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Chapter 721: People Float Outside the Great Wall and Lost Contact (Part 2)

A big problem for the Han people against the Northern Barbarians is that the Hu people nomadic locations are uncertain, and it is difficult to determine where their current settlement is.

As long as you can find the place accurately, it is relatively simple to make achievements, especially if you can find the empty nest in the rear area in front of you.

At this moment, not only General Bai, but also other officers and soldiers saw that the military exploits seemed to be within easy reach, and their morale immediately became high.

Qin Dewei saw that the troops were ready, so he began to give orders: "First send a few people to sneak into the fort. There are mostly Han people there, and they are not wary. It should be easy to get in, and then they start setting fires!"

Then the troops were divided into two groups, and a thousand people went to the fort and blocked the entrance of the fort. After the fire spread, the people inside would definitely flee. Blocking the entrance of the fort would be like catching a turtle in an urn.

If you see those with luxurious clothes, you can stay temporarily, and the rest will be killed directly, leaving no one alive, otherwise it will hinder the retreat and march.

Another group of 4,000 people went to the barbarian settlement. They also set fire to kill people, but they must have escaped quickly, but they should not be too eager to pursue them. They would kill as many as they could.

If there are strong Hu cavalry troops to resist, these will be encircled and suppressed first!"

Speaking of this, Commander Qin also sighed secretly, 5,500 cavalry were really not enough.

But there was nothing he could do. This was the limit of the mobile troops that he, the Governor of Xuanda, could mobilize. Other troops had to defend the city, forts, and piers. No place could be empty.

All the battalion officers were convinced by Commander Qin, and they all took orders and left. They really believed in the "men of gods entrusting them with dreams", and they were worthy of being Wen Kuixing's top scholar.

Then Governor Qin took five hundred soldiers as a reserve team and continued to stand on the hill to supervise the battle.

Suddenly, fire broke out everywhere, and under the eyes of Governor Qin, the seemingly peaceful half-farming and half-herding life in Fengzhoutan was instantly shattered.

The chief Anda went south to plunder the hinterland of Shanxi Province for the first time in many years. Anda himself did not dare to be careless, so he basically tried his best.

Otherwise, if the number of troops sent is too small and the troops go too deep, they will easily be surrounded and suppressed.

Moreover, this incursion into the south was regarded as a battle to establish power by Anda, whose power was gradually expanding eastward, and several other tribes were gathered to act together.

In order to show the power of the army in front of other tribes, the troops must be dispatched as much as possible.

Therefore, I replied that most of the troops left in the base camp settlement are old, weak, women and children, as well as a small number of thousands of troops.

But Anda, who was ambitious and wanted to become a new generation of co-owners of the desert, could never imagine that someone could find his hometown just by "talking on paper" using a map.

It’s not that the officers and soldiers of the Ming Dynasty had no combat effectiveness, and the combat effectiveness of the Han people was no worse than that of the Hu people. It just depends on whether they can be stimulated.

Thousands of organized Ming army cavalry split into separate lanes to outflank and rush past, like tigers rushing into a herd of sheep.

The Hu people were caught off guard, and hundreds of them fell before they could organize resistance.

I never imagined, and they never imagined that Ming Dynasty officers and soldiers would attack overnight and kill them directly at home.

Under the "long-term peace", both the foreigners and the rebellious Han people also lost their awareness of precautions, and there were not even any sentries to warn.

After a while, the Hu troops who were left behind here reacted and reluctantly gathered to resist.

The rest of the Hu people saw that the situation was not good and had no intention of resisting. They gave up the fight one after another and just scattered in all directions, covering the mountains and plains.

But this made it difficult for the Ming army to completely encircle and suppress them. They could not take care of both at the same time and could only kill one by one.

But the situation over at Baozi was different. Since a fire broke out inside that was difficult to extinguish, both Hu and Han people rushed out, but they were all harvested in batches by the Ming army who blocked the door.

I don't know how much time passed, but fires were everywhere within Governor Qin's field of vision, burning continuously for seven or eight miles.

Qin Dewei felt very tired from standing, so he suddenly sat down and then lay flat on the autumn grass. He looked at the sky and his mind temporarily entered a state of relaxation.

Although he has always been calm and composed on the surface, it is the result of many years of experience in officialdom. In fact, he is more nervous than anyone else in his heart.

After all, things this time are different from usual. If you lose the quarrel in the court, you can go home and retire, but if you lose this time, it will be a loss of strength and humiliation to the country.

Only victory is allowed, no defeat is allowed, and there is no retreat.

It was only at this moment that Governor Qin, who was carrying all the pressure alone, completely relaxed.

When his mind was completely empty, Flag Officer Li Zi reminded him: "The soldiers and horses are all coming back!"

So Commander Qin stood up again, stood upright on the top of the hill, and waved to the officers and soldiers who had returned from victory.

Thousands of officers and soldiers who had gone off in different directions came back on horseback. When they saw Governor Qin on the hill, they all cheered.

