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Chapter 90 Sense of Existence

Qin Dewei slammed a stack of cards on the table and sighed: "Good cards, I don't know who will come to get them!"

"Plop!" "Plop!" "Plop!"

Immediately, three people knelt down and saluted! These agents, who had just been transferred from Shangyuan County, were in urgent need of "opening up the situation."

Qin Dewei glanced at the three people and sighed again: "Check the gambling house's cards, I don't know who will come to get them!"

"Plop!" "Plop!"

Two more people knelt down and gave a big salute! They found out that the gambling den was a fat man, so kowtowing to the young man was not shabby!

Qin Dewei sighed again: "There is still one more hero left."


Finally a sixth person knelt down.

Qin Dewei gestured and said: "Yes! Just the six of you first, come up and get the tickets!"

When these six people received the cards, they looked carefully and saw that they were from the gambling den today. There were also seals and signatures. They couldn't help but feel happy and began to figure out how much extra money they could make.

"I still have something to say!" Qin Dewei coughed heavily: "First, the address is at the book office. Each person is selected from one house and can only go to the designated six houses. No other troubles are allowed!

Second, the key points are two. Inquire about the relationship between the gambling house and the Military and Horse Department, and try your best to arrest those who lend money in the gambling house. There must be no mistakes!

Third, soldiers need to be quick, so be sure to report back to the county office before noon! If you find clues or seize evidence of crime, you will be promoted to a police officer!"

Another veteran detective asked: "According to Mr. Xiao Qin, do these gambling houses have anything to do with the Bingma Division?"

"So what, are you afraid?" Qin Dewei shouted: "I'm here to speak for the second county magistrate. Gambling can easily be revived and banned. Whoever investigates the place today will be responsible in the future.

In the end! Do you understand?"

The policeman who got the ticket suddenly responded: "I understand, little one!"

Those who can shamelessly kneel down first are certainly not fools and can understand people's words.

The so-called "responsible to the end" doesn't mean that after today's inspection, these places will belong to them in the future? Anyone who doesn't want the property that was given to them for free can just grab it if they have the support of the county government.

"Go!" Qin Dewei waved his hand. The first group of people who dare to kneel must also be the most cunning and dare to fight, so they are suitable for checking gambling houses.

At this time, those who did not kneel regretted it. It turns out that today is not a one-time deal, but a long-term industry!

But there is a pile of cards on the table. Even if six cards are dealt out, almost half is left. What is it for?

Qin Dewei counted out four cards: "These four cards are for checking out prostitutes' dens! Come forward if you are willing to do so!"

Then the remaining seven agents all took a step forward, and the atmosphere suddenly became a little awkward.

"Plop!" "Plop!" "Plop!" "Plop!"

Immediately, there was another person who was alert and knelt down neatly. According to what the young gentleman just said, it was all left as a long-term property. Even if it is a private prostitute's den not as good as a gambling house, it is still worth kneeling down!

Qin Dewei laughed: "You are considered the second wave of smart people, go and get the cards! The requirements are the same as before, the focus is on searching for clues from the Army and Horses Division!"

After the clerk on duty distributed the addresses, he shook his head again. The remaining three agents were probably all stupid.

Qin Dewei handed the last three cards to the three of them respectively, and said casually: "I know that you are all honest people, but there are some serious things that you must do.

You each lead your men to the intersection near Taibai Tower in Wuding Bridge and blockade it with all your strength! Be especially careful with people who are in a hurry and look panicked. No one is allowed to report to Taibai Tower! If there are not enough manpower, you can also transfer it from the county government, and it will be the same when you come back.

I’ll give you rewards based on your merits!”

These three people only thought that Mr. Xiao Qin's words were really nice, so they also received the tickets and left.

Qin Dewei recalled the pleasure of giving orders and acting arbitrarily, and he couldn't help but said to himself with deep emotion: "It's a pleasure to do things without anyone standing in your way."

The clerk on duty buried his head deeply in the case file, but he heard nothing. He didn't know who the person in the way was, and he didn't dare to ask.

A large number of cards were thrown out, and the ground in Nancheng suddenly started to dance. Some gambling houses and private prostitutes' dens, which were rarely disturbed by government officers in the past, were overturned by the county government officers with great speed.

In just one hour, a big storm broke out in the underground illegal entertainment industry in Nancheng, with many people disagreeing.

But Taibai Tower, the core of the storm, was very peaceful, but the atmosphere gradually became heated.

