation.

That's why Qin Dewei reminded that there must be a cabinet minister sitting in Wenyuan Pavilion, otherwise the people in the cabinet will be leaderless.

But the key is, which cabinet scholar should be sent to leave the emperor's side and stay in Wenyuan Pavilion, which is no longer the decision-making center?

Qin Dewei glanced at the three cabinet bachelors with malicious eyes, as if he was thinking about recommending candidates.

At this time, the trio of cabinet members were confused. If they thought about it with a little brain, they would know that in the future, voting will be held in Wuyi Palace, approval will be held in Renshou Palace, and the decision-making process of court affairs has nothing to do with Wenyuan Pavilion!

So staying in Wenyuan Pavilion would mean being marginalized and not being able to see the emperor, which none of them wanted!

Seeing that Emperor Jiajing did not reprimand him this time, Qin Dewei boldly continued to talk, "I wonder who among the three pavilion elders is willing to guard Wenyuan Pavilion?"

The trio of cabinet members ignored Qin Dewei, who deliberately stirred up trouble, and all expressed their stance to the emperor: "I am willing to serve in Wuyi Palace and serve His Majesty!"

Qin Dewei also told Emperor Jiajing: "Since the elders of the three pavilions are unwilling to stay at Wenyuan Pavilion, there is another way, that is, to add one more person to guard Wenyuan Pavilion."

Only then did everyone understand what Qin Dewei's purpose had been for a long time. Does adding one more person mean adding another person to the cabinet?

Emperor Jiajing stared at Qin Dewei with a smile but not a smile: "Zhang Chao, Minister of Rites?"

Qin Dewei gave the right medicine and said in his memorial: "The entry of the Minister of Rites into the cabinet is justifiable and in line with the times."

Let’s not talk about others, just the three cabinet bachelors in the room, Xia Yan, Gu Dingchen, and Yan Song, all of whom have been ministers of the Ministry of Rites.

Emperor Jiajing himself liked literature and liked to change the etiquette system, and he especially liked the position of Minister of Rites.

For example, in history, Xu Jie was once promoted by the court to be the Minister of the Ministry of Personnel, but Emperor Jiajing was unwilling to let Xu Jie stay away, so he allowed Xu Jie to continue to be the Minister of the Ministry of Rites.

Xia Yan and Gu Dingchen didn't speak, but Yan Song couldn't bear it anymore and said: "I think Zhang Chao can't do it!"

Qin Dewei, the old god, didn't argue at all, which made others secretly wonder. Could it be that Qin Dewei has changed his gender?

After Yan Song finished speaking, Qin Dewei asked: "Since Zhang Shangshu is not good, then only Zhai Luan is suitable."

Everyone: "..."

Zhai Luan, a former university scholar and second assistant, stayed at home during the 14th year of Jiajing's reign because of his mother's death (the same time Qin Dewei announced his funeral).

The mourning time has long expired, but no one thought of letting Zhai Luan rise... The reason is very complicated. Although Zhai Luan entered the cabinet very early, he was not someone Jiajing liked.

At that time, Emperor Jiajing was not as authoritarian as he is now. Emperor Jiajing wanted Zhang Fujing to join the cabinet, but the ministers rejected Zhai Luan.

In order to compromise, Zhai Luan and Zhang Fujing finally joined the cabinet, but Zhai Luan was never a close minister in the mind of Emperor Jiajing.

There is no shortage of people in the cabinet now, so Emperor Jiajing naturally has no intention of letting Zhai Luan come back and just forget about him in the world.

Moreover, the three cabinet bachelors do not want Zhai Luan to come back, because Zhai Luan joined the cabinet the earliest. Unless there are special circumstances, the cabinet bachelors generally have to arrange their positions according to the time of joining the cabinet.

If Zhai Luan comes back, he can directly become the first assistant based on his seniority. Even if he cannot be the first assistant, he will still have to be the second assistant. Therefore, no one in the cabinet is willing to let Zhai Luan come back.

Qin Dewei looked at the three cabinet bachelors and sighed: "Which one should you choose? Zhang Shangshu or Mr. Zhai Ge?"

At this moment, everyone can't wait to go up and strangle Qin Dewei to death. You, the great scholar of Qin, should be a human being! Why are you mentioning Zhai Luan?

