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Chapter 723 You don't want to be ruined, right?

At this time, Qin Dewei also moved into the inn, and his treatment was even better than that enjoyed by Lu Bing. Can the treatment of the commander of Xiaopo Jinyiwei be compared with that of the Grand Master Supervisor?

Even after hearing the story, Emperor Jiajing thought that Qin Dewei was fooling around in the border town, so he was angry and just ordered Qin Dewei to be captured and brought back to Beijing.

However, the emperor did not mention dismissal from office at all, so "Jiajing Man" Qin Dewei's official position was still there. This was one of the reasons why Lu Bing had to tolerate Qin Dewei bringing a hundred bodyguards.

Of course, if the captured official becomes intimidated and panics all day long, then Commander Lu may still be able to find some sense of superiority.

But the problem is that Qin Dewei is not a coward. He is still shouting and arrogant on the road. He has more people around him than Lu Bing, his accommodation and treatment are better than Lu Bing's, and he even serves four more dishes in the posthouse than Lu Bing!

This made Commander Lu feel aggrieved. This was not like arresting a criminal, it was like asking an uncle to go home! He never understood on the way, why did you, Qin Dewei, not be cowardly! Why!

It wasn't until this moment, when he saw Lu Bu announcing his victory at the gate of the post station, that Commander Lu understood why Qin Dewei was not afraid at all.

As a capable person who travels between the palace and the imperial court all year round, Lu Binglu's command is not lacking in sensitivity.

He immediately realized that something big was going to happen, something so big that even the emperor couldn't handle it!

It’s not a question of how many black gauze hats fell to the ground, but how many heads fell to the ground!

It was a small matter that Qin Dewei was wronged, but it was a big deal that he was deceived into becoming Zhao Gou!

So who deceived Jinshang? Who mistook Jinshang for Zhao Gou!

Commander Lu was very preoccupied that night, tossing and turning, and suffered from insomnia most of the night.

In the entire Ming Dynasty, tonight he, Lu Bing, is the person who knows the most information and has the most comprehensive grasp of the situation, so he is destined to be the most troubled person.

When the sky dawned, Lu Bing stood up and prepared to set off. No matter how turbulent the situation was in the future, he still had to continue to perform his immediate duties.

He had made up his mind last night that from now on he would completely stay out of the matter and would never take sides.

When they arrived at Datong City, they handed over Qin Dewei to the imperial envoy Guo Xun, then found an excuse to leave, and never cared about this matter again!

But Commander Lu was standing at the gate of the post station, waiting to lead the horse, when he suddenly found a prison car parked in front of the door. It was a very common prison car with a wooden cage on it.

Commander Lu didn't react for a moment and just assumed that there were other criminals passing by.

Then he saw Qin Dewei walking out of the room, but he was dressed very simply. He was wearing a green shirt, and his head was no longer a black gauze hat, but a very low-key black square scarf.

Then, under Commander Lu's gaze, Inspector Qin strode to the gate of the fort with a high profile, and politely said to Commander Lu: "Please give way."

Facing a man with the aura of a once-in-sixty-year miracle, Lu Bing's momentum was suppressed and he involuntarily moved away from the door.

Immediately, Inspector Qin stood in the morning light of the rising sun, stretched out his hands, raised his legs, and climbed onto the prison car very actively, with very natural movements.

Damn it! Commander Lu was shocked and instantly understood that Qin Dewei had found this prison car himself!

Next to the prison car is the entrance to the fort, and on the wall of the fort entrance is a great victory announcement. Under the great victory announcement is the hero who has made extraordinary achievements, but this hero is getting into the prison car!

The contrast in the scene in front of me is so shocking, it is comparable to Yue Fei's twelve gold medals. If word spread, it will surely detonate public opinion all over the world. So who caused such a big tragedy?

Lu Bing subconsciously rushed forward, trying to pull Governor Qin back from the prison car.

However, Li Zi, the leader of Qin's personal soldiers, led his men to stop Commander Lu, and shouted: "We have an agreement in advance. You Tiqi cannot directly touch Master Qin. Master Qin will naturally follow you!"

Lu Bing shouted hurriedly: "Supervisor Qin can't get into the prison car!"

Li Zi pretended to be stupid again and said: "What kind of car should the arrested person take if not the prison car?"

Lu Bing shouted to Qin Dewei through Li Zi: "Scholar Qin, please save some dignity for the court!"

Qin Dewei turned a deaf ear, and Lu Bing had no choice but to shout again: "Qin Zhongtang, you are also a member of the imperial court!"

After hearing the relatively satisfactory title, Qin Dewei responded: "It's someone in the court who doesn't give me dignity!"

"That has nothing to do with me! Qin Zhongtang, why do you need to get into the prison car here? We can wait until you meet the imperial envoy in Datong!" Commander Lu was so anxious that he finally shouted out what was in his heart.

He thought very clearly that now Qin Dewei was in his "hands". If he got into the prison car here, everyone in the world would only see that he was the one who put the hero in the cage! In order to calm public opinion, he had the possibility of taking the blame.


The imperial envoy Guo Xun is in Datong City. If you, Qin Dewei, really want to get into the prison car, please go to Datong City and do it again. That is Guo Xun's problem!

Qin Dewei responded again: "It has nothing to do with you? So, you are just a tool?"

Lu Bing, who comes from a special background and is not low-spirited, wants to yell back, "You are the tool, and your whole family is a tool!"

But a man can bend and stretch, and he has to bow his head in front of the prison car. Commander Lu could only reply: "Yes, yes! I am just a tool to do things according to orders!"

