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Chapter 760 Can't you be like a normal person!

Temperament is something that cannot be seen or touched, but it does affect the perception.

Qin Zhongtang knew very well that Zhai Rujian definitely did not come here on his own initiative. He most likely followed the orders of his father Zhai Luan.

Therefore, Zhai Shoufu is wretched here. First of all, he pretended to be dead before and did not dare to rush it, because the edict was not prepared yet and there was a risk of changes.

Today, the imperial edict has been completed, and Zhai Luan has been confirmed as the chief minister, so he dared to urge it.

Secondly, Zhai Luan himself was too afraid to come, but he ordered his son to come over to explore the direction of the wind, while he hid behind his son. This is still indecent.

No matter whether it is Xia Yan, Yansong or Qin Dewei, no matter how secretly they cry in their stomachs, they all have a bottom line when it comes to obscenity, and they will definitely not be able to do such a thing as hiding behind their sons.

For example, Qin Dewei probably just found an upright reason and personally visited people's homes to try to get rid of them.

In addition, even Zhai Luan's son doesn't look very smart. Does he know that if Qin Zhongtang beats him up at home, no one, including his own father Zhai Luan, will stand up for him?

Forget it, forget it, stop arguing with a fool, Qin Dewei thought, he is half a generation old, and the prime minister can support a boat, so why bother with a little second generation.

And from a political point of view, it is good to have a chief minister like Zhai Luan who is extremely unreasonable when facing him and is so afraid that he avoids him.

So Qin Dewei said to Zhai Rujian: "Let your father wait at home tomorrow, and I will come to deliver the decree!"

Hearing these words, Zhai Rujian suddenly seemed like a different person, and bowed respectfully to Qin Dewei, "Thank you, Lord Zhongtang. Tomorrow my father and son will be at home waiting for the arrival of Yuzhi Lunyin from Zhongtang."

Then he continued to bow respectfully and took a few steps back. Then he turned around, led the horse, and walked out of Wugong Alley. His etiquette was impeccable.

This humble demeanor is in sharp contrast to the previous appearance of galloping towards the horse.

Wucao! Qin Dewei looked at Zhai Rujian's back in astonishment. This person didn't seem to be a fool? The previous appearance was probably just to test his current attitude towards Zhai Rujian?

Zhang San, the concierge of the Qin Mansion, stood nearby and said when he saw this, "Master, you seem to have been tested."

Qin Dewei thought about it and felt that this was Zhai Rujian's spontaneous behavior, and Zhai Luan should not have such a mind.

So Qin Zhongtang sighed: "The higher you are in a high position, the less you can look down on any little person."

When a person stands at a high place, he is the target of everyone, and will be carefully targeted and designed by everyone. If he habitually despises small people without taking precautions, he will be easily plotted.

In history, many big figures have capsized in the gutter because of little people. This is the reason.

For example, if Qin Dewei faced Yan Song, he would definitely be more vigilant and carefully consider Yan Song's every word and action. But when Qin Dewei faced Zhai Rujian just now, he was contemptuous and didn't take any precautions.

Since the establishment of the Military Aircraft Division, Qin Dewei has returned to work as normal and goes to Wenyuan Pavilion to order mao every day.

The next day Qin Zhongtang came straight back from Lord Wenyuan and rode his horse to the entrance of Wugong Alley, but was stopped by his own servants.

"Sir! Several officials from the Zhan Shifu came to visit today, and they are all waiting in the study outside!" the servant reported.

Qin Dewei had already said hello to his family and would notify him in advance when encountering such a situation.

Now after hearing this, he turned around and left, while telling the servant: "If anyone asks, just tell me that I went to Teacher Zhang's house tonight!"

Then after passing two intersections, Chang Sui Ma Er couldn't help but remind him: "Master! This is not the way to Master Zhang's house!"

Qin Dewei smiled on the horse and said: "I wasn't going to Teacher Zhang's place originally, I was going to Wang Dasima's house."