Master Jiang and Feng Xiancheng finally talked about business, such as how to patrol the nature of the behavior of the somewhat pretty wife.

Mr. Jiang excused himself in an understated way: "Then Mr. Dong just came to talk to you at the banquet. Your office is making too much of a fuss."

Feng Xiancheng argued: "Why are you just talking? You were clearly instructed to force the Jiangning County government to bend the law for personal gain. Brother Jiang is also the official who handles punishment. Shouldn't he not understand the seriousness of the violation of the law?"

Mr. Jiang was very dissatisfied and said: "At most, it was just her private behavior. How can we say that it was the patrol officer who ordered it?"

Feng Xiancheng showed his strength and continued to speak more truthfully: "In addition to Dong himself, there are two archers from the army and horses accompanying him. How can it be said that it is a private act? If there is no patrol order, how can the archers follow?


Inspector He really wants to kneel down to these two gentlemen. Just discussing a status issue can last for half an hour! Can you put aside the dispute first and discuss how to release the person?

Suddenly there were hurried steps on the stairs, and someone stood at the top of the stairs and shouted: "The county government has an urgent case of 100,000 yuan!"

Mr. Jiang couldn't help but secretly laugh. It was less than a quarter of an hour from the county government office to Taibai Tower. To say that it was an urgent matter was too much nonsense.

Feng Xiancheng opened the document, was silent for a moment after reading it, and handed the document to Mr. Jiang, the commander of the Military and Horse Division.

Mr. Jiang opened his eyes and looked a little dizzy. This document is a record of some simple things. It can be seen that it was written in a hurry.

It's nothing more than some patrolmen setting up private gambling houses, private prostitutes' dens, military archers to show the gambling houses, and other things like loan sharking that leads to death.

"What is this? I can't understand!" Mr. Jiang suddenly raised his head and asked Feng Xiancheng.

Feng Xian Cheng lowered his head and took a sip of tea, then said leisurely: "Don't worry, there will be more details later, which will make Brother Jiang understand more clearly."

At this time, someone shouted outside Taibai Building, which alarmed the people on the second floor.

Inspector He strode to the window and looked outside. He felt that the person shouting looked familiar, like the shopkeeper of a gambling house.

When people outside the building saw Patrolman He exposed in the window, they immediately raised their voices: "Uncle He, go and have a look, the house has been ransacked!"

The sound was very clear, and the second floor was not that high. Not only Patrol He, but also the two gentlemen heard it.

Inspector He's face changed drastically, but he also knew that he couldn't make the decision now and could only look at Mr. Jiang's decision!

When Mr. Jiang recalled the contents of the document, he suddenly felt something was not good. He also recalled that Feng Xiancheng had deliberately tried to force him to speak today, and he immediately noticed something.

He couldn't help but slap the table and shouted: "Feng En, are you kidding me?"

Holding the tea cup, Feng Xian Cheng continued to drink tea calmly and calmly, feeling a sense of superiority in his IQ.

This kind of strategizing, being sure of victory, and seeing the opponent's anger in person is so refreshing and intoxicating.

Compared with using force and financial resources to solve problems, it is even more sweet.

Fortunately, there was no annoying person chirping around today, so this pleasure was uninterrupted and completely exclusive to myself.

Suddenly a piece of paper appeared in front of Feng County Cheng. The handwriting on the note was very familiar.

"What is this?" County Magistrate Feng asked in surprise the county official who had just delivered the document.

The guard replied respectfully: "Mr. Xiao Qin said that if Mr. Feng and Mr. Jiang both read the previous documents, they would take out the note and show it to Mr. Feng."

"Don't watch!" Feng Xiancheng, who had finally enjoyed an exclusive pleasure, did not want to be remotely controlled by a staff member who was as timid as a mouse and was hiding in the county government office and did not dare to come out.

At this point, the overall situation has been decided. What else is there to command? How can you jump out to gain a sense of presence?

Mr. Jiang, who was a little mad, couldn't help shouting: "Don't look at me! I want to see what other mischief your county government can do!"

Then he grabbed the note with his hand, opened it, and read it, only to see that it read: "Master Si Jiang, please arrest He Patrol and bring him to justice."

Mr. Jiang was stunned for a moment and smiled bitterly: "Mr. Feng, your staff is really a god! Did he teach you how to do things?"

"Children just like to show off." Feng County Cheng said calmly and calmly.

This chapter has been completed!
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