Except for a few who were sad because of the casualties of their comrades and friends, most of the people were elated and elated.

With today's battle achievements, I'm afraid everyone will be upgraded, and the various harvests are not small.

After all, this is the chief's base camp, and there are still a lot of good things like gold and silver.

At this time, the troops and horses were tired, so Commander Qin ordered them to rest for half an hour, collect the loot that needed to be collected, and then quickly retreat back to the side wall.

Then he said to General Bai: "I have a kind heart and do not want to see bloodshed. Please ask General Bai to count the number of beheadings."

The flattered General Bai laughed, thinking that the supervisor was joking, which meant that the supervisor began to regard him as one of his own.

Immediately, a dozen more prisoners were pushed over. The officers and soldiers carried out the instructions of Governor Qin and killed those who could. Only those with richly decorated clothes could survive, so there were only a dozen prisoners.

Qin Dewei glanced back and forth and found that most of these prisoners were Hu people, but there were also a few Han people mixed in.

They were probably all captured from Bansheng City, which had been burned down by fire. After all, it was easy to catch turtles in an urn blocking the entrance.

"Who are you?" Inspector Qin asked after observing. Naturally, there was a general interpreter for the foreign captives.

But all the dozen or so people remained silent and did not reply to Qin Dewei's questions. They looked a bit unruly.

Qin Dewei pointed to a few Han prisoners and said to the Hu prisoners: "What I hate most in my life are traitors. If you recruit these people, I will not kill you."

Still no one spoke to the Hu captives, so Qin Dewei ordered the soldiers: "Just pick two and chop off their hands and feet! But stay away from me. I will not see any blood!"

The conscientious general translated it word for word and told it to the Hu captives.

Immediately, a barbarian pointed at the tallest middle-aged Han prisoner and said a few words.

After hearing this, the general translated to Qin Dewei: "He said that this Han Chinese is a great lama."

Grand Lama? Other officers and soldiers next to him were confused, but Commander Qin was a little surprised. He didn't expect such a gain.

If you guessed correctly, the so-called "Great Lama" should be Qiu Fu, the leader of the White Lotus Sect who first rebelled against the country and defected to the Northern Lu. He was called the Great Lama here in the Northern Lu.

In the original historical time and space, in the next thirty years, there were many leaders of the White Lotus Sect who would defect to Beilu, and the most harmful ones were four or five.

But Qiu Fu should be the earliest one. Among other things, the concept of Bansheng City probably originated from Qiu Fu, and he was also responsible for guiding the Beilu.

In this attack on the nest, being able to capture a leader-level Qiu Fu was really the finishing touch. Commander Qin was very surprised.

After all, that rich Qiu was on the Ming Dynasty's wanted list, and the reward was very heavy, probably as much as a thousand taels.

At this time, the middle-aged Han man, who was identified as Qiu Fu, was extremely angry and yelled at the Hu captives.

Qin Dewei suddenly couldn't help laughing. He looked up to the sky and laughed loudly. The soldiers on the left and right were shocked and confused. They didn't know why the supervisor was laughing.

Just now, Qin Dewei suddenly thought that most of the leaders of the White Lotus Sect who had taken refuge with Anda in history, except for those who died of old age or died in battle, were eventually sent back to the Ming Dynasty by Anda as a negotiated condition for settlement and tribute.

The biggest rebel leader of the White Lotus Sect at that time was named Zhao Quan. When he was interrogated, he wrote a very detailed confession, which gave many details about the northern captives in Anda, which was also seen by Qin Dewei five hundred years later.

After he finished laughing, Qin Dewei shouted: "It is natural for those who rebel and surrender to the enemy to be betrayed by others! It is useless to keep such traitors without fathers and mothers. Push them out and kill them. When they return, they will pass them to the side wall!"

Qiu Fu, who was betrayed by the Hu man, immediately shouted: "The young Hu man who was almost singled out and had his hands and feet chopped off is the eldest son of Anda!"

Qin Dewei: ""

What a shame! I thought Qiu Fu was already a surprise, but I didn’t expect there would be a bigger surprise later.

And it came so suddenly that Governor Qin, who had always been mentally strong, couldn't bear it.

Is it the distortion of human nature or the loss of morality that leads to two parties who are supposed to be accomplices betraying each other!

After calming down, Qin Dewei immediately abandoned his predecessor, Qiu Fu, and turned around to look at the young Hu man who was being held down.

If I remember correctly, this person is Xin Ai Huang Taiji who has also left his name in history, and he will also be active for decades in the future.

Later, this man had a disagreement with his father, and he went out independently and continued to expand eastward, occupying all the old lands of the little prince's tribe, and squeezing the little prince to move further eastward.

Now the eldest son of Anda looks like he is about twenty years old, and he is at his most youthful and passionate period. He actually dares to stare hard at this moment.

If it weren't for the language barrier, the scolding would be in vain, and he would probably have started to curse at Governor Qin.