So Qin Zhongtang went straight to the residence of Wang Tingxiang, the Minister of War, but failed. Wang Tingxiang was not at home either.

After the Wang family's concierge hesitated for a moment, he still answered truthfully: "My master is going to visit Mr. Xia Ge."

Qin Dewei sighed: "Mr. Junchuan is really a man who values ​​friendship and righteousness!" Then he stopped leaving and sat in the front hall of Wang's house drinking tea.

At this time, Wang Tingxiang had already arrived at the door of the Xia Mansion. He thought that in the past, as long as Xia Shoufu was at home, there would be a huge crowd in front of the door. Now, it can be said that there is no one in front of the door.

It stands to reason that even if a big boss is dismissed from office, as long as he has not committed a heinous crime, some close friends or people from the same hometown will come to visit him.

But Xia Yan's situation is a bit special. The boss in Jiangxi also has Yan Song, and Yan Song is also Xia Yan's enemy. People from the same hometown don't dare to come see Xia Yan.

Wang Tingxiang smiled bitterly and stepped into the gate of Xia Mansion in an upright manner.

Xia Yan, who was practicing calligraphy in the study, sighed and said to Wang Tingxiang: "I didn't expect you to come here again."

The two were allies back then, but since this year, the two have directly confronted each other several times in the court. Wang Tingxiang failed to save Xia Yan's face several times.

The two were speechless. Wang Tingxiang did not ask Xia Yanwei why he could target Qin Dewei, and Xia Yan did not ask Wang Tingxiang why he had recently supported Qin Dewei in such a high-profile manner.

Finally, Wang Tingxiang revealed his purpose and asked: "At the last court meeting, you and Yan Fenyi spoke in unison and had the same attitude. What was the reason? Could it be that there was someone in the middle to connect them?"

This is a question that Wang Tingxiang has always wanted to figure out, and only Wang Tingxiang, who has often been on the front line recently, has such a detailed feeling.

Xia Yan didn't know what to think about it, so he replied: "It was Lu Bing of Jin Yiwei who gave the guarantee, so I temporarily put Yan Song aside and focused on Qin Dewei."

This answer surprised Wang Tingxiang. Of course he knew who Lu Bing was, but he didn't expect that Lu Bing actually wanted to get involved in politics.

Wang Tingxiang recalled some of Lu Bing's recent affairs, such as Lu Bing's desire to form another Tiqi and his search for a camp for the new Tiqi, all of which were related to the Ministry of War.

All signs indicate that Lu Bing has great ambitions, and when you think about Lu Bing helping Guo Xun to be exonerated, there is a lot of room for imagination.

When Wang Tingxiang returned home, he saw Qin Dewei sitting in the front hall.

Qin Dewei was afraid that Wang Tingxiang would think too much, so he explained: "I was just about to talk to my senior about the official affairs of the Military Aircraft Department, but I didn't expect that you went to Xia Mansion again. It was just a coincidence."

Wang Tingxiang also took the initiative and said: "I just asked Xia Guizhou, and he said that Lu Bing had been in the middle to connect him and Yan Song a while ago."

Then Wang Tingxiang talked about some of Lu Bing's recent movements, "Lu Bing recently wanted to recruit thousands of warriors, called Tiqi, and he also asked the Ministry of War about vacant camps and asked for money and food.

What is even more wanton is that Lu Bing also wants to recruit Tiqi warriors from the powerful families in the northern provinces of Qin, Jin, Hebei, Lu, and Henan, and seems to want to deploy minions everywhere."

In later generations of martial arts novels, the Jin Yiwei is like a gang or a spy organization, with branches in various places to monitor the whole world. In fact, this is all nonsense.

The main scope of activities of Jinyiwei is the capital. Apart from a few registered personnel, there are no institutionalized branches in the local area.

Therefore, Lu Bing's idea of ​​forming "Tiqi" and recruiting personnel from various provinces broke through the original pattern of Jinyiwei.

Hearing such a thing, Qin Dewei just said "Oh", and then he actually talked about other official matters.

