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Chapter 722 I got the wrong script

It is impossible for an army without logistical support to fight continuously. Commander Qin abandoned all logistical duties this time, and running for three hundred miles was already the limit of the Ming Dynasty officers and soldiers.

So after the burning and killing, it was time to retreat towards the side wall. Although General Bai knew that this was necessary, he couldn't help but feel a little unsatisfied.

On the way back, General Bai sighed with emotion: "Today's victory at Fengzhou Beach is another successful attack on the chieftain's den after the victory at Weininghai. I don't know how many years we have to wait for the next time."

There are three prerequisites for the successful implementation of the nest-breaking tactic, especially the nest-breaking tactics of the Beilu chieftains.

First, the precise location of the enemy's nest can be clearly detected, with at least an error within a few dozen miles.

This is very difficult, after all, the Hu people are erratic and often graze within a hundred or two hundred miles or even hundreds of miles.

Second, our own side must be decisive and dare to attack the commander, and it must be authoritative and able to restrain its own officers and soldiers to ensure that the intention of a surprise attack of hundreds of miles can be carried out.

In history, those who successfully implemented the tactics of destroying the chief's lair were famous generals such as Wang Yue and Yu Dayou who had a long history of prestige.

Third, the intelligence must be detailed, the judgment of the remaining troops in the enemy's nest must be accurate, and the enemy must be able to wait for the right time.

The purpose is to ensure that our raiding force is stronger than the enemy's nest force, otherwise it will not be destroying the nest, but delivering food.

Only when the above three conditions are fully met can the nest-breaking tactic be successful, but how difficult is it to fully meet all the conditions?

And even if all conditions are met, nest-breaking tactics still carry the risk of being defeated or defeated.

The more he thought about this, the more General Bai felt that today's victory at Toyosu Beach was miraculous, almost like a dream, and it was a dream that could only be had once in a lifetime.

After Qin Dewei heard General Bai's emotion, he said calmly: "You don't have to wait many years next time. Maybe there will be another chance in a few years."

General Bai: ""

The last most successful attack on the nest was the Battle of Weininghai, which happened exactly sixty years ago, so today's Battle of Toyosu Beach is a great victory that happens once in at least sixty years.

How many sixty years can there be in life? Do you, Inspector Qin, still want to come here every few years? Even if you are a lazy person, you still have to have some logic.

In fact, today's victory at Toyosu Beach can be regarded as a very huge butterfly effect. It will definitely change the original historical trend greatly. The Anta tribe will probably not continue to station herders at this location.

As for where the Anda tribe will go, Qin Dewei, who has lost his "information prophet", cannot accurately grasp it.

But Qin Dewei still has an idea to analyze the direction of my answer.

In the original historical time and space, I answered that in the later period it should have been moved to Guihua, which is the Hohhot Old City area in later generations.

Although the historical details will change, some internal logic should not change.

I answer that after the attack on my old nest this time, if I plan to change places, it is still very possible to move towards Guihua City.

As long as you consciously and deliberately detect in this direction, you can always find some traces. This is what Qin Dewei meant when he said "there may be another opportunity in a few years."

On the day Governor Qin left the fortress with the right guard of Datong, Datong Governor Shi Dao wrote a memorial to impeach Governor Qin.

On the day that Governor Qin abandoned his logistical equipment, arrived at Anda's home base after an overnight attack, and won the great victory at Fengzhou Beach, Datong Governor Shi Dao "persuaded" Wang Sheng, the general in command of Datong, to jointly impeach Governor Qin.

Governor Qin retreated from Fengzhoutan and arrived at the logistics camp again after a day and night. During the night he camped here, the memorial to impeach Governor Qin was delivered to the hands of Emperor Jiajing.

At the same time, Governor Qin ordered some "husband servants" sent directly from Datong Prefecture Liu to be arrested and treated as prisoners.

The next day, Governor Qin ordered the camp to be withdrawn, but instead of returning south to the right guard of Datong, he widened the width of his team and advanced eastward in parallel, setting fire as he walked on the autumn grassland.

Anyway, I have come out, so I just set fire to the wasteland. Why not do it if I can get more credit?

After setting fires for several days, Governor Qin led his loyal army and re-entered the border wall and returned to the land controlled by the Ming Dynasty.

According to general rules, it is impossible to burn wasteland for only a few days before returning. For vast grasslands, the effect of burning wasteland for only a few days is not obvious.

However, the officers and soldiers who had made great achievements were eager to return home. After a few days of symbolic firefighting, Commander Qin followed the military's will and moved inside the border wall.

The departure was from Datong Youwei, but the return was from Zhenqiangbao. This Zhenqiangbao is located eighty miles due north of Datong City and is the "North Gate" of Datong City.

However, this kind of pillar border fortress is already garrisoned by a large number of officers and soldiers, and it is very difficult to accommodate thousands more troops.

Therefore, Governor Qin, who had just entered the border wall, did not want to enter Zhenqiang Fort again. He only planned to continue walking south and return to Datong City tomorrow.

Governor Qin, who was riding on his horse, was thinking about how to reveal his victory. Now that he had returned to the land controlled by the Ming Dynasty, it was imperative to report his victory.

Rewarding for victory is also a good opportunity to show off. Commander Qin is thinking about how to plan the right thing.

Suddenly, he saw several knights galloping towards him, directly blocking the front of the army, shouting loudly: "We are the Imperial Envoy's Attaché, the Imperial Guard School! Where is Qin Dewei!"