From the perspective of official ethics, Zhai Luan should be reinstated after completing his filial piety. It is actually very contrary to morality to be collectively ignored by the top officials of the court.

Even so, Zhai Luan is the natural first candidate for the new cabinet bachelor's degree.

If Qin Dewei takes Zhai Luan seriously, no one here can argue with Qin Dewei with reason, unless he uses physical means to shut up Qin Dewei.

If Qin Dewei goes out to shout, and there are people outside echoing Qin Dewei, the situation will be even more troublesome.

After pondering, Emperor Jiajing suddenly asked: "How is Zhang Chaoqing's poem writing?"

How else could Qin Dewei answer this question? Did he dare to tell the emperor that Mr. Zhang's Qingci was not good? So he could only answer: "It's acceptable."

So Emperor Jiajing issued an edict: "Then summon Zhang Chao, the Minister of Rites, to the Zhiwuyi Hall!"

Qin Dewei: "..."

For the first time, he discovered that he and the emperor's brain circuits were not compatible!

Qin Dewei risked his words by talking too much, and the purpose was to get Mr. Zhang to enter Zhiwen Yuan Pavilion, which is commonly known as joining the pavilion and becoming a senior scholar!

Although Wenyuan Pavilion may be marginalized in the future, it can first occupy the niche and reputation!

Anyway, the actual minister of the Ministry of Rites doesn’t have much real power, so it’s not a loss to replace him with a fake university scholar. If Mr. Zhang were the actual minister of the Ministry of Personnel, it might be more of a loss than the gain, but the minister of the Ministry of Rites doesn’t matter!

However, Qin Dewei did not expect that the emperor would directly ask Teacher Zhang to enter the Zhiwuyi Hall as an official of the Ministry of Rites to assist in the cultivation of immortality.

This does not solve the problem at all. There is still no bachelor left in Wenyuan Pavilion. What is the emperor thinking?

Or is it that Emperor Jiajing plans to completely abandon Wenyuan Pavilion, build a new house near Xiyuan, and move all the dozens of Zhongshushe people who lived in the two rooms of the original Wenyuan Pavilion?

In that case, the noise would be too much, and the emperor wouldn't like the clutter nearby, right?

At the same time, the three cabinet bachelors were also a little scared. Did the emperor mean to let Zhang Chao, the Minister of Rites, come to Wuyi Palace to replace a cabinet bachelor?

So where will the unlucky cabinet scholar who was replaced go? Or will he be sent to Wenyuan Pavilion?

Emperor Jiajing, who rarely explained his intentions, actually explained one more sentence at this moment: "If there are only three great scholars, there will be too few civil servants to enter the Zhiwuyi Palace, so we added a Minister of Rites."

After hearing this explanation, the bachelors in the cabinet were relieved. It seemed that the emperor would not send them to stay in Wenyuan Pavilion, but would all move into Zhiwuyi Palace.

Qin Dewei also understood. The emperor said that "three great bachelors" should enter the Zhiwuyi Hall, but the fourth parallel bachelor was not included.

Then Qin Dewei won't worry about losing his freedom and becoming a social beast. Think about it, if the teacher is straight, the disciple will naturally be inappropriate.

Just like Yan Song in history entered the Zhiwuyi Hall, even if Yan Shifan was determined to seize power again and openly claimed that Xiaoge was old, he never officially entered the Zhiwuyi Hall.

However, Qin Dewei was a little disappointed. He failed to push the teacher to formally join the cabinet, and the teacher was still the Minister of Rites.

He has not received any silver medal from the emperor, and is still an ordinary foreign minister who has no private communication channel with the emperor.

Then if I risk my skin and toss for a long time today, wouldn't it make me feel lonely?

Emperor Jiajing sat on the high platform, looking down at the people with different thoughts, especially the Grand Scholar of Qin.

The mastery of imperial power lies in one's mind, and one should try not to let others guess the follow-up.

Qin Dewei was still unwilling to give in. He finally struggled and said, "Then Wenyuan Pavilion..."

Emperor Jiajing said in a cold voice: "I have made my own decision, so don't say any more! Just step back and wait for the decree to be arranged!"

Qin Dewei's intuition felt that something was wrong, but he couldn't explain it, as if the matter was not over yet.


More than 13,000 words have been updated since early yesterday morning. Can't you still urge those who are stubbornly resisting to vote? Let me see how many monthly votes are still waiting to be squeezed.

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