It's nothing. Lu Bing has done these things in history, so it's not worth making a fuss about.

Wang Tingxiang was speechless, can't you Qin Dewei act like a normal person? After hearing some news that others think is important, can you politely express surprise?

Also, if Qin Dewei doesn't take it seriously at all, then wouldn't his efforts be in vain?

Wang Da Sima said a little unfairly: "Is this news completely unimportant? Isn't it even worthy of your surprise?"

In order to balance Wang Tingxiang's mind, Qin Dewei politely thought twice and then said: "Xia Yan told Lu Bing, did he want to provoke a conflict between me and Lu Bing?"

Wang Tingxiang: ""

Are you, Qin Dewei, too pretentious? And is this the point? At this time, you are still thinking about Xia Yan. Do you not care about Lu Bing at all?

Faced with Wang Tingxiang's doubts, Qin Dewei asserted: "It doesn't matter! I don't know if Lu Bing will be able to do it in the future, but he certainly won't be able to do it now!"

This is the Lu Bing of Jiajing's 19th year, not the Lu Bing of Jiajing's 29th year.

Besides, if Lu Bing wants to cause trouble, the guy in Dongchang will have the biggest headache. Why should others worry about it? The emperor is not in a hurry, but the eunuch is.

After coming out of Wang Tingxiang's house, Qin Dewei sent someone to send a message to his wife's brother Xu Miaojing. Why was it that Xu Miaojing was asked to help deliver the clever tip to the factory owner last time? Why didn't it work?

The next day, Xu Miaojing went to the Dongchang Yamen Office outside Dong'an Gate to meet with the Eunuch Qin, the official of the Dongchang Factory. It was not until almost noon that he was summoned.

I saw Eunuch Qin take out an envelope from the box, put it on the public case and push it to Xu Miaojing, and said: "You came just in time, this thing is returned in its original form."

Xu Miaojing glanced at the envelope. It turned out to be the "good advice" that Lu Bing's brother-in-law gave to Eunuch Qin last time after Lu Bing helped Guo Xun to exonerate himself without Dongchang's permission.

It is said that there are ways to deal with Guo Xun, beat Lu Bing, and restore the authority of Dongchang.

At that time, Lu Bing fished Guo Xun out of the imperial edict, which not only challenged the authority of Dongchang, but also ruined brother-in-law Qin's face.

Eunuch Qin wanted brother-in-law Qin to take action, but brother-in-law Qin wanted to borrow a knife to kill someone so Eunuch Qin would take action, so he gave him this clever plan.

Xu Miaojing took a closer look and saw that the envelope was intact and had never been opened. So he admired Eunuch Qin's strategic determination again.

As far as he knew, no one could refuse the "devil's temptation" thrown by his brother-in-law Qin Dewei.

As long as the brother-in-law expresses something like "What do you want to do, but I know what to do," whether it is spoken or written, it can always hit people's hearts and make people cannot help but accept and obey.

Maybe everyone is not greedy for promotion and wealth, but just curious about what clever plan Qin Dewei has.

Eunuch Qin was the first person who could resist not seeing or listening when faced with the "temptation of the devil". This willpower can be called strong, and he is worthy of being a ruthless person who dares to enter the palace as an adult.

Thinking of this, in Xu Miaojing's eyes, the image of the factory owner suddenly became taller and majestic. This is probably called being physically disabled but strong in spirit.

Xu Miaojing put away the envelope while thinking about it, but she was still very confused. What did it mean to return this?

So he asked for instructions: "What else does the factory master have to say?"

Eunuch Qin sighed deeply and asked a very profound question: "How do you think we can bribe Qin Dewei?"

Xu Miaojing was a little confused. What does bribery mean?

Eunuch Qin added, "What I mean is, how to impress him."

Xu Miaojing still didn't know how to reply. Can someone like her brother-in-law be bribed? Why did the factory owner bribe his brother-in-law?

After thinking about it for a while, Xu Miaojing could only say cautiously: "It's very difficult to handle."

