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Chapter 761 Did you forget something?

The giant cannons that Qin Dewei told people in private, in reality, even if he reached the level of Qin Dewei, it would be difficult for private individuals to develop and manufacture them, especially around the capital.

Even if the technical prerequisites for smelting and casting are solved, there are still many restrictions.

People who only listen to storytelling and read novels also know that privately manufacturing and concealing weapons and armor has always been a serious crime. Giant cannons must be classified as firearms and are restricted by the laws of the Ming Dynasty.

The biggest problem at present is that the Ordnance Bureau belongs to the Ministry of Industry, and the Ministry of Industry is the sphere of influence of Mr. Yan Ge. Qin Zhongtang's words may not be easy to use.

If you have the courage to develop and manufacture it secretly, but cannot test it. Unlike the Folan cannon, which can weigh up to several hundred kilograms, the giant cannon has a much greater range and power, and it is difficult to find a test site.

To the north of the capital is the Tianshou Mountain Royal Cemetery, to the east is Taicang and the canal, to the west is the mountainous area, and to the south is the Xungui Manor.

The dozens of acres of land under Qin Dewei's name are located beside the Yongding River in the southwest. Even if it includes Xu Miaojing's 10,000 acres of fertile land next to it, it is not enough.

If a cannon of several kilograms was fired with one shot, it might blow up someone else's manor, and if it shocked the capital, it would be a sin.

Therefore, the research and development of giant cannons is currently at a standstill, and Qin Dewei is still figuring out how to do it.

Also, in the past six months, Qin Zhongtang has had too many distractions and not enough energy, so he can only put aside his "hobby" for giant cannons temporarily.

After understanding the situation, Eunuch Qin pondered for half a quarter of an hour before saying to Xu Miaojing: "If Qin Dewei really loves giant cannons, you can send a message and I can help him develop the giant cannon smoothly, but in exchange, he must also

Do something for me!"

Xu Miaojing couldn't believe it, Eunuch Qin, you actually wanted to do this for real?

In order to win Qin Dewei's trust, the eunuch of Qin took the initiative to tell Xu Miaojing: "The eunuch's office has a war bureau. Like the Ordnance Bureau under the Ministry of Industry, it is also responsible for the manufacture of weapons, especially the manufacture of gunpowder.

If Qin Dewei wanted to develop a giant cannon, he could put it under the name of the Military War Bureau, or be entrusted by the Military War Bureau, and he would not have to bear the charge of privately manufacturing firearms.

As for the test site, I can also coordinate it. There are many pastures under the Royal Horse Prison, some of which are hundreds of miles away from the capital. Let’s see if we can select a suitable place.”

Xu Miaojing first went on duty at Yinghemen, and after dusk, she hurried to brother-in-law Qin's house.

He personally returned the "good advice" to his brother-in-law. After confirming that it was correct, he continued to tell his brother-in-law about Eunuch Qin's conditions.

After Qin Dewei heard this, he thought, is there such a good thing?

Now the main mission of the Qin eunuch is to supervise the East Factory, and he does not directly manage the Royal Horse Supervisor and the Military War Bureau. If he wants to coordinate the Royal Horse Supervisor and the Military War Bureau, he will definitely have to pay some corresponding price.

It's too easy to beat the Jiajing 19th-year version of Lu Bing, but it's just that Qin Dewei doesn't have any obvious benefits, so he doesn't bother to do it.

I didn't expect that such a "little thing" could be exchanged for the manufacturer's support in developing a giant cannon. This is really an unexpected situation.

Immediately, Qin Zhongtang wrote another letter of "Brilliant Tips" and handed it to Xu Miaojing again, and then ordered: "Go and reply to Eunuch Qin and say that I agreed! Then let Eunuch Qin read this again!"

Xu Miaojing was speechless. Didn't Eunuch Qin ask your brother-in-law to take action? What tricks did you give Eunuch Qin?

However, Xu Miaojing has been accustomed to obeying orders since she was a child. She doesn't ask too many questions and just does as she is told.

After sending Xu Miaojing away, Qin Zhongtang always felt that he had forgotten something in the past two days, but he couldn't remember it.

But forget it if you can't remember it. If you can forget something, it must not be a big deal.

Early the next morning, Xu Miaojing went to the East Factory to meet the factory owner with another "ingenious plan".

After waiting for a while, Eunuch Qin returned to the East Factory after serving the emperor's breakfast, and Xu Miaojing quickly followed him into the house.

Eunuch Qin looked at the "package of tips" on the table and asked doubtfully: "Why do you get another copy?"

Xu Miaojing replied: "Qin Zhongtang said he agreed, and then asked me to give this envelope to the factory owner for reading."

Eunuch Qin said angrily: "The condition is that I provide resources, hide behind the scenes, and bribe him to do things! In other words, I borrow his knife to kill people!