Governor Qin was a little surprised when his thoughts were interrupted. Theoretically, there were two imperial envoys in Datong Town at this time. Governor Xuanda and Governor Datong both used the imperial envoy system.

So where did the imperial envoys mentioned by the imperial guards and cavalry come from?

Inspector Qin took a closer look and saw that one of the people blocking the way from the Imperial Guard School was Lu Bing!

Could it be that the emperor already knew about the victory at Toyosu Beach, so he sent another imperial envoy directly, and the Imperial Guard School was sent to each castle on the border to wait for him?

Governor Qin was thinking as he rode forward and appeared in front of the Jinyi Guards Cavalry.

Then I heard Lu Bing shouting: "I have been ordered to capture Qin Dewei and return to Beijing!"

Qin Dewei: ""

Did this horse rider get the wrong script? He had just returned from the hard work outside the Great Wall, and was blocked and arrested by Tiqi?

Ten thousand dissatisfactions! My surname is Qin, so how come I was assigned a script with the surname Yue?

Qin Dewei was still in the mood to let his thoughts wander, but when thousands of officers and soldiers who returned from the armed parade following Governor Qin heard that the imperial court wanted to arrest Governor Qin, they suddenly became an uproar.

The merit list must be compiled by Governor Qin and reported to the court. If Governor Qin is taken away, who will report the merits to the court?

Lieutenant Commander Jin Ruquan and flag officer Li Zi immediately stood beside Qin Dewei and asked incredulously: "Are these people fake?"

The commander-in-chief who returned from the victory was immediately arrested. Such a plot was simply beyond their imagination. They could only guess that someone was pretending to be an imperial envoy!

Qin Dewei replied: "It won't be fake, it must be real."

If others don't know Lu Bing, how can he, Qin Dewei, know him? Therefore, the imperial envoy and the imperial edict must not be false, but he just doesn't know what happened after he left the fortress.

Two trusted military attaches asked again: "What should we do?"

Qin Dewei then said to Li Zi: "You lead a hundred people to follow me. I don't want to be killed on the road by a villain for no reason."

Then he told Jin Ruquan: "You are responsible for delivering the dew, but you must pay attention to the rhythm and follow me slowly."

The so-called "lubu" is a document reporting victory, and it is public.

Of course, good news that boosts people's morale does not need to be sealed and hidden, so it must be delivered openly so that people along the way can quickly know about it.

Just as Superintendent Qin was giving instructions to his two cronies, Lu Bing on the other side frowned, feeling that something was a bit tricky.

Lu Bing didn't know why, but he found that these thousands of troops seemed to be about to blow up the camp. Could it be that Qin Dewei had only been in Datong Town for more than ten days, and he was so popular among the public?

This is not the capital, not the mainland, but a border town, especially the town of Datong where two mutinies occurred.

If because of Qin Dewei, these arrogant soldiers in the border towns rebelled due to disagreement, then wouldn't it be possible for him, Lu Bing, to become a victim of the flag sacrifice?

Just when Lu Bing was in a dilemma, Governor Qin led a hundred people out and said to Lu Bing:

"Of course I will not disobey the imperial edict, but if you want to escort me back to Beijing, you must be protected by these hundreds of personal soldiers!"

Lu Bing said angrily: "You are an imperial prisoner, what kind of bodyguards do you need? I will naturally protect you along the way!"

Qin Dewei replied: "These hundred and ten people are all Liaodong cavalrymen who came to the capital camp from other places. They are going back to Beijing. What's the problem with following them all the way?"

Lu Bing looked at the angry crowd of thousands of people, but he really didn't dare to stay for a long time, for fear that he would be hacked to death by the insurgents.

So he quickly agreed: "That's it. I hope you, Qin Dewei, will keep your word!"

So Qin Dewei took about a hundred guards and followed Lu Bing.

Thousands of officers and soldiers gathered for the purpose of destroying the nest almost exploded, but Commander Bai, who had the highest status, tried his best to comfort him and said: "Master Qin has a clever plan and has the blessing of gods and men. He will definitely turn the danger into safety. All we have to do is wait!"

After the royal guard Lu Bing walked for a while, he suddenly felt a little pain in his balls again.

Several Jinyiwei officers on my side were walking in front, followed by hundreds of strong men. At first glance, they looked like they were being escorted!

Bianzhen Station itself has a special feature, that is, all the stations are built like castles, and there is one person from a hundred households who is responsible for the station.

Lu Bing walked to the nearest post station and prepared to rest. He would rush back to Datong City tomorrow. The Imperial Envoy Guo Xun was still waiting in Datong City.

As soon as he entered the house, Lu Bing suddenly heard a noise outside, and said impatiently to his entourage: "Go out and tell them to be quiet!"

But when the entourage came back, he reported with a very strange expression: "There is a cloth outside!"

Lu Bing was very confused. It was not like he had never stayed here before and had never heard of any war. So where did Lu Bu come from who reported victory?

Lu Bing went out in person and saw a big-character poster just posted at the gate of the fort, and people gathered under the big-character poster.

Someone read to the big-character poster: "Great victory at Fengzhou Beach! Qin Dewei led his troops out of the fortress, went straight to the lair of the chief Anda, beheaded 3,200 people, captured the eldest son of the chief Anda, and made Qiu Fu the leader of the White Lotus Sect!"

Lu Bing: ""

Did he get the wrong script? What he captured was not Qin Dewei who corrupted the border affairs, but Qin Dewei who made great achievements in the world?

This chapter has been completed!
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