Eunuch Qin shouted softly: "Of course I know it's difficult, that's why I ask you!"

Xu Miaojing was in a very difficult situation. Generally speaking, there are just a few ways to bribe others. In layman's terms, they include fame, fortune, gold, silver, and beauty.

But trying to use this to bribe brother-in-law Qin Dewei is simply a fool's errand.

It's not that Brother-in-law Qin doesn't like these things, but that Brother-in-law Qin's threshold is too high. The fame, wealth, beauty and beauty that ordinary people can bring out are simply not enough to impress Brother-in-law Qin.

In terms of achievements, there are literary scholars who are champions, and martial arts heroes who are victorious at Toyosu Beach; in terms of fame, everyone in the literary world knows that the Ming Dynasty's poets are famous, and it will not be a big problem for future generations to pass it on for hundreds of years;

As for the word "profit", Qianzhuang is booming, and the two capitals are the largest. As for the word "lu", Earl and Banbuge are already the old ones.

Needless to say, there is no shortage of beauty, there is no shortage of domestic flowers, and there is no shortage of wild flowers. They are all entertained for free in the east and west alleys of Jiaofangsi.

So Xu Miaojing also wanted to ask Eunuch Qin, if you want to beat yourself up, just say so, why bother using such difficult problems to make things difficult for others?

Eunuch Qin didn't want to make things difficult for Little Brother Xu, it was mainly because Lu Bing had been too active recently.

Recruiting Tiqi on their own, building camps independently, and deploying minions in various provinces without authorization, where does this put Dongchang?

It has been a tradition of nearly a hundred years for Dongchang to be in charge of the Jinyiwei. If he loses control in the hands of Eunuch Qin, he, Eunuch Qin, will become a laughing stock!

And it is not only a matter of fighting for power, but also a blow to the prestige of the Dongchang and the factory official, which will lead to a sharp decline in the factory official's status in the eunuch system! This is a very dangerous signal!

Originally, Eunuch Qin wanted to turn a blind eye and endure it for the emperor's sake, but now he couldn't bear it anymore.

The Qin eunuch was afraid of arousing the emperor's suspicion and was unwilling to deal with Lu Bing personally. He urgently needed a borrowed knife to kill someone.

After much deliberation, the best knife to use was Qin Dewei. No one else had the ability to "kill" Lu Bing.

So the question arises, how to bribe Qin Dewei so that Qin Dewei can work hard?

Seeing Xu Miaojing's confused look, Eunuch Qin was a little impatient and slapped the case: "Your thinking is too narrow, please broaden your thinking!

Is fame, wealth and beauty the only ways to impress people? Does Qin Dewei have any real aspirations or wishes in his heart? I can try my best to help!"

This kind of question can only be asked to close relatives, and it is difficult for outsiders to know. Eunuch Qin is not afraid of Qin Dewei's desires. There are not many things in the world that Mr. Dongchang Chang can't help with!

Xu Miaojing hesitated for a moment and then replied: "My brother-in-law often says that my biggest wish now is to create peace for all generations."

Eunuch Qin: ""

Okay, let’s change to the next question.

Eunuch Qin reminded again: "Does Qin Dewei have any hobbies? Especially special hobbies, hobbies that ordinary people rarely have."

After thinking hard, Xu Miaojing suddenly replied: "If my brother-in-law has any special hobby, it is probably artillery!

My brother-in-law has been talking about how he wants to build a very huge cannon, weighing several thousand kilograms! The kind of giant cannon that is said to be able to destroy ten miles with one shot!

For this reason, he did not hesitate to waste money and worked on the iron-making furnace method by the water for several years! But now he is limited by the location and is afraid of shaking the capital, so he cannot build a giant cannon."

Eunuch Qin: ""

Can't this damn kid act like a normal person? Even if you want to occupy all the Qipan Street in Beijing for development, you'd still be more like a normal person than this guy who loves giant cannons!


4.4, feeling groggy... I still have it today, I stress again that I didn't ask for leave, it was just a delay...

This chapter has been completed!
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