Now that he has agreed, why does he still want me to see some clever tricks? Does it mean that I have to do it myself?

Then what else can he do? All he needs to do is use his mouth, and our Dongchang will do everything! Only the Emperor can instruct Dongchang like this!"

Xu Miaojing could only explain: "Xueshi Qin said that although he is willing to do his best, there are some things that are really not convenient for him to do!

The contents in this envelope are not inconsistent with cooperation! The factory owner can tell at a glance that each of them is beneficial, and it is also very beneficial to the factory owner!"

What was written inside? Eunuch Qin couldn't help but open the envelope, took out the written paper, opened it and read it.

He didn't believe it. His dignified admiral of Dongchang could still serve as a swordsman for Qin Dewei?

Xu Miaojing secretly lamented that she did not expect that even a stubborn eunuch like Qin could not withstand the "devil's temptation" in the end.

After reading it, Eunuch Qin took pictures of the case in frustration. If he had known this earlier, would he have spent more resources to bribe Qin Dewei?

There is only one sentence without beginning or end on the paper: The magic techniques used by the alchemist Duan Chao are all fake, and the immortal weapons presented to the emperor are also fake. They were all made with the gold and silver donated by Guo Xun!

Duan Chaoyong is a Taoist priest who has become favored in the past year. He was recommended to the emperor by Guo Xun. His current status is second only to that of the Imperial Master Tao Zhongwen.

And it was precisely because Duan Chaoyong had always advocated that only through deep palace meditation without contact with outsiders could one achieve immortality, Emperor Jiajing, who was anxious about his life span, came up with the idea of ​​seclusion, and then the idea of ​​decentralization of power.

Of course, now that the military aircraft divisions separated by decentralization have been established, Qin Dewei feels that it is useless for Duan Chao to use them, and it would be okay to reuse them in the end.

Another unwritten subtext is: Now that the clues have been given, your Dong Factory won’t be able to find evidence, right?

It was justifiable for Dongchang to go to investigate, but it seemed that the minister had ulterior motives for going to investigate, so Qin Dewei said it was inconvenient for him to do it.

Eunuch Qin made a mental calculation and realized that it was the duty of factory guards to investigate such ideological cases that were pretentious.

If the problem of Duan Chaoyong is found out and the scam is exposed, it will be equivalent to helping the emperor's great cause of cultivating immortality, which is regarded as showing his face.

Secondly, it can implicate Guo Xun, and Guo Xun was released with the help of Lu Bing. This is enough to beat Lu Bing, killing two birds with one stone!

The most important thing is that it took two steps to get involved with Lu Bing, the emperor's brother-in-law. It was like a chance encounter and would not arouse the emperor's suspicion.

After the total was completed, Eunuch Qin made a decision. This matter was feasible, very feasible, and there was no better entry point than this matter.

Then he said to Xu Miaojing without hesitation: "There are some things that only factory guards can do, so I'll leave them to you!"

This is the last layer of insurance for Eunuch Qin. After all, the clues given by Qin Dewei have not been verified and may be a big trap.

So Xu Miaojing was asked to be responsible for investigating the case. Qin Dewei would never be able to trick his wife and brother, right?

So Xu Miaojing sighed again, no wonder her brother-in-law was so confident that as long as Eunuch Qin opened the envelope, he would not be able to resist the temptation and automatically take care of the matter.

On the same morning, when Qin Zhongtang came to Wenyuan Pavilion for work, he casually asked Fang You: "The Military Aircraft Department has been newly established recently, and there are many affairs. I am very anxious every day, focusing on one thing and another. Have I missed something?"

As the chief secretary, Fang You helped to recall that there was only one thing that should have been done but had not been done recently, and that was to issue an edict to Zhai Luan.

The edict appointing Zhai Luan as the chief minister was prepared the day before yesterday and has been kept in the pile of documents in Wenyuan Pavilion.

But Fang You thought about it in a blink of an eye. With Qin Zhongtang's foresight and sense of struggle, he must not have forgotten, but deliberately left Zhai Luan in the dark.

So in the end, Fang You still answered in a flattering manner: "With Zhongtang's astuteness and judgment, there will be no missed official duties!"

Hearing such words early in the morning made people feel good, and Qin Dewei laughed a few times happily.

Fang You asked again very professionally: "Do you have any schedule in Zhongtang today? I would like my subordinates to make arrangements in advance."

Qin Dewei thought for a while and then said: "When you have finished reading the official documents, go to the Ministry of Industry and Commerce!"

This trip surprised Fang Sheren, because the Ministry of Works has completely become the territory of Yan Ge and his son, so Qin Zhongtang has never been to the Ministry of Works in the past year or two.

Several times when Qin Zhongtang inspected various ministries on Qinglong Street, he directly ignored the Ministry of Industry.


4.65. I actually fell asleep while writing last night, so I posted it first and will continue writing...

This chapter has been completed!
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