Qin Dewei looked around and sighed: "I don't like being stared at like this."

There were some officers and soldiers on the left and right who wanted to curry favor with the supervisor so that the supervisor would be credited with more merit.

There was a real person on the spot who actually took out a knife and went to gouge out Xin Ai Huang Taiji's eyes.

The Hu captives were immediately frightened to death and rushed to the ground begging for mercy.

With another great addition to his list of achievements, Governor Qin, who was in a good mood, nodded and said generously: "It's very common for young people to be ignorant without being beaten. I won't do it again!"

He also told the general: "Let's make it clear to the Hu people carefully. I will do what I say and won't kill them!"

Inspector Qin was in such an excited mood that it was difficult to concentrate on interrogating the prisoners, so he simply stopped interrogating and waited until he got back.

I only asked a few more officers and soldiers on the spot to understand the situation.

It turns out that Anda's eldest son, Xinai Huang Taiji, happened to go to Ban Sheng today to visit Qiu Fu, the "big lama" who had recently gained Anda's trust.

As a result, it happened that Governor Qin led his army to rush over three hundred miles today and blocked Xin Ai, Huang Taiji and his party in Bansheng City.

If he wanted to survive the fire, he had no choice but to flee, and then he was captured by the Ming army who blocked the door.

If he hadn't been decorated with gold and silver and had guards and followers, he looked like a big shot, otherwise he wouldn't have been able to save his life.

When the rest time was almost over, General Bai also came over to report the simple statistics of the results.

"A rough count shows that more than 3,200 people were beheaded. This is the biggest victory in recent years!"

Speaking of this, General Bai's voice couldn't help but tremble a little, his legs were a little shaky, and he just wanted to lie down and hug the supervisor's thigh.

The number 3,200 may not seem like much, but it was nothing during the Warring States, Han and Tang Dynasties.

But in today's era, under the background of more strict statistics than in ancient times, it is already very rare. It is not an exaggeration to say that it has set a record in recent decades.

You must know that the results of the great victory at Weininghai during the Chenghua period were over 400 beheaded and less than 200 captured alive.

Because of the governor's order, Commander Bai never expected when he set out from Xuanfu Town that ten days later he would become the leading general (called marshal by Governor Qin) in a record-breaking victory.

He came here with the mentality of accompanying the Governor on an armed tour. No matter what the outcome is, as long as you are happy, Governor. Even if there is a problem here in Datong Town, it has little to do with Xuanfu Town.

But who would have thought that it would contain a huge opportunity, and they would encounter the biggest victory in recent decades, at least in terms of the number of beheadings.

At the beginning, Wang Yue, the famous general of the Chenghua Dynasty, was granted a title as a civil servant by virtue of his great victory over the northern barbarians. Then why Wang Yangming, who was touted as a modern saint, was also granted a title after defeating the rabble of King Ning. What about the Governor of Qin?

Only the generals of Bianzhen truly understand how difficult it is to obtain huge military exploits. If you can go out in battle and behead hundreds of people, you can boast for a lifetime.

At this moment, General Bai, who was just about to surrender, continued to report while daydreaming: "In addition, more than 8,000 horses, cattle and other livestock were captured, and others..."

Commander Qin, who looked like a god descending to the earth in General Bai's eyes, waved his hand, "Except for large livestock, there is no need to count other seizures! After resting, retreat to the side wall!"

General Bai suddenly said again: "This is a great victory in the expedition. The commander must have done something good on the spot, right?"

Qin Dewei glanced at General Bai in surprise. This old man has a future, even better than Wu Chengen. He actually knows how to remind himself to check for leaks and fill them.

Mainly because he was so nervous just now, Governor Qin actually forgot to publish a poem.

After pondering for a while, Qin Dewei said: "Actually, when I was standing on the top of the slope supervising the battle, I had already obtained three pieces of stuff."

One: The dark clouds at dusk are pressing down on the side buildings, and the sky is so kind to the Han people. The mountains are burning in the wild, and the horses are everywhere. Who sings about Liangzhou under the moonlight?

Second: The flags are flying in the wild, the clouds are clearing, the golden drums are flying in the sky, and the wild geese are returning. The setting sun is chasing Hulu in the middle of the mountain, and the bow is bent straight across Li Lingtai.

The third one: Flying general Longsha chases the captives back, and drives the camels and horses into Yanguan at night. Who plays the flute in the waning moon at the top of the city, blowing down plum blossoms and frost all over the mountain.

Commander Bai quickly boasted: "The ancients said that the general set the Tianshan Mountains with three arrows, and the strong men marched into Hanguan with a long song! Today, Governor Qin's three songs slayed the Hu bandits, and he is not inferior to the ancients!"

General Bai is a martial artist after all, so his flattering words are a bit blunt and unsmooth, so Commander Qin can only reluctantly accept it.


There is very little time in these days, so I have to make every effort to code. I got up at five o'clock to write this chapter, otherwise I would not have time to write it today.

This chapter has been completed!
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