Then he continued: "The emperor specially sent me to follow the imperial envoy Wuding Marquis Guo Xun. He also has a deep intention. The emperor is afraid that someone will treat Qin Zhongtang harshly!

Therefore, Qin Zhongtang must not let down the emperor’s protection and love, and for the sake of the court’s dignity, he should get off the prison car!”

Qin Dewei moved his body and sat on the edge of the prison car, deliberately keeping his posture as if he was about to get off, and continued to ask: "Who are the disgraceful people? What is the disgraceful method?"

Inspector Qin, who had just returned from outside the Great Wall, really didn't understand what exactly happened during this period.

His original plan was that after he accomplished the great feat of plowing the courtyard and sweeping holes, and returning to Datong Town with the merit, he could take advantage of the general autumn wind to sweep away the fallen leaves and carry out a large-scale cleaning.

But now it seems that someone seems to have taken the initiative?

As long as Qin Dewei is willing to get out of the prison car, he can talk about anything. Lu Bing has no obligation to keep secrets for others, so he answered truthfully: "Some days ago, the governor of Datong and the commander-in-chief jointly impeached Qin Zhongtang for four major crimes...


Qin Dewei was surprised: "My supervisor only has four crimes? Who are you looking down on?"

Lu Bing: "..."

Okay, as long as Governor Qin is willing to get off the prison car, you can say whatever you like.

Under Commander Lu's eager eyes, Qin Dewei finally jumped off the prison car again.

Then he heard Qin Dewei ordering several officers and soldiers: "The news of Lubu's victory, which has been sealed with the Governor's Pass, should be sent eastward, along the border wall towards the capital, not southward, and not towards Datong City!"

Commander Lu didn't quite understand what Commander Qin meant, but he chose not to say anything. In this situation, as long as he can protect himself, he doesn't care what others do.

Then Commander Qin said to Commander Lu: "Please send a messenger to Datong City, Master Lu, and tell me that the officers and soldiers returning from the expedition have surrounded the post station, and it is difficult for you to bring me back to Datong City!"

With Lu Bingzhi's scheming, he immediately noticed Qin Dewei's intention to dig a hole this time, but he still chose not to say anything and used silence to express his non-cooperation.

I had made up my mind last night that we would not help each other this time. We would not help others to harm Qin Dewei, but we also could not help Qin Dewei to deceive others.

After all, there are people behind others, so don't offend if you can.

Qin Dewei couldn't help but sigh, it's already like this, you, Mr. Lu, are too incapable of enlightenment.

So without saying a word, Inspector Qin grabbed the prison car and was about to board it. He shouted to Li Zi: "We are not going to Datong City. When I get on the train, you can escort me directly eastward to the capital!"

His brain was too slow to react, but Lu Bing was not slow and he exploded immediately!

The good news has been spread to the east. If Qin Dewei, who was sitting in the prison car, did not go to Datong, but went directly east along the side wall path to the capital, what would the people think of it?

Others would only assume that it was Lu Binglu who commanded so arrogant and domineering a person that he did not even ask for permission from Datong's imperial envoys. He beheaded 3,200 heroes and captured enemy chiefs and princes, stuffed them into cages, and escorted them all the way with the news of success.


How arrogant, how arrogant, and how outraged by both humans and gods! The previous Fengbo Pavilion was nothing more than this!

Before Lu Bing came here, he would never have thought that a job with no technical content could become like this!

As a guard in uniform who was ordered to arrest criminals, he became the target of blackmail and coercion by criminals!

Qin Dewei suddenly asked Lu Bing again: "Master Lu, you don't want to lose your reputation, right?"

Lu Bing nodded subconsciously.

Inspector Qin took the opportunity to put forward his own conditions: "Then you send a message to Datong and do as I say, saying that you are besieged by a large number of officers and soldiers at Zhenqiangbao Station!"

Lu Bing replied angrily: "You must be reasonable! How can there be a situation where officers and soldiers besieged the post station and refused to let you leave? You can't just fabricate it out of thin air!"

"Oh, Mr. Lu is right!" Qin Dewei agreed very much with Lu Bing's point of view, "It was my negligence. You really can't make something out of nothing!"

Then Qin Dewei said to the soldiers next to him: "Go to the camp to find General Bai. Tell him that the commander-in-chief has heard that the military situation is unstable and that a large number of officers and soldiers who have returned from the expedition are ready to move. They intend to besiege the post here and prevent the imperial envoy from arresting the commander-in-chief. Bai."

General, please pay attention and take precautions!"

Lu Bing: "..."

About half an hour later, Commander Lu watched helplessly as thousands of officers and soldiers appeared outside Zhenqiangbao Station, blocking all roads in and out, and began to set up camp on the spot.

Qin Dewei turned to Lu Bing and said, "Look, isn't something created out of nothing this time?"

Commander Lu felt like he was going crazy. He just wanted to stay out of the incident. Why did Qin Dewei insist on forcing a girl into prostitution?

I couldn't help but ask: "What do you want?"

Qin Dewei was too lazy to answer, Lu Bing, do you have any other choice? A tool man must have the consciousness of a tool man, just do it, don't ask so many questions about why!

Then he gave instructions to Lu Bing: "Did you bring a blank notebook? Later I will write a memorial for you and send it to the capital."

Commander Lu showed his last bit of stubbornness: "Instructor Qin, you can go up and down on your own, why use mine?"

Qin Dewei pointed at the prison car and said, "I advise you to say it again, or else the rebels who are angered by you will put you in the prison car and send you to the capital?"

Lu Bing angrily handed over the blank book. Could it be that he could do whatever he wanted after having accomplished a great feat?


This chapter has been completed!
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